May 2, 1987 River City Wrestling #281
Thunder Bay, Ontario
Opening Bout: Conclusion of Last Week's Main Event
RCW Heavyweight Title Match (continued)
Steve Disalvo v David Schultz
Picked up at the 7 minute mark with Schultz on the offense
Dr. D continutes to work on the champ but his attempts at a cobra clutch are thrwarted by the superior strength of the
champ. Schultz returns to brawling but this time the champ is his equal and the match spills out of the ring. As they
brawl the champ tries to pick up the ring bell but Schultz grabs his hands and forces him to drop it. Schultz then smashes
the champ's head off the announce table before taking the match back inside.
He attacks the champ by knocking him off his feet then applying a claw hold to the ribcage area. He lowers the champ
down to his shoulders then wakes him up with a boot rake across the forehead. The champ is back up, then back down after a
double leg, then receives the heel of Schultz' boot to the lower abdomen. It's all Schultz until he whips Disalvo to the ropes
and both men respond with clotheslines, taking each other down. Schultz is up first at the count of 6 but the champ is playing
possum and moves out of the way when Schultz tries to drop an elbow. The champ applies a half-nelson smearing the challenger's
face into the mat, cutting off his air supply. Back to a standing position he locks in a full nelson, and manages to block
a mule kick attempt. Finally when Schultz is not looking like he will submit Disalvo turns it into a full nelson slam and
gets a 2 count.
The champ goes for a piledriver but Schultz counters with a back body drop. He comes off the rope with a knee and goes
for a pin but only gets a 2 count. Lisa Caress jumps up on the apron as a distraction that Schultz falls for. It allows Disalvo
to attack him from behind, after donning a pair of brass knux. But Schultz moves out of the way in time, and Disalvo bumps
Caress off the apron instead. Schultz rolls up the champ from behind and gets the 1, 2, KICKOUT!! As the two men scramble
to their feet Disalvo is able to lash out with a right jab, and the brass knux do their job knocking Schultz out. Because
of the quickness of the attack, and some nice shielding, referee Buddy Lane does not see the foreign object and counts 1,
2, 3 !!!
Steve Disalvo defeated David Schultz by pinfall after a punch with brass knuckles at 13:20
[Steve Disalvo retains the RCW Heavyweight Title]
It's a week later and Steve Disalvo and Lisa Caress look a little worse for wear but
have not lost that cocky edge of the champion either. He says he realizes that both David Schultz and Manny Silva still want
title shots, and despite the fact that he has beaten both of them "cleanly", he has to defend the title against someone. So
he proposes that Schultz and Silva lock up next week in a #1 contenders match to decide who he will face next.
"Heat of the Night" by Bryan Adams provides the backdrop as we chronicle Ben Bassarab's year as TV champion
and his recent change of attitude to a more edgy style.
Bout #2
Hangman Neil Guay defeated Hugh Wallander by submission to the Hangman at 4:03
-squash match, and the first time we have seen Wallander
Ben Bassarab sets up his TV title defense against Mr.Saito in tonight's main event. After last week's
15 minute time limit draw this week's match has been alotted 30 minutes.
Bout #3
Phillip Navarre defeated Armand Rougeau by pinfall after the Coup de Grace at 5:20
-fairly easy win for Navarre who seems to be just waiting for his chance to get pushed back into the title scene.
Kid Gallahad & JJ Funk say they are on the verge of a decision. If they can't get back into title
contention for the tag titles tonight they will likely once again go their own way into the singles ranks.
Bout #4
#1 Contenders Match
Bobby Bold Eagle & Sunny War Cloud (/w Joe Lightfoot) defeated Kid Gallahad & JJ Funk by pinfall when
Eagle pinned Funk after a brainbuster at 8:42
-Gallahad and Funk controlled most of the first 6 minutes of this match and appeared to be the better team. Eagle &
War Cloud continually complained to referee Buddy Lane about their opponents cheating making up phantom hairpulls etc. Finally
a well timed trip by Lightfoot and some double teaming while Gallahad protested allowed the "Three Little Indians" to steal
the victory.
The Three Little Indians openly admit to cheating, but defend themselves saying they grew tired of trying
to play it by the white man's rules, when Buddy Lane was obviously biased, and their opponents continued to cheat with immunity.
Lightfoot warns the tag team champs that the Indians are off the reservation.
On Tonight's Evening News
-"New York Times"' discovery that Colonel Oliver North persuaded China (PR) and Poland to sell Contras weapons at same
time they were supplying Sandinistas
-Recovery of final victim in recent Bridgeport, Connecticut, building collapse
[end of first hour]
Bout #5
Best 2 out of 3 Falls
Owen Hart v Boris Zhukov
Zhukov attacks Hart just before the bell rings giving him the upper hand that he pushes for a couple minutes until Hart
fires back with dogged determination. He sends Zhukov over with a towering backbody drop, then nails a splash from the second
rope for a 2 count. He tries for a suplex but Zhukov blocks it, goes for his own, but Hart manages to counter it, drop beside
him, take him down with a side Russian legsweep and pick up the pin for the first fall.
