July 4, 1987 River City Wrestling #290
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Tonight's show will feature the first two rounds; round of 16 & Quarterfinals of the RCW Tag Team Title Tournament,
to crown new champions since the Longriders had to forfeit the titles due to an injury to Scott Hogg Irwin.
The Semifinals and Final will be shown on next week's program.
Round 1 - Round of Sixteen
Bout #1
Richard Charland & Neil Guay defeated Baron von Raschke & Stan Rodgers by pinfall when Charland pinned
Rodgers after a piledriver at 5:11
[match shown in its entirety]
-The fans got a kick out of seeing former Roughneck Stan Rodgers in action again, although somewhat out of shape, and
seeing Baron von Raschke in an RCW ring for the first time.
Bout #2
The Terminators Riggs & Wolff defeated Buck Zumhoffe & Mike Lozansky by pinfall when Riggs pinned Zumhoffe
after a doomsday device at 8:40
[approximately 5 minutes shown on TV]
-tough first round matchup for the Terminators, but they used their power and some double teams to come out ahead. A
good portion of the crowd cheered for the Terminators even though they are blatant rulebreakers.
Bout #3
Queen City Killers: Jett Black & Alex Cambridge defeated Boris Zhukov & Yuri Gordienko by pinfall when
Black pinned Gordienko after the QCK at 6:07
[approximately 5 minutes shown on TV]
-the QCK finisher happens as Cambridge tags out to Black, but then hits a German suplex anyway, holding it in a bridge
while Black the legal man comes off the top rope with an elbow drop to the sternum, and then covers for the win, while Cambridge
goes over to make sure Zhukov can not break up the pin. A big surprise win for the young QCK from Regina. Black is all speed
and about 170 lbs soaking wet, while the slightly bigger Cambridge is more of a technician but also goes to the air with frequency.
Bout #4
Dave Wagner & Rick Renslow defeated Dave Petro & Chris Pepper by pinfall when Renslow pinned Pepper after
a swinging neckbreaker at 4:08
[only the match's finish shown on TV]
-easy draw for Wagner/Renslow, boring match, thankfully short
Bout #5
Sunny War Cloud & Bobby Bold Eagle defeated Joe Lightfoot & Brian Jewel by countout at 3:23
[match shown in its entirety]
-luck of the draw saw the two native teams face each other, but as Lightfoot took the opportunity to speak before the
match he said it wasn't luck but another white man screwing the natives. He refused to tag in from his bewildered partner
Jewel who fought the match alone until he got tossed out of the ring by Eagle and decided he had enough of this, and simply
left, getting his team counted out.
Bout #6
The Hart Brothers: Bruce & Owen defeated Sonny Rodgers & Tony Leone by submission when Owen submitted
Leone to the sharpshooter at 4:25
[match shown in its entirety]
-squash match
Bout #7
The Midnight Rockers: Marty Jannetty & Shawn Michaels defeated Chris Champion & Kevin Kelly by pinfall
when Michaels pinned Champion after a superkick at 7:27
[match shown in its entirety]
-best match of the night so far. Champion brought out Magnificent Kevin Kelly as his tag partner. After a slow start
against the Rockers who are an established team, they took the match over and had it won. But Champion made the mistake of
being too cocky and playing to the crowd. He didn't see Jannetty down and out get pulled over to his corner by Michaels, who
then made the tag, and when Champion turned around he was hit with the superkick. Kelly entered the ring but Michaels threw
him right out again before covering Champion for the win.
Bout #8
The Lightning Express: Brad Armstrong & Tim Horner defeated Shawn Cummings & Hawaiian Punch by submission
when Armstrong made Punch submit to the figure-four at 6:30
[match shown in its entirety]
-a high octane match between two fan favorite teams
[end of first hour]
Round 2 - Quarterfinals
Bout #9
The Terminators: Riggs & Wolff defeated Richard Charland & Neil Guay by countout at 6:34
[match shown in its entirety on TV]
-An out of control brawl between two tough rulebreaking teams. The end came when all 4 men were brawling outside the
ring, and after getting hammered over to the ring apron Wolff had the presence of mind to roll back into the ring and was
the only one to beat the 10 count back into the ring. Since he was the legal man, his team picked up the win.
