May 3, 1986 River City Wrestling #235 Billings, Montana
Opening Bout:
Manny Silva defeated Ron Ritchie by pinfall after a wheelbarrow suplex at 5:49
-the newcomer Silva is looking impressive
Manny Silva distorts everything, saying Jimmy Snuka is a hasbeen who followed him here to try and steal
his glory. Silva then throws out a challenge to Snuka to finally meet him one on one next week.
Brady Boone gives an introduction to RCW fans, as he is headed for RCW and will premiere in two weeks time.
He says he is Billy Jack Haynes' cousin and is coming to RCW after a successful stint in the Pacific Northwest.
Bout #2
#1 Contenders Match for Heavyweight title
Mr. Saito defeated Phillip Navarre by pinfall after a Salto Suplex at 8:10
-Saito wrestled a vicious style even for him, seemingly possessed with the opportunity to meet Bob Backlund for the title.
Everytime Navarre would get something going Saito would use dirty tactics to shut him down.
Mr. Saito gives a short interview where he promises to get revenge for Japan and for the honorable Prof
Tanaka against champion Bob Backlund.
Bout #3
LeLani Kai defeated Little Egypt by pinfall after a schoolgirl pin at 4:56
-Kai took on one of the girls from G.L.O.W., and cheated her way to a fairly quick and easy win
Little Egypt is the subject of this week's G.L.O.W. profile as the cross promotion between G.L.O.W.
and RCW continues.
For Elvira's Midnight Madness Horror movies.
Bout #4
Jimmy Snuka defeated Dr. Midnight by pinfall after the Superfly at 3:47
-squash match
Manny Silva hit the ring after the match and attacked Snuka from behind. He manhandled him inside the ring, but when
he took the match outside it gave Snuka enough of a pause to recover and turn the tables. The two fought at the guardrail
until enough officials could intervene and break it up.
Columbia Pictures is proud to release to theatres this weekend, "Jo Jo Dancer, Your Life is Calling"
starring Richard Pryor and Debbie Allen.
Jo Jo Dancer, a popular stand-up comedian who has severely burned himself in a drug incident. As he lies unconscious
in a hospital, his spiritual alter ego gets up and begins a journey of his own. He revisits his life, from growing up in a
brothel as a child and struggling to beat the long odds to become a top rated comedian.
[end of first hour]
Marty Goldstein comes out to announce, as was teased last week, that there is another big event planned
for the summer of 1986.
July 26, 1986, in Edmonton Alberta, after a one year hiatus, Wrestling Summit makes a return, with Wrestling
Summit 3, attracting wrestlers from all over the world.
The biggest news of all for this event is that a dream match has been signed with former WWWF champion Bruno Sammartino
coming to Edmonton to take on his successor, former WWWF champion, and current RCW champion, Bob Backlund!!
Wrestling press from all over the world will be on hand to witness this historic match.
Bruno Sammartino v Bob Backlund.
More matches to be added in the coming months!!
Bout #5
Jos LeDuc and David Schultz battled to a double countout at 4:04
-this match barely got started. Neither man seemed to have any interest in what the ref had to say, nor following the
rules or even basic human decency. LeDuc was a bloody mess by the time of the countout and Schultz was busted open shortly
following the match. Only the promise of a rematch got the two men to break apart following the match.
Bout #6
RCW Tag Team Title Match
The Kiniski Brothers (/w Lisa Caress) defeated the Longriders by disqaulification for double teaming at 9:07
[The Longriders retain the RCW Tag Team Titles]
-The Lonmgriders started strong because the Kiniski brothers tried to brawl with them. Once the brothers, under the leadership
of elder Kelly, settled down and actually wrestled they managed to gain control of the match. With their belts obviously in
jeopardy Scott Hogg elected to enter the ring and get disqualified for not leaving before the 5 count rather then see his
brother Wild Bill get pinned. A four man brawl ensued after the match.
The Kiniski Brothers are mad at the champions for their tactics used to keep their belts. Nick seems
to want to challenge the champs to some sort of streetfight or no-dq match, but his brother Kelly reminds him that is playing
right into their hands. They want their rematch next week, and they'll be ready for any underhanded tactics the riders might
Music Video:
Set to "Aces High" by Iron Maiden, clips of Phillip Navarre, Bob Backlund, Mr. Saito, Ben Bassarab, Dan Kroffat,
Kid Gallahad, and Chris Lyon.
