River City Wrestling (since 1980)

April 16, 1983

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April 16, 1983

River City Wrestling #95
Winnipeg Convention Cente, Winnipeg, MB
We are welcomed by the hosts Ron Strong & Mike Stone.

Tonight's opening bout will feature Bonecrusher trying to get a little revenge against Canadian Kodiak Claw, after being suckered from behind during a special bearhug challenge.
Opening Bout:

Bonecrusher, 240 lbs., Reno, Nevada
Claw, 308 lbs., Wilds of the Yukon
They lock up.
Claw nails Bonecrusher with a kick to the midsection.
Claw hits Bonecrusher with a roundhouse right.
Claw goes for a side suplex, but Bonecrusher blocks it.
Bonecrusher catches Claw in a side headlock.
Claw reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Bonecrusher whips Claw into the ropes, but Claw reverses it.
Claw hits Bonecrusher with a kick.
Claw executes a kneebreaker on Bonecrusher.
Claw goes for a side headlock, but Bonecrusher throws him off.
Claw goes for a forearm smash, but Bonecrusher blocks it.
Bonecrusher takes Claw down with a punch.
Bonecrusher goes for a side headlock, but Claw counters it with a back suplex.
The crowd is booing Claw.
Claw gets a side headlock on Bonecrusher.
Bonecrusher tries to escape the hold.
Bonecrusher tries to fight the pain.
Bonecrusher reaches the ropes after being trapped for 23 seconds.
Claw punches Bonecrusher.
A fan at ringside badmouths Claw.
Bonecrusher hits Claw.
The crowd is cheering on Bonecrusher.
Bonecrusher nails Claw with a clothesline.
Bonecrusher takes Claw down with a hammerlock.
Bonecrusher is going for the pin.
Lynn Powell counts: One, two, kickout.
Claw hits Bonecrusher with a punch.
Claw executes a bodyslam on Bonecrusher.
Claw is going for the pin.
Lynn Powell counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Bonecrusher nails Claw with a hanging vertical suplex.
The crowd is cheering on Bonecrusher.
Bonecrusher uses an elbowsmash on Claw.
Bonecrusher whips Claw into the ropes.
Claw hits Bonecrusher with a shoulderblock.
Claw hits a bodyslam on Bonecrusher.
Claw uses a press slam on Bonecrusher.
Claw locks Bonecrusher in an abdominal stretch.
Bonecrusher is struggling to reach the ropes.
Bonecrusher reaches the ropes after being trapped for 8 seconds.
Claw nails Bonecrusher with a ropeburn.
Claw whips Bonecrusher into the ropes.
Claw goes for an abdominal stretch, but Bonecrusher counters it with
an elbowsmash.
Bonecrusher whips Claw into the ropes, but Claw reverses it.
Bonecrusher misses with a shoulderblock.
Bonecrusher executes a clothesline on Claw.
Bonecrusher takes Claw down with a punch.
Bonecrusher goes for a reverse neckbreaker, but Claw blocks it.
Claw goes for a chop to the throat, but Bonecrusher blocks it.
Bonecrusher takes Claw down with a vertical suplex.
Stan Rodgers and Russel Riggs come to ringside.
Bonecrusher kicks Claw.
The crowd is really behind Bonecrusher.
Bonecrusher chops Claw.
Bonecrusher punches Claw.
There are lots of chants for Bonecrusher.
Claw punches Bonecrusher.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Claw hits Bonecrusher.
Claw kicks Bonecrusher.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Claw locks Bonecrusher in an abdominal stretch.
Bonecrusher breaks the hold after 20 seconds.
Bonecrusher throws Claw out of the ring.
Bonecrusher goes through the ropes.
Lynn Powell counts:  1.
Bonecrusher executes a kick to the midsection on Claw.
Bonecrusher reenters the ring.
Claw is distracted by Stan Rodgers and Russel Riggs.
Claw follows him back in.
Bonecrusher goes for a kick to the midsection, but Claw blocks it.
Claw hits a belly-to-belly suplex on Bonecrusher.
Claw takes Bonecrusher down with an armbar.
Claw goes for a headlock takedown, but Bonecrusher counters it with
a back suplex.
In turn, Claw counters it with an elbowsmash.
Claw goes for a punch, but Bonecrusher blocks it.
Bonecrusher chops Claw.
Claw chops Bonecrusher.
Claw kicks Bonecrusher.
Claw goes for a kick to the midsection, but Bonecrusher blocks it.
Bonecrusher goes for a kick to the midsection, but Claw blocks it.
Claw goes for a chop to the throat, but Bonecrusher blocks it.
Bonecrusher nails Claw with a hiptoss.
Bonecrusher hits a hammerlock on Claw.
Bonecrusher nails Claw with an elbowsmash.
Bonecrusher executes a hiptoss on Claw.
Bonecrusher takes Claw down with a hiptoss.
Bonecrusher executes the Bearhug on Claw.
Claw summons one last burst of energy.
Claw submits after 12 seconds.
The crowd is going crazy.
The winner is Bonecrusher.
Bonecrusher made Claw submit to the Bearhug in 0:06:57.