Bout #10
Queen City Killers defeated Dave Wagner & Rick Renslow by pinfall when Black pinned Wagner after the QCK
at 9:15
[match shown in its entirety on TV]
-another good win for the young Regina tag team. They had a bit of trouble against the size and strength of their opponents
but were miles above them in atleticism which won through in the end
Bout #11
The Hart Brothers: Bruce & Owen defeated Sunny War Cloud & Bobby Bold Eagle by pinfall when Owen pinned
Cloud after a somersault splash from the top rope at 12:39
[approximately 8 minutes shown on TV]
-hard fought and even contest, with manager Joe Lightfoot getting himself banned from ringside half way through after
getting caught putting Cloud's foot over the bottom rope to break a pin. He's lucky his team wasn't disqualified, but he didnt
see it that way claiming it was prejudice on the part of referee Buddy Lane. With Lightfoot gone the Hart Brothers stopped
having to fight uphill and took the match over.
Bout #12
Midnight Rockers and Lightning Express battled to a double countout at 10:09
[match shown in its entirety on TV]
Maybe the fastest paced match ever seen in River City Wrestling as these 4 men went full tilt from bell to bell. Rockers
controlled the match a bit more then the Express who seemed to lose their cool first, taking things to the floor where all
4 men were brawling and got counted out. This stunk for the fans but the good news was that the Hart Brothers would receive
a semi-final bye and progress right to the finals.
That's it for another edition of River City Wrestling.
See ya next week!!

July 11, 1987 River City Wrestling #291
Winnipeg, Manitoba
The tournament for the vacant RCW Tag Titles continues with one semi-final match, while the Hart Brothers advance
into the finals with a bye.
Opening Bout:
Tag Team Tournament Semifinal match
The Terminators Riggs & Wolff defeated Queen City Killers by pinfall when Riggs pinned Black after a doomsday
device at 11:31
-top notch match pitting power against finesse, David versus Goliath. But this time Goliath was just too strong and able
to bend the rules enough to take advantage of two-on-ones despite best efforts of referee Buddy Lane to keep this match fair.
Promo: "Championship Material" with Chris Champion
Guest: The Hart Brothers
Champion calls out the Hart Brothers. He gives them a hard time about getting a bye into the finals and says that being
well rested is their only hope of beating a superior team like the Terminators. He goes on to say either the Lightning Express
or the Midnight Rockers would have beat them. Having taking enough verbal abuse the Hart Brothers stand up from the "late
night" style set couch, and begin to shout back at Champion. They call him a do nothing who likes to stick his nose into other
people's business. Champion challenges them to take on another semi-final match tonight to make things even. The Harts say
they would do it, they don't care, but Champion is not the one who is going to tell them to do anything...
It's all a rouse as the Terminators hit the ring and attack the Hart Brothers from behind. They lay
in a good beating to soften them up both physically and mentally before their final match. Champion looks down at the Hart
Brothers and says, "I guess it should be even now."
Bout #2
Joe Lightfoot defeated Brian Jewel by submission to the Native Indian Deathlock at 6:04
-Jewel wanted a little revenge for the spot Lightfoot put him in last week as his tag partner, but Lightfoot got the
better of him.
RCW Heavyweight Champion Steve Disalvo, and his valet Lisa Caress are none too happy
having to defend their title against Vendetta in tonight's main event. Disalvo complains that Vendetta has not been around
long enough to be considered a #1 challenger and surely a more worthy opponent like Shawn Cummings, Buck Zumhoffe, or the
Red Demon could be found? When asked about the uncanny resemblence in dyanmics between himself and Lisa Caress, and Kevin
Kelly and his valet Madusa, Disalvo just looks at Ron Strong and says "huh?".
