
2 Hour Edition of Rage
Taped Wednesday September 1st
Air Date Saturday September 4th, 2004
From the campus of Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa
Hilton Coliseum
Attendence; 3,338

<<< Cue "Won't Get Fooled Again" by the Who >>>
The crowd cheers the opening of another Rage, as Commissioner Bob Backlund comes out with his executive
assistant Debra McMichaels. Bob starts by running down the line-up for tonight. The Main Event will feature
a return bout with Menele defending his MAPW Heavyweight title against Vendetta. Also kicking off September as "Battle Royal"
month in MAPW, we will have an 8-team tag-team battle royal tonight with the winner getting an NWA World Title shot. Manny
Silva will take on Ryland Roxbury, and Bam Bam Bigelow goes one-on-one with Mike Labonte.
Backlund] Now onto what happened last week. I've been watching tape all week, checking my sources, and after all
that I still have no idea what is going on. I mean you have this masked guy who has been helping Darren Michaels all along
suddenly turn on him, then you have Goldberg come out and clobber him. Then Goldberg seems to think its going to be Luke Hardamann
but its actually Shawn Michaels. Then the tag team champs get involved, and then those damn Germans come in and clear out
everyone!! What the hell is happening?
Debra] Bob, oh Bob, it goes something like this sugar. You see Luke Hardamann was the masked man all along. Remember
he "quit" from concussions, but he obviously cut some sort of deal with the incoming Darren Michaels. Goldberg of course found
out when he unmasked him but didn't say anything at the time because he didn't want it to effect Al Hardamann's tag title
shot. So out of respect for Al, he waited until the main event and the appearance again of the masked man. Only the masked
man was no longer Luke, it was Shawn Michaels. Shawn must have got rid of Luke temporarily somehow and donned the mask. Except
Goldberg didn't know this, and didn't see Shawn turn on his brother as he was probably racing to the ring. So when he appeared
he speared Shawn thinking it was Luke. As for the Germans, well they warned you that they were going to become more dominant
*shrugs her shoulders*.
Backlund] What? Well I'm still not sure about all that stuff but one thing I am sure about is that ring is the all
around equalizer. So here are some more matches for tonight. Al Hardamann, since you have a beef with Goldberg after last
week you two fan favorites will hook-it up tonight and hopefully will get it out of your system. Luke Hardamann, you have
been ragging on Sam Holiday for months, well its time to shut up and put up, as you two lock it up tonight. And finally, Germans,
I have signed one of your members, Extreme Jack Voight to a contract to wrestle tonight against an opponent who will only
let himself be known at bell time. Enjoy the show.

Bam Bam Bigelow v Mike Labonte
Bigelow came down with Diamond Rhodes, Paisley, and Tylene Buck, while Labonte came down with Adam
Burke. But referee Melissa Coates sent everyone but Bigelow's licensed manager Tylene Buck to the back.
Labonte had his moments to shine, but overall the raw power and experience of Bigelow was way too much for Labonte to
handle. The Beast from the East seemed to really turn it up a notch without the interference of Rhodes. At one point he even
ordered Buck to "shut up, and sit down".
Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Mike Labonte by pinfall after the Greetings from Asbury Park at 6:52

Manny Silva v Ryland Roxbury
Well not much joy in mudville tonight as for the second straight match a young exciting fan favorite was overmatched
with a more powerful, more experienced wrestler. Silva controlled this match early punishing Roxbury with a plethora of suplexes,
and a pair of spinebusters. Roxbury though came back after a Silva miscue as he telegraphed a back body drop and ate a purple
boot from Roxbury. RR poured it on strong, a stick and move type of offense that kept Silva reeling but not down. However,
Roxbury went for a flying leg lariat and Silva caught the leg of RR, turned him over into a half Boston and got the submission.
Manny Silva defeated Ryland Roxbury by submission with the half-Boston at 5:57

Manny Silva |

In-ring promo;
Pamela Paulshock is in the ring and she welcomes back to Middle America, two mid-western boys Jerry
Lynn and Scott Norton !!
The Iowa fans cheer them as they come to the ring in street clothes. Each takes a turn on the mic thanking the fans for
welcoming them back. The only jeers that are heard are when Paulshock mentions both men are from Minnesota. They are also
announced as being entered as a tag team tonight in the battle royal. The fans give both a rousing ovation as they leave
the ring waving.