Main Event
No Disqualification - Texas Tornado Tag Team Match
Chris Lyon & Kid Gallahad defeated Ben Bassarab & Dan Kroffat by pinfall when Lyon pinned Bassarab after
a slingshot suplex at 9:38
-this match was total mayhem. What turned out to be the deciding factor occured early, in about the 3rd minute of the
match, when Lyon and Gallahad tried to slam Kroffat through a table, but he bounced off instead. He came up limping and his
leg bothered him the rest of the match, limiting his mobility and forcing him to wrestle in a lot of pain. Bassarab though
protected his partner as much as he could and managed to bloody both Lyon and Gallahad. In the end however Kroffat was imobilized
outside the ring which allowed a double team inside to put Bassarab away.
Bassarab and Kroffat were forced to lick their wounds, and fight another day, helping each other to the backstage area.
Inside the ring Lyon (becoming more freaky all the time) had Gallahad bow before him. He then drew a cross on the forehead
of Gallahad smearing his partners blood. He seemed to go through some ritual of bestowing Knighthood upon him, before telling
him to rise, and the two men embraced in victory.
That's it for another edition of River City Wrestling.
See ya next week!!!

May 10, 1986 River City Wrestling #236 Casper, Wyoming
Opening Bout:
Heavy Metal (Chainsaw & Spike) defeated Misty Blue Simmes & Shelly Salter by pinfall when Chainsaw pinned
Salter after a piledriver at 6:17
-the G.L.O.W. tag team managed to isolate and exploite the weak link on their opponents team to pick up the win.
Heavy Metal gives a Road Warriors-esque interview about how they are going to rip off the heads of any
RCW ladies that try and come down to Hollywood and challenge them.
G.L.O.W. profile for Tammy Jones considered one of the leading contenders for the G.L.O.W. crown
Bout #2
Great Gama defeated Ron Ritchie by submission to the Calcutta clutch at 7:02
-competiive match but Gama establishes himself as the better wrestler, helped by his heel tactics
"Stranglehold" by Ted Nugent is the music to which is set about two minutes of highlites of Strangler
Steve Disalvo.
Bout #3
Robbie Royce defeated Brian Jewel by pinfall after a flying dropkick at 6:35
-another competitive match between members of the RCW roster closer to the bottom then to the top
Jos LeDuc is interviewed. He is signed to meet Dr D David Schultz in a rematch this week, after the
two fought to a double DQ last week. LeDuc talks about how much he enjoyed the match, enjoyed bleeding, enjoyed busting open
Schultz. He can't wait for the rematch tonight. LeDuc then brings out a leather strap and suggests to make it even better
that they make it a leather strap match. Ron Strong makes the mistake of asking LeDuc if he is crazy. LeDuc grabs him by the
collar and threatens him, saying I'm not as crazy as you think I am.
Tri-Star Pictures is proud to release to theatres this weekend, Short Circuit starring Steve
Guttenberg and Ally Sheedy.
"Something wonderful has happened... Number Five is alive!"
Bout #4
Kid Gallahad defeated Dan Kroffat by pinfall after a flying bulldog from the top rope at 10:32
-fast paced match with Kroffat relying on his martial arts background, while Gallahad used high impact moves along with
brawling and cheating. Gallahad used the tag rope to choke Kroffat at one point, and exposed a turnbuckle and ran Kroffat's
back into it at another point.
Chris Lyon shows up and Kroffat wisely leaves the ring. Lyon has Gallahad go down on one knee. He then
takes out a dagger and nicks the forehead of Gallahad. He makes a cross with the blood on Gallahad's forehead before knighting
him again with the dagger.
Promo: On Tonight's Evening News
-Number of Libyan-backed terrorists arrested in Spain for plotting bombing attacks on American interests
-USSR 's latest official death toll from Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster reported
-Acquittal of Louisiana Governor Edwin Edwards and co-defs. on racketeering charges
- Popularity of latest diet fad, Vanderbilt University professor Dr. Martin Katahn's rotation diet
[end of first hour]
Bout #5
Jimmy Snuka defeated Manny Silva by pinfall after the Superfly at 7:56
-the younger Silva acquited himself quite well in this match, controlling the middle portion. He even hit his wheelbarrow
suplex finisher, but in a move he may regret for many years elected to pick up Snuka rather then pin him. He doled out some
more punishment but got caught trying to go for a superplex and Snuka turned the match around.
