April 5, 1986 River City Wrestling #231 Regina, Saskatchewan
Opening Bout:
Jos LeDuc & Rufus R Jones defeated Dr. Midnight & Mr. X by pinfall when Jones pinned X after a headbutt
at 6:32
-squash match
Jos LeDuc and Rufus Jones say they have established themselves as the #1 contenders to the Longriders
titles. They give props to the other teams but say that the Kiniskis have already had their shots, and the Fabs have left
the territory, so they want their title shot.
Promo on Jos LeDuc;
Bout #2
Premiere of Mr. Saito
Mr. Saito defeated Ron Ritchie by pinfall after a Salto suplex at 7:34
-Ritchie had a few moments in the match but is no where near the class of wrestler yet that Saito is.
As Mr. Saito left the ring and headed to the back, he walked into a collision course with Prof.
Toru Tanaka who was coming out for his match next. There were a few tense seconds where the fans anticipated these
two heels smashing each other to bits, but then Saito suddenly gave a small bow and stepped to the side. Tanaka in return
bowed to Saito.
Promo; tonight on the Evening news
-May Elias Mansur, sought as suspect in recent bombing of Trans World Airlines, Inc. (TWA) flight en route to Athens,
Greece, reported holding press conference to deny guilt and threaten her accusers
-Terrorist bombing of West Berlin nightclub frequented by Americans
-Reagan administration, while not linking Libya directly to TWA explosion and West Berlin bombing, said considering both
incidents indicative of Libyan backing of master plan for international terrorism aimed at US; Muammar el- Kadhafi's pattern
of terrorism outlined
-France reported expelling 2 Libyan dipls. for plotting terrorist attacks against United States
Bout #3
Prof. Toru Tanaka defeated Nick Kiniski (/w Lisa Caress) by submission to a nerve hold at 4:25
-Tanaka made surprisingly short work of the very capable Kiniski
Promo for G.L.O.W.;
Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling
Bout #4
Premiere of Manny Silva
Manny Silva defeated Brian Jewel by pinfall after a wheelbarrow suplex at 8:09
-Jewel had his moments in this match but Silva showed a good mix of power wrestling from his short, stocky physique as
well as some technical wrestling skills.
Manny Silva is interviewed by Ron Strong. Silva is not a rookie, but this is his first extended duty
outside of Polynesia, where the Hawaiian native has wrestled professionally for the past 4 years. Before that Silva was an
accomplished amateur wrestler and boxer in Hawaii, winning many State championships and awards.
The interview is interrupted when there is an uproar in the crowd. Strong tries to keep the interview on track but when
the cameraman turns his attention to the audience Strong does as well. Their in the first row getting mobbed by appreciative
fans is Superfly Jimmy Snuka.
Strong calls Snuka into the ring. At first Snuka just tries to wave him off, but when the fans demand it, finally he
enters the ring. Strong asks Snuka what he is doing here tonight. Snuka responds by first apologizing to Silva for butting
into his time (Silva does look pissed off about it) that first of all he was backstage with Marty Goldstein negotiating a
contract to appear in River City Wrestling. But the other reason he was out here tonight was to watch this young up and comer
from the Islands, Silva in his first match here. Silva then interrupts by pointing out though that Snuka did indeed miss the
entire match. Snuka apologizes and wishes Silva good luck here in RCW. Strong turns the focus back to Snuka and asks about
the contract, to which Snuka says that he has indeed signed a contract bruddah to fight here in River City. Everyone except
Silva looks pleased with this announcement.
[end of first hour]
Bout #5
Kelly Kiniski defeated Great Gama by disqualification when Gama refused to break a hold at 10:50
-filler match, but a very competitive filler match. Kiniski controlled most of the late goings in this match so once
Gama started to apply pressure and got the Calcutta Clutch finisher on, and Kiniski reached the ropes, Gama in frustration
refused to break the hold and was disqaulified.