"Girls, Girls, Girls" by Motley Crue, currently #13 on the charts, provides the music while RCW shows highlites
of Tawney England, Madusa Micelli, and Lisa Caress.
Bout #3
#1 Contenders Match for the TV Title
Manny Silva defeated Phillip Navarre by pinfall after a wheelbarrow suplex at 10:50
-hard fought contest with Navarre controlling early and the announcers commenting on Silva's uncharacteristically low
interest level. But eventually he just got plain mad and nasty and was too much for Navarre to handle today.
Ron Strong attempts to interview Manny Silva, but the Hawaiian is too hot under the collar to speak
into the mic, coherently, or in complete sentences. One could only gather from the minute long tirade that Silva does not
care that he is the #1 contender now for the TV belt, he doesnt want that belt, he wants only to cripple Vendetta.
On Tonight's Evening News:
-Federal Aviation Administration and Canadian officials reported launching investigation into alleged cover-up attempt
by Delta crew involved in near miss with Continental flight over Atlantic this week
-"Newsweek" poll reported indicating Colonel Oliver North's favorable standing with American public after 1st week of
testimony at Iran/Contra hearings
-Demonstration at Young Republicans convention in Seattle protesting Colonel Oliver North and Iran/Contra operation and
conventioneers' response
-Reburial in Detroit of Pvt. Eddie Slovik, only US soldier shot for desertion since Civil War
-United Nations celebration of birth of world's 5 billionth resident, Matej Gaspar, in Zagreb, Yugoslavia, to illustrate
planet's growing population crisis
- Kansas City Royals baseball player Bo Jackson reported playing football with Raiders during off season
[end of first hour]
The Theme From Moonlighting by Al Jarreau currently #24 on the charts plays in the background as Kevin
Kelly does his best Bruce Willis, and Madusa Micelli does her best Cybill Sheppard impression in
a cheezy promo designed to insult Tawney England as being Canadian trailer trash, in comparison to themselves as the jetsetters.
Bout #4
Girl's Strap Match
Madusa Micelli defeated Tawney England by submission in the strap match at 4:58
-each girl had a leather strap wrapped around their own wrist, the girls were not hooked together, and the way to win
was to get your opponent to submit while being strapped. It was a short, vicious match, that saw England in control for most
of it but Micelli used a superkick, and then an exposed turnbuckle to turn the tide of the match. She whipped England across
the butt repeatedly until she got the submission.
The charasmatic Vendetta gets the crowd revved up for his title match tonight against Steve Disalvo.
He promises that between the old Vendetta, and the new additions to his repetoire thanks to the continued work of Vic Gate,
that the fans will see a new champion tonight, one they can finally be proud of.
Bout #5
Tournament Final - For the Vacant RCW Tag Team Titles
The Terminators defeated the Hart Brothers by pinfall when Wolff pinned Bruce after the doomsday device at 9:17
[The Terminators win the RCW Tag Team Titles]
-Terminators started strong beating down the smaller Harts. But Owen turned the match around and controlled Riggs, with
leglocks and then a front chancery. He tagged out to Bruce who kept up the momentum with a suplex, and an elbow drop from
the 2nd rope. He tried for a figure-four but was kicked off, right into the corner where Wolff clobbered him from behind.
Both men were down, and both made a tag in. Owen went to work, but when he tried to send Riggs to the ropes it was reversed
and the Terminator nailed Owen with a clothesline. He then choked him with his boot, nailed a shoulderbreaker and got a 2
count. He worked the shoulder with an armbar and some pounding shots before tagging in Wolff. Owen made a comeback but this
brought Riggs back in, which brought Bruce in and we had a 4 man brawl. This favored the Terminators when Riggs backdropped
Owen over the top rope, and this allowed them to hit their finisher stolen from the Road Warriors and win the belts.
