November 2, 1985
River City Wrestling #213 Regina, SK
Opening Bout:
Bobby Duncum defeated Chris Bassett by pinfall after a bulldog at 3:16
-squash match
Dr D David Schultz apologizes to Bob Backlund for leaving him to the wolves last week. Many fans don't buy Schultz sincerity
and boo him. However Backlund accepts his apology. Backlund says that after last week's tactics with Blackwell paying off
Masked Superstar & Super Destroyer to attack him he wants another shot at Blackwell. The champ says that the match is
set for the main event tonight, for the Heavyweight title. However, due to what went on last week Marty Goldstein has agreed
to allow Backlund to appoint a special guest referee for tonight. He offers that spot to Schultz despite many of the fans
urging him not to trust Dr. D.
Schultz accepts and says he wants the opportunity to make it up to his new friend for deserting him last week.
Backlund says it may be true that Leopards can't change their spots but its also true that many lizards are able to change
their entire colouring to find peace in their environment. The two men shake hands.
Bout #2:
Chris Lyon defeated Monty Black by submission to the Boston Crab at 4:40
-squash match
Bout #3
Brad Rheinghans defeated Iron Mike Sharpe by pinfall after an Olympic suplex at 7:21
-Rheinghans is on a roll after beating Wahoo and now Sharpe. Since it looks like his days as a tag team with Hennig are
over he is now positioning himself for a title shot at either the TV title or Heavyweight title.
Promo; On Tonight's Evening News
-Secretary of State George Shultz and national security adviser Robert McFarlane noted en route to Moscow as President
Reagan accepts USSR goals on strategic arms control
-Human rights issues, include Soviet presence in Afghanistan, thought scheduled for discussion by Shultz and McFarlane
with Mikhail Gorbachev
-USSR expert John Steinbruner - thinks Reagan administration doesn't appear to genuinely want arms control agreement
-United States reported filing protest with USSR over Soviet and Afghan troops' response to Kabal incident in which USSR
soldier took refuge within US embassy
-Mexico's crisis of confidence due to major economy problems enhanced by recent earthquake and Peso's continued decline
Bout #4
Yoshiaki Yatsu (/w Mr. Ho) defeated Larry Hennig by pinfall after a thrust kick and some outside interference
at 5:59
-Yatsu was helped tremendously by a well timed trip from his manager Mr. Ho. After the match Hennig chased Yatsu and
Ho up the ramp and to the backstage area.
[end of first hour]
Bout #5
Premiere of Angel of Death
Angel of Death defeated T-Bone Brown by submission to the Full Nelson at 4:22
-a big man the A of D looked very impressive handling Brown, a big man in his own right. A o D's full nelson shook Brown
around like a rag doll, putting him under. One has to wonder how much more effective that hold would be against some of the
smaller men in RCW.
MGM is proud to release to theatres this weekend "To Live and Die in LA" starring William
Petersen and Willem Dafoe.
The director of "The French Connection" is on the streets again!
A federal agent is dead. A killer is loose. And the City of Angels is about to explode.
Bout #6
RCW Tag Team Title Match
Masked Superstar & Super Destroyer defeated Kelly & Nick Kiniski (/w Lisa Caress) by pinfall when Superstar
pinned Nick after a corkscrew neckbreaker at 9:34
[Masked Superstar & Super Destroyer retained the RCW Tag Team Titles]
-The Kiniski's did fairly well for a young team against two veterans of the skill and size of their masked foes. However,
Nick made a mistake of posing for the crowd before coming off the top rope with a knee drop. SD had too much time, and rolled
out of the ring. A couple moves and a tag later and the champions retained their belts.
Wearing his referee shirt for the next match, Schultz came down to the ring a bit early. He Pearl Harboured the champions
with a 2x4 nailing SD across the back, and then MS over the head. It was vengeance for what taking Blackwell's money last
week to attack Backlund.
