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They lock up. Monte Black runs into the ropes. Monte Black hits Greg Valentine with a clothesline. Monte Black goes for a punch, but Greg Valentine blocks it. Greg Valentine runs into the ropes. Greg Valentine hits Monte Black with an elbow. Greg Valentine throws Monte Black out of the ring. Mort Feinstein counts: one, two, Monte Black reenters the ring. Greg Valentine hits Monte Black with a double underhook suplex. Greg Valentine goes for a sleeperhold, but Monte Black blocks it. Monte Black whips Greg Valentine into the ropes. Greg Valentine hits Monte Black with a kick. Greg Valentine hits Monte Black with an elbowdrop. Monte Black goes for a vertical suplex, but Greg Valentine reverses it. Greg Valentine hits a kneebreaker on Monte Black. Greg Valentine goes for a sleeperhold, but Monte Black blocks it. Monte Black chops Greg Valentine. Monte Black kicks Greg Valentine. The crowd is cheering on Monte Black. Greg Valentine kicks Monte Black. Greg Valentine kicks Monte Black. A wave of boos is going through the crowd. Greg Valentine whips Monte Black into the turnbuckle, but Monte Black reverses it. Monte
Black charges into the corner. Monte
Black hits a drop toe hold on Greg Valentine. Monte
Black executes a punch on Greg Valentine. Monte
Black uses a dropkick on Greg Valentine. Monte
Black locks Greg Valentine in a wristlock. Greg Valentine reaches the ropes after being trapped for 7 seconds. Monte
Black executes a vertical suplex on Greg Valentine. Greg Valentine locks Monte Black in an abdominal stretch. Monte
Black tries to escape the hold. Monte
Black tries to fight the pain. Monte
Black reaches the ropes after being trapped for 23 seconds. Greg Valentine uses a vertical suplex on Monte Black. Greg Valentine hits a double underhook suplex on Monte Black. Greg Valentine executes the Figure-Four Leglock on Monte Black. Monte
Black tries to fight the pain. Monte
Black submits after 11 seconds. Security guards are restraining some fans from hitting the ring. The winner is Greg Valentine. Time of match: 0:04:02 Greg Valentine made Monte Black submit to the Figure-Four Leglock in 0:04:02. Rating: * 1/2 Post-Match: Like last week, after having his arm raised Valentine put the figure-four back on his opponent. This time
RCW officials were quicker to the ring and managed to force Valentine to make the break before he could do too much damage
to Black. However, Valentine then went after referee Mort Feinstein, knocking him to the ground and slapping the figure-four
on him. Within seconds the referee was passed out, and RCW officials were dragging Valentine off the official. Valentine walked
to the back jawing at fans as he went.
They lock up. Keith Hart takes Tom Stone down with a drop toe hold. Keith Hart goes for a piledriver, but Tom Stone counters it with a backdrop. In turn, Keith Hart counters it with a sunset flip. George Gadasky counts: One, two, thr... kickout. Keith Hart executes a flying headscissors on Tom Stone. George Gadasky counts: One, two, kickout. Keith Hart complains about a slow count. Keith Hart whips Tom Stone into the ropes. Tom Stone hits Keith Hart with a kick. Tom Stone runs into the ropes. Keith Hart hits a bodyslam on Tom Stone. Keith Hart runs into the ropes. Tom Stone misses with an elbow. Tom Stone locks Keith Hart in an abdominal stretch. Keith Hart reaches the ropes after being trapped for 9 seconds. Tom Stone whips Keith Hart into the ropes, but Keith Hart reverses it. Tom Stone hits Keith Hart with a football tackle. Tom Stone takes Keith Hart down with a chop. Tom Stone runs into the ropes. Tom Stone hits Keith Hart with a kick. Tom Stone nails Keith Hart with a kick to the head. Tom Stone runs into the ropes. Keith Hart takes Tom Stone down with a bodyslam. Keith Hart climbs to the top turnbuckle, but Tom Stone throws him to the mat. Tom Stone nails Keith Hart with an armdrag takedown. Tom Stone hits