Manny Silva attacked Jimmy Snuka nailing him from behind. He threw him shoulder first into the ringpost. He then took
Snuka and put his head between the top and 2nd ropes and twisted them up, snagging Snuka's head between the ropes. He began
to beat on the defenseless veteran. Robbie Royce and Ron Ritchie arrived on the scene to make the save but Silva managed to
outbrawl both of them. He then flipped Snuka over, so his feet were dangling on the ring apron. Silva left the ring and pulled
down on Snuka's feet, now strangling him. More RCW officials and wrestlers arrived and managed to get Silva to back off. Snuka
fell to the ground and a doctor was called. Snuka was taken to the back on a stretcher.
Wrestling Summit 3, July 26, 1986 in Edmonton Alberta. Already signed will be the
historic match between former WWWF champions Bob Backlund and Bruno Sammartino. Also now signed will be none other then the
most controversial tag team in wrestling, Hawk & Animal, the Road Warriors, along with their manager
Paul Ellering!!
Bout #6
Strap Match
Jos LeDuc defeated Dr. D David Schultz by touching all 4 turnbuckles in a strap match at 8:02
-not much to say, a bloody brawl that could have gone either way. Both men bled.
Bob Backlund is interviewed in his home. He recounts his rise to the top in the WWWF. His controversial
win over Superstar Billy Graham for the WWWF title when Graham had his foot over the bottom rope. Backlund reflects on the
rise of Hulk Hogan to take his place and people saying that he is no longer in touch with what pro wrestling fans want from
a performer. Finally Backlund is asked about his feelings over a story that was leaked that his predecessor Bruno Sammartino
had said that while Backlund was good, he was better. Backlund says he doesn't know if Sammartino said it or not, and it doesn't
matter to him. Backlund says he is proud of his time as WWWF champion, and proud to now be the RCW champion. He says all questions
will be answered at Wrestling Summit 3 when he meets Bruno Sammartino one-on-one.
Main Event
RCW Heavyweight Title Match
Bob Backlund (champion) v Mr. Saito
Saito started strong with body shots on Backlund followed by a side bearhug, and body scissors. Backlund battled back
going after the tree trunk like legs of Saito, but unable to hurt him the Asian managed to kick Backlund off. Saito took the
match outside the ring and used the ring apron to bash Backlund's ribs into. Back inside he went back to the bearhug, and
then nailed a belly to belly suplex.
Backlund countered another suplex attempt with a fireman's carry into a slam. He turned Saito over into a Boston crab
but with no foundation Saito was able to reach the ropes for a break. The Asian grabbed Backlund rammed his head off the turnbuckle
and threw him outside the ring. Backlund made several attempts to get back into the ring only to be met by a Saito attack.
Finally Backlund was able to pull Saito out of the ring where the two exchanged punches before Backlund sent Saito into the
guardrail. He then caught the challenger with his atomic drop finisher. He rolled Saito back into the ring and was about
to re-enter the ring himself when Prof.Toru Tanaka appeared from behind Backlund and drove him into the ring apron. He continued
to kick away at the champ causing the disqualification.
Bob Backlund defeated Mr. Saito by disqualification for outside interference at 8:11
[Bob Backlund retains the RCW Heavyweight Title]
The two on one beatdown on Bob Backlund continues until Phillip Navarre shows up to make the save.
That's it for another edition of River City Wrestling.
See ya next week!!

May 17, 1986 River City Wrestling #237 Cheyenne, Wyoming
Opening Bout:
Premiere of Brady Boone
Brady Boone defeated Mr. X by pinfall after a moonsault at 4:24
-squash match for the very athletic Boone.
Brady Boone gives the standard new to the territory good guy promo. He talks about his start in Pacific Northwest with his cousin Billy
Jack Haynes. Boone says he is always discounted as too small, so before that gets started here in RCW he says he wants to
take on the biggest guy in the territory next week - the Croatian Giant.
Promo; Wrestling Summit 3
First there was Sammartino versus Backlund, then last week we added the Road Warriors.
Now, as if you needed another reason to attend WS3 in Edmonton Alberta, we give you the hottest prospect in the wrestling
world. The protege who you have only heard about and read about in wrestling magazines. But come July in Edmonton you will
be able to witness this phenomenom first hand.
Direct from Florida, Lex Lugar is coming to Wrestling Summit 3!!
Bout #2
Phillip Navarre defeated Alan Glass by pinfall after the coup de grace at 3:27
-another squash match
Phillip Navarre is interviewed about his participation in the main event tonight. It will be Bob Backlund
against Mr. Saito in a Towel Match. Saito will have Prof. Tanaka in his corner and Bob Backlund has chosen Navarre to be in
his corner. The match can only end when the cornerman throws in the towel. Ron Strong reminds Navarre that it was Arnold Skaaland
throwing in the towel on Bob Backlund against the Iron Shiek that cost Backlund the title. Navarre just says that it makes
the honor bestowed upon him by his friend all that much greater. He says Backlund will slay this dragon from the East tonight.
