October 3, 1987 River City Wrestling #303
Edmonton, Alberta
Opening Bout:
Kevin Kelly defeated Joshua Stroud by pinfall after a reverse neckbreaker at 3:44
-squash match. Stroud was heralded as a former USFL football player, with a good physique but still very green in the
ring. He did not fair well against Kelly and looked awkward thoughout the match.
When questioned about his promised title shot at Steve Disalvo now looking doubtful because Vendetta is the new #1 contender,
Kevin Kelly said not to worry about him. His shot is ironclad and guaranteed and he doesnt care if it is
Disalvo or Vendetta, he has been assured by Marty Goldstein that he will be next in line to get a title shot.
Madusa Micelli is with Kelly and she says that she did not wrestle her usual match last week against
Velvet McIntyre. Madusa insists she was on a scouting mission, and yes she got surprised, but when the title is on the line
tonight she will be another animal all together.
Bout #2
Boyscout Richard Ryan defeated Brian Jewel by pinfall after a schoolboy pin at 5:50
-Ryan makes a return to RCW, much to the displeasure of the crowd
Velvet McIntyre says Madusa is full of hot air, and that last week was no fluke. Now that the North
American Women's title is starting to get wide notoriety more competition is flowing in to challenge for that title. Madusa
had an easy ride so far, but that is going to change tonight.
See what everyone is talking about around the water cooler, catch the second episode of the new hit show "Thirtysomething".
"The Parents are coming, the parents are coming", Tuesday night. Hope's anxiety over her parents' impending visit taxes
everyone's patience.
Bout #3
Queen City Killers defeated Hoyt Daill & Tom Stone by pinfall when Black pinned Stone after the QCK at 6:03
-a glorified squash match
Ben Bassarab is interviewed by Ron Strong and he actually pulls out a bottle hidden in a brown paper
bag. Bassarab seems drunk again!
Owen Hart comes out and just kind of looks at Bassarab and says "Ben what are you doing?". Bassarab
just stammers for a few seconds before nailing Hart in the head with the bottle. Owen is busted wide open and Bassarab lays
in punches to the forehead until RCW officials enter the ring and drag him off.
Bout #4
Brad Armstrong and Bobby Bold Eagle fought to a no-contest 0:12
In fact the bell had just rung when the Terminators hit the ring, and followed up on their threat last
week. They began to pound away at Armstrong and had him set up for the doomsday device when Tim Horner hit the ring, knocking
Wolff off the top rope and then dropkicking Riggs out of the ring. The Terminators looked on in shock as the Lightning Express
reunited in the ring.
[end of first hour]
Brad Armstrong says he knew that the Terminators would try something stupid and cowardly like that,
so he called up his old friend Tim Horner and they were ready for those tactics. Horner says his partner
proved that one on one he was the better man, and now together they will prove they are the better tag team, and that size
is not everything in the ring.
Promo: "Championship Material" with Chris Champion
guests: Steve Disalvo, Lisa Caress, Vendetta, Vic Gate, Marty Goldstein, and Buddy Lane.
Instead of being set up like a late night talk show, the ring is set up for a contract signing with a headtable which
includes all the guests. The match has been set-up for next week, the referee assigned is Buddy Lane. Disalvo gives Lane the
3rd degree but Lane stands up to his questions and shows no weakness or fear.
Vendetta signs the contract first. The champ goes to sign the contract but not before taunting Vendetta saying that when
he is done he will be going to take a vacation in one of those all inclusives in the Dominican Republic. Disalvo says that
side of the island knows how to pander to wealthy and famous Americans, not like their poor cousins over in Haiti who just
want to run around and kill each other.
Vendetta errupts and tries to get to Disalvo but is held back by Vic Gate and Buddy Lane. Things settle down, but instead
of signing the contract Disalvo says he wants to be clear that this is the only title shot he will be giving Vendetta. He
writes in that clause on the contract. Marty says fine, but then he's going to cross off the automatic rematch clause for
the champion if he loses. Disalvo has no choice but to save face and accept that. It is crossed off, both men sign and initial
and we have ourselves a main event next week.