Owen Hart pins Boris Zhukov after a side Russian legsweep at 4:32
Owen Hart 1 - 0 Boris Zhukov
The wrestlers are sent to their neutral corner for a one minute rest period but Zhukov again tries to attack Hart before
the bell. This time the young Calgarian is ready for it and sends Zhukov to the buckle and comes within an eyelash of picking
up a quick fall. He works over the Russian for a minute before getting hit with a big clothesline. Zhukov goes to work on
Hart using the bottom rope to choke him, the top rope to rake his forehead, a spinebuster, some kneedrops. But when he goes
for his headbutt finisher Owen is able to get his hand in the way to save himself, but his hand takes the punishment and will
limit him the rest of the match. Owen makes his comeback but when he goes for a one armed bodyslam he can't get the beefy
Russian up, and the Commie nails him with a quick headbutt, then a second one as Owen is on his knees, and picks up the pin.
Boris Zhukov pins Owen Hart after a headbutt at 9:42
Boris Zhukov 1 - 1 Owen Hart
Zhukov starts the third fall in control, and pounds away, wearing down the smaller but determined Owen Hart. When he
goes for the headbutt however Hart blocks it, takes Zhukov down with a double leg takedown, goes for the Boston crab, but
is kicked through the ropes to the floor. Zhukov goes to follow but Hart catches him and hotshots his neck off the middle
rope, then enters the ring by climbing to the top rope and coming off with a flying dropkick for the win.
Owen Hart pins Boris Zhukov after a top rope dropkick at 13:06
Owen Hart defeated Boris Zhukov 2 falls to 1
NHL Playoffs
Round 2 of the playoffs continue tonight with the big grudge match, Game 7 between the Montreal Canadiens and their Provincial
rivals the Quebec Nordiques, with Montreal having the home ice advantage.
Also tonight, Philadelphia Flyers host the New York Islanders in Game 7.
Tomorrow night will see the Toronto Maple Leafs visit the Detroit Red Wings for their game 7, with the winner of that
series to go on and face the juggernaut the Edmonton Oilers who are resting comfortably after eliminating the Winnipeg Jets
in 4 straight games.
Main Event
RCW Television Title Match
30-minute time limit
Ben Bassarab (champion) v Mr. Saito
Bassarab offered Saito a handshake before the bout but Saito refused. They locked up and Saito backed Bassarab to the
corner with a top wrist lock. It looked like he would break clean, but at the last second thumped the champ with a blow to
the chest, more as an insult then to do any real damage. They locked up again and Bassarab took Saito down after a go-behind
but Saito wrestled his way to the top and held the champ in an armbar. The match continued at a slow but methodical pace with
Saito for the most part getting the better of Bassarab. But then the champ made inroads and began to counter Saito's offense
and hit some moves of his own like flying dropkicks, and snap suplexes.
After Bassarab countered a Saito suplex attempt with one of his own, the challenger seemed to give the champ respect,
grudgingly giving him a bow. But when Bassarab bowed back the sneaky challenger kicked him in the face. It was all Saito now
as he punished the upstart champ, and seemed to think it was now or never. But he could not put Bassarab away, even finally
hitting his Salto suplex but the champ got his foot on the ropes to get a break. Now Bassarab made a real comeback, not afraid
to use closed fists, and hitting his aerial attack on the slower challenger.
Saito tried to leave the ring, but Bassarab grabbed him to drag him back, only to be fed an elbow to the mush by the
challenger. Saito tried for his Salto suplex again but the champ blocked it, hit a German suplex and picked up the big win.
Ben Bassarab defeated Mr. Saito by pinfall after a German Suplex at 17:40
[Ben Bassarab retains the RCW Television Title]
That's it for another edition of River City Wrestling.
See ya next week!!!

May 9, 1987 River City Wrestling #282
Sudbury, Ontario
RCW goes further East then it has in the past, all the way to Sudbury for the first time.
Opening Bout:
JJ Funk defeated Terry Fielding by pinfall after a bulldog at 3:57
-squash match as Funk takes down a local boy
JJ Funk doesn't like being cheated out of the tag team title shot last week by Three Little Indians,
but says its time to move on, and go for a singles title.
Bout #2
Non-Title Match
Strangler Steve Disalvo defeated Jeff Gillies by pinfall after a running clothesline at 1:14
-quick squash match
Steve Disalvo openly admits that the reason he wanted tonight's main event between Manny Silva and David
Schultz was for them to rip each other apart; and then he can pick up the pieces with an easy title defense against the winner
next week. Disalvo then excuses himself saying he has to catch a flight to attend the Tom Cruise & Mimi Rogers wedding
Tri-Star pictures releases to theatres this weekend Gardens of Stone starring James Caan, James Earl Jones,
Anjelica Houston, and D.B. Sweeney.