Post-Match: Bear hits the ring to help out his partner nailing Bonecrusher from behind. However, the tag team champs the Roughnecks were only seconds behind, and 3-on-2 they forced the Canadian Kodiaks out of the ring.
Backstage interview;
Ron Strong holds a microphone for RCW matchmaker Marty Goldstein.
Goldstein] As a result of the recent turmoil in the heavyweight ranks I've been forced to make some difficult decisions regarding title shots and contenders. First off, Mike Valiant defeated Greg Valentine but was unable to participate in last week's big main event tag team match due to being attacked by Valentine and Adonis. Greg Valentine and Adrian Adonis did win that match, helping Valentine's claim to be the #1 contender. We also have the return of the RCW legend The Destroyer. Surely he ranks consideration for a title shot as well. So, this is the decision I have made. Tonight's main event will feature Chris Lyon defending his RCW Heavyweight title in a return match against Mike Valiant. If anyone interferes in this match they will face a one month suspension, and not be eligible for any title shots in RCW for a year. Whomever comes out of that main event for the title will have a new #1 contender to face. Next week we will feature a bout between The Destroyer and Greg Valentine to determine just who will be that #1 contender.


Tonight's second bout is a return bout from a few weeks back which saw Jake Milliman do the unthinkable and take the Cuban Assassin to a 20-minute time limit draw.
Bout #2
Jake Milliman, 240 lbs, Nashville, TN
Cuban Assassin, 231 lbs., Havana, Cuba
They lock up.
Jake Milliman takes The Cuban Assassin down with a punch.
Jake Milliman uses a back suplex on The Cuban Assassin.
Jake Milliman hits neck-scissors on The Cuban Assassin.
Jake Milliman goes for a neck snap, but The Cuban Assassin blocks it.
The Cuban Assassin nails Jake Milliman with a neck snap.
The Cuban Assassin is starting to get under the crowd's skin.
The Cuban Assassin goes for an enzuilariato, but Jake Milliman counters it with
a backward kick.
Jake Milliman executes a flying clothesline on The Cuban Assassin.
The crowd is starting to get behind Jake Milliman.
Jake Milliman whips The Cuban Assassin into the ropes.
The Cuban Assassin uses an enzuilariato on Jake Milliman.
The Cuban Assassin goes for a choke slam, but Jake Milliman counters it with
a kick to the midsection.
Jake Milliman hits The Cuban Assassin with a front slam.
Jake Milliman is going for the pin.
Wyatt Hall counts: One, kickout.
Jake Milliman nails The Cuban Assassin with a roll up.
Jake Milliman goes for a camel clutch, but The Cuban Assassin blocks it.
The Cuban Assassin goes for a kneelift, but Jake Milliman side-steps and
The Cuban Assassin only hits air.
Jake Milliman locks The Cuban Assassin in a cobra clutch.
The Cuban Assassin reaches the ropes after being trapped for 6 seconds.
Jake Milliman goes for a back suplex, but The Cuban Assassin
turns in mid-air and lands on him.
Wyatt Hall counts: One, two, kickout.
The Cuban Assassin takes Jake Milliman down with a double axhandle chop.
The Cuban Assassin hits Jake Milliman with a piledriver.
The Cuban Assassin is going for the pin.
Wyatt Hall counts: One, two, three.
Quite a few boos are audible.
The winner is The Cuban Assassin.

The Cuban Assassin pinned Jake Milliman after a piledriver in 0:02:16.