Bout #5
North American Women's Title Match
Madusa Micelli defeated Velvet McIntyre by pinfall after a clothesline and with her feet on the ropes at 7:50
[Madusa Micelli retained the North American Women's Title]
Madusa tried to out tough McIntyre early but Velvet answered every tough tactic with one of her own. Then the champ changed
strategy and avoided and frustrated McIntyre, even feigning leaving the arena twice. Finally McIntyre took over, pressed the
advantage until Madusa caught her with a thumb to the throat and tossed her out of the ring. Madusa followed and smashed Velvet's
head off the ring apron, gave her an atomic drop and then rolled her back inside. Madusa tried to come off the top rope with
a double axhandle but Velvet caught her with a punch to the gut. McIntyre took over with a suplex and flying headscissors.
She pressed her advantage but when she went for the one legged dropkick Madusa was able to move, and swat her away. Velvet
got to her feet but was clotheslined by the champ who then made the pin thanks to some illegal leverage from the middle ring
Velvet complained to referee Buddy Lane about what just happened. While Lane was apologetic he could do nothing. But
Marty Goldstein returned saying he had just seen what happened and calls for a rematch next week.
Tune in Tuesday night for another new episode of "Growing Pains" starring Kirk Cameron and Alan Thicke.
In "Michaelgate", Mike is nominated for Student Body President, unaware he's only there as a means to ensure his competition
will win.
Bout #6
Owen Hart defeated Ben Bassarab after an enzuigiri at 8:29
-Ben started the match with a quick slap to the face of his former friend followed by a drop toe hold. He worked a side
headlock and then an abdominal stretch. There were some punches exchanged on a rope break and Hart took over, pounding Bassarab
in the corner. He nailed a jumping neck snap and almost got the 3 count. A vertical suplex into a float over for the pin got
a 2 count.
Ben snuck in a low blow when the ref was shielded from view, then drove Hart's head into the mat. He worked an armbreaker,
almost getting his own shoulders pinned in the process, and then took Owen off the ropes for a powerslam, and another 2 count.
Owen's head sported some bandages from his cut suffered by that bottle shot earlier in the show by Bassarab. The bandages
now were becoming soaked in blood.
Bassarab went to the top, but Owen recovered and followed him up. He took Ben off with a superplex, and if he wasnt hurt
as well and slow to cover he would have got the 3 count. Owen used a leg spreader on Bassarab and then worked a leg lock,
then a body scissors. The two men then went into some criss cross moves off the ropes that saw Bassarab hip toss Owen, only
for Hart to then take him down with headscissors, that Bassarab promptly popped out of, went for the headlock, but Owen countered
with a hammerlock.
Once again the action went to the top, this time it was Owen going up too early. Ben tried to take Owen down with a superplex
but Owen blocked it and pushed Ben to the mat. He tried for a bodypress but Bassarab rolled through it, powerslamming Owen
to the mat. He got 1, 2, KICKOUT!!
Back on their feet Ben rocked Owen with a forearm, then sent him to the ropes. His dropkick hit nothing but air because
Owen grabbed onto the top rope. Owen tried for a kick but his leg was caught in mid-air by Bassarab, but then Hart lashed
out with the enzuigiri and picked up the win.
His head now openly bleeding, leaking from the blood soaked bandages, Owen Hart said this wasn't
about winning or beating Ben, it was about sending a message, hopefully a wake up call. Owen calls Ben one of the finest guys
he has ever met, and is willing to forgive him if he can find his way once again to do what is right in this world.
Main Event
RCW Television Title Match
Chris Champion and Nick Mercury battled to a double countout at 5:07
[Chris Champion retains the RCW TV Title]
Not a very satsifactory main event for the fans after such a good previous match on the show. Tempers flared and things
boiled over rather quick between these two which resulted in a knock-down drag-out fight outside the ring that forced Buddy
Lane to count both men out.
That's it for another edition of River City Wrestling.
See ya next week!!

October 10, 1987 River City Wrestling #304
Regina, Saskatchewan
Opening Bout:
Owen Hart defeated Joe Mirto by pinfall after an enzuigiri at 3:23
-squash match
Owen Hart was being interviewed, talking about his next step which he hopes is either a TV title shot
or better yet a shot at the winner of Vendetta and Steve Disalvo later tonight for the Heavyweight Title. He says he thinks
he deserves..
Ben Bassarab appears and attacks Owen Hart from behind. He again has a bottle inside a paper bag that
he smashes over the head of his former friend busting him wide open. He lays the boots to Hart until RCW officials can arrive
on the scene to break it up.
Bout #2
Kevin Kelly defeated Brian Jewel by pinfall after a reverse neckbreaker at 2:12
-squash match
Kevin Kelly with Madusa Micelli at his side says that was not good enough for him. How is he supposed
to get into fighting shape for his guaranteed title shot against the winner of Disalvo-Vendetta with weaklings like that.