Blackwell came down to the ring to go after Schultz. But Schultz warned him if he laid a finger on him he would DQ him
and he would lose his title shot. Backlund came down with the title belt and we had ourselves a match.
But Schultz had made the mistake of turning his back on the tag champs who recovered and nailed the ref from behind with
a double clothesline. MS then gave Schultz a corkscrew neckbreaker. Backlund tried to save him, but this just left him prey
for Blackwell who attacked him from behind.
It was total mayhem in the ring as we broke to a commercial break.
Main Event
RCW Heavyweight Title Match
Special Guest Referee David Schultz
Bob Backlund (champion) v Jerry Blackwell
Blackwell got some free shots in on Backlund and concentrated his attack on the champion's ailing back. Referee Kenny
Jay came running down to the ring and called for the bell while Schultz was still out cold.
Blackwell lowered his knee into the lower back of the champ, and then applied a bearhug on and off for a couple of minutes.
A backbreaker followed and the pin attempt got a 2 count.
Schultz recovered and told Kenny Jay in no uncertain terms to go to the back, that this was his match to officiate. Blackwell
made the mistake of trying to choke Backlund. Schultz got between the two men and backed Blackwell away, buying the champ
some time. Blackwell continued to roll though. He tried for his standing dropkick on Backlund, but Schultz "appeared" to stumble
and knocked the champ out of the way, absorbing most of the blow himself. With Schultz out again Blackwell began to choke
Stan Lane hit the ring and nailed Blackwell in the head with a superkick.
He was followed shortly by Masked Superstar and Super Destroyer but by this time Schultz was back on his feet. Schultz
and Lane traded shots with the masked men, until Blackwell nailed Schultz from behind. Backlund recovered and it was now 3
on 3.
Referee Kenny Jay returned to the ring along with other RCW officials and threw the match out.
No Contest at around 6:00
[Bob Backlund retains the RCW Heavyweight Title]
That's it for another edition of River City Wrestling.
See ya next week!!

November 9, 1985
River City Wrestling #214 Calgary , Alberta
Opening Bout:
Iron Mike Sharpe defeated Mike Hammer by pinfall after a flying forearm at 4:04
-squash match
Brad Rheinghans came out for his scheduled match against the Red Demon. However, before
it could start the Angel of Death came out to the ring. He offered the Red Demon $50 to take his place in
the match against Rheinghans. He called the Olympian yellow, and said he dodged wrestling any real competition. Despite Rheinghans
agreeing to the change in opponents the A of D continued to berate Rheinghans as chicken. The Red Demon refused the $50, so
the A of D left the ring. But instead of leaving the ring area he pulled the Red Demon down by the ankles and pulled him outside
the ring. He tossed him into the ringsteps and then the ringpost. He then tucked the $50 up into his mask and took his place
in the ring.
Bout #2
Brad Rheinghans defeated Angel of Death by disqualification for a lowblow at 8:32
-excellent match which went from inside to outside the ring. A of D was busted open and wore a grim looking crimson mask
across his bald head. A of D and Rheinghans were being seperated by referee Kenny Jay at the ropes, when A of D tried to sneak
in a low blow. But Jay saw the attack and called for the bell. The Angel continued the beat down on Rheinghans after the match.
Promo; Videos featured tonight on Good Rockin' Tonite
"You Belong To The City" Glen Frey, "Lay Your Hands on Me" Thompson Twins, "Tarzan Boy" Baltimora, "Running Up That Hill"
Kate Bush, and "One Night Love Affair" Bryan Adams.
Bout #3
Kathy Weathers defeated Paula DeCrysa by pinfall after a DDT at 4:46
-two local Albertan girls in a filler match
Bout #4
Ben Bassarab defeated Kelly Kiniski by pinfall after a flying cross bodyblock at 10:05
-another even and hard fought match. While Bassarab broke the rules throughout the match the finish was clean leaving
Bassarab still in the hunt for another TV title shot somewhere down the line
[end of first hour]
Promo; Paramount Pictures is proud to present in theatres this weekend, the screen adaptation
of S.E. Hinton's best selling youth novel, "That Was Then...This is Now".