In-ring interview:

"No One Like You" plays and the England sisters, Tawney and Corrie make their way down to the ring where Mike Stone is waiting to interview them. Tawney is carrying the RCW Women's title over her shoulder.
Mike Stone] Ladies, congratulations on your victory last week, and thanks to you we will not be forced to watch the jello hips of Jeannie Rahib ever again in RCW.
Corrie] Exactly Mike, you and all these fans owe us a big favor. I mean look at us, we're hot...damn hot, Mike...not like that fat Jeannie.
The fans begin to chant "Boot, boot, boot"
Tawney] Do you hear that Corrie? You know what I'm sick of this. Yes its true, under you I have found greater success, and without you, and frankly without cheating I wouldn't have this gold belt. She tosses the belt to the ground But at least I'd be able to look in the mirror again, and be able to stand in a ring and not be called a boot!!
The fans cheer Tawney's defiance. Corrie looks shocked, and pissed off, as does Stone. Tawney though takes the mic and addresses the crowd.
Tawney] I am so very sorry for what I have done, the way I have acted as of late, and for disappointing you fans. From now on I will do the honorable thing..
Corrie snatches the mic from Tawney's hand and pushes her away. Tawney stumbles backward into the turnbuckle.
Corrie] Now just hold on a second, sister. You are not done until I tell you, you are done. Your right that without my help you wouldn't have that belt, and I can tell you who would have it, ME. I'm tired of being in your shadow big sister, and frankly I think it's time that I liberate that belt from you anyway.
Tawney] Bring it on boot. But before you do that I would like to send a message out to Jeannie Rahib that you should show up next week. And together me and you will take on Corrie and a partner of her choice.
Corrie] No way, she lost a loser leaves town match, so her big butt is gone.
Tawney] Well I understand that, I can see you are chicken.
Corrie] Don't push me..
Tawney] Boot. Chicken. Boot little sister.
Corrie] Fine. I'll get me a partner and we'll meet you two next week, but if we win then the little loser leaves town stipulations stick.
Tawney] You're on!
The girls leave the ring apart from each other, Tawney stopping to high five the crowd while Corrie storms off sulking.


Bout #3
RCW Television Title Match

The Bounty Hunter, (champion) 275 lbs., El Paso, Texas
Keith Hart, 214 lbs., Calgary, Alberta

