Opening Bout: “Mr. USA” Tony Atlas, 250 lbs., Roanoke, Virginia (WWF) v “Magnificent”
Kevin Kelly, 279 lbs., Oakland, California (RCW) (/w Desiree Petersen)
A little cat and mouse at the start
with Kelly trying to avoid locking up directly with the muscular Atlas. The WWF fan favorite takes Kelly down with a shoulderblock.
He follows up with a clothesline and a backbreaker. Atlas sends Kelly to the ropes and goes for a gorilla press slam but Kelly
counters with a rake of the eyes. Kelly though sends Atlas to the ropes and is on the receiving end of a clothesline in return,
and this sends the match outside the ring. Kelly kicks Atlas and then drags his head across the bottom strand. He takes
Atlas back inside the ring. Kelly is unable to hold a couple of advantages, and whenever Atlas mounts an attack the Magnificent
one counters with a rake of the face, or a thumb to the eye or throat. Both men go down after a double clothesline. Kelly
is to his feet first and goes to work with an elbowsmash, and a roundhouse right that sends Atlas through the ropes. Kelly
continues the punishment on the floor with another elbow, followed by a throw into the guardrail, and then a piledriver on
the mat outside the ring. Back inside the ring Kelly attacks with a blatant chokehold, and gets to apply it for quite awhile
thanks to the distraction of Desiree Petersen. When Kelly tries to scoop Atlas up for a slam, the fan favorite fights
back fire with fire, raking the eyes of Kelly. When Atlas goes for a powerslam its countered by a lariat. Kelly follows up
with a bodyslam. Atlas though blocks a punch, and nails Kelly with a headbutt. Mr. USA goes to work with a shoulderblock but
when he goes for a back suplex its broken up once again by a facerake. Kelly tries to reapply the chokehold but Atlas kicks
him in the gut. Atlas rakes the face of Kelly, nails him with a belly to belly suplex, and then applies the bearhug in the
middle of the ring to get the victory. This was a dreadful match.
Tony Atlas made Kevin Kelly submit to the Bearhug
in 0:08:16
Bout #2: RCW Television Title Match
Butch Reed (champion) 265 lbs., Kansas City, Missouri V Bobby
Duncum 275 lbs., West Texas, USA (/w Corrie England)
Reed goes right after Duncum, backing him into the corner
with forearms and slaps. He nails Duncum with a lariat against the turnbuckles. The TV champ continues the punishment with
a dropkick(!), double underhook suplex, and a reverse neckbreaker. He makes the mistake though of getting suckered into a
distraction by Corrie England and is nailed from behind by Duncum. The Texan attacks with a powerslam and gets a 2 count.
After a lariat he tries to end it with his bulldog finisher but Reed pushes him off into the buckle. They take turns whipping
each other into the ropes, and hitting each other with shoulderblocks. Duncum goes for a gorilla press slam but Reed kicks
him in the gut and then nails the Texan with his own gorilla press slam. Reed nails a backdrop and short lariat for a one
count. The two strong men trade the advantage back and forth a few times. The match spills out of the ring where Duncum
takes the advantage. Back inside he nails the champ with a side suplex, and then pulls him back down to the mat with a pull
of hair, and covers for a one count. Duncum complains about a slow count which allows Reed a surprise cradle and a near
fall. Reed goes for a football tackle but Duncum counters with a kneelift. The two men exchange punches in the middle of the
ring. Reed gets the better of it and nails Duncum with a reverse neckbreaker and follows it up with his flying shoulderblock
finisher. He would have got the 3 count but Corrie England put the foot of Duncum over the bottom rope to get the break. Reed
doesn’t let up, hitting a lariat and getting a 2 count. He whips Duncum into the ropes, but the Texan ducks under a
clothesline attempt, comes off the ropes with a clothesline of his own, but Reed ducks under that one, and when Duncum comes
off the ropes the champ finally takes him down with a clothesline. Reed goes for a Boston crab but Corrie reaches into the
ropes, grabs a hold of the hands of Duncum and pulls him free. Duncum rocks Reed with a closed fist and then tries to send
him to the buckle, but Reed reverses it. Reed runs shoulder first into the buckle but Duncum lifts his knee and feeds it to
the champ. Duncum hits a side suplex, a kneedrop, and an armbreaker. But when he goes for another facerake its blocked by
the champ, who then rakes the eyes of the challenger. Reed comes off the ropes and obliterates his opponent with a flying
shoulderblock. As he goes for the pin England jumps up on the apron. Reed goes flying into the ropes, bumping England off,
and then drops a knee on Duncum. He applies the pin and gets the 3 count.