Kid Gallahad comes into the ring where Navarre is being interviewed. He makes fun of Navarre talking
and acting like he's from the Dark Ages. He challenges Navarre to a special Medieval match next week. Navarre is puzzled
and asks for more details, but when Gallahad taunts him as being afraid Navarre has no choice but to accept the bizarre challenge.
Manny Silva comes out to the ring. He goes right after the announcer Ron Strong. He tells Strong to
introduce him again, this time correctly as MAD DOG Manny Silva. Reluctantly and under physical threat Strong does just that.
Silva then reminds the fans on how he tried to strangle Jimmy Snuka in the ropes last week. He proudly states that Snuka
will not be back in RCW. Silva then says that when you are the new dog in the yard, you need to show you are the toughest
dog, so you have to sniff out the craziest, meanest dog and go right for the jugular. With that Silva calls out and challenges,
Lumberjack Jos LeDuc.
Bout #3
Mad Dog Manny Silva defeated Lumberjack Jos LeDuc by pinfall after hitting him with a steel chair at 7:51
-The two men meet outside the ring and start the match there. It goes in and out of the ring. LeDuc gives Silva a piledriver
on the floor in front of a very lenient referee. It should have won the match but LeDuc wasted time going to the top rope
for a double stomp, but Silva rolled out of the ring. After a short brawl the ref got bumped down and both men went looking
for weapons. Silva got his a bit quicker and as LeDuc picked up the ringbell from the announce table he was ~waffled~ from
behind by Silva using a steel chair.
Bout #4
Premiere of Steve Disalvo
Strangler Steve Disalvo defeated Ron Ritchie after a running clothesline at 0:21
-yep quick match for Disalvo. punch, punch, bodyslam, running clothesline, pin.
Ron Strong asks Steve Disalvo what he wants to accomplish in RCW. Disalvo just looks at him with disdain. He says nothing short of winnign the title and
crippling Bob Backlund will be considered enough. Disalvo then says he understands another former Stampede lackey Dan Kroffat
has been mouthing off about him. He tells Kroffat to bring it to the ring next week.
Promo: On Tonight's Evening News
-Cokeville, Wyoming: Community's effort to cope with yesterday's bombing of elementary school by David and Doris Young
-Condition of high school students Brinton Clark and Giles Thompson who survived mount climbing ordeal on Mt. Hood and
number killed during outing examined
-Vice President George Bush reported undergoing treatment for skin cancer
-USSR planes reported bombing Afghan refugee camps in Pakistan
-Senator reported approving controversial bill allowing sale of unapproved United States drugs abroad in effort to help
United States drug industry
-Anticipated rise in United States auto. tourism this summer due to gasoline price drop and threat of terrorism
[end of first hour]
Bout #5
RCW Tag Team Title Match
The Longriders defeated Kelly & Nick Kiniski (/w Lisa Caress) by pinfall when Wild Bill pinned
Kelly after a superplex at 8:25
[The Longriders retain the RCW Tag Team Titles]
-what would look like the last shot at the tag titles that the Kiniski brothers would receive, they lost fairly cleanly
to the riders. At one point Lisa Caress tripped up Wild Bill which gave Kelly the advantage. But instead of pressing the advantage
Kelly objected once again to Nick and Lisa about their tactics. Seconds later Wild Bill would tag out to Scott Hogg who took
control of the match for the tag champions. After the match Kelly, Nick, and Lisa argued amongst themselves over what happened
but left the ring together.
Paramount Pictures is proud to release to theatres this weekend, Top Gun, starring Tom
Cruise, Kelly McGillis, Anthony Edwards, Tom Skerrit, and Val Kilmer.
From the Producers of Beverly Hills Cop and Flashdance; the macho students of an elite US Flying school for advanced
fighter pilots compete to be best in the class.
"I feel the need, the need for speed"
Bout #6
RCW Television Title Match
Ben Bassarab defeated Chris Lyon by disqualification for use of a foreign object at 3:40
[Ben Bassarab retains the RCW Television Title]
-Lyon showed none of his former scientific skill, nor any desire to win the title. He ignored all referee instructions
and the only thing that kept the match going as long as it did was Bassarab holding control of most of it. As soon as he got
the chance Lyon used a steel chair on Bassarab and got disqualified. Phillip Navarre and Dan Kroffat had to come out to make
the save and drive away Chris Lyon.