They lock up.
The Bounty Hunter goes for a side headlock, but Keith Hart counters it with
a back suplex.
Keith Hart hits a kneebreaker on The Bounty Hunter.
Keith Hart whips The Bounty Hunter into the turnbuckle, but The Bounty Hunter
reverses it.
The Bounty Hunter whips Keith Hart into the ropes.
The Bounty Hunter goes for a backbreaker, but Keith Hart blocks it.
Keith Hart whips The Bounty Hunter into the ropes, but The Bounty Hunter
reverses it.
The Bounty Hunter misses with a clothesline.
The Bounty Hunter hits Keith Hart with an elbow.
The Bounty Hunter uses a short lariat on Keith Hart.
Lynn Powell counts: One, two, shoulder up.
The Bounty Hunter uses a Samoan Drop on Keith Hart.
Quite a few boos are audible.
The Bounty Hunter goes for a kick to the midsection, but Keith Hart blocks it.
Keith Hart hits neck-scissors on The Bounty Hunter.
Keith Hart hits The Bounty Hunter.
Keith Hart punches The Bounty Hunter.
The crowd is cheering on Keith Hart.
Keith Hart hits an earringer on The Bounty Hunter.
Keith Hart runs into the ropes.
The Bounty Hunter hits Keith Hart with an elbow.
The Bounty Hunter whips Keith Hart into the ropes, but Keith Hart reverses it.
Keith Hart takes The Bounty Hunter down with neck-scissors.
Keith Hart nails The Bounty Hunter with a kick to the thigh.
Keith Hart uses a knee to the back on The Bounty Hunter.
Keith Hart nails The Bounty Hunter with a kick to the thigh.
Keith Hart chops The Bounty Hunter.
The Bounty Hunter hits Keith Hart.
Quite a few boos are audible.
Keith Hart chops The Bounty Hunter.
Keith Hart is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
The Bounty Hunter chops Keith Hart.
Quite a few boos are audible.
The Bounty Hunter punches Keith Hart.
The crowd is booing The Bounty Hunter.
Keith Hart chops The Bounty Hunter.
Keith Hart kicks The Bounty Hunter.
Keith Hart hits The Bounty Hunter.
Keith Hart executes a short lariat on The Bounty Hunter.
Lynn Powell counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Keith Hart hits The Bounty Hunter with a headbutt.
Keith Hart throws The Bounty Hunter out of the ring.
Lynn Powell counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, The Bounty Hunter
reenters the ring.
Keith Hart hits The Bounty Hunter with a dragon suplex.
Lynn Powell counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Keith Hart hits a somersault splash on The Bounty Hunter.
The crowd is starting to get behind Keith Hart.
Keith Hart nails The Bounty Hunter with an elbowsmash.
Keith Hart takes The Bounty Hunter down with a flying fistdrop.
Keith Hart hits a dragon suplex on The Bounty Hunter.
Lynn Powell counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Keith Hart whips The Bounty Hunter into the ropes.
Keith Hart hits The Bounty Hunter with a clothesline.
The Bounty Hunter falls out of the ring.
Lynn Powell counts: one, two, The Bounty Hunter reenters the ring.
Keith Hart whips The Bounty Hunter into the ropes.
The Bounty Hunter hits Keith Hart with a shoulderblock.
The Bounty Hunter goes for a bodyslam, but Keith Hart blocks it.
Keith Hart hits The Bounty Hunter with flying headscissors.
Keith Hart punches The Bounty Hunter.
Keith Hart punches The Bounty Hunter.
Keith Hart kicks The Bounty Hunter.
Keith Hart whips The Bounty Hunter into the ropes.
Keith Hart hits The Bounty Hunter with a kick.
Keith Hart hits The Bounty Hunter with a bulldog.
Keith Hart whips The Bounty Hunter into the ropes.
The Bounty Hunter misses with a clothesline.
The Bounty Hunter hits Keith Hart with a spear.
Keith Hart goes for a somersault slam, but The Bounty Hunter counters it with
a crucifix.
Lynn Powell counts: One, two, kickout.
The Bounty Hunter throws Keith Hart out of the ring.
Lynn Powell counts: one, two, three, Keith Hart reenters the ring.
The Bounty Hunter executes the Western Lariat on Keith Hart.
The Bounty Hunter is eliciting a sizable round of boos.
The Bounty Hunter goes for the pin.
Lynn Powell counts: One, two, three.
The Bounty Hunter is eliciting a sizable round of boos.
The winner is The Bounty Hunter.
The Bounty Hunter pinned Keith Hart with the Western Lariat in 0:05:19.
[The Bounty Hunter retained the RCW Television Championship.]

Backstage Interview;
The Canadian Kodiaks, Bear & Claw are interviewed by Ron Strong. They say that tonight's loss to The Bonecrusher was a result of bad luck and bad officiating. That's why they prefer tag teaming, because with two of them they don't have to have their fortunes tied to fate. They still insist they are the #1 contender for the tag titles and demand a title shot next week against the Roughnecks.