Butch Reed pinned Bobby Duncum with a
kneedrop in 0:11:23. [Butch Reed retains the RCW Television Title]

Bout #3:
Dominic De Nucci, 245 lbs., Venice, Italy (WWF) V Riki Choshu, 251 lbs., Yamaguchi, Japan
It had been advertised as the popular Tonga Kid to compete in this match, but for some reason the WWF
sent veteran De Nucci, who has been more of a trainer then a wrestler the last couple of years. The substitution did not go
over well with the fans, and despite being the good guy De Nucci had trouble rallying the fans behind him. Choshu took
the early advantage with a fisherman suplex and almost ended this match in the 2nd minute. An enzuigiri to the face, followed
by a heelish laugh drew the ire of the Windy city crowd. De Nucci fought back and held his own until Choshu hit a DDT to again
take a dominate advantage. But when he tried for another DDT it was countered with an inverted atomic drop by the veteran
De Nucci. The Italian got the crowd to their feet with an airplane spin, but seconds later was caught in an abdominal stretch.
Choshu cheated using the ropes for extra leverage. The fans were now starting to rally behind De Nucci. The match went
to the outside where Choshu hit another enzuigiri and then took advantage by sending his opponent head first tumbling into
the announce table. Back inside the ring the men traded advantages and took turns with flying clotheslines. De Nucci used
the airplane spin once again and got a 2 count on the dazed Puroseau star. The wrestlers took turns trying to nail a waistlock
suplex, with both men countering, De Nucci with a go-behind, and Choshu by breaking the grip of his opponent and then sliding
under his legs. Choshu nailed a bodyslam, dropped an elbow, and then finally nailed a waistlock suplex, and got a 2 count.
He then got within a whisker of a win following a powerbomb. Choshu changed tactics putting on a Boston crab that took De
Nucci about 20 excruciating seconds to break via the ropes. Choshu attacked fast and hard with an elbowdrop, back suplex,
and then an Indian deathlock but was too close to the ropes and De Nucci got the break. Choshu nailed the Riki Lariato and
once again would have got the pin except he was too close to the ropes. This time the Japanese star lost his temper and instead
of breaking clean started to lay in a few boots. Referee Buddy Lane would have none of it though and separated Choshu from
his down opponent. This was the break that De Nucci needed and he countered a DDT attempt with a fireman’s carry into
a slam and got a 2 count. He locked on an armbar but Choshu managed to get to the ropes for a break. De Nucci then sent Choshu
into the ropes but he telegraphed a back body drop. The Japanese star stunned the WWF veteran with a kick to the head, and
then nailed an inverted DDT to pick up the win. Best match of the night so far.
Riki Chosyu pinned Dominic De Nucci
with an inverted DDT in 12:04.