Bout #6
#1 Contenders Match for RCW Television Title
Kid Gallahad defeated Dan Krofat by pinfall after use of a foreign object at 9:31
-even match, but Gallahad took advantage of a ref bump to use a roll of coins on Kroffat's head to gain the tainted victory.
Promo: for Elvira's late night "Midnight Madness" Horror Show
Kid Gallahad is interviewed and assures everyone that he is going to beat Bassarab for the belt and
to cripple him in the process. This brings out Ben Bassarab to the ring. The TV champion makes sure in case
anyone missed that everyone knows that Gallahad cheated to pick up that win. Bassrab says he won't cheat his way to the TV
title. Gallahad just laughs at Bassarab, and in his thick punk Scottish brogue, tells Bassrab that if there is any meat left
on his bones after their match next week it will be left there for his good friend Chris Lyon to devour.
Promo: Videos featured tonight on "Good Rockin' Tonite" will be;
"Nikita" by Elton John, "Kyrie" by Mr. Mister, "The Power of Love" by Jennifer Rush, "Eurasian Eyes" by Corey Hart, and
this video "Harlem Shuffle" by Rolling Stones which shows off the resurgence of animation in pop culture as of late.
Main Event
Bob Backlund & Ben Bassarab defeated David Schultz & Angel of Death by pinfall when Backlund pinned Angel
after an atomic drop at 12:25
-no real reason for this match other then the intrigue of seeing the two solo champions tag together for the first time.
Schultz and Angel worked well together but the champions were too strong.
That's it for another edition of River City Wrestling.
See ya next week!!!

April 12, 1986 River City Wrestling #232 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Opening Bout:
David Schultz & Angel of Death defeated Robbie Royce & Ron Ritchie by pinfall when Schultz pinned Royce
after a corkscrew neckbreaker at 8:10
-glorified squash match
Bout #2
Croatian Giant defeated Moe Malone by pinfall after a powerbomb at 6:12
-Malone is a big man in his own right, a powerbuilder but could not stand up to the Giant.
Solid Gold returns from repeats with a new episode April 26th. Don't miss as Dionne
is joined by guest host Julian Lennon, and of course all the Solid Gold Dancers.
Bout #3
Canadian Women's Championship
Misty Blue Simmes defeated Lelani Kai after a top rope splash at 10:52
[Misty Blue Simmes retained the Canadian Women's Title]
-excellent competitive fire between these two in a match that could have gone either way
Bout #4
Premiere of Jimmy Snuka
Jimmy Snuka defeated Mr. X by pinfall after the Superfly at 4:29
-another squash match but the fans got what they wanted to see, the Superfly.
Jimmy Snuka is being interviewed when the proceedings are interrupted by Manny Silva.
Ron Strong tries to tell Silva that this is not his time, but Silva just says its the same thing that he and Snuka did to
him last week. In fact, he asks Snuka why he got into the plane last week and came over here in his footsteps. Silva says
that after his big win last week, he has no match scheduled this week, because they had to make way for the other Polynesian
instead. Snuka tries to be apologetic, but Silva doesn't really care. He just throws up his hands and walks away. Strong apologizes
to Snuka but they have to end the interview as they have run out of time.
[end of first hour]
Bout #5
Mr. Saito defeated Phillip Navarre by pinfall after a Salto suplex (and use of a foreign object) at 7:40
-Navarre seemed to have Saito beat in this match, but when Navarre made the mistake of following Saito to the floor he
received a face full of the oriental salts in the face, undetected by the ref which allowed him to take control of the match.
Bob Backlund comes out to complain to the referee about the use of the salts and to check on his fallen
friend. Backlund is weary of Saito who seems to be waiting for his opportunity to strike. Instead though its Prof.
Toru Tanaka who enters the ring from behind Backlund and puts him into a full nelson. He wears Backlund down while
Saito pounds away at Navarre, and then with Backlund still in the full nelson Saito begins to pepper in shots to the gut.
Finally the Asian duo release Backlund and jaw with the fans as they leave the ring.