RCW Heavyweight Title Match
Chris Lyon, (champion) 236 lbs., Winnipeg, Manitoba
Mike Valiant, 234 lbs., New York City, New York
They lock up.
Chris Lyon punches Mike Valiant.
Mike Valiant punches Chris Lyon.
Chris Lyon punches Mike Valiant.
Mike Valiant punches Chris Lyon.
Chris Lyon nails Mike Valiant with a knee to the lower midsection.
Chris Lyon takes Mike Valiant down with a knee to the head.
Chris Lyon nails Mike Valiant with a piledriver.
Chris Lyon is going for the pin.
Wyatt Hall counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Chris Lyon goes for a side cradle, but Mike Valiant blocks it.
Chris Lyon begs off.
Mike Valiant whips Chris Lyon into the ropes.
Mike Valiant hits a punch on Chris Lyon.
Chris Lyon begs off.
Mike Valiant whips Chris Lyon into the turnbuckle.
Mike Valiant runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Chris Lyon
moves out of the way.
Chris Lyon goes for a piledriver, but Mike Valiant blocks it.
Mike Valiant whips Chris Lyon into the ropes, but Chris Lyon reverses it.
Mike Valiant misses with a clothesline.
Mike Valiant hits Chris Lyon with a shoulderblock.
Mike Valiant nails Chris Lyon with a vertical suplex.
Mike Valiant nails Chris Lyon with a diving elbow smash.
Mike Valiant runs into the ropes.
Mike Valiant hits Chris Lyon with an elbow.
Chris Lyon begs off.
Mike Valiant hits Chris Lyon with a kick to the midsection.
Mike Valiant goes for a diving elbow smash, but Chris Lyon counters it with
a faceslam.
Chris Lyon is met with a mixture of cheers and boos.
Chris Lyon runs into the ropes.
Chris Lyon uses a high knee on Mike Valiant.
Chris Lyon hits a side cradle on Mike Valiant.
Wyatt Hall counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Chris Lyon whips Mike Valiant into the ropes, but Mike Valiant reverses it.
Mike Valiant hits Chris Lyon with a kick.
Mike Valiant whips Chris Lyon into the ropes.
Mike Valiant and Chris Lyon get hit with a double clothesline.
Mike Valiant uses a facerake on Chris Lyon.
Mike Valiant nails Chris Lyon with a diving elbow smash.
Mike Valiant goes for a ropeburn, but Chris Lyon blocks it.
Chris Lyon goes for a snap mare, but Mike Valiant blocks it.
Mike Valiant goes for a facerake, but Chris Lyon blocks it.
Chris Lyon goes for a cobra clutch, but Mike Valiant blocks it.
Mike Valiant goes for an eye gouge, but Chris Lyon blocks it.
Chris Lyon uses a snap mare on Mike Valiant.
Chris Lyon goes for a chokehold, but Mike Valiant blocks it.
Mike Valiant whips Chris Lyon into the ropes.
Mike Valiant hits Chris Lyon with an elbow.
Mike Valiant goes for cross armbreaker, but Chris Lyon blocks it.
Chris Lyon runs into the ropes.
Mike Valiant goes for a punch, but Chris Lyon counters it with
a roundhouse right.
Mike Valiant begs off.
Chris Lyon nails Mike Valiant with a pumphandle slam.
A portion of the crowd is booing Chris Lyon.
Chris Lyon goes for a backbreaker, but Mike Valiant blocks it.
Mike Valiant goes for a punch, but Chris Lyon reverses it.
Chris Lyon hits Mike Valiant.
Chris Lyon kicks Mike Valiant.
Chris Lyon hits Mike Valiant.
Mike Valiant kicks Chris Lyon.
Mike Valiant nails Chris Lyon with a bodyslam.
Mike Valiant catches Chris Lyon in cross armbreaker.
Chris Lyon reaches the ropes after being trapped for 7 seconds.
Mike Valiant goes for a facerake, but Chris Lyon blocks it.
Chris Lyon puts Mike Valiant in a side headlock.
Mike Valiant breaks the hold after 8 seconds.
Mike Valiant runs into the ropes.
Mike Valiant misses with a clothesline.
Chris Lyon uses a backbreaker on Mike Valiant.
Chris Lyon is getting a pissed look amidst all the boos.
Chris Lyon goes for the Boston Crab, but Mike Valiant counters it with
a kick-off.
Mike Valiant executes a back suplex on Chris Lyon.
Mike Valiant puts Chris Lyon in cross armbreaker.
Chris Lyon is struggling to reach the ropes.
Chris Lyon reaches the ropes after being trapped for 9 seconds.
Mike Valiant whips Chris Lyon into the ropes.
Chris Lyon hits Mike Valiant with an elbow.
Chris Lyon puts Mike Valiant in a half Boston.
Mike Valiant reaches the ropes after being trapped for 16 seconds.
Chris Lyon whips Mike Valiant into the ropes.