The Terminators were presented with the tag team titles. Chris Champion came down to congratulate them, but left the
ring in a hurry when they just growled at him in response.
20th Century Fox is proud to release to theatres this weekend, "Revenge of the Nerds 2: Nerds in Paradise",
starring Anthony Edwards and Curtis Armstrong.
Get out your white socks! This time our suave college heroes hit the road for fun and fraternity in Florida. Another
opportunity for brains to triumph over brawn. How can the girls possibly resist their geeky charms?
Main Event
RCW Heavyweight Title Match
Steve Disalvo and Vendetta wrestled to a no-contest at 9:30
[Steve Disalvo retained the RCW Heavyweight Title]
These two went at it tooth and nail with neither having a long advantage in the first 7 minutes. Finally Disalvo began
to dominate, and tried to finish off Vendetta with a pair of running clotheslines, a sidewalk slam, a DDT from the 2nd buckle,
and a flying bulldog, but none would get the 3 count. As he stood there frustrated though Manny Silva suddenly entered the
ring with a steel chair and smacked Vendetta across the back, then the head, then the back, then the head, then the back again
for good measure.
Steve Disalvo looked disgusted but left the ring, snatched up his belt, and led Lisa Caress away as she watched in horror
at what was happening next. Manny Silva nailed Buddy Lane over the head with the chair when he tried to get Silva to stop
the attack. Silva then choked Vendetta with the edge of the chair. The Queen City Killers, Vic Gate, and Brian Jewel all arrived
to help but each one was given a chair shot by Silva and laid out. Finally Silva wrapped the top and middle ropes around Vendetta's
throat. It looked like the Haitian may have got his hand in the way between the constricting ropes and his throat, and that
may have been the only thing that saved him. Vendetta was being choked out, his face a crimson mask, bodies were everywhere.
That's it for another edition of River City Wrestling.
See ya next week!!

July 18, 1987 River City Wrestling #292
Edmonton, Alberta
Opening Bout:
Mike Lozansky defeated Sunny War Cloud by pinfall after a flying dropkick at 5:10
-surprisingly quick win for the Bullet who keeps impressing more and more every week.
Mike Lozansky appreciates the accolades he is receiving from the fans and hopes he can continue to climb
the ladder here in RCW.
Marty Goldstein comes out with a huge update. After last week's fiasco he's had enough of Manny Silva.
No more fines, no more grudge matches, no mas, no Manny Silva. For his lawlessness including his constant interference in
matches that don't concern him, his insanely dangerous method of choking opponents with the top two ropes, and his attack
on Buddy Lane last week with a steel chair - he is gone from RCW for good!! The fans greet this with a loud ovation.
However, the bad news is that Vendetta will once again require time to rest his larynyx which was injured by the Silva
attack. He is likely gone for 1 or 2 months. This also means that as of right now there is no clear cut #1 contender for the
RCW Heavyweight Title.
Bout #2
Bobby Bold Eagle defeated Hawaiian Punch by pinfall after a suplex off the second rope at 7:40
-Eagle makes it 1-1 on the night for the Three Little Indians
The Three Little Indians blame the white man for what happened at the tag team tournament and for having
turned Brian Jewel into just another whitey wannabe loser. They don't care who the tag champs are, the Harts or the Terminators,
they are going to come get what is owing to them.
Orion Pictures is proud to release to theatres this weekend the sci-fi film, "RoboCop", starring Peter Weller.
In a dystopic & crime ridden Detroit, a terminally wounded cop returns to the force as a powerful cyborg with submerged
memories haunting him.
Part man. Part machine. All cop. The future of law enforcement.
Bout #3
Shawn Cummings defeated Richard Charland by countout at 6:37
-huge win for Cummings who had Charland rocking and reeling but couldn't put him away with his dropkicks. Charland also
survived both a Boston crab and a slingshot suplex, before being dropkicked out of the ring and deciding he had enough for
the night. Rather then return to the ring he simply staggered away.