Bout #6
RCW Television Title Match
Ben Bassarab defeated Kid Gallahad by pinfall after a flying crossbody block at 11:43
[Ben Bassarab retains the RCW Television Title]
-just another fine match between these two, nothing spectacular to note. Gallahad may have had this match won but he
tried for the slingshot suplex (which is a finisher of his friend Chris Lyon) and Bassarab was able to counter by landing
on the ring apron instead. Bassarab mounted the comeback and won the match a minute later.
A big announcement will be made next week in regards to the summer schedule for RCW and a new venture. On hand in person
next week to help make that announcement will be Elvira Mistress of the Dark, the announcer and producer Wally
George, and the world famous model Vanity.
Main Event
RCW Tag Team Title Match
The Longriders defeated Jos LeDuc & Rufus R Jones by disqualification at 6:39
[The Longriders retain the RCW Tag Team Titles]
-The 'riders may never have stepped into the ring with a tougher, more vicious pair of opponents. They found themselves
the ones trying to keep the match under control and to lower the level of violence. Before the five minute mark was reached
all 4 men except for Scott Hoff were wearing the crimson mask. In the end the challengers simply could not control themselves
and instigated a 4-man brawl outside the ring with LeDuc the illegal man having come over and pulled Wild Bill off the ring
apron. For those actions and because they wouldn't stop brawling they were disqualified, a very unpopular decision with the
That's it for another edition of River City Wrestling.
See ya next week!!

April 19, 1986 River City Wrestling #233 Calgary, Alberta
Opening Bout:
Croatian Giant defeated Robbie Royce by pinfall after a powerslam at 7:07
Promo; for Elvira's Midnight Madness.
Interview: Elvira is interviewed about her show, her cleavage, her apearance at Wrestlemania II, and
now her deal with RCW. She won't tip her hat though about the deal, and says the fans will have to watch later in the show
when they will be kept abreast of what is happening this summer.
Bout #2
Great Gama defeated Nick Kiniski (/w Lisa Caress) by submission with the Calcutta Clutch (camel clutch) at 8:45
-fairly even match but with Gama winning it drives home the point that while Gama was unable to beat Kelly Kiniski last
week, he did beat Nick this week.
Dr. D David Schultz is interviewed. He says that tagging with Angel of Death was all right, if he had
to have a partner he couldn't have picked one much better. But he wants his heavyweight title back, and to get there he will
go through Bob Backlund's old nemesis and friend, Jimmy Superfly Snuka tonight.
Bout #3
Angel of Death defeated Kelly Kiniski by pinfall after a powerbomb at 6:40
-the third straight competitive match this week. Once again the Kiniski brothers having trouble as singles wrestlers.
The Kiniski Brothers and Lisa Caress. The brothers say they like to wrestle singles sometimes to keep
their options open and their skills sharp. However both affirm that they will be teaming again in the near future and will
be going after the tag titles, regardless of whether that will be against the Longriders, or LeDuc & Jones, or anyone
Bout #4
David Schultz defeated Jimmy Snuka by pinfall after a corkscrew neckbreaker at 9:34
-Schultz got some help when Manny Silva came to ringside to complain to the ref about Schultz' tactics but this just
distracted the ref and allowed Schultz to uncover a turnbuckle, use it on Snuka, then hit his finisher.
Any doubt as to whether the distraction was an accident or not was wiped out when Silva entered the ring. After feigning
to help Snuka to his feet, he locked in and then nailed his own finisher the wheelbarrow suplex. He then taunted the fallen
[end of first hour]
Chris Lyon comes out, returning from his suspension, with Kid Gallahad for a tag team
match. The fans were just starting to get used to seeing Gallahad in make-up, spikey hair, and a kilt when Lyon came out with
a new look. Instead of the intense and focused anger he has depicted in the past, he now looked positively insane. His hair
had been dyed purple and red, and he was wearing a filthy pair of acid wash jean shorts and his upper body was sporting many
temporary tattoos. He also had his face painted white with black circles around his eyes. Even Gallahad seemed a bit unsure
of his friend's looks.