Al Hardamann v Goldberg
This match had all the makings of a squash when after 2 minutes it had been all Goldberg who had already hit a spear
and was signalling for the jackhammer. However, the MAPW tag team champion Al Hardamann surprised Goldberg and the fans when
he went "downstairs" on Goldberg with a lowblow, which was not seen by ref Jimmy Appleseed. This allowed Hardamann a short
rally which ended when Goldberg caught him in a chokelift and threw him almost half way across the ring. Goldberg then hit
the spear and set him up for the jackhammer once again. This time it was broken up not by Hardamann but by the appearance
of the masked man in a black and red mask who came down to ringside. Goldberg released his hold and stood
on the bottom strand yelling at the masked man. No one was quite sure if the masked man was Luke Hardamann, Shawn Michaels,
or even someone else. But Al used the distraction to wrap up Goldberg from behind in a roll. He had his feet planted firmly
on the ground for a pin but the masked man reached in and held onto his legs for extra leverage.
Al Hardamann pinned Goldberg after a victory roll with outside interference at 4:22.
Goldberg lost his temper when he saw the hand of Al Hardamann raised. He chased the
masked man but couldn't catch up to him so he re-entered the ring and caught Hardamann flush in the chest with a spear. He
signalled for the jackhammer, but paused while lifiting him up. Half the crowd was cheering and half was booing him and he
seemed unsure. Hardamann's partner Sam Holiday ran down from the back at this point and entered the ring.
He gestured for Goldberg to calm down, and it worked, as he released the hold on Hardamann and left the ring.

steel jawed, Sam Holiday |
<<< cue "Ain't Going Down 'till the Sun Comes Up" by Garth Brooks>>>.
The fans cheer madly when Sam Holiday makes his way back down to the ring. He is wearing a George Canyon
t-shirt and black trunks with a white horeshoe imprint on the back.
His opponent is supposed to be Luke Hardamann but instead of Hardamann we get,
<<< cue "Won't Get Fooled Again" by the Who >>>
Commish Bob Backlund and his assistant Debra McMichaels in her little sister's miniskirt
and blouse and enough oil on her legs to keep Kabul lit for a year come down to the ring. Backlund is shaking his head and
holding a piece of paper.
Backlund] Well I don't like this any better then you will Holiday, or the fans will, but I've just received the medical
report from our doctors, and confirmed it with them face-to-face. Luke Hardamann is still suffering from post-concussion syndrome
and as such can not legally enter this match tonight.
Predicatably the fans boo, but Holiday doesn't seem all that upset.
Backlund] But I tell you what fans, you're going to have a great match instead. We're going to do an upgrade at no
extra charge. So, Darren Michaels, you set all these wheels in motion, now its time to pay the piper.
The fans pop and watch the entrance way.
After a short delay as Sam Holiday uses the top rope to stretch out his arms and shoulders.
<<< cue "Dangerous Tonight" by Alice Cooper >>>
Darren Michaels comes down to the ring shaking his head. He enters the ring and grabs the mic.
Michaels] Before there was shock and awe, there was Darren Michaels, and there was VIOLENCE and BLOODSHED. You, Sam
Holiday do not want to enter MY world. You should have got off lucky with that brainwashed fool Luke Hardamann, but instead
you seem stricken with the idea of fighting against the Brujah, the head of the monster. Tonight Sam Holiday I will shed your
blood in this ring.
Darren Michaels v Sam Holiday
A tooth and nail, drag out, punch up, fist fight is what happened in this match. As much outside the ring as inside.
Holiday used power moves like a running powerslam, but Michaels fought back springing off chairs and the ring apron to leverage
his own size against Holiday. True to his word Michaels busted Holiday wide open smashing his head into the announce table.
He also used one of the video cameras to further bust Holiday open. This was as much as referee Buddy Lane would allow to
happen and he called for the bell.
Sam Holiday defeated Darren Michaels by disqualification at 8:39.
Darren Michaels grabbed a steel chair and placed it around the neck of Holiday. He then threw his busted
open opponent head first into the steel steps causing him to land with a sickening thud, the steel chair constricting around
his neck. Michaels then climbed to the ring apron and posed, arms outstretched ready to fly off and really do some damage
to Holiday.
Al Hardamann came running out to the resuce but suffered a flying elbowsmash from Michaels knocking
him to the ground. Michaels then went to work on Al throwing him into the guardrail and then the ringpost.
Suddenly Goldberg came out and caught Darren Michaels completely by surprise with a spear. He then gorilla
press slammed Michaels back into the ring and climbed in after him. He waited in the corner for Michaels to get to his feet,
ready for a second spear, when the masked man appeared, sliding into the ring, taking up a position between
Goldberg and Michaels. All 3 men stood keeping a weary eye out for each other as the fans went nuts.
Darren Michaels attacked first, running straight at the masked figure as he temporarily had turned to his side to look
at Goldberg. But the masked man was too quick, bringing up his boot and catching Darren Michaels flush to the chin with some
sweet chin music. The fans went nuts as Shawn Michaels pulled off his mask.
HBK grabbed DM by the hair and peppered in a few fists while yelling at his brother. Goldberg approached cautiously,
and then faster to try and take HBK out with a spear. But again Michaels was too quick, moving out of the way, and then
as Goldberg got to his feet he too was knocked out flat with the sweet chin music.