He says send someone else down, like the greenhorn from last week.
Bout #3
Kevin Kelly defeated Joshua Stroud by pinfall after a reverse neckbreaker at 1:27
-squash match
Kevin Kelly says that was pathetic and he isn't leaving the ring until he gets another warm-up match. The fans errupt
when Bullet Mike Lozansky comes down to the ring. Kelly though looks unimpressed saying Vendetta goes about 260 and Disalvo
is 300, so how is this 99 pound Greg Gagne like built loser going to challenge him? He finds out though as Lozansky rocks
him with a forearm to the chin and the bell is rung.
Bout #4
Mike Lozansky defeated Kevin Kelly by pinfall after a series of dropkicks at 5:29
-huge upset victory for the Bullet. He attacked first and controlled the first two minutes until Madusa managed to distract
referee Jurgen Hermann and allow Kelly to low blow Lozansky. In fact Kelly probably would have had the pinfall if Hermann
hadn't insisted in prolonging his warning and lecture to Madusa instead of turning around and making the count. Kelly tried
to put away Lozansky with some elbows, clotheslines, backbreakers but couldn' tdo it. He went for his finisher but Lozansky
managed to counter with a top wrist lock to buy himself some time. He began a comeback, getting himself some distance, coming
off the ropes and using his speed to increase the impact of his moves. The finish came not as one dropkick but the final one
of a series of 7 which saw Kelly knocked to his knees first, then taken out with a dropkick to the head. Madusa tried to enter
the ring to break up the pinfall but Velvet McIntrye came down and pulled her out. The two then brawled over
to the announce table where McIntryre smashed her head off the table then took her down with a bodyslam.
Kevin Kelly and Madusa are livid over their loss as we return from a commercial break. But before they
can spend more then a few seconds venting, Marty Goldstein comes to the ring. He says that because Kelly insisted on 3 matches
instead of his alloted one they are running short on time. So their interview is cancelled and the next match will begin;
Madusa defending her title against McIntyre. Madusa protests, saying she is still wobbly from having her head smashed into
the table, but Goldstein says tough luck, you made your bed now you can lay in it...so to speak.
Bout #5
North American Women's Title Match
Madusa Micelli defeated Velvet McIntyre by pinfall after a superkick at 7:43
[Madusa Micelli retained the North American Women's Title]
Velvet beat the champ from pillar to post. She did such a good job of disecting the champ that the fans began to get
restless and worried when after 5 minutes she still did not get a pinfall. Sure enough Madusa caught her telegraphing a dropkick
and hung onto the ropes. The champ then bought some more time with a chop to the throat, a thumb to the eye, and then a rake
of the fingernails across the back. Madusa went to work with a half nelson, then a hairpull to the mat, a bootrake across
the head, and a nice pair of kicks to the back. She then sent Velvet over the top rope...or so she thought, making the mistake
of turning her back to her red headed opponent. Velvet though managed to land on the ring apron, climb to the top, and come
off landing on Madusa with a flying crossbody block. But she had too much momentum and Madusa flipped her over. They scrambled
to their feet got locked up back to backwith Velvet winning the leverage contest and bringing Madusa over into a pin, for
1, 2 rollout. Back on their feet, Madusa ducked away from a clothesline and then kicked backward catching Velvet on the back
of the thigh. She then took her down with a side Russian legsweep, waited for her to get to her feet and hit the superkick
to pick up the win.
An out of breath Madusa says if that is the best they have to throw at her then she will reign for a long time.
She refuses to admit that Velvet had her number last week and she had to cheat to win, and tonight she was pushed to her limit.
[end of first hour]
Promo: "Championship Material" with Chris Champion
guest: Nick Mercury
Mercury and Champion battled to a double countout last week for Champion's TV title so he invited his challenger out
for a little Q&A since they are signed for a rematch next week. But Champion doesn't give Mercury a chance to speak, he
either talks about himself or asks Mercury questions and then interrupts him before he can answer. Much to his credit though,
rather then lose his temper Mercury just laughs, throws down his mic, gets off the couch and goes to leave the ring. Champion
though keeps at Mercury telling him to make like Punky Brewster and disappear, and then tells Mercury he's past his prime
just like Miami Vice. This makes Mercury stop in his tracks, and walk back to where Champion is standing in front of his desk
with a smirk on his face. Champion offers the mic to Mercury, but when he tries to grab it Champion pulls it away and says
"I don't think...". He's interrupted for once by Mercury who ducks under and takes Champion down with a double underhook,
bouncing him off the top of the desk. He pushes Champion over the desk, then leaps on top of him. He lands a few good punches
before Champion saves himself by rolling out of the ring. Mercury grabs the mic and says "Miami Vice is not past its prime,
but you Champion are way past your best before date. Your title reign expires next week and I will be taking the trash to
the curb."