Following in the footsteps of her classic novel "The Outsiders" Hinton tells the tale of a delinquent teenager who's
only link to society is the attachment he feels towards an older brother-figure. When the older boy starts spending time with
a new girlfriend, the teenager begins to feel even more alienated, and gets involved with drugs and the police.
Two juvenile delinquents find themselves growing apart, one is growing up (Bryon played by Craig Sheffer),
and the other is staying young and reckless (Mark played by Emilio Estevez). Also starring Kim Delany.
Bout #5
Larry Hennig defeated Yoshiaki Yatsu by pinfall after the Big Axe at 6:16
-Hennig picked up the clean win to avenge last week's match. However, after the match Yatsu's manager Mr.Ho entered the
ring and attacked Hennig from behind. Ho and Yatsu laid on a 2 on 1 beating leaving Hennig laid out across the 2nd rope.
Bout #6
RCW Television Title Match
Tod Hestrerey defeated Chris Lyon by countout at 11:37
[Tod Hestrerey retained the RCW Television Title]
-After Lyon controlled the first few minutes of this match the champion made a coemback. Again Hestrerey showed an aggressive
side that he seems to hold only for Lyon, taking the match outside the ring. The normally scientific champion turned the match
into a brawl. Lyon caught the champ with a rake to the eyes and then rolled back inside the ring to beat the count. He then
leaped off the ring apron at Hestrerey but the champ moved out of the way. Hestrerey just managed to roll back inside in time
to beat the 10 count, something Lyon was unable to do.
Main Event
8-Man Tag Team Match
Bob Backlund, David Schultz, Stan Lane, & Steve Keirn
Jerry Blackwell, Bobby Duncum, Masked Superstar & Super Destroyer
Schultz insisted on starting the match for his team, getting into an argument with the Fabulous Ones. Masked Superstar
started for his team attacking Schultz from behind as he argued with the Fabs.
Superstar, then Destroyer, then Duncum all took turns working over Schultz. Finally Dr D managed to fight back against
Duncum. After a shot to the jaw he gave him an atomic drop to his teamates corner. As the Fabs held onto Duncum's feet
Dr D slowly made his way over to Backlund and was able to make the tag.
Duncum though rocked Backlund with a forearm as he entered the ring and then threw him into the villian's corner. The
bad guys worked him over which of course brought in the cavalry and we had our first brawl.
After order was restored Duncum tagged out to Blackwell who squashed Backlund in the corner. He worked over Backlund
until the champ was finally able to lash out with a surprising show of strength, an atomic drop followed by a clothesline
knocking the behemoth to the mat. Backlund was also down, and both men crawled to their respective corners and made a tag.
In came Stan Lane to duel with Super Destroyer. Lane ate a knee to the gut, a biel to the ground, and a kneedrop to the
head. A rear reversechinlock was worked until Lane could elbow his way out and make the hot tag to Keirn as he crisscrossed
the ropes.
Lane provided the distraction as Kerin dropkicked SD from behind. This was Keirn's first in-ring action since his injury
and within a minute he was limping and tagged out to Schultz. This also allowed SD to tag out to Blackwell.
Blackwell though wanted nothing to do with Schultz and called in MS, and this led to our second 8-man brawl.
During the brawl Blackwell was able to take Dr D out from behind with a kick to the back of the leg. Order was restored
and Blackwell began to work over the knee of Dr D. He tagged out to Duncum, and then MS who also worked over the knee.
Finally Dr D was able to make a tag out to Keirn. The villians then went right to work on the injured knee of Keirn.
Another 8 man brawl broke out but this time it was 4 on 3 as Dr D was unable to stand even trying with the support of the
ring ropes. Blackwell and MS managed to double team Keirn wrecking his knee over the ring apron and around the ring post.
Order was restored just in time for Blackwell to nail a big splash on Kerin. The legal man Masked Superstar then nailed
Keirn with a corkscrew neckbreaker to pick up the win.