Bout #4: Tatsumi Fujinami, 238 lbs. Japan (NJPW) V Bad News Allen,
270 lbs., Harlem, New York (RCW)
Allen cut an in-ring promo before the introduction of his opponent that was borderline
racist, just to make sure the fans would get solidly behind his Japanese opponent after just having jeered Choshu. It worked
quite well indeed as Fujinami looked every bit the young lion ready to exact some vengeance. The first couple minutes were
a feeling out process, but Fujinami held a bit of an advantage nailing a fisherman suplex and a reverse neckbreaker. Allen
though almost stole the match with an inside cradle, but Kenny Jay noticed the handful of tights at the last moment and stopped
the count. Fujinami goes for a standing headlock, but Allen tries to counter with a back suplex, only to have Fujinami
flip behind him. Allen turned around and almost ate an enzuigiri but he ducked at the last second, sent Fujinami to the ropes
and nailed him with a football tackle. A great sequence and a good reaction from the crowd. No clear advantage for the
next couple minutes, lots of counters and blocks. Then the two men smash into each other with a double cross body block and
barely get to their feet before the 10 count. They trade advantages back and forth with Allen twice successfully blocking
tiger suplex attempts by Fujinami. The New Japan star nails a swinging neckbreaker, and follows up with a faceslam and a back
suplex. He places Allen on the top turnbuckle. Allen blocks the suplex attempt and they stand at the top, balancing and swinging,
until Allen just drives Fujinami down to the mat with a lariat like attack. Allen hits a German suplex and gets a 2 count.
Neither man is able to get enough of an advantage to get the 3 count. Fujinami turns to submission moves with an abdominal
stretch and then a Dragon sleeper, but Allen holds his own. Allen shows agility by fighting back with a dropkick, but Fujinami
blocks a European uppercut and then backdrops Allen. He nails a DDT but is too winded to go for a quick cover. Fujinami
tries to put Allen onto the top turnbuckle but Allen fights back and ends up putting Fujinami on top instead. He takes him
down with a superplex! Instead of going for the pin however he tries to go for one more superplex. Fujinami though blocks
it and kicks Allen off the ropes, and follows him down with a knee to the head. He only gets a 2 count, and in desperation
Allen pulls on the tights of Fujinami and they spill out of the ring. Outside the ring they trade uppercuts, suplexes,
and clotheslines, neither man caring about the count. Referee Wyatt Hall had no alternative but to end the match at the 10
count. The verdict: A DOUBLE COUNTOUT !
Bad News Brown and Tatsumi Fujinami battled to a double countout in 0:15:15.

Bout #5: Keith Hart & Bret Hart, combined wt. of 446 lbs. V Ben Bassarab & Phil Lafleur, combined
wt. of 449 lbs.
These two fan favorite teams lock-up once again. Familiarity breeds contempt so we would expect
to see a bit more of an edge between these teams then the last time out. Plus the Chicago fans are not familiar with these
wrestlers, so they will need to impress the locals with their skill and pace to get the crowd active. Early in the match
Phil Lafleur enters the ring to do a two-on-one attack against Bret Hart. Bassarab doesn’t look happy about it but goes
along with the double snap suplex, followed by a double dropkick. Bassarab is all over Hart with a running lariat and a
tombstone. He nails his flying bodypress finisher but is too close to the ropes so Bret is able to reach for the break. After
a Samoan drop only brings a 2 count the match spills outside the ring. Lafleur comes around the ring apron and nails Bret
with a running lariat. The fans boo Lafleur. Keith Hart comes over and nails Lafleur from behind, and Bret scoops up Bassarab
and gives him a backbreaker. Bret takes the match back inside the ring and begins to work over the back of Bassarab. Eventually
Basarab makes the tag out to Lafleur and the Hart brothers go ballistic, doubleteaming him, with Bassarab unable to intervene
because of fatigue. Lafleur fights back and gains the advantage on Bret nailing an Exploder suplex, a German suplex, a
fireman’s carry, a shoulderblock, a Japanese armdrag takedown, but still not able to get the pin. Lafleur sets up Bret
on the turnbuckle and brings him down with a belly-to-back superplex but still only gets a 2 count. Lafleur pulls out all
the stops with a cobra clutch suplex and a tiger suplex but still can’t get the 3 count. He does everything to win,
except tag in his partner Bassarab. Lafleur sets up Hart on the turnbuckle again but this time Bret nails him in the gut.