Ben Bassarab is livid. He can barely speak so Navarre and Kroffat do a bit of venting
for him before he is able to control himself enough to talk. He says that if Lyon doesn't want gold, if he wants blood instead,
then thats fine. Bassarab says animals like Lyon need to be kept in a cage, so that's what he is proposing. Next week a cage
match for the RCW TV title, Ben Bassarab against Chris Lyon. Bassarab says that Lyon will get a surprise because he has yet
to see his fangs bared when backed into a corner.
G.L.O.W. , the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling are coming this fall, check your local listings.
G.L.O.W. competitor Matilda the Hun is profiled.
Main Event
RCW Heavyweight Title Match
Towel Match
Bob Backlund (champion) (/w Phillip Navarre holding the towel)
Mr. Saito (challenger) (/w Prof. Toru Tanaka holding the towel)
Both men knew it would be a long haul in this match so they picked a bodypart and continued to work on it. Backlund worked
over the shoulder of Saito, while Saito returned the favor by working over the suspect back of Backlund.
After early efforts to gain a victory went for not the action spilled outside. Tanaka interfered attacking Backlund from
behind, but the stipulation to win is that the towel has to be thrown in by the cornerman so the match continued. Phillip
Navarre though joined the fray to neutralize Tanaka.
Back inside Saito continued to work on Backlund's back, with a Boston crab. Backlund was shaking his head no, but wasnt
looking too healty. Navarre though did not throw in the towel despite Tanaka urging him to do so. Finally Backlund managed
a comeback and worked over Saito with a shoulderbreaker, and then put on the crossface chickenwing. Saito cried out in pain,
and nodded his head at Tanaka, but his cornerman refused to throw in the towel. This pissed off Backlund who released Saito
and went out of the ring to confront Tanaka. The diabolical Professor though attacked Backlund and then used the towel to
choke him. Navarre came over again to neutralize Tanaka but the damage was done. Saito managed to control the match again
but once more while in the Boston crab Backlund refused to submit. The champion made yet another comeback and locked in the
crossface chickenwing once again. This time as Saito cried out and nodded his head, Tanaka reluctantly threw in the towel,
and immediately turned around and left the ring area.
Bob Backlund defeated Mr.Saito in a towel match when Prof. Tanaka threw in the towel at 13:32
[Bob Backlund retains the RCW Heavyweight Title]
That's it for another edition of River City Wrestling.
See ya next week!!

May 24, 1986 River City Wrestling #238 Winnipeg, Manitoba
Opening Bout:
Non-title match
The Longriders defeated Moe Malone & Fred Pelequin by pinfall when Scott Hogg pinned Malone after a gutwrench
suplex at 4:48
-squash match
The tag champions say they have destroyed all their competitors in RCW. The Fabulous Ones, Jones & LeDuc, the Kiniski
Brothers. Who's left? Later tonight there will be a match to determine new #1 contenders between Ron Ritchie & Robbie
Royce and Great Gama & Jerry Morrow. The Riders call this a joke.
Bout #2
Brady Boone defeated the Croatian Giant by pinfall after a moonsault at 6:40
-good competitive match but Boone again showed off his athleticism in beating the slow, plodding Giant
Promo: Videos featured tonight on Good Rockin' Tonite will include,
"Live To Tell" Madonna, "West End Girls" Pet Shop Boys, "Why Can't this Be Love" Van Halen, "Bad Bad Boy" Haywire, and
"How Many (Rivers to Cross)" Luba.
Bout #3
Strangler Steve Disalvo defeated Dan Kroffat by pinfall after a running clothesline at 7:12
-very even match at first with Kroffat holding his own inside the ring. But when Disalvo turned up the heat and took
the match to the floor he demolished Kroffat, dropping him neck first on the guardrail. Back inside it was just a formality.
Steve Disalvo says that should be enough to convince people around here that he is real. Disalvo says
he should be the new #1 contender for Backlund's title, but if he is not then he will just have to continue to hurt people
that don't need to be hurt.
Promo: Tonight on the Evening News
-Preparations for tomorrow's HandsAcrossAmerica fund-raising event to aid homeless and hungry. President Reagan's last
minute decision to participate said giving campaign additional momentum
-USSR dissident Yelena Bonner's regret over leaving US to return to exiled husband Andrei Sakharov
-Possibility David Young killed wife prior to bomb's explosion at Cokeville, Wyoming, elementary school last week
-Marines' reaction to corps' elimination of KP duty, taken over by private concerns
Bout #4
#1 Contenders Match
Ron Ritchie & Robbie Royce defeated Great Gama & Jerry Morrow by pinfall when Ritchie pinned Morrow after
a cobra clutch slam at 9:56
-both teams put on a good show with the young underdog fan favorites getting past old school cheating from the wiley
veterans to please the crowd. However, Ritchie & Royce are a new tag team and very green, so their chances against the
Longriders are slim.