Shawn Cummings gets the crowd going by telling them that together they just proved that you can't mess
with a Western Canadian boy, especially if you are a pansy Quebecois. He leads them in a rendition of "Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na,
hey-hey-hey, good-bye" sung for Charland who had walked out.
Bout #4
The Queen City Killers: Jett Black & Alex Cambridge defeated Boris Zhukov & Yuri Gordienko by pinfall
when Black pinned Zhukov after the QCK at 8:03
-rematch from the tag tournament that saw the Russians fair no better, and this time Zhukov who had berated Gordienko
about the loss, was on the receiving end of the double team QCK.
The Queen City Killers say that growing up in Regina, they are probably the first batch of young wrestlers
who actually grew up watching the RCW product, and idolizing guys like The Destroyer, Bonecrusher, Chris Lyon, and Mike Valiant.
"Animal" by Def Leppard is the music, set to hihglites so far of The Queen City Killers in action, as well as
backstage footage of them preparing for their matches, meeting their fans, and playing around with guitars of their own.
[end of first hour]
The Betty Glover Library Workout Tape
[you've got to see this to believe it!!]
chalk full of great music and fashion, and taking full advantage of the aerobics craze
Bout #5
RCW Television Title Match
Ben Bassarab defeated Chris Champion by pinfall after a flying cross bodyblock at 12:25
[Ben Bassarab retained the RCW Television Title]
-terrific match that saw Champion take some stalling and heel tactics straight out of the book of Larry Zbyszko, but
also saw him employ some impressive martial arts attacks including knife hand chops, and savate and scissors kicks. He almost
won the belt twice after scissors kicks but both times the champ got a shoulder up. Bassarab made a strong comeback and took
to the air to keep the challenger off balance. A flying knee from the 2nd buckle, flying headscissors, and an elbow drop from
the 2nd buckle set up a German suplex, and then the finisher.
Chris Champion was visibly upset after the loss, pounding the mat, complaining about a fast count, and kicking the bottom
rope. The fans taunted him with chants of "baby" before he left in a huff.
The last six minutes of a match featuring Madusa Micelli v. Bambi, courtesy of AWA and ESPN.
Bout #6
Kevin Kelly defeated Phillip Navarre by pinfall after a reverse neckbreaker at 6:02
-impressive win for Kelly, an impressive specimen himself, but no real reason for this rematch as Kelly has proved himself
Kevin Kelly basically challenges Steve Disalvo, while Madusa challenges Orca. The "bronzed"
couple is looking for some gold to wear.
Main Event
RCW Tag Team Title Match
The Hart Brothers: Bruce & Owen defeated the Terminators by disqualification for double teaming at 8:10
[The Terminators retained the RCW Tag Team Titles]
-typically the Terminators used their power and double teaming to keep the Harts off balance for most of this match.
But in the last couple minutes the Harts were able to fight fire with fire, meet force with force, took the legs out from
the tag champs, and had them gasping for air due to the increased pace. The new tag champs sensing they were in danger of
losing stopped any semblence of following the rules and refused to leave the ring, so referee Buddy Lane counted to 5 and
then disqualified them. The fans were not happy with the result, and probably the high number of unsatisfactory main events
as of late, and poured down jeers from the seats.
That's it for another edition of River City Wrestling.
See ya next week!!

July 25, 1987 River City Wrestling #293
Calgary, Alberta
Opening Bout:
Non-title Match
Steve Disalvo defeated Buck Zumhoffe by pinfall after a running clothesline at 4:12
-even Zumhoffe did not provide much competition for the champ. The only real drama in the match came when Kevin Kelly's
valet Madusa came out to watch the action. If looks could kill then Lisa Caress would be on an epsiode of Law & Order.
Right after the match Disalvo spotted her and left the ring to confront her but she walked away before he could get there.