Blackwell, Duncum, Superstar, and Destroyer defeated Backlund, Schultz, Lane, and Keirn by pinfall when
Masked Superstar pinned Steve Keirn after a corkscrew neckbreaker at 15:55
That's it for another edition of River City Wrestling.
See ya next week!!

November 16, 1985
River City Wrestling #215 Edmonton, Alberta
Opening Bout:
Larry Hennig defeated Butch Moffat by pinfall after the Big Axe at 4:41
-squash match
Despite picking up the DQ win last week against Yatsu, Larry Hennig is not happy. He calls Mr. Ho a
coward for the sneak attack last week. Hennig says the only way he can get a fair fight out of those two is to put all the
cards on the table with the deck stacked in their favor from the start. With that in mind he challenges them to a handi-cap
match next week, 2 on 1. But if he wins, Hennig gets 5 minutes one on one in the ring, no referee present, with Mr. Ho.
Bout #2
Brian Jewel defeated the Black Demon by pinfall after a flying tomahawk chop at 5:05
-a squash match for Jewel, now that's something new
Jerry Blackwell wants one more title shot at Backlund.
Marty Goldstein is willing to set up the match for tonight's main event, but it will be a last chance
match. Regardless of what transpires during the match this will be the last chance that Blackwell will get at Backlund's championship.
Blackwell agrees to this stipulation.
Bout #3
Ron Ritchie defeated Tom Magee by pinfall after a flying dropkick at 3:45
-Ritchie, the ultimate underdog, makes a successful return to River City Wrestling.
Chris Lyon says that since last chances are being given out he has one to give out. He says its obvious
that Tod Hestrerey has a hate on for him for some reason that the stupid mute can't express to anyone. So Lyon graciously
offers to put himself in harm's way one more time to let Hestrerey try to get it off his chest, in a TV title match next week.
Oh yeah, Lyon reminds the viewers that next week RCW comes from Billing Montana, a place where the TV title changes hands
more often then Lisa Caress's phone number.
Bout #4
Kelly & Nick Kiniski (/w Lisa Caress) defeated Ben Bassarab & Iron Mike Sharpe by pinfall when Sharpe
was pinned by Nick after an inside cradle at 7:02
-a good win for the Brothers, even though Bassarab and Sharpe were just thrown together for this match they are a formidable
[end of first hour]
Bout #5
Stan Lane defeated Bobby Duncum by disqualification for outside interference at 6:50
-After suffering through most of the match under Duncum's control Lane had started a comeback and had his opponent set
up for the superkick when the tag champions once again interfered in Fabulous Ones business. It was a 3 on 1 beatdown of Lane
until the Kiniski brothers come to his rescue.
Steve Keirn walks to the ring on crutches. He joins Stan Lane who has himself propped
up in the corner, recovering from his beating. At first the Fabs seem downtrodden and beaten. Keirn says his knee was reinjured
last week and he will be out for about another month. Lane says he is sick and tired of all this 2 on 1 stuff. Lane whispers
something to Keirn who then nods his approval. Lane says that the Fabs have a title shot coming but with Steve hurt it will
be no time soon. So Lane says that next week he will be cashing in that opportunity with a temporary partner. He turns to
Nick Kiniski and says no offense to you young man, but I'm asking your brother to tag with me to take on the tag champions
next week as he is more experienced in dealing with these kind of thugs. Nick seems a bit bent out of shape but nods his ascent.
Lane and Kelly shake hands and warn the masked menaces of RCW that their day has come.
Bout #6
Angel of Death defeated Brad Rheinghans by pinfall after a flying clothesline at 6:09
-a minor upset for A of D who appears on his way up in the RCW
Main Event
RCW Heavyweight Title Match
Last Chance Match
Bob Backlund defeated Jerry Blackwell by submission to the Boston crab at 11:56
-Blackwell had his moments in this match but it was not to be his night. Backlund showed his resiliency and fought back
after everything Blackwell could dish out. The champion looked at his best, and his back didn't appear to bother him. However,
he shyed away from any attempts to lift Blackwell, and ended the match using the Boston crab on Blackwell's softened up back
instead of going for his normal atomic drop.