Ron Ritchie & Robbie Royce talk about how the Longriders might be over confident and how that might
be their undoing. They will use speed and a hit and move attack against their bigger but slower opponents.
[end of first hour]
Bout #5
Medieval Rules Match - 2 out of 3 falls
Phillip Navarre v Kid Gallahad
In probably the strangest match ever held in RCW history, both men wore helmets and were given padded quarterstaffs.
A special referee was brought over from England to officiate the event.
Basically there were no rules, other then the competitors had to stay in the ring, if they left intentionally they lost
the fall. The ropes did not grant a break, and a fall was scored when a wrestler's shoulders were pinned to the mat for a
count of one.
It was obvious from the start that this was a set-up and that Gallahad was much more proficient in the quarter-staff.
He battered and beat Navarre into the corner and then used the lower end of the staff to low-blow Navarre. Using the quarter-staff
he hit a russian legsweep and pinned Navarre's shoulders for the one count.
Kid Galladad 1 - 0 Phillip Navarre
A 30 second timeout was given between falls.
The second fall saw more of the same, but with Gallahad knocking the quarterstaff from the hands of Navarre. Forced to
wrestle only without a weapon, Navarre actually seemed to do better. He countered a thrust by Gallahad with a monkey flip,
taking the staff from Gallahad and chucking it out of the ring.
One on one they locked up roman-greco style, then Gallahad shot for a leg, but Navarre was quicker and got him into a
front chancery. He picked him up and suplexed him to the mat, pinned his shoulders for the 1 count.
Kid Gallahad 1 - 1 Phillip Navarre
After the 30 second break, Gallahad managed to throw Navarre out of the ring. He insisted with the ref that should be
a DQ on Navarre for leaving the ring but the ref would not allow it. They locked up again and once again Gallahad tried the
same tactic with no luck. The two men fought over to the ropes where Gallahad used the top cable to choke Navarre without
a break in site. He then climbed to the top turnbuckle for the Gallahad lance but Navarre recovered and slammed himself into
the corner, knocking Gallahad down to the floor below.
Gallahad took his time re-entering the ring much to the displeasure of the special guest referee. He rocked Navarre with
a right hand, and the two went at it with fists. Navarre bodyslammed Gallahad to the mat but when he went for the pin, Gallahad
rolled him up, but before he could get his shoulders down Navarre countered his weight and almost pinned Gallahad. The two
men broke it up, got to their feet. Navarre tried for a clothesline which Gallahad ducked, and tried to take Navarre down
with a crucifix. But Navarre was too steady on his feet slamming on the breaks and then taking Gallahad backward with a Samoan
drop, and made the one count on the shoulders.
Phillip Navarre 2 - 1 Kid Gallahad
Phillip Navarre defeated Kid Gallahad 2 falls to 1 in a Medieval Rules Match at 10:28
Tonight the Montreal Canadiens try to clinch the Stanley Cup, up 3 games to 1 on the Calgary Flames. The first all-Canadian
final since 1967. Can the Canadiens continue to ride rookie Patrick Roy all the way to the Cup?
Main Event
RCW Television Title Match
Ben Bassarab (champion) v Chris Lyon
Instead of a common lock-up Lyon goes right to work with a rake of the eyes, followed by a chop to the throat. He then
tosses Bassarab off the cage wall and then nails a backbody drop. Lyon climbs to the second buckle and as Bassarab stands
up Lyon bulldogs him to the mat. He covers but a defiant Bassarab kicks out after a 1 count. Lyon wastes time trying to intimidate
referee Buddy Lane.
This allows Bassarab to reverse a whip to the buckle, and then catch Lyon with a clothesline. He follows up with a front
chancery into a takedown falling backward. He works a headscissors until Lyon can pop out of it and catch Bassarab with a
stiff forearm shot to the head.
Lyon goes to a rudimentary attack of chokes, punches, and then works a sleeperhold that he keeps moving the forearm down
into a choke position until checked on by Lane. With Bassarab lying on his side, Lyon then does a baseball slide kicking Bassarab's
head against the steel cage. The challenger then bounces the champ's head off the cage twice before slingshotting him off
the ropes. He covers but again only gets a 1 count.