Lafleur falls onto the top rope, crotching himself, and Bret takes him down to the mat with a clothesline. Bret tags out to
Keith. Keith goes to work on Lafleur, and soon Bassarab can’t take it anymore and enters the ring to make it 2 on
1. This brings in Bret and we have all 4 men brawling inside the ring. Order is restored and Bret tags in from Keith. Bret
goes to work on Lafleur with a DDT, an elbowdrop, and a flying bulldog. Lafleur ducks under a clothesline and dropkicks Bret
out of the ring. Finally Lafleur tags in Bassarab but when he urges his partner to follow Bret out of the ring and attack,
he ends up in a shouting match with Bassarab. The match transitions into all 4 men taking their turns in the ring. Hostilities
are strongest between Lafleur and Bret Hart. Lafleur hits Bret with a Russian legsweep and then tags out to Bassarab who
nails Bret with a flying kneedrop. Bret makes a tag to Keith, who enters the ring and nails Bassarab with a short lariat,
and then a crucifix for a 2 count. Bassarab blocks a bodyslam attempt and hits Keith with a punch and a kick before tossing
him out of the ring. The match gets nastier between Bassarab and Keith then it had been as both men use the guardrail.
Lafleur tries to interfere but Bret cuts him off and all 4 men are now going at it outside the ring. The next few minutes
of this match are noticeably nastier with all 4 men not holding back. Lafleur and Bassarab double team Bret with a double
elbowsmash. Bassarab nails him with a gutwrench suplex for a 2 count. Bassarab then nails a backbreaker for another 2 count.
Bassarab sends Bret to the ropes and the two men take turns ducking clotheslines and bouncing off the ropes. Bret ends up
hitting Bassarab with a clothesline and then tosses him out of the ring. Bret punishes him outside the ring with a hiptoss
into the guardrail, and then back inside he puts on the figure-four. Bassarab inches his way over to the ropes. Lafleur is
reaching inside to try and grab onto his partner, but Keith runs around the ring and blindsides Lafleur with a flying forearm
smash to take him out of the equation. Finally Bassarab has no option but to submit.
Keith Hart and Bret Hart defeated
Ben Bassarab and Phil Lafleur when B. Hart made Bassarab submit to the figure-four leglock in 0:18:58.
Post-Match: Bassarab
approaches the Hart brothers to try and soothe some of the hostilities. At first they want no part of him as Lafleur looks
on. Finally though they grudgingly accept a handshake from Bassarab and a short embrace. Lafleur however just walks away.
Bout #6: Coal Miner’s Glove Match Special Guest Referee: Billy Robinson
Davey Boy Smith, 245
lbs., Leeds, England v Dynamite Kid, 207 lbs., Manchester, England
The Coal Miner’s glove is suspended
on a pole above one of the ringposts. It is a legal foreign object and can be used, but the match is still decided by pinfall
or submission. Dynamite Kid starts strong and nails a double underhook suplex, drawing the ire of the crowd. Side suplex,
and a monkey flip, and DK is on his way up to get the glove. DBS pulls him down. But DK has the advantage and pushes it. His
first mistake though is after throwing DBS out of the ring he tries to nail him with a plancha and DBS moves out of the way.
They battle outside the ring and then back inside. Davey Boy Smith whips Dynamite Kid into the ropes. They trade the advantage
back and forth and DK seems to settle down a bit, even working a sleeperhold. DK takes the advantage, and after a headbutt
tries again for the glove. This time DBS follows him up and brings him back down to the mat with a superplex that rattles
the ring. Try as he might to hold an advantage it seems that DBS is just too winded by the early damage he has sustained and
DK keeps control of most of the match. The other things that become apparent in the match is that both men share a common
repetoire of moves, and that referee Billy Robinson is letting them settle this between themselves, as he is very lenient. DK
takes DBS down with a single leg but when he tries for the figure four DBS kicks him off. Smith nails Kid with a powerslam
and gets a 2 count. DBS complains about a slow count which seems to piss off Robinson. DBS comes off the ropes and rocks DK
with a clothesline. He then nails a running powerslam but only gets a 2 count as DK reaches the ropes with his fingers. The
crowd is behind Davey Boy Smith all the way. DBS slows things down with a sleeperhold, and then a fireman’s carry.