Keith Hart with a chop. Tom Stone hits a bodyslam on Keith Hart. Tom Stone whips Keith Hart into the ropes, but Keith Hart reverses it. Tom Stone hits Keith Hart with a shoulderblock. Tom Stone throws Keith Hart out of the ring. Tom Stone goes through the ropes. You can hear a few scattered fans booing Tom Stone. George Gadasky counts: 1. Tom Stone knocks Keith Hart into the ringsteps. You can hear a few scattered fans booing Tom Stone. Tom Stone nails Keith Hart with an elbowsmash. George Gadasky counts: 2. They're brawling inside the ring area. George Gadasky counts: 3. Tom Stone hits an atomic drop on Keith Hart. Tom Stone knocks Keith Hart into the ringsteps. Tom Stone goes for a facebite, but Keith Hart blocks it. They're brawling inside the ring area. George Gadasky counts: 4. Keith Hart takes Tom Stone down with an inverted atomic drop. George Gadasky counts: 5. Keith Hart reenters the ring. Tom Stone follows him back in. Keith Hart executes neck-scissors on Tom Stone. Tom Stone uses a kick to the thigh on Keith Hart. Tom Stone goes for a full nelson, but Keith Hart counters it with a backward kick. Keith Hart hits Tom Stone. Keith Hart chops Tom Stone. Keith Hart kicks Tom Stone. A few fans are cheering on Keith Hart. Keith Hart uses an inverted atomic drop on Tom Stone. Keith Hart goes for a somersault slam, but Tom Stone blocks it. Tom Stone gets a chokehold on Keith Hart. Tom Stone nails Keith Hart with a hiptoss. Tom Stone runs into the ropes. Keith Hart uses flying headscissors on Tom Stone. Keith Hart uses a German suplex on Tom Stone. George Gadasky counts: One, two, kickout. Keith Hart goes for a somersault slam, but Tom Stone counters it with a crucifix . George Gadasky counts: One, kickout. Tom Stone catches Keith Hart in a full nelson. Keith Hart reaches the ropes after being trapped for 6 seconds. Tom Stone nails Keith Hart with a flying hip attack. Tom Stone is met with a "Just go home" chant. Tom Stone goes for a kick to the thigh, but Keith Hart blocks it. Keith Hart hits Tom Stone. Keith Hart chops Tom Stone. You can hear a few scattered fans cheering for Keith Hart. Tom Stone punches Keith Hart. Tom Stone punches Keith Hart. Tom Stone is met with a "Just go home" chant. Keith Hart punches Tom Stone. Tom Stone kicks Keith Hart. Some fans are heading to the concession stands. Tom Stone kicks Keith Hart. The crowd is going "We want Gadasky !". Tom Stone punches Keith Hart. Keith Hart hits Tom Stone. You can hear a few scattered fans cheering for Keith Hart. Keith Hart hits a backbrekaer on Tom Stone. You can hear a few scattered fans cheering for Keith Hart. Keith Hart goes for a headbutt, but Tom Stone blocks it. Tom Stone goes for a flying hip attack, but Keith Hart ducks out of the way. Keith Hart goes for a kick to the thigh, but Tom Stone blocks it. Tom Stone uses a facerake on Keith Hart. Some fans are heading to the concession stands. Tom Stone takes Keith Hart down with a backbreaker. The crowd is absolutely silent. Tom Stone whips Keith Hart into the ropes, but Keith Hart reverses it. Tom Stone nails Keith Hart with a football tackle. Tom Stone goes for a hiptoss, but Keith Hart counters it with a lariat. In turn, Tom Stone counters it with a duck-down move. Tom Stone kicks Keith Hart. Tom Stone hits Keith Hart. Tom Stone kicks Keith Hart. The crowd is going "We want a refund !". Tom Stone whips Keith Hart into the turnbuckle, but Keith Hart reverses it. Keith Hart charges into the corner. Keith Hart hits Tom Stone with flying headscissors from the top rope. George Gadasky counts: One, two, kickout. Keith Hart executes the half-Boston crab on Tom Stone. Tom Stone tries to escape the hold. Tom Stone is writhing in pain. George Gadasky asks Tom Stone if he's still there. Tom Stone doesn't respond. George Gadasky stops the fight after 24 seconds. There is no crowd reaction. The winner is Keith Hart. Keith Hart made Tom Stone submit to the half-Boston crab in 0:08:30.