A touching, insightful look at stateside military life during the Vietnam War at Ft. Meyer and Arlington National Cemetery
(the Garden). A veteran sergeant takes a young soldier under his wing and tries to prepare his men for the deadly environment
of war.
It was a dangerous time to be young. An impossible time to be a hero
Bout #3
Shawn Cummings & Moe Malone defeated Neil Guay & Armand Rougeau by pinfall when Malone pinned Rougeau
after a spinebuster slam at 7:00
-a bit of an upset in this match, keeping Cummings & Malone alive in the tag team scene, and further evidence that
Les Quebecois is losing steam fast in RCW
Neil Guay and Armand Rougeau are joined by a visibly upset Richard Charland.
He spits and sputters his way through the interview, blaming Ontario's hatred for Quebec on the loss, before he throws a challenge
out to anyone in the dressing room to come take him on. That challenge is accepted by Kid Gallahad.
Bon Jovi's "Wanted Dead or Alive" provides the background music as we show a tribute package to the RCW tag
team reign of the Longriders, Wild Bill & Scott Hogg Irwin.
Bout #4
Richard Charland defeated Kid Gallahad by pinfall after a hip toss with his feet on the ropes at 7:55
-after controlling early Mr. Perpetual Motion Richard Charland seemed to run out of gas. Gallahad went to work but telegraphed
his Gallahad Lance and Charland was able to move out of the way, hip toss Gallahad, and then make the pin with his feet illegally
on the ropes for leverage.
On Tonight's Evening News
-many killed in a plane crash near Warsaw Poland
-Group within PTL Club reported calling for referendum on continued leadership of Jerry Falwell
[end of first fall]
Bout #5
Mr. Saito defeated Phillip Navarre by pinfall after a Salto suplex (and some salt in the eyes) at 7:36
-Navarre's hopes of getting back into the title scene took a serious setback with this loss, even if it was tainted.
Mad Dog Manny Silva is his usal irrate self, railing aginst anyone and everyone. He promises to not
only beat Schultz tonight but to cripple him too. He says he will do the same to Disalvo next week, and says it will be fun
to cripple a friend of Tom Cruise's. Ron Strong laughs at Silva saying he doesn't believe that BS from Disalvo does he? Silva
looks surprised like he hadn't stopped to think about it. Before he could respond though Strong cuts him off, as we are out
of time.
Paramount Pictures is proud to release to theatres this weekend the comedy, "Hot Pursuit" starring John Cusak.
Bout #6
RCW Tag Team Title Match
The Longriders defeated Bobby Bold Eagle & Sunny War Cloud by pinfall when Wild Bill pinned Cloud after a
superplex at 6:10
[The Longriders retained the RCW Tag Team Titles]
-even with Joe Lightfoot outside running interference, made easier by the inept officiating of Jurgen Hermann, the champs
had little trouble taking this match from the challengers. In the end they had also dragged Lightfoot into the ring and had
all 3 opponents laid out.
Dr. D David Schultz says he talked to Bob Backlund on the weekend, and tried to mend fences, but as
can be expected Backlund is still fuming at him, and doesnt trust him. Schultz says he understands that, and wants to thank
the fans for the cheers he has received. He promises to beat Silva so he can get his hands on Disalvo and take him out of
RCW, and maybe then Backlund can come back.
Main Event
#1 Contenders Match
Dr D David Schultz v Manny Silva
Starts as a brawl and degenerates from there, spending more time outside the ring then inside. Silva is busted wide open
early and blood streams down his face through much of the match. Schultz puts Silva in a cobra clutch and then runs his head
into the ringpost. Silva responds later by coming off the top rope with a double stomp onto the head of Schultz. This violence
continues unabated until referee Buddy Lane goes down after a bump. Silva introduces a chair into the fray, but neither man
can get a clear shot as they wrestle for control of the chair.
Steve Disalvo hits the ring from the back with a chair of his own and nails Schultz in the back. Looks like he might
hit Silva as well but the Hawaiian has his own chair and is ready, so Disalvo leaves the ring, and leaves Silva in the catbird
seat. He covers, but there is no ref to count.
A referee comes running down from the back, so Silva cover, and the ref counts 1, 2, 3 !!!
Silva, his face a bloodied mess sits triumphant on his haunches as his hand is raised. He doesn't flinch when the fans
errupt into cheers even though he should know they are not for him. He looks at the man holding up his arm, and is not sure
what to make of it when he recognizes its Vic Gate, the former wrestler and fired official.
Gate then surprises him with a knee to the face, pulls Silva up to his feet. At this point the reason the fans were cheering
has entered the ring.