Lyon takes the champ to the top for a superplex but Bassarab fights back and counters with a spectacular looking flying
headscissors off the top buckle. Both men are down until the count of 6. They meet in the middle of the ring and exchange
punches and kicks. Bassarab takes the challenger down with a hiptoss but Lyon reaches up and lowblows the champ. Lane buys
the champ some time by getting in the way of the challenger with a stern warning. But Lyon is all over the champ and throws
him head first again into the cage wall.
Ben Bassarab is busted wide open.
Lyon nails a DDT and makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. The challenger then drops a knee onto the champ from the
top buckle but once again only gets a 2 count. Sporting his new crazy look with purple and red dyed hair Lyon looks all the
maniac as he rakes the bloodied head of the champ across the steel cage wall. He then locks in the Boston crab, but its not
the back of Bassarab that is hurting so the champ is able to reach the ropes.
Lyon continues to punish the champ for a couple minutes, and its finally turned around by Bassarab in a show of resilience
with a fireman's carry into a slam. He buys some time with a couple kicks each time Lyon tries to get up. With his breath
restored Bassarab nails a snap suplex, followed by a release German suplex. He then puts Lyon onto the top rope and while
standing on the middle buckle tosses him to the mat. The champ is in control with a double underhook suplex and covers for
a 2 count.
Lyon fights back with a lowblow. Again he receives a warning from Buddy Lane but no disqualification. Bassarab tries
to send Lyon to the buckle after a punch, but Lyon reverses it and looks intentionally to have whipped Bassarab right into
Lane. Lyon then nails his slingshot suplex on Bassarab and gets the 1, 2, 3, !!
But its his own hand counting because Buddy Lane is knocked out! Lyon in a fit of anger pulls off the covering of the
top turnbuckle and then smashes Bassarab's head off of it. He covers and again would have got the 3 count but Lane is out
Lyon just sits in the corner, his head in his hands as the fans boo him. He pauses for about 10 seconds until Lane starts
to move, Bassarab still unmoving in the middle of the ring. Lyon climbs the side of the cage wall as if to escape. But he
pauses half way up and takes the measure of Bassarab. But the champ is stirring and is back on his feet. Lyon is caught and
begins to climb down, but Bassarab gets to him, so he changes course after kicking the champ in the chest, and begins to climb
back up the cage wall. Bassarab climbs up after him, giving chase. Lyon tries to kick at the champ but can't connect and loses
his grip, hanging there with only one hand hold. Bassarab grabs onto the leg of the challenger and pulls him off the cage
wall. Both men fall to the mat, with Lyon a good 5 feet higher then Bassarab.
Both men are down, and Buddy Lane counts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, no movement, 6, 7, Bassarab begins to stir and Lane slows his
count down, 8, 9, Bassarab is unable to get up but manages to drape a leg over Lyon.
Lane counts 1, 2, Bassarab lifts his own shoulder off the mat, 3 !!
Ben Bassarab defeated Chris Lyon by pinfall after both men fell from the side of the steel cage at 14:42
[Ben Bassarab retains the RCW Television Title]
A bloodied but victorious Ben Bassarab is handed his title belt, but is too weak to even stand. Phillip Navarre and Dan
Kroffat are on hand though entering the cage to help Bassarab make his way out of the cage.
That's it for another edition of River City Wrestling.
See ya next week!!

May 31, 1986 River City Wrestling #239 Regina, Saskatchewan
Opening Bout:
The Kiniski Brothers (/w Lisa Caress) defeated Gene Swan & Fred Pelequin by pinfall when Nick pinned Swan
after a superplex at 6:47
-squash match
Kelly Kiniski talks about starting at the bottom again and working their way to the top of the tag teams
to take another shot at the Longriders. However, Nick Kiniski is more impatient and he talks about Ron
Ritchie and Robbie Royce not being qualified to lace the Kiniski boots, and should not be the #1 contenders. This kind of
talk doesn't sit well with his brother Kelly but he allows his brother to have his say.
Bout #2
Great Gama defeated Jos LeDuc by pinfall after hitting him with a foreign object at 5:53
-Gama was outmatched in strength and he knew it. After a couple unsuccessful attempts to lock up, Gama spent the next
couple minutes frustrating the fans, ref, and LeDuc in his efforts to avoid locking up with LeDuc. Finally the two ended up
tangling on the floor. Once LeDuc returned to the ring Singh took out a pair of brass knux. As he re-entered the ring, LeDuc
stuck his head between the ropes to grab him and Singh nailed him in the head with the brass knux. Back inside Gama pinned
LeDuc, but despite being hit with the knux and having been busted open LeDuc managed to drape a foot on the bottom rope. So
Singh covered LeDuc once again, this time though he also put his feet on the ropes for leverage unseen by the referee.