In-ring promo;
<<< cue "'till it Sleeps" by Metallica >>>
The fans give the NWA World Tag Team Champions, Jerry Orth & Bryan Caruthers a mixture
of cheers and boos as they come to the ring dressed in street clothes.
Caruthers] John Fredrickson started this whole damn thing. Not the NWA of course but his imprints are all over the
way it is today. Chris Champion was more of a direct influence on all of us though, showing us that next level, how good we
truly could be. Being the NWA World Tag Team Champions *there is a hint of sarcasm in his voice about that* we are
in a unique position at the announcement of the JFCC Cup, October 16 & 17th. The NWA doesn't want us to enter as a team
and wrestle in a bunch of non-title matches. So, Larkin came up with this idea that we should get our own partners.
Orth] Not sure what the hell he was thinking, as Larkin is a strange cat sometimes. Me and Bryan been together up
and down these roads for many years now, something like 8 years together. He thinks it might be fun for us to have new partners
just for the tournament. First he brings in Team Extreme and now he does this to us. I have to wonder if his actions are really
on the level, or if he is trying to screw us up so we drop these titles. It's no secret that when John Fredrickson and Chris
Champion were in charge of the PWA and WWA we were just a couple of guys stuck in some pissant Mid-Am promotion, just a couple
of names on a roster stuck between guys like Kevin Matthews and Steve Riley, and the Road Warriors. We didn't even get a sniff
of a chance at PWA on Fox. And now we are supposed to do honor to these founders? F&@$ that!
The fans boo the Spinebusters as Orth spits on the mat and hands the mic to Caruthers.
Caruthers] What we will do honor to is our own names, our own abilities. We will accept our invitations to the JFCC
Cup tournament, and most likely one of us will win. But as for doing tribute to the founders, I agree one hundred percent
with my friend Jerry Orth, they can suck my nuts. And as for these NWA World Tag Team Championships well we've just about
had it with them as well. But screw that for today we have more pressing business on hand. The naming of our partners. Jerry
go ahead.
Orth] Well the biggest influence on my own style before I got into the business was Tully Blanchard. But since he
is long past his prime I would like to select as my partner the guy who I have most enjoyed watching over the past decade,
a guy whose style reminds me of my own. It would be my honor, as well as his, if Steve Corino would step
up and take a place beside me in the JFCC Cup.
The fans cheer Orth's selection of a partner and Caruthers shakes his hand as he takes back the mic.
Caruthers] My partner, if he accepts, is the man who I think will dominate pro wrestling in the years to come. He
is the real "total package" and the consumate professional athlete, none other then the Next Big Thing, Brock Lesnar
The fans cheer Caruthers choice even louder and Orth looks shocked. Finally the Spinebusters shake hands, wish each other
good luck and leave the ring to a mixture of cheers and jeers, with the NWA World Title straps over their shoulders.