Vendetta has returned!! And he grabs Silva, turns him around, and nails him with a DDT!!
Vendetta and Gate both leave the ring.
Buddy Lane, Manny Silva, and David Schultz are all laid out.
Lane stirs first getting himself to his knees and surveying the damage. Then Schultz stirs next, crawls over and makes
the pin on Silva, 1, 2, Kickout!!
Schultz pulls Silva to his feet, corkscrew neckbreaker!! And this time he gets the duke. Wild match.
David Schultz defeated Manny Silva by pinfall after a corkscrew neckbreaker at 9:25
That's it for another edition of River City Wrestling.
See ya next week!!

May 16, 1987 River City Wrestling #283
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Opening Bout:
Joe Lightfoot defeated Hawaiian Punch by submission to the Native Indian Deathlock at 2:55
-squash match
After making his in-ring debut Lightfoot is joined by Bobby Bold Eagle and Sunny War Cloud in a 3 on 1 beatdown on the
hapless and defenseless Hawaiian, until the Longriders come in and break it up.
Joe Lightfoot tries to explain to Ron Strong the subtle differences to the Indian Deathlock that he
does, and thats why he claims it is a Native Indian Deathlock, not an East Indian Deathlock. Strong doesn't seem to be able
to tell the difference.
Bout #2
J.J. Funk defeated Rick Renslow by pinfall after a bulldog at 5:48
-fairly competitive match but not really ever in doubt either
Manny Silva of course is irrate over how he got screwed out of his title shot last week because of the
interference of Vendetta and Vic Gate. He demands that Marty Goldstein come out and face the music, which
he does.
Marty once again says its a case of the pot calling the kettle black, that Silva has constantly interfered in RCW matches,
and he is getting his just desserts. In fact Goldstein tells Silva that he received help first from Steve Disalvo and
the whole match turned into a farce. Marty finishes by telling Silva that Vendetta wants him in a bad way for injuring him,
and that the Haitian and Vic Gate will be around later to make a statement.
The WWF returns to the Winnipeg Arena on May 29th.
See Randy Savage and Ricky Steamboat battle for the Intercontinental Title.
Also watch the Hart Foundation take on the British Bulldogs with the WWF Tag Team Titles at stake.
These matches and much, much more!!
Bout #3
Premiere of Mike Lozansky
Mike Lozansky defeated Dave Wagner by pinfall after a flying dropkick at 5:26
-fairly impressive debut for the fast on his feet youngster from British Columbia.
Mike Lozansky is sometimes nicknamed "the Bullet" because of his speed in the ring, and says he has
come here from BC because this is where the competition is.
Columbia Pictures is proud to release to theatres this weekend, the star studded movie of the year, "Ishtar".
Warren Beatty & Dustin Hoffman star as two terrible lounge singers who get booked to play the Ishtar Hilton. Somehow
they become pawns in an international power play between the CIA, the Emir of Ishtar, and the rebels trying to overthrow his
Don't miss the first sure fire blockbuster hit of the summer!!
Bout #4
Phillip Navarre & Owen Hart defeated Mr. Saito & Neil Guay by pinfall when Navarre pinned Guay after
the coup de grace at 9:40
-four talented performers, but a match that didn't do much to further any feuds. Guay seemed to have the role of weak
link, and Navarre looked very impressive in this match after a couple straight underperforming outings.
The victorious team is interviewed. Phillip Navarre is still mad at the way Saito used salt in his eyes
to cheat to victory last week, and despite this tag team victory tonight is still looking for another one on one encounter.
Owen Hart is asked about his plans and how after defeating Boris Zhukov in a hard fought 2 out of 3
falls how he feels that it is Zhukov getting the title shot at Bassarab tonight. Owen seems a bit upset, after being there
to help his friend Ben, and beating Zhukov, he would have expected the title shot, only to arrive at the arena tonight and
find out the opposite. Owen tries to shrug it off saying generally the promoters prefer to have a fan favorite take on a rulebreaker
because thats what the fans want to see, but its obvious that he's still a bit upset.
On Tonight's Evening News
-President Reagan's defense of private Contra aid funding operations as Iran/Contra hearings continue
-Robert McFarlane suggests former CIA director William Casey's possible knowledge of his pending death may have influenced
his Iran/Contra scheme
-Congress investigators' focus on Colonel Oliver North in investigation of Iran/Contra scheme
-Resurgence of dinosaur toys
[end of first match]
The much anticipated appearance by Vendetta and Vic Gate.
Vendetta starts things off telling how he had to recover from his injuries, and also that he had a bad
concussion that took some time to get over. While he was recovering he could think of only one thing, vengeance on Manny Silva
for trying to choke and kill him with the ropes. But he lacked focus, until his new friend and trainer Vic Gate
came along.
