July 19, 1980
River City Wrestling #15 -
Salisbury School, Winnipeg, Manitoba
"Stampede" Clarke Roenick over Puppy Dog
Pelequin by pinfall after a top rope clothesline. 5:16
Dusty Street over Dean Jarrett by disqualification
after Jarrett hit Street with the ring bell. 9:13
Uvlade Slim and Timmy Rich battled to a
double countout. 6:44
Cecil DuBois over Frank Hill by pinfall after a sidewalk slam
(DuBois had his feet on the ropes for extra leverage). 12:35
No-Disqualification Match
J.P. Moran over Eric Lee by submission with the Indian Death Lock.
Lights Out UnSanctioned Match No
Referee Anything Goes
Demon Gene and Paul Superstar left The Vegas Brothers (Kenny Deeler
and A.J. Dice) beaten, thanks to some interference by a new pair of wrestlers Ace and Chrisscat.
Demon Gene, Paul Superstar, Ace, and Chrisscat have formed The
KISS Army.
(approximate time 11:00, no official time)