Ron Strong tried to interview Great Gama Singh but Jos LeDuc showed up and chased him
away. Finally LeDuc returned to yell a few words into the mic and to challenge Singh for a rematch next week.
Bout #3
Croatian Giant defeated Brad Millen by pinfall after a powerslam at 2:45
-squash match
For G.L.O.W. coming to TV this September, check your local listings.
Profile of Tara the Southern Belle, one of the stars of G.L.O.W.
Elvira, Mistress of the Dark and Wally George tell fans just how excited they are about the new tag
team of RCW and G.L.O.W which will show its first joint matches next week right here on River City Wrestling.
Bout #4
Manny Silva defeated Scott Sherwood by pinfall after a wheelbarrow suplex at 3:12
-squash match
Manny Silva threatened interviewer Ron Strong when Strong forgot to address him as "Mad Dog" Manny Silva.
For some reason this brought back outmatched Scott Sherwood to the ring to try and stick up for Strong. Silva
went ballistic on Sherwood and began to beat him down again. He then stuck his neck between the top and second ropes and then
tried to choke him out, pulling down on his feet from the arena floor.
This brought out Brady Boone to make the save, as Boone attacked Silva from the side. While officials
freed Sherwood Boone and Silva began a pier 6 brawl that included smashes into the announce table and hitting each other with
steel chairs.
[end of first hour]
Bout #5
Strangler Steve Disalvo defeated Dan Kroffat by pinfall after a running clothesline at 6:08
-rematch, pretty much the same result, Disalvo is just too big and strong for Kroffat to deal with
Strangler Steve Disalvo goes on again about how he is the #1 contender already for the Heavyweight title
and how he doesn't want to have to hurt anymore innocent victims until Backlund gives him his title shot.
The crowd errupts as Bob Backlund himself comes to the ring dressed in street attire. Backlund says
that he can't help but be impressed by Disalvo's success so far, but that he is not the #1 contender. Disalvo is mad and demands
to know who has been more impressive then him. Backlund says that next week he will defend his Heavyweight title against the
new #1 contender, one of his tag partners for tonight's big six man tag match main event, the RCW Television title holder,
Ben Bassarab.
Disalvo calls Bassarab just another Stampede punk like Kroffat, and says that he will bide his time for a bit longer
but if Backlund doesn't put up the title defense soon then he will come and take it from his crippled hands.
Bout #6
RCW Tag Team Title Match
The Longriders battled Ron Ritchie & Robbie Royce to a no-contest at 8:10
[The Longriders retain the RCW Tag Team Titles]
-despite the odds the challengers managed to hang in there for 8 minutes with the stronger more experienced champions.
They did exactly what they said they were going to do, hit and move, and use their speed advantage. They had problems though
whenever they had to fight the champs two-on-two so couldn't maintain any advantage long enough.
Half way through the match Nick Kiniski and Lisa Caress came down to ringside to watch the match. Nick had words with
both teams in the next couple of minutes. Then Kelly Kiniski came down to try and get Nick and Lisa to leave with him for
the back, but they refused. Finally the 'riders came over together and began to push and shove with the Kiniski brothers.
Finally it came to blows and when Royce and Ritchie came over and got involved in what was now a six man brawl, referee Kenny
Jay threw the match out.
The Longriders are interviewed. They say they want to prove that they are the undisputed tag champions
so they welcome a chance to beat up on Royce and Ritchie again next week in a re-match. They warn the Kiniski Brothers though
to stay out of their affairs. Wild Bill says that they beat the Kiniski Brothers and they just can't accept the fact that
they are not nearly the wrestlers that their old man was.
Main Event
Six-Man Tag Match
Bob Backlund, Ben Bassarab, & Phillip Navarre defeated Mr. Saito, Chris Lyon, and Kid Gallahad by pinfall
when Navarre pinned Lyon after the coup de grace at 10:35
-the good guys were very impressive in this bout working well together as a team. On the other side his partners began
to get aggitated by Chris Lyon who refused to heed the referee's warnings, and didn't want to tag out at all. Finally Mr.
Saito had enough and left leaving his side short handed. That was all the break the fan favorites needed to put this match
That's it for another edition of River City Wrestling.
See ya next week!!