Bout #6
Buck Zumhoffe & Shawn Cummings defeated the Queen City Killers by pinfall when Cummings pinned Black after
a slingshot suplex at 7:23
-a mild upset in a match between two fan favorite teams that began with handshakes, and ended with handshakes.
Buck Zumhoffe and Shawn Cummings say they understand that Brad Armstrong and Tim Horner have some business
to finish with the Terminators, but whoever ends up with the tag belts better be looking over their shoulders before they
get rocked and rolled.
Bout #7
RCW Tag Team Title Match
Brad Armstrong & Tim Horner defeated The Terminators by disqualification for abuse of official at 8:10
[The Terminators retained the RCW Tag Team Titles]
Armstrong and Horner had the champions on the run, and defeated even though Armstrong had a long stint earlier in the
match playing Ricky Morton. But the tag champs decided to take the easy way out and Riggs pulled referee Jurgen Hermann away
when Horner was trying to pin Wolff, so Hermann did the champs a favor and disqualified them.
Unhappy with the result the challengers kept up the attack on the champions. They double teamed Riggs sending him over
the top rope, then gave Wolff a double dropkick that sent him between the ring ropes right on top of Riggs.
Brad Armstrong & Tim Horner are hopping mad, and they demand a rematch of course.
Main Event
RCW Heavyweight Title Match
Steve Disalvo (champion) (/w Lisa Caress)
The lock up in a test of strength, won by Disalvo who works the double wrist lock until Vendetta is able to step through
and bring the champ down with a hip toss. The next lock up sees Vendetta duck around instead, but Disalvo backs him into the
corner and then instead of breaking clean feeds the challenger a back elbow to the kisser. Disalvo lays in some punches to
the abdomen, then some shoulderblocks in the corner. He then throws Vendetta across the ring into the turnbuckle, then nails
a running clothesline catching Vendetta from behind on the rebound. He covers for 1, 2, Kickout.
Disalvo argues with Buddy Lane, then delivers a bodyslam, followed by an elbowdrop to the sternum and another 2 count.
The champ works a reverse chinlock from one knee until the challenger gets to his feet and fights his way out of it. Vendetta
comes off the ropes but the champ catches him and delivers a ring shuddering spinebuster slam. He covers without hooking the
leg and gets 1, 2 kickout.
Frustrated the champion sends Vendetta to the ropes and hits him with a clothesline, and follows with two elbowdrops,
and gets 1, 2, foot on the ropes.
Lisa Caress calls for the piledriver, so by the time the champ goes for it the challenger knows whats coming. When Disalvo
tries to place the challenger's head into position Vendetta ducks down and then showing off his leg strength drives upward
taking Disalvo up in the air on his shoulders, spins around, and then drops him backward, meaning Disalvo lands face first.
Both men are down and make their way to their feet just in time to beat the 10 count.
Some brawling ensues with both men teeing off on each other's face, and then taking the match outside for more of the
same. Back inside Vendetta nails Disalvo with a dropkick to the gut, and follows up with some standing kicks, and then a bodyslam
of his own. He covers but only gets a 1 count.
The challenger continues his attack with two legdrops, a running clothesline, and then a shoulderbreaker. He covers but
again only gets a 1 count.
We are 10 minutes into the match.
Vendetta tries for a DDT but Disalvo blocks it, walks them over to the corner. He goes for a punch on the break but Vendetta
blocks it, spins Disalvo around and lays in three shoulderblocks to the midsection. He then monkeyflips the champ out of the
corner, but when he goes to pursue he is tripped up by Lisa Caress.
Vendetta makes the mistake of leaving the ring to pursue Caress and ends up getting blindsided by Disalvo's clothesline.
The champ bodyslams Vendetta on the announce table and then carries him back to the ring apron. He drops the challenger ribs
first onto the edge of the ringapron, and then repeats the move before rolling him back into the ring.
Disalvo is all over Vendetta like a dog on a porkchop bone, nailing a gutbuster, then some stomps to the midsection,
followed by a reverse bearhug where he put his shoulder into the challengers back, and drove his clenched fists into the gut
as well. Vendetta was eventually able to escape that by dropping down but then the champ worked a hammerlock until the challenger
reached the ropes.
