Hall of Fame Announcement:
Chris Champion is joined in the ring by announcers Joe Aiello & Linley Tolbert.
We were pre-empted last week but are back with a special announcement tonight. Next week, on March 10th we will induct into
the River City Wrestling Hall of Fame two very deserved new members.
First, long time referee and former wrestler, Buddy Lane who has been with this company since 1981.
Secondly, the first announcer in RCW history who did the play by play duties for over 15 years, Ron Strong.
Opening Bout:
Vampiro defeated Scott Vick by pinfall after a brainbuster at 7:11
-Vamp continues with little purpose in MAPW
Chris Champion comes out to interview and clear the air with Adam Riggs as to who has
power, the orders being handed down from the executive to Champion or the powers given to Adam Riggs as Commissioner. But
before Champion can get much of an understanding going with Riggs, the Irish thug gets into his face and intimadates him.
He sends Champion out of the ring grabbing his papers as he goes.
Riggs begins to read off the matches for tonight, Vick versus Vampiro, well that sucked. Rhodes versus Holiday, well
okay although two cowboys together doesn't always work out to the straight and narrow, hummm....most of the rest of this sucks.
Okay I tell you what here's what we're going to do. Jerry Orth, you seem to think you are getting in line for a title match
against Kidman, well that spot belongs to my man Trent Arion...and tonight he will prove it in the ring against you Orth.
Oh, look at this...April Hunter to defend her title against Rena Mero in a strip naked match..oh settle down you bunch of
*****, that was a joke....well April done defended that belt against Mero too many times. It's boring. There's only one woman
around here who hasn't received a title shot..that's Dana Hamm. Yes, she is an Overlord too like Hunter, but competition is
good, and if Hunter is ever going to lose that belt its better kept in the family...kind of like Barry Windham's sex life.
Jindrak versus Evergreen..okay, that should be fun. Kidman versus McGuinness in an iron on a pole match...okay...what's
this me to defend my title AGAIN against Petey Williams..no..no..NO..NO...its time to move on folks.
Tonight's main event will be a #1 contenders match to decide who gets to meet me for this title. You know I don't know
what the hell is going on with you Brock Lesbian but its time to find out. So tonight you will be in that match against your
old rival..Kurt Angle!!!
The fans cheer.
See, you like me, you really like me, bunch of pissants.

Bout #2
Mark Jindrak defeated Asp Evergreen by pinfall after hitting him with a steel chair at 7:25
-Pretty even match between these two but just as Evergreen nailed a nice plancha outside the ring and seemed to take
control of the match his manager Joanie Laurer decided it was a great time to deliver a nice kiss to her man Evergreen. This
brought out Eddie Chavez to argue with his partner and manager, and distracted referee Buddy Lane who got tangled up with
Chavez. Jindrak used this opening to nail Evergreen with a steel chair and then pick up the win.
Mark Jindrak is interviewed and gloats about winning the match. His partner Sean O'Haire
comes out, and isn't very happy about the tactics used but seems to bite his tongue and listen to Jindrak brag.
Bout #3
Sam Holiday defeated Dustin Rhodes by pinfall after a Holiday legdrop at 11:29
-for two slower, older veterans, these two had the fans eating out of the palm of their hand, with some good old fisticuffs,
back and forth action, and in ring drama. Holiday played the wounded comeback angle, and Rhodes used every dirty trick to
try and keep him down including choking him with the tag rope, using the ropes for leverage on an abdominal stretch, etc.
Rhodes telegraphed a back body drop, so Holiday nailed him with a drop down punch, followed by an atomic drop, running clothesline,
bodyslam in the corner, and then the Holiday legdrop from the top rope.
Sam Holiday is interviewed following his victory. He says Rhodes is nothing but a bully, a coward at
heart, and he urges Javier Reyes to use his falling out with Rhodes as a turning point for his life and his career, to go
the straight and narrow.
Bout #4
MAPW Women's Championship
April Hunter defeated Dana Hamm by submission to the Hangman at 7:52
[Hunter retains the MAPW Women's Title]
-Hamm is a good athlete but Hunter is an animal in the ring, and still a good couple notches ahead of the rookie Hamm.
After the match there seemed to be some bad feelings between the two Overlords as Hamm left the ring on her own.
April Hunter is being interviewed and makes the assertion that she has beat every **** in MAPW and there
is no one else left. She says she is contemplating entering the men's division and retiring the Women's belt.
The fans errupt though as a newcomer to MAPW comes down the aisle and into the ring, its former WWE/ECW star "Jazz".
The fans actually give her a mix of cheers and jeers because Hunter despite being a villian is still very popular with the
Jazz says theres a new ***** in town, and Hunter better get ready to get down and dirty, she might even chip a nail.
Hunter just stands there and stares at Jazz trying not to look worried.
Dana Hamm sneaks back into the ring and attacks Jazz from behind. The two on one beat down is on, and
continues for a couple minutes until Sarah Stock hits the ring to make the save.
[end of first hour]