Steve Disalvo says he is bored with the competition, or lack thereof in RCW. He says its not his fault
that Vendetta and Manny Silva went on a path of mutual assured destruction, and Bassarab and Navarre have come up short. When
asked about Kevin Kelly the champ says that he is a wannabe who needs to prove himself some more.
After the interview Steve Disalvo and Lisa Caress pulled up chairs at ringside and waited. The reason turned out that
it was Kevin Kelly who had the next match. When he and Madusa came out instead of entering the ring they walked over to where
Disalvo sat and stared at his title belt. Disalvo got to his feet and the two men just stared at each other for a good 20
seconds before inside the ring referee Jurgen Hermann began the 10 count for a countout.
Bout #2
Kevin Kelly defeated Bernie Stihl by pinfall after a reverse neckbreaker at 1:04
-squash match, Kelly sending a message to Disalvo who watched the whole match standing up, then left for the back with
his title belt.
Kevin Kelly & Madusa say that the champs Steve Disalvo and Orca are ducking them, but they can only
hide for so long. Kelly refers to himself and Madusa as this year's model compared to Disalvo and Caress who are now no longer
under warranty.
Bout #3
Queen City Killers: Jett Black & Alex Cambridge defeated Rick Renslow & Sonny Rodgers by pinfall
when Black pinned Rodgers after the QCK at 5:25
-third straight one-sided match tonight although Renslow had a few good moments of offense
The Queen City Killers, Jett Black and Alex Cambridge say they have proven themselves to be top
contenders for the tag belts, and will wait for the result of the Hart Brothers and Terminators rematch tonight to see who
they are gunning for next.
Promo: "Championship Material" with Chris Champion
guest: Ben Bassarab
Champion is still bitter and embarrassed at losing to Bassarab last week even though he tries to appear normal. He asks
Bassarab what's next for him, as he has held the secondary title for over a year now, and has exhausted his attempts to win
the big one. He points out that Bassarab has also held the tag titles, it is only the Heavyweight title that stands between
him and a sure spot in the hall of fame. Bassarab says he doesnt care about accolades like that, its a long career yet he
hopes, and he will still have shots at the big title. Champion laughs and says that was spoken like a man who has given up,
maybe waiting for Disalvo to lose his title to a new champion, maybe someone smaller. Bassarab takes some offense to this
but Champion just laughs and tells him to sit down.
Champion acts like a lightbulb just went on and suggests to Bassarab that maybe holding that TV title is what is holding
him back. It acts like a security blanket, so he wont wrestle with the same sense of urgency and recklessness that he would
if he didn't have it. It also means he has to split his training up. Champion suggests to Bassarab that he should relinquish
the title, he has held it long enough, has nothing left to prove, and to put his full efforts back to winning the Heavyweight
Bassarab seems to think about it for a minute before saying there is nothing Champion would like more then for him to
give up this title, well it isnt going to happen.
Champion though won't give up on the idea and he calls out Steve Disalvo. The champion comes to the
ring with a snear on his face. When Champion puts the situation to Disalvo the big man rubs his hands together, nods his approval,
and seems to think it over. Finally the champ says there might be something to that, and he would be willing, out of the goodness
of his heart, to give Bassarab one more shot at the title, since there is no clear #1 challenger anyway, if he were to show
the dedication of giving up his title.
Bassarab says neither one of them wants him to win the belt, so they can stop playing games. Champion though won't give
up and calls Bassarab chicken too cowardly to grab life by the horns. Bassarab finally relents and says that there might be
some merit to what he is saying. He tells Champion he will think about it and give him and Disalvo their answer next week!
Bout #4
Chris Champion defeated Jeff Gillies by pinfall after a superkick at 3:41
-squash match
[end of first hour]
Bout #5
Six-man tag match
Mike Lozansky, Brian Jewel, & Shawn Cummings defeated Joe Lightfoot, Bobby Bold Eagle, & Sunny War Cloud
by pinfall when Lozansky pinned Lightfoot after a flying dropkick at 9:47
-the Three Little Indians controlled most of this match as both Jewel and Lozansky had turns playing Ricky Morton. But
the good guys made a spirited comeback at the end to win the bout.