Mike Valiant hits Chris Lyon with an elbow.
Mike Valiant goes for a ropeburn, but Chris Lyon blocks it.
Chris Lyon whips Mike Valiant into the ropes, but Mike Valiant reverses it.
Chris Lyon misses with a clothesline.
Chris Lyon nails Mike Valiant with a high knee.
Chris Lyon gets a half Boston on Mike Valiant.
Mike Valiant reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Chris Lyon goes for a pumphandle slam, but Mike Valiant blocks it.
Mike Valiant locks Chris Lyon in an abdominal stretch.
Chris Lyon reaches the ropes after being trapped for 7 seconds.
Mike Valiant takes Chris Lyon down with a swinging neckbreaker.
Mike Valiant uses a vertical suplex on Chris Lyon.
Mike Valiant goes for a vertical suplex, but Chris Lyon blocks it.
Chris Lyon runs into the ropes.
Chris Lyon uses a high knee on Mike Valiant.
Chris Lyon executes a monkey flip on Mike Valiant.
Chris Lyon hits Mike Valiant with a backbreaker.
Chris Lyon goes for the Boston Crab, but Mike Valiant counters it with
a kick-off.
Mike Valiant whips Chris Lyon into the ropes.
Mike Valiant uses a facerake on Chris Lyon.
Mike Valiant runs into the ropes.
Chris Lyon and Mike Valiant get hit with a double clothesline.
Mike Valiant begs off.
Chris Lyon executes a kick to the midsection on Mike Valiant.
Mike Valiant goes for an eye gouge, but Chris Lyon blocks it.
Chris Lyon takes Mike Valiant down with a dropkick.
Chris Lyon takes Mike Valiant down with a monkey flip.
Chris Lyon gets a half Boston on Mike Valiant.
Mike Valiant is struggling to reach the ropes.
Mike Valiant is inching his way towards the ropes.
Mike Valiant is struggling to reach the ropes.
Mike Valiant reaches the ropes after being trapped for 16 seconds.
Chris Lyon goes for a monkey flip, but Mike Valiant blocks it.
Mike Valiant gets a chokehold on Chris Lyon.
Wyatt Hall warns Mike Valiant to let go.
Wyatt Hall counts: One, two, three, four.
Mike Valiant runs into the ropes.
Mike Valiant nails Chris Lyon with a swinging neckbreaker.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind Mike Valiant.
Mike Valiant is going for the pin.
Wyatt Hall counts: One, two, kickout.
Mike Valiant nails Chris Lyon with an elbowdrop.
Mike Valiant whips Chris Lyon into the ropes.
Chris Lyon hits Mike Valiant with a kick.
Chris Lyon goes for a monkey flip, but Mike Valiant blocks it.
Mike Valiant hits Chris Lyon with a punch.
Mike Valiant hits Chris Lyon with a back suplex.
Mike Valiant nails Chris Lyon with a swinging neckbreaker.
The cheers for Mike Valiant are drowning out the boos.
Mike Valiant executes the piledriver on Chris Lyon.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind Mike Valiant.
Mike Valiant goes for the pin.
Wyatt Hall counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Mike Valiant goes for a reverse flying elbowdrop, but Chris Lyon
rolls out of the way.
Chris Lyon nails Mike Valiant with a backbreaker.
Chris Lyon executes the Boston Crab on Mike Valiant.
Mike Valiant is struggling to reach the ropes.
Mike Valiant is inching his way towards the ropes.
Mike Valiant tries to escape the hold.
Mike Valiant summons one last burst of energy.
Wyatt Hall checks Mike Valiant's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it stays up !
Mike Valiant fights his way out of the hold after 34 seconds.
Mike Valiant punches Chris Lyon.
Mike Valiant chops Chris Lyon.
Mike Valiant kicks Chris Lyon.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind Mike Valiant.
Chris Lyon begs off.
Mike Valiant executes an armbreaker on Chris Lyon.
Mike Valiant executes an armbreaker on Chris Lyon.
Mike Valiant whips Chris Lyon into the turnbuckle.
Mike Valiant charges into the corner, but Chris Lyon moves out of the way.
Chris Lyon whips Mike Valiant into the ropes, but Mike Valiant reverses it.
Chris Lyon hits Mike Valiant with a shoulderblock.
Chris Lyon uses an armdrag takedown on Mike Valiant.
Chris Lyon uses a backbreaker on Mike Valiant.
Chris Lyon executes the Boston Crab on Mike Valiant.
Mike Valiant tries to escape the hold.
Mike Valiant is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Mike Valiant tries to escape the hold.
Mike Valiant is inching his way towards the ropes.