They lock up. The Bounty Hunter throws Buddy Lane out of the ring. Lynn Powell counts: one, The Bounty Hunter reenters the ring. The Bounty Hunter hits Buddy Lane with a lariat, but Buddy Lane counters with a duck down move. Buddy Lane executes a forearm smash on The Bounty Hunter. Buddy Lane nails The Bounty Hunter with a hiptoss. Buddy Lane uses an armbar takedown on The Bounty Hunter. A small "Buddy Lane" chant is being started. Buddy Lane goes for a monkey flip, but The Bounty Hunter blocks it. The Bounty Hunter goes for a backbreaker, but Buddy Lane blocks it. Buddy Lane nails The Bounty Hunter with an armbar takedown. A small "Bud-d" chant is being started. Buddy Lane goes for a flying armdrag, but The Bounty Hunter side-steps and Buddy Lane only hits air. The Bounty Hunter runs into the ropes. The Bounty Hunter hits Buddy Lane with a clothesline. The Bounty Hunter goes for a left hook, but Buddy Lane blocks it. Buddy Lane goes for a bodyslam, but The Bounty Hunter counters it with an elbowsmash. The Bounty Hunter whips Buddy Lane into the ropes, but Buddy Lane reverses it. The Bounty Hunter misses with a clothesline. The Bounty Hunter hits Buddy Lane with a kick. The Bounty Hunter takes Buddy Lane down with an elbowdrop. The Bounty Hunter whips Buddy Lane into the ropes. Buddy Lane hits The Bounty Hunter with a clothesline. Buddy Lane whips The Bounty Hunter into the ropes. The Bounty Hunter misses with a clothesline. The Bounty Hunter executes a high knee on Buddy Lane. The Bounty Hunter takes Buddy Lane down with a left jab. The Bounty Hunter chops Buddy Lane. The Bounty Hunter kicks Buddy Lane. The Bounty Hunter is starting to get under the crowd's skin. The Bounty Hunter goes for a backbreaker, but Buddy Lane counters it with a facerake. Buddy Lane throws The Bounty Hunter out of the ring. Lynn Powell counts: one, two, three, The Bounty Hunter reenters the ring. Buddy Lane takes The Bounty Hunter down with an armbar takedown. The crowd is starting to get behind Buddy Lane. Buddy Lane uses a snap mare on The Bounty Hunter. Buddy Lane is going for the pin. Lynn Powell counts: One, two, kickout. Buddy Lane puts The Bounty Hunter in a wristlock. The Bounty Hunter is valiantly trying to break the hold. The Bounty Hunter is struggling to reach the ropes. The Bounty Hunter reaches the ropes after being trapped for 15 seconds. Buddy Lane nails The Bounty Hunter with a flying cross body press. Lynn Powell counts: One, two, kickout. Buddy Lane executes an armbar takedown on The Bounty Hunter. Buddy Lane runs into the ropes. The Bounty Hunter hits Buddy Lane with a spear. The Bounty Hunter hits a bulldog on Buddy Lane. A wave of boos is going through the crowd. The Bounty Hunter goes for a football tackle, but Buddy Lane counters it with a kneelift. Buddy Lane chops The Bounty Hunter. The crowd is going crazy. Buddy Lane punches The Bounty Hunter. Buddy Lane uses a dropkick on The Bounty Hunter. Buddy Lane executes a bodyslam on The Bounty Hunter. Buddy Lane is going for the pin. Lynn Powell counts: One, two, kickout. Buddy Lane takes The Bounty Hunter down with a snap mare. Buddy Lane whips The Bounty Hunter into the turnbuckle, but The Bounty Hunter reverses it. The Bounty Hunter charges in with an elbowsmash. Buddy Lane goes for a wristlock, but The Bounty Hunter reverses it. Buddy Lane is struggling to reach the ropes. Buddy Lane reaches the ropes after being trapped for 16 seconds. The Bounty Hunter whips Buddy Lane into the ropes. The Bounty Hunter misses with a clothesline. Buddy Lane misses with an elbow. The