DBS tries to climb the turnbuckle but DK grabs him by the tights and pulls him down. Kid nails Smith with a dropkick. DK tries
to follow up with a gutwrench but DBS counters with a backdrop, but DK turns it into a sunset and gets a near fall. DK is
all over DBS with a headbutt, a piledriver, and a gutwrench suplex but only gets a 2 count. DK loses the advantage when DBS
side-steps a dropkick attempt. DBS hits his usual clothesline and powerslam but only gets a 2 count. The two Brits exchange
headbutts in the middle of the ring and then begin to throw fists. DK takes the match outside the ring where he punishes DBS
by tossing him into the guardrail. He nails a snap suplex on the ground and then applies the sleeperhold until DBS gets out
by using a jawbreaker. Back inside the ring DBS hits an inverted atomic drop and then a clothesline which knocks DK out of
the ring. Outside the ring DK takes the advantage back with a dropkick to the knee. Back inside he punishes DBS with a gutwrench
suplex and a double underhook suplex. DBS though fights back and hits DK with another powerslam. He climbs the pole and has
the glove in his grasp, but DK pulls him back down. The glove falls to the mat. DBS puts DK into a sleeperhold, but the Kid
reaches the ropes after a few seconds. DBS bodyslams DK and covers for a 2 count. He then goes to get the glove but DK clips
him from behind. As DBS goes down he knocks the glove out of the ring. DK sends DBS to the buckle, and DBS tries to clothesline
his opponent on the bounce back but DK ducks under it and then throws DBS into the corner. DBS leaves the ring and recovers
the glove but as he is entering the ring DK pulls up on the ring ropes and crotches his cousin. DBS falls into the ring and
the glove falls to the mat again. DK tries to put it on but DBS has recovered and nails Kid with a hard punch that knocks
the glove flying. DBS and DK both scramble for the glove. Referee Billy Robinson is in the way though and ends up colliding
with DBS. It really looks like he was trying to get into DBS’ path though, and the fans begin to revolt. DK puts the
glove on as DBS untangles himself from Robinson. But as he passes by Robinson the referee sticks his leg out and trips Smith,
again looking like it may have been an accident but likely was on purpose. As DBS regains his footing DK steps forward and
clocks DBS right in the head with the Coal Miner’s Glove. Smith is out cold and DK makes the pin for the tainted victory. Dynamite
Kid and Billy Robinson are being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Dynamite Kid pinned Davey Boy Smith after hitting
him with the Coal Miner’s Glove at 0:13:54.
Post-Match: Billy Robinson quickly leaves the ring. He is
being jeered by the crowd and walks away with a cocky expression on his face. Back inside the ring DK adds insult to injury
by coming off the ropes and nailing DBS with a flying headbutt.

Bout #7 Semi-Main Event Former World Champions Collide
Bob Backlund, 234 lbs., Princeton, MN, (WWF) V Harley
Race, 260 lbs., Kansas City, MO (NWA)
Much to the surprise of the announcers and fans, there is very little
feeling out process to begin this match. In fact both men come out hitting hard and the match spills to the outside and to
the guardrail in the 1st minute. Back inside the ring Race tries to stick with simple and quick to execute attacks, while
Backlund finds himself on the defensive trying to counter the NWA legend’s attacks. The crowd is about two-thirds behind
Backlund. The former WWF champion gets the advantage and presses with a double underhook suplex, a neck snap, and an elbow
before falling prey to a clothesline. Race tries for a kneebreaker but Backlund stops it with an elbow between the eyes. They
trade the advantage back and forth several times and the match goes in and out of the ring. Backlund has tried for several
submission moves like an abdominal stretch and a sleeperhold but Race is quick and frantic to get out of the holds before
they do any real wear and tear. But after a short exchange outside the ring, Backlund is on top and applies the abdominal
stretch 4 times in a period of a couple of minutes. Then just after it looks like Race is safe he falls victim to the crossface
chickenwing. Race spends about 45 excruciating seconds in the hold before finding the ropes. Backlund is all over Race with
3 legsweeps. Race resorts to a ropeburn to gain some time. Race controls the action for a couple of minutes but the closest
he could come to a pinfall was a 1 count after a fisherman suplex. Race gains back his breath by punishing Backlund for a