In the middle of the ring the champ puts Vendetta into a double chokehold until the count of 4 and then pulls him off
his feet and slams him to the mat. He covers, but Buddy Lane won't count because Vendetta has not yet made a break. He breaks
and covers but again Lane won't count telling Disalvo to go first to a neutral corner! Disalvo touches a far ringpost then
comes over to make the pin but Vendetta surprises him (and probably no one else in the arena) when he reverses it and rolls
up Disalvo, for a 2 count.
Disalvo is furious but this means distracted and Vendetta goes to work with some kicks, then gives the champ a bulldog
into the mat. He covers and gets a 2 count. Vendetta then locks on a cobra clutch that Disalvo is able to break by getting
to the ropes. Disavlo rocks him with a punch to the head on the break and we get another brawl, which goes outside again,
then inside, then outside, then back inside.
We are 16 minutes into the match.
Disalvo goes for a belly to belly suplex but Vendetta blocks it, and then takes Disalvo over with an armcapture suplex.
He covers but only gets a 2 count. The challenger picks up the pace with some criss cross moves off the ropes nailing the
champ with a flying dropkick, a drop toe hold, and a flying cross body block for a 2 count again. Lisa Caress jumps up on
the apron to distract the challenger and it seems to work. But when Disalvo comes running over the challenger deftly grabs
the top rope to duck down, and this sends Disavlo flipping over the top rope and taking Caress down hard at the same time.
Buddy Lane applies the count to the champ, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Vendetta breaks the count by leaving the ring. He
rolls Disalvo into the ring and is momentarily distracted when he notices Caress still laying out. He goes over to check on
her and once he decides she is okay he gets back into the ring, barely beating the new 10 count applied by Buddy Lane.
Disalvo is on him now with punches, but when he goes for a kick to the gut Vendetta catches his foot, walks him backward,
and then flips him onto his back. The champ scrambles to his feet but Vendetta catches him with a big boot to the face, followed
by a clothesline. He locks him into the front face lock and then drops him with the DDT.
He covers, for 1, 2, 3 !!!
Vendetta defeated Steve Disalvo by pinfall after a DDT at 20:42
[Vendetta wins the RCW Heavyweight Title]
Vendetta graciously accepts the title belt from Buddy Lane, and the accolades that pour down on him from the crowd. He
leaves the ring and celebrates with his fans to end the show. What a night for this great young man, a true rags to riches
story for the man born in Haiti.
That's it for another edition of River City Wrestling.
See ya next week!!

October 17, 1987 River City Wrestling #305
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Opening Bout:
Madusa defeated Nia Lareto by pinfall after a superkick at 3:03
-squash match, Lareto's first match on TV
Brad Armstong and Tim Horner are being interviewed by Ron Strong, and they call out referee
Buddy Lane back to the ring. They tell him that in tonight's main event they take on the Terminators for the RCW
tag titles. Last time they faced those overgrown cowards they saved their titles by intentionally getting disqualified for
pulling Jurgen Hermann off a pin. Armstrong says they tried to get a no-dq match set up but were told it would have to be
a non-title match. Horner chimes in that to hurt the Terminators the most would be to take those straps from them. So Armstrong
asks Buddy to use a higer degree of lattitude tonight, on both sides, let the teams fight it out, best team takes the titles
home, and not to let them get themselves intentionally disqualified.
Buddy says he understands what they are going through, and sympathizes, but thats a matter for the powers that be, not
the referee. He says he has to officiate by a standard set out by River City Wrestling. But he does tell them he will do what
he can within the rules to make sure the best team walks out with those belts, and not to worry because he can take care of
"Notorious" by Loverboy provides the music as RCW shows clips of Madusa wrestling against Velvet McIntyre, Tawney England, and Candace Pardue.
Bout #2
Buck Zumhoffe & Shawn Cummings defeated Boyscout Richard Ryan & Joe Mirto by pinfall when Zumhoffe pinned
Mirto after a backbody drop and a victory roll at 3:45
-squash match with Mirto being the weak link and Ryan looking disinterested at best
Again Buck Zumhoffe & Shawn Cummings say they want a title shot and are waiting in the wings for
the winner of the Terminators - Lightning Express showdown. Cummings says he is learning a lot from Zumhoffe who is a great
mentor and friend to many of the young guys on the road.