Bounty Hunter hits a Samoan Drop on Buddy Lane. The Bounty Hunter gets a boot choke on Buddy Lane. Lynn Powell warns The Bounty Hunter to let go. Lynn Powell counts: One, two, three, four, five. Lynn Powell warns The Bounty Hunter. The Bounty Hunter puts Buddy Lane in a side headlock. Buddy Lane reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. The Bounty Hunter executes a left hook on Buddy Lane. The Bounty Hunter whips Buddy Lane into the ropes. Buddy Lane misses with a clothesline. The Bounty Hunter takes Buddy Lane down with a backbreaker. The Bounty Hunter runs into the ropes. Buddy Lane hits The Bounty Hunter with a clothesline. Buddy Lane takes The Bounty Hunter down with an armbar takedown. The crowd is going crazy. Buddy Lane goes for a rear chinlock, but The Bounty Hunter blocks it. The Bounty Hunter hits an uppercut punch on Buddy Lane. The Bounty Hunter whips Buddy Lane into the ropes. The Bounty Hunter nails Buddy Lane with a boot to the chest. The Bounty Hunter goes for a piledriver, but Buddy Lane blocks it. Buddy Lane catches The Bounty Hunter in a side headlock. The Bounty Hunter reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. Buddy Lane hits a bodyslam on The Bounty Hunter. Buddy Lane is going for the pin. Lynn Powell counts: One, shoulder up. Buddy Lane takes The Bounty Hunter down with a vertical suplex. Buddy Lane hits The Bounty Hunter with a hiptoss. Buddy Lane nails The Bounty Hunter with a kneedrop. Buddy Lane hits The Bounty Hunter with a hiptoss. Buddy Lane goes for a dropkick, but The Bounty Hunter side-steps and Buddy Lane only hits air. The crowd is booing The Bounty Hunter. The Bounty Hunter throws Buddy Lane out of the ring. Lynn Powell counts: one, two, Buddy Lane reenters the ring. The Bounty Hunter nails Buddy Lane with an uppercut punch. The Bounty Hunter goes for a Samoan Drop, but Buddy Lane counters it with an elbowsmash. Buddy Lane whips The Bounty Hunter into the ropes. Buddy Lane uses an armbar takedown on The Bounty Hunter. Buddy Lane executes a forearm smash on The Bounty Hunter. Buddy Lane goes for a kneedrop, but The Bounty Hunter rolls out of the way. Buddy Lane catches The Bounty Hunter in a wristlock. The Bounty Hunter reaches the ropes after being trapped for 10 seconds. Buddy Lane hits a backdrop on The Bounty Hunter. Buddy Lane is going for the pin. Lynn Powell counts: One, two, kickout. Buddy Lane executes a hiptoss on The Bounty Hunter. Buddy Lane locks The Bounty Hunter in a leg stretch. The Bounty Hunter reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. Buddy Lane goes for a hiptoss, but The Bounty Hunter counters it with a lariat. In turn, Buddy Lane counters it with a duck-down move. Buddy Lane uses a backdrop on The Bounty Hunter. Buddy Lane runs into the ropes. Buddy Lane hits The Bounty Hunter with a clothesline. Buddy Lane goes for a monkey flip, but The Bounty Hunter blocks it. The Bounty Hunter uses a short lariat on Buddy Lane. Lynn Powell counts: One, kickout. The Bounty Hunter goes for a high knee, but Buddy Lane ducks out of the way. Buddy Lane takes The Bounty Hunter down with a snap mare. Buddy Lane whips The Bounty Hunter into the ropes. The Bounty Hunter misses with an elbow. The Bounty Hunter hits Buddy Lane with a kick. The Bounty Hunter whips Buddy Lane into the ropes. Buddy Lane misses with a clothesline. The Bounty Hunter hits Buddy Lane with a kick. The Bounty Hunter nails Buddy Lane with a bulldog. The Bounty Hunter uses an elbowsmash on Buddy Lane. The Bounty Hunter catches Buddy Lane in a wristlock. Buddy Lane is valiantly trying to break the hold. Buddy Lane is struggling to reach the ropes. Buddy Lane tries to fight the pain. Buddy Lane reaches the ropes after being trapped for 27 seconds. The Bounty Hunter nails Buddy Lane with an uppercut punch. The Bounty Hunter throws Buddy Lane out of the ring. The Bounty Hunter goes through