Bout #5
Trent Arion defeated Jerry Orth by pinfall after a running powerslam at 6:03
-fairly quick and decisive match for Arion, who controlled the early going, and might have won quicker if he didn't stop
to argue and insult the fans. The former Spinebuster Jerry Orth made a comeback, but when he went for a spinebuster, Arion
countered with a rake of the eyes. He followed up with some elbows, an arm capture suplex, and then finished him off with
a running powerslam.
Adam Riggs comes to the ring again to congratulate his protege Trent Arion and to demand
a title shot for Arion against Billy Kidman. He also takes the time to congratulate April Hunter for her victory, and says
someone in the Overlords, Dan Severn, The Stalk, Brandon Myers, needs to step up and get the tag belts from the Special Olympians
Ass Evereamed and Eddie Slowhands.
Bout #6
Non-Title Match
Iron on a Pole Match
Billy Kidman defeated Nigel McGuiness by disqualification at 9:30
-Kidman controlled early but made the mistake of trying to climb the pole too early and McGuiness made him pay,
suplexing him off. The next couple minutes consisted of McGuiness beating on Kidman and the TV champ just doing his best
to stay alive. Eventually the tables are turned though and Kidman manages to throw McGuiness off the the pole. He climbs up
and grabs the iron, climbs down, but when he goes to nail the challenger, the Brit reaches into his tights and throws
a handfull of powder into Kidman's eyes. This causes Buddy Lane to call for the bell and to disqualify McGuiness. The challenger
continues to beat on Kidman, and ends up busting him open with a shot from that Union Jack iron.

Main Event
#1 Contenders Match
Kurt Angle v Brock Lesnar (/w Rena Mero)
-Match starts off clean with some collar-elbow-hookups. Brock wins a couple tests of strength before Angle takes him
down to the mat. He tries for an STF, then for an anklelock but both times Lesnar is able to neutralize Angle.
The fans are solidly behind Angle.
Lesnar takes the intensity up a notch when he nails Angle with a forearm to the jaw on a corner break. The two get into
trading punches and Brock nails Angle with a belly to belly. Lesnar works over Angle, seeming to choose his back as the target
for most of the punishment. Angle makes a comeback but a back bodydrop further weakens his own back.
Seeking a rest he goes to a front facelock on the mat. The two show off their amateur mat wrestling background with some
chain wrestling before Brock nails Angle with a monstrous powerbomb. Instead of releasing it though he picks Angle back up
and nails another powerbomb. Angle manages to kick out of the pin attempt but his back is hurting.
The action spills outside where Kurt manages to make a comeback, nailing Brock with a hit and move strategy. Back inside
Kurt gets the anklelock on but Lesnar manages to kick him off. Angle continues to attack with some of his signature moves
including a high angle suplex, and the Angle slam, but Lesnar manages to kick out. Rena Mero is urging her man on, slapping
the ring apron.
Lesnar catches Angle with a lowblow unseen by the ref, then a scoop slam, and a fistdrop. He goes for a belly-to-belly
but Angle reverses it. Kurt puts Lesnar into the ankelock. Brock fights it slowly making his way over to the ropes. Angle
though drags Brock back to the middle of the ring.
The announce crew mention that we are almost out of television time.
MAPW Heavyeight champion and commissioner Adam Riggs comes down to the ring. He grabs the mic and says there is only
20 seconds left in the television time limit. Brock continues to fight off the pain while Riggs counts down. Finally the 20
seconds expire and Riggs call for the bell.
TV Time Limit Draw 15:31
Adam Riggs climbs into the ring and laughs at both Angle and Lesnar. Angle tries to attack him but Riggs
is fresh. He ducks under, and then chokeslams Angle to the mat. He lays the boots to him, and then nails a jacknife powerbomb.
Riggs call for the bell and says the match will continue. But the announce crew say we are out of time...as we...