At this point the interview is turned over to Gate. Vic says that he grew so frustrated with his "neutral" role as a
referee, and tired of seeing the tactics employed by the rulebreakers around here that he didn't care that he got fired, in
fact he felt liberated. He had heard that Vendetta was training for a return, and remembers seeing the youngster and thinking
that this kid has the raw athletic skills, the drive, and the charisma to be the next great thing. The one thing he was lacking
was a focused scientific repetoire, and that was the one thing Gate says he could help him out with.
Vendetta takes over saying Gate came to him and they began to train for his return to the ring, and now the Haitiian
says he is better then ever with a whole toolbox full of moves he didn't have before. But progress takes years in pro wrestling,
and so he will continue to work with Gate to improve.
In the meantime he reiterates that he wants a piece of Manny Silva, in fact he wants all the pieces.
Bout #5
Richard Charland defeated Kid Gallahad by pinfall after a piledriver at 9:19
-return match after Charland cheated to win last week. This time Charland still cheated his way to victory but at least
the finish was clean!
Richard Charland seems to indicate that Les Quebecois may be done as a group in RCW but now he is able
to focus his time on himself, where it belongs.
Bout #6
RCW Television Title Match
Ben Bassarab defeated Boris Zhukov by pinfall after a flying cross bodyblock at 8:38
[Ben Bassarab retained the RCW Television Title]
-Zhukov is always a threat in a match with that devastating headbutt of his but after his loss to Owen Hart not sure
that many felt he would take the title here tonight. The announcers again touched on the oddity of Zhukov getting this title
shot after losing to Owen last week.
Ben Bassarab gets visibly upset when asked about the budding controversy of that title shot, and Owen
Hart maybe being the #1 contender. Bassarab says he just wrestles whomever the matchmakers throw at him, and he does it without
complaint. He also points out that true to his word he took on and beat Mr. Saito, an international wrestling star, last week,
fair and square just like the fans demanded. After a short pause he just looks at Ron Strong and the camer and says "what
do you guys want from me? I've had it up to here with all this crap", and then promptly leaves.
The Stanley Cup finals start tomorrow night with the Philadelphia Flyers travelling to Edmonton to take on the Oilers.
Both teams looked impressive in the conference finals with the Flyers taking out the Canadians in 6 games, while the Oilers
took out the upstart Red Wings in 5 games. In fact the Oilers' record in the playoffs is a spectacular 12-2.
This should be a great series as it features the top two teams from the regular season with the Oilers having finished
first overall with 106 points, and the Flyers second with 100 points.
The Oilers of course are led by Wayne Gretzky who led the league in goals (62) and points (183), while the Flyers have
their own goal getter in Tim Kerr who finished second overall in goals (58), and is a physcial force as well, in true Flyer
The Oilers also feature, Jari Kurri, Mark Messier, Esa Tikkanen, Glenn Anderson, Paul Coffey, Kevin Lowe, and of course
Grant Fuhr.
The Flyers will try and counter with Peter Zezel, Dave Poulin, Brian Propp, Mark Howe, Rick Tocchet, and the combative
goaltender Ron Hextall.
Main Event
RCW Heavyweight Title Match
Steve Disalvo (/w Lisa Caress) (champion) v Dr. D David Schultz
Lisa refuses to leave the ring, getting into an argument with Buddy Lane, enough to distract Schultz so that Disalvo
can ambush him from behind. Disalvo knocks him to his knees, works him over, and then puts him into a full-nelson while he
is still on his knees. Slowly Schultz works his way to his feet and then over to the ropes. But the champ doesn't break clean,
nailing the challenger in the back of the head instead. Disalvo continues to work over Schultz with a low-tech assault before
picking it up a notch with a powerslam, for a 2 count, then a pair of running clotheslines, for another 2 count. He tries
for a DDT from the second buckle but Schultz blocks it and counters with an atomic drop. Schultz has to collect himself and
can't take advantage as Disalvo gets in a kick, and then a bulldog for another 2 count. Disalvo continues to pound away at
the challenger, but when he goes for a piledriver Schultz manages to block it by bearing down, and then flips the champ up
and over.
This time Schultz is able to sustain his attack and begins to take the match back. He works slow at times with a top
wrist lock, and later an abdominal stretch, but also hits some elbowsmashes, elbowdrops, and a neckbreaker for a 2 count.
Lisa Caress reaches in and grabs onto his ankle, just long enough to break his momentum, and when he grabs the champ to execute
the next move, Disalvo catches him with a knee to the gut instead. The champ follows up with a pair of kneelifts to the face,
then a clothesline off the ropes for yet another 2 count. Then he sets him up for the piledriver, and nails it, for the 1,
2, 3 !!!
Steve Disalvo defeated David Schultz by pinfall after a piledriver at 7:44
[Steve Disalvo retained the RCW Heavyweight Title]
That's it for another edition of River City Wrestling.
See ya next week!!