the ropes. The Bounty Hunter whips Buddy Lane into the guardrail. The Bounty Hunter nails Buddy Lane with a punch to the midsection. Lynn Powell counts: 1. The Bounty Hunter executes a roundhouse right on Buddy Lane. Lynn Powell counts: 2. Lynn Powell counts: 3. The Bounty Hunter whips Buddy Lane into the guardrail. Lynn Powell counts: 4. The Bounty Hunter reenters the ring. Buddy Lane follows him back in. The Bounty Hunter goes for a fireman's carry, but Buddy Lane blocks it. Buddy Lane locks The Bounty Hunter in a side headlock. The Bounty Hunter is valiantly trying to break the hold. The Bounty Hunter is struggling to reach the ropes. Buddy Lane lets go after 17 seconds. Buddy Lane whips The Bounty Hunter into the ropes. Buddy Lane misses with a clothesline. Buddy Lane hits The Bounty Hunter with a hiptoss. Buddy Lane locks The Bounty Hunter in a side headlock. The Bounty Hunter reaches the ropes after being trapped for 17 seconds. Buddy Lane hits The Bounty Hunter. Buddy Lane has the crowd going wild. Buddy Lane hits The Bounty Hunter. The crowd is going crazy. Buddy Lane takes The Bounty Hunter down with a monkey flip. Buddy Lane executes a clothesline on The Bounty Hunter. Buddy Lane uses a hiptoss on The Bounty Hunter. Buddy Lane locks The Bounty Hunter in a wristlock. The Bounty Hunter reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. Buddy Lane nails The Bounty Hunter with a bodyslam. Buddy Lane executes a backdrop on The Bounty Hunter. Buddy Lane is going for the pin. Lynn Powell counts: One, two, kickout. Bounty
Hunter reaches into his trunks and pulls out brass knuckles. Bounty
Hunter hits Buddy Lane with brass knuckles. Lynn Powell disqualifies The
Bounty Hunter. The crowd is going crazy. The winner is Buddy Lane. Time of match: 0:13:24 Buddy Lane defeated The Bounty Hunter by disqualification in 0:13:24. [Bounty Hunter retains the RCW Television Title] They lock up. Junkyard Dog whips Mike Valiant into the ropes. Mike Valiant hits a swinging neckbreaker on Junkyard Dog. Mike Valiant is starting to get under the crowd's skin. Mike Valiant whips Junkyard Dog into the ropes. Mike Valiant hits Junkyard Dog with a kick. Mike Valiant locks Junkyard Dog in a cross armbreaker. Junkyard Dog is valiantly trying to break the hold. Mike Valiant lets go after 21 seconds. Mike Valiant gives him a ropeburn, but Junkyard Dog doesn't budge. Mike Valiant catches Junkyard Dog in a side headlock. Junkyard Dog reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. Mike Valiant executes a bodyslam on Junkyard Dog. Mike Valiant goes for a punch, but Junkyard Dog reverses it. Mike Valiant begs off. Junkyard Dog whips Mike Valiant into the ropes, but Mike Valiant reverses it. Junkyard Dog hits Mike Valiant with an elbow. Junkyard Dog takes Mike Valiant down with a fist to the midsection. Junkyard Dog whips Mike Valiant into the turnbuckle. Mike Valiant nails Junkyard Dog with a slap. Mike Valiant goes for a headsmash into the turnbuckle, but Junkyard Dog blocks it. Junkyard Dog takes Mike Valiant down with a headbutt. Mike Valiant executes an eye gouge on Junkyard Dog. Mike Valiant gives him a swinging neckbreaker. Mike Valiant goes for a side