That's it for another edition of River City Wrestling.
See ya next week!!

November 23, 1985
River City Wrestling #216
Billing, Montana
Opening Bout:
Brad Rheinghans defeated Brian Jewel by pinfall after a victory roll at 5:55
-glorified squash match
Bout #2
Angel of Death defeated Nick Kiniski (/w Lisa Caress) by pinfall after a powerbomb at 4:06
-a quick and impressive victory for the large newcomer who controlled Kiniski throughout the match
Angel of Death begins to rag on the whole company and the lack of competition and the lack of guts in
the champions. This brings out Kelly Kiniski to answer the challenge but he doesn't fair any better then his brother.
Angel of Death then calls out champion Bob Backlund who answers the call. Backlund says that Angel hasn't been here long
enough to make the kind of judgements he is making. However, Backlund says he will shut him up next week and offers him a
title shot which Angel of course accepts.
Bout #3
Jim Brunzell defeated Norman Dahmer by pinfall when his shoulders were counted down while in the Indian Death
Lock at 4:00
-the return of former RCW champion Jumpin' Jimmy Brunzell after many months away with injuries
Jim Brunzell is giving an interview about his intentions now that he is back. Suddenly he is attacked
from behind by Jerry Blackwell. Because of the cowardly nature of the attack Brunzell has no chance. Blackwell then tosses
him out of the ring to the floor.
When Ron Strong asks Blackwell what the hell that was for the behemoth is already very red in the face. He says that
he should still be the #1 contender for the RCW title unless someone beats him. He rails at Backlund for giving this newcomer
Angel of Death a title shot. Strong asks what that has to do with Brunzell, and Blackwell replies that Brunzell "started this
whole thing" when he was champion. Blackwell says no one is going to take that belt from Backlund except for him and anyone
that tries will get what Brunzell just got.
Bout #4
David Schultz defeated the Croatian Giant by pinfall after the corkscrew neckbreaker at 6:06
-glorified squash match
David Schultz gives yet another interview where he states that he is trying to change his ways, trying
to live up to his new found friendship with Bob Backlund, but its not easy.
[end of interview]
Bout #5
Handi-cap Match
If Hennig wins he gets 5 minutes in the ring alone with Mr. Ho
Larry Hennig defeated Yoshiaki Yatsu & Mr. Ho by pinfall in a handi-cap match when Hennig pinned Ho after the Big
Axe at 7:01
-after the match Hennig got his wish as others wrestlers came out to keep Yatsu from interfering. Ho though went to the
eys of Hennig and then raked his finger nails down his back. The first two minutes were all Mr. ho until Hennig turned it
around by choking Ho (with no ref in the ring). Hennig then laid a country boy beating on the sneaky oriental which lasted
the remaining 3 minutes and included busting Ho open with his bare fists. As soon as 5 minutes was up Yatsu yanked his manager
out of the ring and to safety.
Bout #6
RCW Television Title Match
Tod Hestrerey defeated Chris Lyon by pinfall after a crucifix into a roll-up at 14:13
[Tod Hestrerey retained the RCW TV Title]
-Hestrerey started strong with some forearms, and a pair of back body drops. He went to work on the lower back of Lyon
and almost got him into a Boston crab.
Lyon fought back with fists and then a hotshot off the top rope. He tried to follow up with a slingshot suplex but Hestrerey
blocked it and almost won the match again with a small package.
Back on their feet Lyon struck with a clothesline and then tossed the champ out of the ring. He took a running charge
and nailed Hestrerey coming off the apron with a knee to the head. He rolled back in to break the count and then went back
out and nailed the champ with a piledriver on the mats surrounding the ring.