Bout #5
Ben Bassarab & Dan Kroffat defeated Kid Gallahad & Chris Lyon by disqaulification when Lyon attacked
Bassarab outside the ring at 5:29
-Gallahad carried most of the match for his team, with Lyon not looking overly interested in the match. However, he suddenly
seemed to change his mind, walked around the ring and pulled Bassarab off the ring apron. He then began to assault him, smashing
him off the ring steps, the announce table, and then hitting him with a steel chair.
Gallahad took out Kroffat so he couldn't make the save. Eventually Bob Backlund and the Kiniski Brothers came out to
stop the beating but by then Bassarab was busted wide open and gushing blood from the forehead.
Bout #6
Mr. Saito & Prof. Toru Tanaka defeated Phillip Navarre & Bob Backlund by pinfall when Saito pinned Navarre
after a Salto suplex at 9:02
-solid match with Saito carrying most of the match for his team. While Saito & Tanaka cheated as much and as often
as they could get away with, the finish was modestly clean.
Prof. Toru Tanaka makes it clear that he wants a title shot at Bob Backlund. Mr. Saito
trumpets his friend saying that Backlund was able to cheat his way past Schultz, but he won't be so lucky with Tanaka.:
Marty Goldstein and Canadian Women's Champion Misty Blue Simmes are joined in the ring by Elvira, Wally George, and Vanity.
The big announcment is that RCW is going to Hollywood in June, July, and August to hold some TV tapings along with other
women's wrestlers from G.L.O.W.
These matches and interviews will be shown during regular broadcasts of RCW this summer. In addition they will be picked
up and shown as special features during other shows including G.L.O.W., George Michaels' Sports Machine, and Elvira's Midnight
Wally George is given the mic and shows off his hyperbole (and annoying) style of announcing. Vanity is said to be just
one example of many Hollywood stars who will appear in addition to the wrestlers for this new RCW venture.
Universal Pictures releases to theatres this weekend "Legend" starring Tom Cruise, Tim
Curry and Mia Sara. Featuring the song "Is Your Love Strong Enough" by Bryan Ferry.
A demon who seeks to create eternal night by destroying the last of the unicorns and marrying a fairy princess
is opposed by the forest boy Jack and his elven allies in this magical fantasy.
"No Good without Evil. No Love without Hate. No Innocence without Lust. I am Darkness."
Main Event
RCW Tag Team Title Match
The Longriders defeated Jos LeDuc & Rufus R Jones by pinfall when Wild Bill pinned LeDuc after a superplex
at 10:46
[The Longriders retained the RCW Tag Team Titles]
-the thrown together tag team of LeDuc and Jones drive for the titles comes to an end. LeDuc bled a lot in the match,
something he seemed to enjoy, and while the Riders had to fight a hard, dirty fight, the ending came without controversy.
That's it for another edition of River City Wrestling.
See ya next week!!

April 26, 1986 River City Wrestling #234 Edmonton, Alberta
Opening Bout:
Phillip Navarre defeated Brian Jewel by pinfall after the coup de grace at 5:06
-squash match
Phillip Navarre says that evil has come to River City, risen with the sun from the orient and invaded
the heartland. He expresses his belief that Bob Backlund will be able to withstand the assault but that he will need backup,
and Navarre warns Saito that he has Backlund's back.
Promo; for the RCW 1-800 shop number where you can currently purchase;
- Throwdown, the official dice and card strategy wrestling game of RCW, where you can become your favorite
wrestler, or create your own star and guide him to the top of the wrestling world.
-the official replica mask of the Destroyer, show your friends that you have what it takes to be just
like the RCW Hall of Famer.
-the RCW wrestling dress-up kit, complete with toy belt, boots, kneepads, trunks and cape.
-bring home the Ladies of RCW, with a five pack of autographed glossy 8 x 11 photographs. One each of
Misty Blue Simmes, LeLani Kai, Tawney England, Corrie England, and Lisa Caress.