May 23, 1987 River City Wrestling #284
Calgary, Alberta
Opening Bout:
Shawn Cummings defeated Ivan Gorky by pinfall after a flying dropkick at 6:04
-Cummings had a fairly easy time with Gorky
Dr. D David Schultz makes it clear he is not done with Steve Disalvo. He challenges Steve Disalvo for
another title shot.
Bout #2
Bret & Owen Hart defeated Sonny Rodgers & Tony Leone by pinfall when Bret pinned Leone in a figure-four
leglock at 7:20
-the return of Bret Hart to RCW, previously he held the tag titles with his brother Keith
Bret & Owen Hart seem to be tickled pink over being reunited tonight, but Bret makes it clear its
for the one night only, as he is still wrestling with the Hart Foundation. He warns Owen that something is getting into Ben
Bassarab's head, and that blood is thicker then water.
Bout #3
Vendetta defeated Neil Guay by pinfall after a DDT at 5:50
-the Hatian is back, better and more aggressive then ever. He showed a few new moves learned from Vic Gate.
Manny Silva hit the ring right after the decision, and went to work on Vendetta after taking him out
from behind. He pounded away at the Haitian, then locked him in a half nelson and grounded him, screaming at him to go away,
and to stay away from him.
The crowd exploded when Vic Gate hit the ring and dropped a knee into the kidney area of Manny Silva,
forcing him to break the hold. Silva decided he had done enough damage and left.
Vic Gate does much of the initial talking as Vendetta still needed to recover. He spoke of how hard
Vendetta worked, and continues to work, with one goal in mind; to make Manny Silva pay.
Vendetta finishes the interview by repeating pretty much the same sentiments, that he wants his revenge.
Bout #4
Rick Renslow defeated Mike Lozansky by countout at 7:31
-Renslow controlled early, but Lozansky made a comeback and had the match under his control. The match spilled in and
out of the ring, and Renslow's tag partner Dave Wagner who lost to Lozansky last week, snuck down to hide beside the ring
apron. At the right time he grabbed a hold of Lozansky's ankle and kept him from getting back into the ring, which gave Renslow
the win.
RCW Heavyweight champion Steve Disalvo, along with Lisa Caress, says that he thought
he was done with David Schultz. In fact, since he beat him fair and square its time to move on to new opponents. He calls
Schultz yesterday's news.
This of course brings out David Schultz himself, followed quickly by Marty Goldstein
scrambling to try and catch up. Goldstein basically says he has to agree with Disalvo, and even though the match was not exactly
"clean" none the less Schultz had his chance and its time for a new #1 contender.
But then amazingly Disalvo offered Schultz one more shot, if he would agree to a stipulation. Since Schultz came to RCW
to avenge his good friend Bob Backlund's loser leaves town loss, then he too should face that consequence. Disalvo says he
will give Schultz one more shot, and if he loses then he leaves town. Schultz agrees but wants another stipulation that if
he wins, then Bob Backlund is reinstated to RCW!! The fans cheer this suggestion.
Disalvo, says, okay, but its one or the other. Either its a title shot and Schultz leaves town if he loses, or its a
non-title shot with Schultz leaving town or Backlund getting to come back.
Marty Goldstein agrees to all that saying it will be tonight's main event and Schultz will have to decide which set of
stipulations to choose.
It's his title shot or his shot to bring back the friend he turned on.
[end of first hour]
Bout #5
Phillip Navarre defeated Mr. Saito by pinfall with a schoolboy pin at 9:27
-Navarre does a great job in avenging his tainted loss a couple weeks ago to Saito. Navarre controlled early, Saito controlled
the bulk of the match, then Navarre controlled late. He telegraphed a backbody drop though and Saito went for a sunset flip,
but Navaare used his balance and strength to roll forward and grab the extended legs of Saito and make the pin.
The Longriders come out and Scott Hogg talks about how sneaky and underhanded the Three Little
Indians are. Wild Bill says they like all that, but they are also dishonrable which is not a good thing. He calls the beat
down last week on Hawaiian Punch to be disgusting. They call out Hawaiian Punch, who comes out looking pretty
nervous. They ask the young man if he is ready to fight back, Longrider style. Punch says yes, so the 'riders challenge the
Three Little Indians to an impromptu Six man tag match.
Bout #6
Wild Bill Irwin, Scott Hogg Irwin, & Hawaiian Punch defeated Joe Lightfoot, Bobby Bold Eagle, and Sunny War
Cloud by pinfall when Punch pinned Lightfoot after a Bolo Punch at 8:15
-the Longriders controlled most of this match, but gave the youngster the chance to finish it.
Dr. D David Schultz says that this was a very difficult decision, his shot at a title, or Backlund being
able to get back into RCW. Schultz says he's not even sure if Backlund is ready, willing, and able to come back. As it sounds
like he is leaning towards taking the title shot he is roundly jeered. But he suddenly says that he has learned a valuable
lesson about friendship, and now its time to pay that back, he chooses the option to try and reinstate Bob Backlund.