The Hart Brothers announce that they have been granted a rematch for the RCW Tag Titles in tonight's
main event against the Terminators. The Harts say they really had the champs number last week and thats why they got themselves
intentionally disqualified to save their titles. But tonight will be different because Marty Goldstein has put in a special
condition on the match. If the Terminators get themselves disqualified, or walk out of the match, then they will be stripped
of their tag titles!! Ron Strong points out that the titles can not change hands by disqualification or countout. The Harts
say that is correct, but that doesn't mean they can't be stripped of the titles for not defending them fairly, and that is
what will happen if there is a repeat of last week.
Boris Zhukov is already in the ring. Marty Goldstein comes to the ring. He says that originally it was going to be Hawaiian
Punch against Zhukov but a last minute substitue has arrived in town. Goldstein says he is so happy to have this guy, to
improve the level of competition in RCW that he has come out himself to make the introduction. At 385 pounds, he is Big
John Studd!!!
Bout #6
Premiere of Big John Studd
Big John Studd defeated Boris Zhukov by submission to the bearhug at 4:33
-Zhukov left the ring at the start and refused to lock up. Finally Studd left the ring to go after him and Zhukov
caught him coming back into the ring. For the first minute it looked like Studd would not live up to the hype, but then he
fired back with big hamhock forearms. He surprised Zhukov with a variety of attacks including a double underhook suplex, a
side suplex, and a hiptoss off the top rope. The Russian lasted only about 20 seconds in the bearhug before giving up.
Ron Strong interviews John Studd. He asks him if he's turned over a new leaf wrestling the likes of
Boris Zhukov, and if he has gone away from using that controversial heartpunch. Studd just laughs. He says he doesnt care
if he's wrestling Zhukov or Zumhoffe or Zebraman, he wrestles like he wrestles, he fights like he fights, and he loses to
no man. And rest assured you will see the heartpunch again. When askes what has brought him to RCW, he drops a bombshell.
He says he has come to collect a bounty!! When asked by a stunned Strong who the bounty is on, Studd just walks away.
Main Event
RCW Tag Team Title Match
The Terminators will be stripped of their titles if they lose by DQ or countout
The Terminators: Riggs & Wolff (champions)
The Hart Brothers: Bruce & Owen
Bruce started the match and had a hard time with the power and double teams of the champions. Owen got the hot tag in
and seemed to fair better lifting the tempo of the match and almost single handedly winning the titles. But eventually he
was taken down after a blind tag, Riggs ducked and Wolff hit Owen with a thundering dropkick. They tried for their doomsday
device but Bruce entered the ring and took out Wolff who was holding Owen over his knee. The Terminators though then pounded
on Bruce, and chucked him over the top rope. Owen fought back one on two while Buddy Lane tried to restore order. Bruce
managed to recover and drag Wolff by the leg out of the ring. Buddy Lane left the ring to try and restore order outside where
Bruce and Wolff were exchanging chair shots.
Chris Champion appeared, ran into the ring and nailed Owen in the back with a steel chair, then left
the ring.
Lane eventually turned around and saw Riggs nail Owen with a backbreaker, so he returned to the ring and counted the
1, 2, 3 !!
The Terminators defeated the Hart Brothers when Riggs pinned Owen after a backbreaker and some outside interference
at 7:31
[The Terminators retained the RCW Tag Team Titles]
The Terminators pose with their title bouts and call for Chris Champion to return to the ring. Wolff
offers a handshake to a smiling Champion, but then spins him right into the arms of Riggs who nails him with a belly-to-belly
suplex. They lay the boots to him and then chuck him through the ropes to the floor below. The crowd gives the Terminators
a mixture of cheers and jeers as they resume their celebration.
That's it for another edition of River City Wrestling.
See ya next week!!