It should have been an easy 1, 2, 3, but Lyon decided to go for a superplex instead and took too long. Hestrerey blocked
it and both men fell to the mat hard. Hestrerey took the advantage and pressed it for a couple minutes unable to put Lyon
away. The advantage swung back to Lyon and when he found it impossible to keep the champ down for a 3 count the match spilled
outside the ring again.
Lyon tried to slam Hestrerey onto the announce table but the champ reversed it and slammed Lyon instead.
Back inside Hestrerey went for a flying forearm but Lyon dived out of the way. He then nailed the champ with a slingshot
suplex and got a 2 count. Sending Hestrerey to the buckle he went for a clothesline but Hestrerey shocked him by ducking under,
and swinging his body up, taking Lyon down with a crucifix for the 1, 2, 3.
Great match!!
Main Event
RCW Tag Team Title Match
Masked Superstar & Super Destroyer defeated Stan Lane & Kelly Kiniski by pinfall when Destroyer pinned
Kiniski after a piledriver at 9:12
[Masked Superstar & Super Destroyer retain the RCW Tag Team Titles]
-it may have seemed like a good idea at the time but there was just no chemistry between Kiniski and Lane. The tag champions
preyed on their lack of cohesiveness and the result was never really in doubt. After the match Kiniski and Lane shared a dejected
hand shake.
That's it for another edition of River City Wrestling.
See ya next week!!

November 30, 1985
River City Wrestling #217
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Opening Bout:
Brad Rheinghans defeated Iron Mike Sharpe by pinfall after an Olympic suplex at 9:09
-filler match
Bout #2
Chris Lyon defeated Ted Cavitt by pinfall after a slingshot suplex at 2:29
-quick squash match
Marty Goldstein comes to the ring. He has a document in hand. The commissioner begins to annoy Chris
Lyon about his loss to Tod Hestrerey, and that being his last chance at RCW TV Title gold. Lyon looks like he is
going to punch Goldstein, but then his disposition changes to despair and he begins to leave the ring. But Goldstein calls
him back, saying that he has a contract for the 6th anniversary show on December 19th. A title match once again between Tod
Hestrerey and Chris Lyon. It's his for the signing, with one catch. Lyon appears interested so Goldstein continues. The catch
is that there will be a secret stipulation in the match that would be triggered only if Lyon fails to win the belt. Lyon's
upbeat look disapears quickly, as he brushes Goldstein off and begins to leave the ring again.
Goldstein calls him back again, saying he knows what the stipulation is and its not that bad. Lyon finally speaks saying
that he knows its going to be something like Lyon has to leave town, or dress up like a chicken, or a combination of these
types of things. He tells Goldstein to take the contract and stick it up the mute's behind. Goldstein though assures Lyon
that if he loses the stipulations will be painless for him, no degradation, he will not have to leave town, in fact he won't
have to do anything. Lyon is perplexed.
Lyon says that Goldstein screwed him on the hall of fame and he's probably screwing him on this. The former 3 time RCW
Heavyweight champion finally tells Goldstein he will think about it and give him his answer next week.
Bout #3
Larry "the Axe" Hennig defeated Cody Bliven by pinfall after the Big Axe at 3:41
-squash match
Larry Hennig is walking to the back and a newcomer to RCW, Dirty Dick Slater is walking
up the ring carrying a manilla envelope. They bump into each other, as Slater looks to have prearranged it. Hennig basically
challenges him then and there but Slater just throws his hands in the air and walks to the ring.
In the ring Slater is being introduced in unflattering terms by Ron Strong, and Slater seems to love every minute of
it. After giving the usual villian remarks about coming to beat everyone up in this hick promotion, Strong finally inquires
about what is in the envelope.
Slater slyly replies that he is glad Strong asked and pulls out some photos. The camera can't really get a good look
at them but Strong looks horrified and Slater is positively beaming with pride.