Main Event
Non-Title Match
**Schultz must leave town v Bob Backlund gets reinstated**
Steve Disalvo (/w Lisa Caress) v David Schultz
Disalvo jumps the gun, looking a bit agitated, but Schultz is a real veteran and anticipates the attack, tossing Disalvo
into the corner and laying in some head shots. The champ slips out of the ring for a breather.
Back inside they lock up and Disalvo sneaks in a thumb to the throat, and then a bodyslam. But when he goes for an elbowdrop
Schultz rolls out of the way, and then puts the champ into an armbar. For the next couple minutes Schultz shows great patience
working over one of the tree trunk like arms of the champ, and it has its desired effect.
Back on their feet Schultz has no problem out brawling Disalvo who is favoring the one arm. Even with Lisa Caress jumping
onto the apron his momentum is not taken away. However, when he goes for his corkscrew neckbreaker finisher, Disalvo is able
to counter, turning him around into a front chancery and taking him to the mat.
Disalvo works both a front chancery and then a sleeperhold, slipping both moves in and out of being a chokehold. Finally
unable to stand it anymore Schultz fought back with a rake of the eyes, a rake of the nails down the back, and then a rake
of the head across the ropes. Then for good measure as he was being read the riot act by referee Buddy Lane, he fishooked
the mouth of Disalvo.
Schultz went to work with elbows and knees, a kneeling surfboard, a bow and arrow submission, a pair of backbreakers,
and then finally a Boston crab that the champ was able to power out of after about 30 seconds.
Again Disalvo took a powder out of the ring. Schultz followed but Disalvo was able to get the drop on him, and then drive
him into the guardrail, followed by a clothesline of such force it knocked both men into the crowd. Disalvo took a fan's beer
and tossed it into the face of Schultz, before grabbing a hotdog and smearing it again across his face. Schultz tried for
an elbow but his eyes were closed and Disalvo managed to side step it and then take Schultz back over the guardrail with a
Back inside the ring Disalvo nailed an atomic drop and yelled "that's one for your boy Backlund" and then hit Schultz
with a running clothesline. He made a cover but only got a 2 count. The champ then went for a swinging neckbreaker, but Schultz
blocked it, counterd into a neckbreaker of his own. Both men were down, and slow to get up but Lane gave them time due to
the stipulations of the match.
Disalvo went running at Schultz for a clothesline, but the Doctor moved out of the way, and then followed Disalvo into
the corner driving his head into the back of Disalvo. He then slammed his shoulder into the lower back a few times before
taking him out of the corner with a side suplex. He covered and got a 2 count. Schultz went for the Boston crab again, and
once more the champ was able to get out, this time reaching the bottom rope.
Lisa Caress handed Disalvo something.
Schultz went for his corkscrew neckbreaker finisher, but Disalvo was able to block it, send Disalvo to the ropes and
nail him with a fist to the head with a pair of brass knux, and was able to use his body to shield it from Buddy Lane.
Disalvo covered, 1, 2, KICKOUT!!!
The champ stared down at disbelief. The face of Schultz that looked back up to him was covered in crimson
He sent Schultz to the ropes and nailed him with a clothesline, then came off the far ropes and gave Schultz a running
kick to the head. He covered and got 1, 2, KICKOUT!!
Disalvo dragged Schultz into the middle of the ring. He set him up for a piledriver but Schultz blocked it, tried to
flip the champ, but he was too big, and pounded Schultz to the mat. He got the doctor back into position and this time was
able to hit the piledriver, and covered and got 1, 2, 3 !!
Steve Disalvo defeated David Schultz by pinfall after a piledriver at 15:32
[David Schultz must leave River City Wrestling]
A bloodied David Schultz salutes the fans who cheer him, as he wipes the blood from his head and waves good-bye.
That's it for another edition of River City Wrestling.
See ya next week!!

May 30, 1987 River City Wrestling #285
Edmonton, Alberta
Opening Bout:
Richard Charland defeated Dave Petro by pinfall after a piledriver at 4:35
-squash match
A young wrestler named Chris Champion sends in a promo saying he is coming to RCW next week, but not
only as a wrestler but also as a TV journalist. He will be hosting a regular interview segment called "Championship
Material", because only the top caliber wrestlers deserve to be in the ring with him. He promises a "bombshell"
of an announcement during his first segment next week!
Bout #2
Joe Lightfoot defeated Hawaiian Punch by submission to the Native Indian Deathlock at 6:03
-Lightfoot required timely assistance in the form of a trip from Three Little Indians mate Bobby Bold Eagle to get the
win over Hawaiian Punch who is beginning to make a name for himself as more then just a sugar loaded kids beverage.