20th Century Fox invites you to check out the hit that's got the whole family talking, "The Princess Bride",
entering its 2nd weekend in full release, and starring Cary Elwes, and of course Andre the Giant.
Scaling the Cliffs of Insanity, Battling Rodents of Unusual Size, Facing torture in the Pit of Despair. - True love has
never been a snap.
Bout #3
Mike Lozansky defeated Hoyt Daill by pinfall after a flying dropkick at 5:18
-pretty good showing for the big man Daill but not good enough against the Bullet who looks like he is headed to the
top of the RCW ladder.
As Lozansky is leaving the ring he is stopped by an invading Kevin Kelly. He tells Lozansky to stay
put and not try and run and hide. He calls Lozansky's win last week a fluke, and demands a rematch. Lozansky has fun tormenting
Kelly telling him there is no reason for a rematch, he has nothing to gain, so forget it. Kelly says Lozansky is chicken.
The Bullet just laughs and sarcastically says "yeah I'm chicken, now excuse me while i take my winning record to the back."
Kelly is furious and says what will it take. Lozansky finally relents and says he will give Kelly a rematch, but it has to
have the Magnificient One's title shot on the line. If Lozansky wins again he gets the next title shot, not Kelly. Suddenly
Kelly doesn't look so cocky and says no way, until Lozansky calls him chicken. The match is set for next week, Lozansky against
Kelly with the title shot on the line.
Bout #4
Ben Bassarab and Jeff Gillies battled to a no-contest at 0:40
-Owen Hart returned the favor to his former friend destroying his match and attacking him before it
really even began. After entering the ring and nailing Bassarab from behind, he hit a German suplex, then threw him over the
top rope.
He pulled a section of metal rain gutter from under the ring and used it to smash open the head of Bassarab. The announcers
speculated that the "gutter" had a double meaning.
RCW officials came out to break up the brawl, but not before Bassarab's head was a red bloody mess. Marty Goldstein came
out and entered the ring with a mic, staying away and above the carnage out of the ring. He screamed into the mic that he
had enough of these two, and it was time to settle things. Obviously there is not enough room in River City for both of you,
so next week in Winnipeg, in the main event it will be Ben Bassarab versus Owen Hart in a Streetfight, with the loser having
to leave RCW.
Due to the abbreviated nature of the first hour's matches today RCW was able to use the last 12 minutes of the hour to
show the finish of last week's main event which saw Vendetta defeat Steve Disalvo for the RCW Heavyweight
[end of first hour]
Promo: "Championship Material" with Chris Champion
guests: Vendetta, Kevin Kelly, Madusa
Champion gvies begrudging congratulations to Vendetta for ending the over one year reign of Steve Disalvo. He asks him
how someone so young thinks he has a hope of holding that belt with so many veterans gunning for him. Vendetta replies he
will hold the belt the same way he won it; honestly, with pride, the cheers of the fans, and the grace of God. Kevin Kelly
gets into the mix promising to end his reign on his first title defense, with the reverse neckbreaker.
Steve Disalvo and Lisa Caress come to the ring. Disalvo calls this whole thing a steaming, stinky, pile
of horse crap. He says as the former champion he should be the one getting a title match next, especially with Kelly having
to wrestle Lozansky next week. Chris Champion reminds Disalvo about the stipulation he signed, that he waived his automatic
champion's rematch. Disalvo just fumes, then for no apparent reason flexes his muscles which causes Kelly to flex his muscles
in return. While this is going on Vendetta leaves the ring.
Bout #5
Bobby Bold Eagle defeated Brian Jewel by submission with the Native Indian Deathlock at 4:05
-filler match
The always entertaining and cheesy Nick Mercury gives his best Sonny Crockett meets Val Kilmer
interview explaining how he is going to party hard after winning the TV title from Chris Champion next. He tells Champion,
"its a losing proposition, but one you can't refuse, its the politics of wrestling, you'll have the ex-champion blues".
Bout #6
RCW Television Title Match
Chris Champion defeated Nick Mercury by pinfall after a superkick at 6:44
[Chris Champion retained the RCW TV Title]
-hard fought and even contest, with Champion breaking out some old school cheating moves like a sleeperhold slipping
down to a choke, grabbing the ropes for extra leverage on an abdominal stretch, and trying to uncover a turnbuckle. In the
end the bare turnbuckle did come into play as Mercury tried to whip Champion into it, but Champion reversed that, and then
caught the challenger with his finisher.