couple minutes in a front facelock before nailing another fisherman suplex and this time getting a 2 count. The action
goes to the floor again and this time referee Kenny Jay tries to separate the two men but ends up going down in a ref bump
instead. Race gouges the eyes of Backlund and then nails him with a piledriver. He rolls him back inside the ring and goes
for the pin but there is no ref to count. Race brings a chair into the ring to hit Backlund with but the Minnesota native
gets up in time and wrestles it away from Race. They exchange punches and kicks and Backlund gets Race in the crossface chickenwing
again, but only for a few seconds as they were too close to the ropes. The two men exchange punches and kicks in the middle
of the ring. Race gets the advamtage and preses it with a belly-to-back suplex and a 2 count. Backlund takes back the advantage
and applies the sleeperhold on Race on 3 times in a row. Backlund goes for a headlock but Race pushes him off the ropes and
then gives him a snap mare. Backlund sweeps his leg from the mat and brings down Race. He tries for the crossface again but
Race counters with a punch to the face. Race kicks Backlund a few times and then rakes his forehead across the top rope. Race
goes for the sleeper but Backlund counters with a go-behind and locks on the sleeper. Race reaches the ropes within a few
seconds. Backlund then goes for the abdominal stretch, but Race counters with a go-behind and puts Backlund in the stretch
instead. Backlund reaches the ropes quickly. Race though does not break cleanly as he chops and then punches Backlund. Race
goes for the sleeperhold but Backlund counters once again with a go-behind. Race reaches the ropes after a few seconds but
instead of reaching for the ropes he goes through them, and he and Backlund tumble to the ground below. Both men are slow
getting up. Race is on his feet first but Backlund nails him with a punch to the breadbasket from his knees. Backlund bodyslams
Race on the ground and then tosses him back in the ring. He nails another bodyslam on Race. He locks on the sleeperhold in
a sitting position and Race is in a world of trouble. Race spends almost a complete minute in the sleeperhold before reaching
the ropes. Backlund nails Race with his Atomic drop finisher but somehow Race manages to get a leg over the bottom strand
for the break. Backlund drags Race to his feet and sets him up for the piledriver. This could be all if he hits it. Instead
Race blocks it once, and when Backlund tries it a second time Race backdrops him through the second and third ropes. Backlund
bounces off the ropes, off the ring apron and hard to the ground below. Race is on his knees in exhaustion but manages to
make it to a neutral corner. Backlund looks hurt and can’t make it back before Kenny Jay applies the 10 count.
Race defeated Bob Backlund by countout in 0:31:22.

Bout #8 Main Event RCW Heavyweight Title Match Chris Lyon (champion), 236 lbs., Winnipeg, Manitoba (
/w Tawney England) V Angelo Mosca, 288 lbs., Hamilton, Ontario
Lyon takes Mosca down with an armdrag
to start and then a pumphandle slam. But Mosca is so heavy that Lyon can only muster a half decent height on the slam. Lyon’s
back is hurting from the slam but he manages to keep his advantage with a thumb to the throat. He continues to work the arm
of Mosca and then another slam. He goes for a piledriver but Mosca backdrops him over, and its obvious that Lyon’s back
is hurting. Mosca works the lower back of Lyon with forearms and when the champ tries to take a timeout by leaving the ring
the former CFL star follows him out. Lyon goes right back inside the ring and catches Mosca with a punch. He tries to trade
punches with King Kong and of course comes off on the short end of the stick. Mosca returns earlier favors with his own pumphandle
slam followed by a series of kneedrops to the head of the champ. Mosca works a bearhug and after the break he nails a vicious
looking heart punch on the champ and comes within a fraction of a second of getting a 3 count. Mosca sends the champ to the
ropes but Lyon reverses it and tries to take Mosca down with a shoulderblock, but the bigger man doesn’t move. Lyon
comes off the ropes again and tries for a clothesline but he still can’t knock the challenger off his feet. Mosca
goes right to work on the back, with a backbreaker and then a Boston crab. After a lariat he gets a 2 count and the champ
appears to be in some trouble. Mosca abandons the back for now going to a basic attack of punches, kicks, elbows, and chops.