Vendetta and Vic Gate are featured. The Hatiaian voodoo man is very excited that he has received word,
tonight is the night. The main event will be him against Manny Silva.
Bullet Mike Lozansky calls out Dave Wagner & Rick Renslow. He says the only way they can beat him
is to double team him, to outnumber him. But he has a surprise partner tonight for a tag team match if they have the guts.
They agree to the match, and then the place goes nuts when they hear "Whole Lotta Shakin" by Jerry Lee Lewis, and see wearing
a white rhinestone jumpsuit and carrying a ghetto blaster, the one and only Rock 'n Roll, Buck Zumhoffe!!
Bout #3
Mike Lozansky & Buck Zumhoffe defeated Dave Wagner & Rick Renslow by pinfall when Lozansky pinned Wagner
after a double team flying dropkick at 7:20
-Lozansky played Ricky Morton for a bit, but then made the hot tag to the fan favorite Rock 'n Roller Buck Zumhoffe who
went to work on both opponents. He then tagged out to the youngster who took it home.
Rock 'n Roll Buck Zumhoffe gives a frenetic interview, interrupted a few times with a blast of classic
rock and roll from his boom box. Mike Lozansky can only stand to the side and watch, before getting in a
few words about their big win over Wagner and Renslow.
Bout #4
Owen Hart defeated Bobby Bold Eagle by submission to the Sharpshooter at 5:22
-fairly easy match for Hart who just had to battle through constant cheating by his opponent but not a lot of real skill
or athleticism.
Joe Lightfoot and Sunny War Cloud hit the ring, and a 3 on 1 beatdown was on of Owen Hart. They swarmed him, surrounding
him, running around him, taking kicks at him before finally taking him down with a bulldog from behind.
But before they could do more damage the crowd errupted as Bruce Hart appeared from the back to save
his brother, stopping on the way to the ring to pick up a steel chair. The Three Little Indians decided they could find seats
of their own and headed through the crowd rather then face the metal of Bruce Hart.
[end of first hour]
Marty Goldstein comes to the ring and calls out RCW Television champion Ben Bassarab.
First he congratulates Bassarab on achieving a year with the TV title, and on his recent victories against men like Manny
Silva, Mr. Saito, and Boris Zhukov. He says he senses some frustration in Bassarab though as of late, frustration that is
manifesting itself into anger towards friends and fans.
Goldstein suggests that maybe Bassarab is ready to try and take the next step. He says that after David Schultz, Manny
Silva, and Phillip Navarre have all failed to take the strap from Steve Disalvo, that everyone expects it will take a goliath
to take down the champ. Goldstein says maybe everyone should be looking for a David instead of a goliath, and that a giant
slayer is standing right in front of him.
The fans cheer as Goldstein continues to lay it on thick. He says Bassarab has been the forgotten man in the title picture
but that changes as of right now. Goldstein says Ben Bassarab is the new #1 contender for the RCW Heavyweight title, and will
get his title shot next week!!
Bassarab looks happier then he has in a long time.
However, Goldstein reminds Bassarab that he still has a match next against Kid Gallahad and of course has to win that
match to remain the #1 contender.
Bassarab offers Goldstein a handshake, which is accepted.
Bout #5
RCW Television Title Match
Ben Bassarab defeated Kid Gallahad by pinfall after a superplex at 9:19
[Ben Bassarab retained the RCW TV Title]
Bassarab still high from the big news controls the first couple minutes in this match-up of fan favorites who have a
similar repetoire of moves. But then Bassarab flips off the second rope and lands awkwardly on his ankle. Gallahad seizes
control over the match and it begins to look more and more like Bassarab may have very bad luck that takes away his title
shot, and maybe even his TV title. However, Gallahad takes too long on top setting up his Gallahad Lance finisher, and Bassarab
follows him up and wins the match with a superplex.
Manny Silva is a bit calmer then most times, but still comes across as psychotic, in describing how
he plans to choke Vendetta out again, this time finishing the job.
Bout #6
Phillip Navarre & Shawn Cummings defeated Boris Zhukov & Yuri Gordienko by pinfall when Cummings pinned
Gordienko after a flying dropkick at 7:11
-Gordienko was the weak link in this match, and the impromptu tag team of Navarre and Cummings showed no weakness.
"Screaming For Vengeance" by Judas Priest provides the music as we see clips of Manny Silva trying to choke
out Vendetta using the top and middle rope strands, as well as Silva doing the same thing to assorted other opponents.
Main Event
Vendetta defeated Manny Silva by countout at 5:32
-an extremely unsatisfactory outcome considering the pre-match build up. Vendetta channelled his anger well, using it
but also keeping it under control. He battered Silva from pillar to post, with the Hawaiian getting in only a few scattered
scraps of offense. Given the opportunity Silva exited the ring and kept on going, never looking back.
That's it for another edition of River City Wrestling.
See ya next week!!!