There is a new tag team coming to River City Wrestling. "Top Guns" Ricky Rice & Derrick Dukes. We get clips of this young and promising duo while we hear the "Top Gun Anthem" by Harold Faltermyer/Steve Stevens.
Main Event
RCW Tag Team Title Match
The Terminators: Riggs & Wolff defeated The Lightning Express: Brad Armstrong & Tim Horner by pinfall
when Wolff pinned Armstrong after a doomsday device at 9:37
[The Terminators retained the RCW Tag Team Titles]
-The Lightning Express controlled the vast majority of this match, having the tag champs on the ropes for the fist 7
minutes. Finally the Terminators adjusted their strategy to trying to slow down and frustrate the Express, using rest holds,
rope breaks, and leaving the ring. The Express made a mistake of being too aggressive going for a double tope and missing.
This made Armstrong the legal man an easy target for the doomsday device and the pinfall.
That's it for another edition of River City Wrestling.
See ya next week!!!

October 24, 1987 River City Wrestling #306
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Opening Bout:
Non-title match
Vendetta defeated Tom Stone by pinfall after a DDT at 3:19
-squash match
Vendetta thanks his fans and Vic Gate for getting him where he is today in pro wrestling, and his parents
and God for getting him where he is as a man today. He says he still has a long ways to grow yet on both accounts.
Bout #2
Strangler Steve Disalvo defeated Brian Jewel by pinfall after a running clothesline at 4:10
-squash match
A much calmer Steve Disalvo, if you ignore his incessent ringing of his hands together, says he is at
peace with having to wait his turn to get his title back. He says he will just train that much longer, lift that many more
weights, and beat that many more people up until his time comes once again to rule over River City.
Chris Champion comes to the ring. He says he is sick and tired of hearing Disco Buck Zumhoffe and Summer's a Cumming
out here every week saying they are the #1 contenders when the only tag teams they have beat are a joke. He calls out "Chief",
and out comes Bobby Bold Eagle to the ring. He asks Eagle if he will be his partner to beat those two idiots and then go on
and take the tag titles. Except he says it all very slow to Eagle as if he doesn't understand English. Eagle finally replies,
"okay Cowboy".
Bout #3
Shawn Cummings & Buck Zumhoffe defeated Chris Champion & Bobby Bold Eagle by pinfall when Cummings pinned
Eagle after a slingshot suplex at 6:28
-good competitive match but Cummings and Zumhoffe worked better as a team then their throw together opponents.
Bout #4
Six Man Tag Match
The Terminators: Riggs & Wolff, & Boyscout Richard Ryan defeated the Queen City Killers: Black &
Cambridge, & Nick Mercury by pinfall when Riggs pinned Black after the doomsday device at 7:40
-filler match. Mercury looked strong throughout the match as did the Terminators. Ryan and Black both played Ricky Morton
for a stretch.
After celebrating with their partner, everyone in the arena except for Richard Ryan realized that the Terminators were
actually mocking him, raising his arm etcetera, and then they clotheslined him from behind and left him laying after a doomsday
[end of first hour]
Owen Hart comes to the ring. He is signed in the main event tonight, a loser leaves town streetfight
against his former friend Ben Bassarab. But he says thats not enough, its not about one of them leaving town, its about getting
Ben the real kind of help he needs. He wants to add a stipulation to the match. If Bassarab loses he has to complete an alcohol
treatment program before he can wrestle again.
Ben Bassarab comes out looking cocky. He says Owen should worry more about himself and less about others.
He asks Owen if he needs a kleenex to wipe away his tears before his mascara runs. Finally Bassarab says he has nothing to
fear, so he will accept that stipulation if Owen will accept his. If Owen Hart loses the match then he will publically in
this ring, before leaving town, publically disavow his family, and his family name. He will never again wrestle as Owen Hart,
he will wrestle as Owen Bassarab, and he will never again team with any of his brothers. Owen doesn't want to accept the conditions
but seems to have no choice, so he agrees.
Bout #5
Heavyweight title shot on the line
Kevin Kelly defeated Mike Lozansky by pinfall after the reverse neckbreaker at 6:55
-not much to be said other then no upset this time out. Another good showing by Lozansky but not good enough to get the
win against a bigger and stronger opponent.
Kevin Kelly says he is ready for Vendetta next week, and not the fans, not Vic Gate, not his parents,
and not even God himself will be able to save the 10 pounds of gold from changing hands.