Lyon fires back with a monkey flip and a dropkick. He tries to choke the veteran against the ropes but Mosca brings up a knee
to the champ’s gut. Lyon though fires back and presses the advantage with chops, a cobra clutch, a reverse Russian legsweep
for a 2 count. But when he tries for another pumphandle slam his back isn’t up to the task and Mosca counters with a
backbreaker. He follows up with a lariat for another 2 count. Mosca’s size advantage and Lyon’s bad back conspire
against Lyon as the challenger continues to control most of the match. Tawney England gets involved from the floor as a distraction
and irritant to the challenger. Mosca is able to hit his elbowdrop finisher but England pulls his leg to the ropes for a break.
Referee George Gadasky has seen enough and sends England to the back. Lyon tries to run and hide and use a hit and stick attack,
but Mosca keeps on coming on. Mosca with an elbowsmash and a bodyslam. He blocks another cobra clutch attempt and slams Lyon
to the mat. Lyon takes a powder out of the ring and waits for the count of 9 before returning. Mosca goes for a backbreaker
but Lyon counters with a facelock variation of the DDT. He covers and gets a 2 count. Both men are slow to get to their feet. They
trade punches in the middle of the ring before Lyon buys time with a side headlock. Lyon goes to the midsection, followed
by a high knee, and a monkey flip. He whips Mosca into the ropes, ducks away from a lariat attempt and puts King Kong in a
cobra clutch. Mosca counters with a back suplex. He follows up with a backbreaker and then a Boston crab. Lyon is in agony
as the crab punishes his lower back.
Bobby Duncum comes down to ringside. He has no business here as he doesn’t
have a manager’s license. For some reason he has both tag team belts over his shoulders, his and his estranged partner
Due to the imminent nature of a Lyon submission referee Gadasky elects not to try and remove Duncum
at this time but to keep asking Lyon if he submits. Finally, somehow, Lyon makes his way to the ropes for a break after over
a minute in the hold. As Mosca releases the hold Lyon brings his foot up and nails Mosca right in the crotch. The challenger
covers his privates and wobbles around the ring. When he gets close to the side of the ring where Duncum is standing his tag
partner nails him in the head with his tag team title belt while the referee is busy checking on whether Lyon wishes to continue.
Mosca is down like a rock. Lyon crawls over to him and applies the pin. Gadasky hesitates looking at Duncum suspiciously but
has no choice. He applies a very slow count, and Lyon gets 1 2, Kickout! Lyon recovers enough to put Mosca in the Boston
crab. The challenger suffers for about 30 seconds before rolling Lyon over and breaking the hold. Mosca whips Lyon to the
buckle, follows in with a big elbow but the champ moves out of the way. Lyon rolls him up with his feet on the bottom rope
for leverage, and gets 1, 2, Gadasky sees the feet and calls for the break. Lyon climbs to the top rope, he waits, Mosca turns
in, seems to see it and tries to move, but its too late. The champ nails Mosca with a missile dropkick although only one foot
connected with Mosca’s chest. The champ rolls him up and gets the 1, 2, 3!!
Chris Lyon pinned Angelo Mosca
after a missile dropkick in 0:23:15. [Chris Lyon retained the RCW Heavyweight Championship.]
Post-Match: Bobby
Duncum hits the ring and nails Mosca in the head again with the tag belt, this time busting him open. He throws Mosca out
of the ring and then chucks the belt at him, narrowly missing his head. Duncum helps Lyon to his feet as George Gadasky hands
him his RCW Heavyweight Championship belt. The fans boo the remaining two members of the Triumvirate as they are joined by
the England Sisters in the ring.
That’s it for the second Wrestling Summit.
See ya later in the
week for another edition of River City Wrestling!!