Mike Valiant is writhing in pain.
Wyatt Hall checks Mike Valiant's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it stays up !
Mike Valiant fights his way out of the hold after 29 seconds.
Mike Valiant goes for a punch, but Chris Lyon blocks it.
Chris Lyon goes for a side headlock, but Mike Valiant throws him off.
Mike Valiant whips Chris Lyon into the ropes.
Mike Valiant hits Chris Lyon with a kick.
Mike Valiant hits a diving elbow smash on Chris Lyon.
The cheers for Mike Valiant are drowning out the boos.
Mike Valiant hits Chris Lyon with a diving elbow smash.
Mike Valiant uses a slap on Chris Lyon.
Mike Valiant whips Chris Lyon into the ropes.
Chris Lyon misses with a clothesline.
Chris Lyon goes for a high knee, but Mike Valiant ducks out of the way.
Mike Valiant hits a swinging neckbreaker on Chris Lyon.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind Mike Valiant.
Mike Valiant goes for an armbreaker, but Chris Lyon counters it with a facerake.
Chris Lyon goes for a backbreaker, but Mike Valiant blocks it.
Mike Valiant catches Chris Lyon in a chokehold.
Wyatt Hall warns Mike Valiant to let go.
Wyatt Hall counts: One, two, three, four.
Wyatt Hall counts: One, two, three.
Wyatt Hall counts: One, two, three, four.
Mike Valiant hits Chris Lyon with a punch.
Mike Valiant gets a side headlock on Chris Lyon.
Chris Lyon reaches the ropes after being trapped for 15 seconds.
Mike Valiant executes the piledriver on Chris Lyon.
The crowd is wildly cheering Mike Valiant with only a few scattered boos
Mike Valiant goes for the pin.
Wyatt Hall counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Mike Valiant goes for a bodyslam, but Chris Lyon counters it with
a small package.
Wyatt Hall counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Chris Lyon runs into the ropes.
Chris Lyon misses with an elbow.
Mike Valiant hits Chris Lyon with a backdrop.
Chris Lyon begs off.
Mike Valiant hits Chris Lyon with an elbowsmash.
Chris Lyon begs off.
Mike Valiant hits Chris Lyon with a vertical suplex.
Mike Valiant hits a diving elbow smash on Chris Lyon.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
Mike Valiant is going for the pin.
Wyatt Hall counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Mike Valiant goes for a facerake, but Chris Lyon blocks it.
Chris Lyon hits Mike Valiant.
Chris Lyon hits Mike Valiant.
The boos are resurfacing again.
Chris Lyon chops Mike Valiant.
Chris Lyon doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.
Chris Lyon runs into the ropes.
Chris Lyon hits Mike Valiant with a kick.
Chris Lyon hits Mike Valiant with a bodyslam.
Chris Lyon puts Mike Valiant in a side headlock.
Mike Valiant breaks the hold after 8 seconds.
Mike Valiant whips Chris Lyon into the ropes.
Chris Lyon takes Mike Valiant down with a high knee.
Chris Lyon executes the Boston Crab on Mike Valiant.
Mike Valiant breaks the hold after 5 seconds.
Mike Valiant hits a vertical suplex on Chris Lyon.
Mike Valiant uses a double-axhandle chop on Chris Lyon.
Mike Valiant hits Chris Lyon with a vertical suplex.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
Mike Valiant whips Chris Lyon into the ropes.
Chris Lyon nails Mike Valiant with a high knee.
Chris Lyon hits a dropkick on Mike Valiant.
Chris Lyon is going for the pin.
Wyatt Hall counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Chris Lyon runs into the ropes.
Chris Lyon misses with an elbow.
Mike Valiant misses with a kick.
Chris Lyon hits Mike Valiant with a kick.
Chris Lyon hits a slingshot suplex on Mike Valiant.
Chris Lyon puts Mike Valiant in a Boston crab.
Mike Valiant tries to escape the hold.
Mike Valiant is inching his way towards the ropes.
Mike Valiant is writhing in pain.
Mike Valiant submits after 15 seconds.
The winner is Chris Lyon.
Chris Lyon made Mike Valiant submit to a Boston crab in 0:18:25. [Chris Lyon retained the RCW Heavyweight Championship.]
Chris Lyon celebrates with his RCW Heavyweight title. That's it for another edition of River City Wrestling. Next week's show will feature a #1 contenders match between the Destroyer and Greg Valentine.

On to the next show