Main Event
Loser Leaves Town - Streetfight
Owen Hart v Ben Bassarab
The match rules for this streetfight is a pinfall or submission only, no touching the buckles, no dq, no countout, falls
count anywhere.
Extra stipulations for this match as well were added earlier in the night. If Bassarab loses he has to go to rehab, while
if Owen loses he denounces his family and must wrestle as Owen Bassarab.
Anger fills the air as these two lock up, and like two good Canadian boys it's a hockey style fight, as they clinch and
each one tries to lock up the other's right so they can trade punches right hand against left hand. They grapple to the ropes
where Owen gets an elbow to Bassarab's nose, but then receives a knee to the gut. They trade punches and Owen double legs
Bassarab out of the corner.
After a couple more minutes of brawling Bassarab goes to work on Owen's throat, with chops, chokes, then using the bottom
strand to choke him with. Now with Owen's hands protecting his throat Bassarab nails a spinebuster then a German suplex and
gets a 2 count. He goes for the flying cross body block but its too close to the ropes, both men go down and roll out of the
We have the first extended brawl outside the ring and its anything goes as they trade chair shots and Owen bulldogs Bassarab
off the announce table to the floor below. The brawl goes into the stands before finally returning to the ring.
As both men grab some air they are both wearing the crimson mask. The announcers stress that it is too bad it has come
to this since both men are such fine technical wrestlers it would have been a great scientific match.
Owen goes to work on Bassarab's knee with some kicks and then a crucifix kneebar, and when that doesn't get a submission
he goes to a pair of kneebreakers. He tries for a figure-four but Bassarab kicks him off and then catches him with a partial
monkeyflip followed by a headscissors which he works down to the neck area. When this fails to get results he tosses Owen
over the top rope and then nails him with a head tope through the ropes. Bassarab slams Owen onto the announce table but when
he goes to return the earlier favor of a bulldog off the table, Owen pushes him off to the ground below, and then nails him
with a flying elbowsmash. Owen rolls Bassarab into the ring and goes for the pin but only gets a 2 count. Owen punishes Bassarab
with a stump puller, and then an inverted face lock. When this doesnt get a submission he picks the pace up with some criss
cross moves, a pair of flying dropkicks, a snap suplex, a German suplex, and then a piledriver, but still only gets a 2 count.
Owen's head has almost stopped bleeding at this point while Bassarab's continues to flow and he is a bloody mess.
We are just under 15 minutes into this bout.
Owen tries a couple different pinning combinations for a surprise, a back slide, then a side cradle but Bassarab kicks
out of both, and then kicks Owen right in the groin to quickly turn the tide of the match. He then puts Owen in a front face
lock, then after 30 seconds of that hold pulls him up and drops him down on his front. Bassarab follows up with a cobra clutch
and when Owen doesn't submit turns it into a cobra clutch suplex. Bassarab goes to work with a pair of dropkicks, a standing
headscissors neck twist, then flying headscissors into a headscissors hold. Owen handstands out of it and puts Bassarab
into a headlock, pulls him up, is walked over to the corner, walks up the turnbuckles and then bulldogs Bassarab to the mat.
He covers for a 2 count.
Owen then brings the crowd to their feet when he manages to lock on the sharpshooter. Somehow Bassarb manages to survive
almost a minute in the hold and reaches the ropes. But Owen refuses to break despite Buddy Lane's count. It's no disqualification
so he can't be forced to break. Bassarab tries to pull himself up by grabbing the second rope but that just puts more pressure
onto his back and he has to drop down. Bassarab finally manages to crawl far enough over so his body is hanging out of the
ring, and this pulls Owen into the ropes so he breaks.
Owen follows Bassarab out of the ring and hits a German suplex, a pair of running clotheslines, bounces his head off
the announce table, the ring apron, and then the ringsteps. He rolls Bassarab back into the ring. Owen nails a flying cross
body block for a 2 count, a piledriver, for another 2 count, then finally a top rope dropkick, and this time gets the 1, 2,
3 !!!
Owen Hart defeated Ben Bassarab by pinfall after a top rope dropkick at 22:51
[Ben Bassarab must leave RCW]
Owen does not celebrate following his win. He wipes the blood from his head and looks down at the bloodied and beaten
Ben Bassarab his former friend. He offers a hand-up but its unclear whether Bassarab even has his wits about him or can see
through the crimson visage. Finally as medical help arrives to check on Bassarab, Owen takes his leave walking slowly away.
That's it for another edition of River City Wrestling.
There is no RCW next week because of Halloween programming.
So see ya in two weeks time!!