Bout #2
Andy Big Bear & Bruce Swan defeated Kid Gallahad & Chris Lyon by disqualification when Lyon pushed the
referee down at 4:11
-Lyon has completely lost his mind. The first time the referee called for a break and Lyon lost his temper pushing him
to the ground. With his prior record the ref was taking no chances and giving no slack.
Chris Lyon refuses to be interviewed and leaves. However Kid Gallahad remains to say a few words in
his thick Scottish brogue. He says Lyon was devastated at being looked past again by the Hall of Fame committee, and between
that and Ben Bassarab being the new TV title, well Lyon is beside himself. He asks the good people of Edmonton, as well as
all the viewers on TV, to keep young Lyon in their thoughts and prayers.
Promo for G.L.O.W., the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling.
A profile is shown for "Hollywood" one of the bad girls of G.L.O.W. who is slated to appear in the RCW-GLOW project this summer.
Bout #3
Canadian Women's Title Match
Misty Blue Simmes defeated Chainsaw (/w Spike) by pinfall after some botched interference at 6:49
[Misty Blue Simmes retains the Canadian Women's Title]
-Chainsaw and Spike are a G.L.O.W. tag team known as Heavy Metal. Chainsaw used her power to keep Simmes off track for
much of the match, but once the champion got going she took over the match with her wrestling repetoire. This brought Spike
to try for a trip, but she didn't notice that Simmes had reversed the whip to the ropes and so Spike tripped up her own partner
Misty Blue Simmes is interviewed. She doesn't know what RCW and GLOW have in mind for the titles for
the new venture. She says the only thing she knows for sure is that she is proud to be champion of and to represent the people
of Canada, and that she is not going to just let her title go.
Promo; this weekend on "Soul Train" with host Don Cornelius;
--Culture Club "Move Away" --Cherrelle & Alexander O'Neal "Saturday Love" --Cherrelle "You Look Good
to Me" anfd "High Priority" --Alexander O'Neal "A Broken Heart Can Mend"
Bout #4
Ben Bassarab & Dan Kroffat defeated Dr. Midnight & Mr. X by pinfall when Kroffat pinned Midnight after
a spinning heel kick at 5:00
-squash match
Ben Bassarab and Dan Kroffat say they are sick and tired of the antics and methods of Chris Lyon and
Kid Gallahad. They want this thing settled once and for all, and don't need the ref's protection, or the protection of the
rules, they can fight their own battles if the battlefield is level. So they challenge Lyon and Gallahad to one more tag team
battle next week, but this time a no disqualification Texas Tornado fight.
Promo: On Tonight's Evening News
- in Hawaii, President Reagan's stop here en route to Tokyo economy summit featured. Reagan claims United States anti-
terrorist policy is sending message to terrorists. Secretary of State George Shultz reported calling for covert action against
Libyan leader Muammar el- Kadhafi.
- Terrorist bombing of Lyons, France, office of American Express and another United States company
-West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl's defense of former United Nations Secretary General Kurt Waldheim in midst of controversy
surrounding Waldheim's possible role in Nazi war crimes during World War II examined
-Wedding of television news anchor Maria Shriver and actor Arnold Schwarzenegger reported
-New Orleans, Louisiana, homeowner reported apprehending burglar in his bathtub following refrigerator raid
[end of first hour]
Dr. D David Schultz comes to the ring, and is soundly jeered. He says he has a tag team match set up
tonight against Jimmy Snuka, but his normal partner as of late Angel of Death was not available as he already had a match.
So Schultz says he has found himself a new partner.
The fans jeer even more when young Polynesian wrestler Manny Silva comes to the ring. Silva thanks Schultz
for giving him this opportunity. He claims he tried to get a one on one match with Snuka to put their differences behind them,
but that Snuka ducked him. He calls Snuka a has-been who never won the big championships, and now he is trying to keep down
young up and comers from Polynesia. Tonight he says Snuka is going to get what's coming to him.
Jimmy Snuka comes to the ring. He says that he has himself a new partner for tonight as well, the madman
Jos LeDuc!!