Slater says he was up in the Pacific Northwest last month and had a run in with a young kid in Eugene Oregon. He says
the kid thought everyone should just roll over for him because of his name. Slater says he refused to roll over and after
the two had their tussle, well these photographs show the result. Slater carries one over to the apron where the camera gets
a close-up of a black and white of a bloodied and beaten young Curt Hennig.
In case there is any doubt as to who it is Ron Strong blurts out, "that's young Curt Hennig the son of our very own Larry
Hennig!! My god Slater what have you done?"
Slater stuffs the photos back in the envelope and leaves them at the feet of Strong. He casually strolls out of the ring
and through the crowd to an exit. Just in time too as Larry Hennig comes racing down to the ring, still wet from the shower,
wearing only a pair of blue jeans. He rips up the photos and after a minute to compose himself swears a death oath that he
is going to kill Slater.
Bout #4
Stan Lane defeated Brian Jewel by pinfall after a superkick at 6:50
-a decent showing for Jewel but really just a glorified squash match
Steve Keirn comes to the ring and joins his Fabulous Ones tag team mate Stan Lane in
the ring. Keirn says he will be back on December 19th for the 6th Anniversary Show. Lane tells the crowd that the match of
the decade has been set for that show in Winnipeg, an epic battle not to be missed. The Fabulous Ones will take on the tag
team champions Masked Superstar & Super Destroyer for the RCW tag team titles.
[end of first hour]
Bout #5
Ben Bassarab defeated Sydney Houten by pinfall after a flying cross body block at 4:10
-squash match
Promo; On tonight's Evening News
-President Reagan's call for crackdown on alleged spies in United States reported coming in his weekly radio address
-(Cairo, Egypt) Return here of Egyptian passengers and crew who survived recent hijacking of EgyptAir plane to Malta
-Resignation of Notre Dame football coach Gerry Faust
Interview: The lovely Lisa Caress wearing Nick's letterman jacket comes to the ring
with her tag team Kelly & Nick Kiniski. Kelly says that it didn't turn out well last week when he tried
to forge a short term alliance with Stan Lane. However now he's back with his brother and best friend Nick, and next week
they have been granted another title shot at Masked Superstar & Suder Destroyer. Kelly says that they have a surprise
in store for the masked champions next week. Theri father, former NWA World Champion Gene Kiniski, Canada's greatest athlete
will be on hand to be in their corner. Kelly looks a lot more enthusiastic about this development then Nick and Lisa.
United Artists are proud to present, just in time for Christmas, the return of America's favorite underdog Rocky
Balboa; starring Sylvestor Stallone and Dolph Lundgren.
Rocky IV. He's facing the ultimate challenge. And fighting for his life.
When Rocky's old friend Apollo Creed is killed during a fight with a superfit Russian boxer, Ivan Drago, Rocky blames
himself for the death when he could have thrown in the towel before the crucial moment. Fuelled by the Russian's arrogance,
Rocky arranges a fight with the new champion, only this time in Russia.
Bout #6
Jim Brunzell defeated Jerry Blackwell by countout at 7:59
-Blackwell tried to target the injured ribs and back of Brunzell but the former champion was able to deflect most of
the attacks and absorb some of them as well. When it became obvious to Blackwell that his game plan was not going to work
he abandoned ship leaving the ringside area.
Post-Match Interview:
Jim Brunzell was livid calling Blackwell every old fashioned family friendly name he could think of.
He told Blackwell that he can't just attack him one week and then walk out the next. He needs to either stand and fight or
leave RCW for good.
Main Event
RCW Heavyweight Title Match
Bob Backlund (champion) v Angel of Death
Backlund seemed fired up to start but when A of D took advantage of that the veteran champion began to control his emotions
and fight a better style of counter attack. He frustrated Angel at every turn and then took advantage of Angel's mistakes
including going for a superplex too early. Backlund hit the atomic drop to retain the title.
Bob Backlund defeated Angel of Death by pinfall after an atomic drop at 10:40
[Bob Backlund retains the RCW Heavyweight Title]
That's it for another edition of River City Wrestling.
See ya next week!!