headlock, but Junkyard Dog counters it with a back suplex. Junkyard Dog is going for the pin. George Gadasky counts: One, two, shoulder up. Junkyard Dog goes for a kneeling headbutt, but Mike Valiant blocks it. Mike Valiant hits Junkyard Dog with a headsmash into the turnbuckle. Mike Valiant gives him a double-axhandle chop, but Junkyard Dog doesn't budge. Mike Valiant kicks Junkyard Dog. A wave of boos is going through the crowd. Junkyard Dog kicks Mike Valiant. A small "JYD" chant is being started. Junkyard Dog kicks Mike Valiant. The crowd is cheering on Junkyard Dog. Junkyard Dog punches Mike Valiant. The crowd is really behind Junkyard Dog. Junkyard Dog hits a headbutt on Mike Valiant. Junkyard Dog hits Mike Valiant with a fist to the midsection. Junkyard Dog whips Mike Valiant into the ropes, but Mike Valiant reverses it. Mike Valiant takes Junkyard Dog down with a kick to the midsection. Mike Valiant locks Junkyard Dog in a side headlock. Junkyard Dog reaches the ropes after being trapped for 8 seconds. Mike Valiant gives him a kick to the midsection, but Junkyard Dog only stares at him. Mike Valiant runs into the ropes. Mike Valiant hits a swinging neckbreaker on Junkyard Dog. Mike Valiant takes Junkyard Dog down with a facerake. Mike Valiant whips Junkyard Dog into the ropes. Junkyard Dog hits Mike Valiant with a shoulderblock. Junkyard Dog is going for the pin. George Gadasky counts: One, two, kickout. Junkyard Dog runs into the ropes. Junkyard Dog hits Mike Valiant with a kick. Junkyard Dog runs into the ropes. Mike Valiant hits Junkyard Dog with a kick. Mike Valiant goes for a side headlock, but Junkyard Dog throws him off. Junkyard Dog hits Mike Valiant with a headbutt. Junkyard Dog hits Mike Valiant with an atomic drop. Junkyard Dog runs into the ropes. Junkyard Dog hits Mike Valiant with a kick. Junkyard Dog throws Mike Valiant out of the ring. George Gadasky counts: one, two, Mike Valiant reenters the ring. Junkyard Dog runs into the ropes. Mike Valiant hits a punch on Junkyard Dog. Mike Valiant uses a punch on Junkyard Dog. Mike Valiant takes Junkyard Dog down with a swinging neckbreaker. A wave of boos is going through the crowd. Mike Valiant throws Junkyard Dog out of the ring. Mike Valiant goes through the ropes. George Gadasky counts: 1. Mike Valiant knocks Junkyard Dog into the ringsteps. Mike Valiant hits Junkyard Dog with a swinging neckbreaker. George Gadasky counts: 2. Mike Valiant uses an elbowsmash on Junkyard Dog. George Gadasky counts: 3. Mike Valiant knocks Junkyard Dog into the ringpost. The crowd is booing Mike Valiant. They're brawling inside the ring area. Mike Valiant uses a kick to the midsection on Junkyard Dog. George Gadasky counts: 4. George Gadasky counts: 5. Mike Valiant whips Junkyard Dog into the guardrail. Mike Valiant goes for a kick to the midsection, but Junkyard Dog blocks it. George Gadasky counts: 6. George Gadasky counts: 7. Junkyard Dog reenters the ring. Mike Valiant follows him back in. Junkyard Dog hits Mike Valiant. There are lots of chants for Junkyard Dog. Junkyard Dog kicks Mike Valiant. The crowd is going crazy. Junkyard Dog runs into the ropes. Mike Valiant hits Junkyard Dog with a clothesline. Mike Valiant hits Junkyard Dog with a reverse Russian legsweep. Mike Valiant executes the piledriver on Junkyard Dog. A fan at ringside badmouths Mike Valiant. Mike Valiant goes for the pin. George Gadasky counts: One, two, three. A fan at ringside badmouths Mike Valiant. The winner is Mike Valiant. Mike Valiant pinned Junkyard Dog with the piledriver in 0:08:10.
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