Bout #5
Jimmy Snuka & Jos LeDuc defeated David Schultz & Manny Silva by pinfall when Snuka pinned Silva after
the Superfly at 10:11
-Snuka continued to try and wrestle clean with Silva as long as he could despite Silva and Schultz breaking every rule
they could. Snuka had a long stretch where he played Ricky Morton until Jos LeDuc came in and ran the table. Snuka then got
tagged back in and manged to hit the finisher and get the pin on Silva.
Schultz had already left the ring, looking disgusted at the youngster Silva having given up the pin. But he turned when
the crowd errupted as Silva grabbed a steel chair, returned to the ring and nailed Snuka over the head. He hit Snuka two more
times before LeDuc wrestled the chair away from him. But by now Schultz had seen and came up behind LeDuc and took out his
knee from behind. The beatdown was on with Schultz going after LeDuc, and Silva working over a bloodied Snuka.
Bout #6
#1 Contenders Match
The Kiniski Brothers (/w Lisa Caress) defeated Angel of Death & Croatian Giant
- not much of a story here, just the Kiniski brothers establishing themselves as #1 contenders again now that LeDuc &
Jones did not win the titles.
Marty Goldstein says that big things are happening in River City Wrestling as it becomes a
powerhouse in the industry. Last week we had the big announcement in regards to the partnership with G.L.O.W. and Elvira,
and next tune in for another big summertime announcement, this time a bit more of a traditional wrestling event.
Promo: Tonight on "Good Rockin' Tonite" the featured videos will be, "Addicted To Love" Robert
Palmer, "Feel it Again" Honeymoon Suite, "R.O.C.K. in the USA" John Cougar Mellencamp, "Don't Forget Me (When I'm Gone" Glass
Tiger and "Silent Running" Mike & The Mechanics.
Main Event
RCW Heavyweight Title Match
Bob Backlund (champion) v Prof. Toru Tanaka
Tanaka started the match by attacking Backlund before he even got his warm-up robe off. The big Asian man punished the
back and kidney area of Backlund before locking him in a bearhug. He followed up with an awkward looking suplex, and then
a Boston crab which Backlund was able to get out of by a rope break. Backlund fought back, but a short flurry ended when Tanaka
stopped an inverted atomic drop attempt with a rake of the eyes. Another awfully executed suplex was followed by a bearhug,
and then an Oriental nervehold. Backlund finally got out of the nervehold by positioning himself down to the mat. His eyes
were closed and his shoulders were down on the mat, but his also meant that Tanaka had very little pressure on the nerve hold.
Referee Buddy Lane counted 1, 2, Backlund was playing possum, raised a shoulder, then wrapped his legs around the head of
the monstrous Tanaka. They battled for a few seconds for leverage before Backlund was able to take him down. He quickly applied
the crossface chickenwing but Tanaka was able to break it after a bit. Backlund though was in comeback mode and hit a dropkick,
some forearm smashes, a double leg takedown into a figure-four. Again Tanaka was able to get out of the hold. Backlund went
for the atomic drop finisher but Tanaka was able to fight out of it with a back elbow to the kisser. He then slammed Backlund's
face into the mat, scrapped it on the mat, and then dropped a big knee to the reddened forehead of the champ. He covered but
only got a 1 count. Tanaka sent Backlund to the ropes but telegraphed a backbody drop and the champ was able to counter with
a forearm uppercut. He gave Tanaka a standing earringer, and then nailed him into the corner with a dropkick. Backlund spun
Tanaka around, hit him with the atomic drop and got the pin.
Bob Backlund defeated Prof. Toru Tanaka by pinfall after an atomic drop at 9:01
[Bob Backlund retained the RCW Heavyweight Title]
As Backlund was presented his belt and celebrated with the fans Tanaka continued to lay on the mat being looked over
by referee Buddy Lane.
After Backlund had left for the back, Mr. Saito came out to help Tanaka. They finally got him to his
feet and Saito helped Tanaka stagger from the ring. As Saito passed the announce table he shouted out for all to hear that
he was not done with Mr. Bob Backlund yet.
That's it for another edition of River City Wrestling.
See ya next week!!