"Extreme" Jack Voight v "mystery opponent"
Voight waited anxiously with his manager Dan Severn for the appearance of his mystery opponent.
<<< cue "Phenomenal" by LL Cool J >>>
The fans pop and cheer, but soon the chorus turns to boos as Adam Riggs makes his way to the ring. Voight
and Severn are beside themselves. Voight sends Severn to try and talk Riggs out of the match. Severn asks Riggs to stand down,
and not to take the match. Riggs says that while he agrees with the New Right's creed that he doesn't give a damn who his
opponent is, he just wants to fight.
Jack Voight (/w Dan Severn) v Adam Riggs
Another brawl, with both men showing no regard for the rules, and long time inept official Jurgen Hermann showing no
desire to enforce any. Riggs soon took control and was punishing Voight when Severn jumped up on the apron. It was just a
distraction however as Alex Wright entered the ring behind Riggs and tried to take him out. Riggs though turned around and
caught Wright with a big boot to the chest, and then flattened him with a DDT. Kai Hanson tried to enter the ring next but
Riggs just threw Wright into Hanson knocking him off the ring apron. The Irishman went back to grab Voight but he was already
out of the ring, having been pulled out by Severn. Riggs came bounding off the ropes and the fans were awed as the huge man
nailed both Severn and Voight with a suicide tope. Riggs threw Voight back into the ring and then nailed him with the Phenomenol
performance to pick up the win.
Adam Riggs defeated Jack Voight by pinfall after the Phenomenol Performance at 7:19.

Backstage promo;
Pamela Paulshock is standing next to MAPW newcomer Shawn Daivari.
Pamela] Welcome to MAPW Shawn.
Daivari] It's good to be here Pam...
Pamela] ...yes well after the shoddy way you've been treated around the NWA, guys picking you up, using you for a
night, dumping you the next morning.
Daivari] Are we still talking about me?
Pamela] Yes, oh sorry, what? Okay, Shawn, now everyone wants to see your magic carpet that we've heard so much about.
So let's see the carpet.
Daivari] I'll show you mine Pamela if you show me yours.
Pamela] Well...actually...I shaved...
We hear snorts of derision and Commish Bob Backlund and his assistant Debra step into
the interview.
Backlund] This has to the lamest interview segment I've ever seen. Look Shawn, we're a little tight around here for
room. I've been scanning this roster all night looking for a cut, and quite frankly until a minute ago I had no idea who it
was going to be. But your insepid interview leaves me no choice.
Daivari] What? You can't do this!! Larkin promised me, said I wouldn't be treated this way like I hadn't been jerked
around enough already.
Backlund] Larkin said that? Well...
At this point added to the interview mix is Korean manager and long time MAPW mainstay Sammy Yip. We
haven't seen Yip since his only charge Tiger Khan was injured a couple months back.
Yip] American screw job..that what they call this show. Backlund, mister, you no do this to honorable Shawn. Look,
I have no Tiger Khan since he is hurt, I take on this youngster Shawn Daivari and make him number one American star. Oray?
You rike?
Backlund] Well I guess but I still need to cut someone tonight.
Yip] Here I give you hot tip.
Sammy Yip leans over and whispers something into Backlund's ear.
Backlund] Oh no..no way. He's been with us Sammy longer even then you. That would be a real crappy thing to do. Give
me one good reason I should do that.
Yip leans in again and whispers something into Backlund's ear. While this is going on Daivari is putting the moves on
Paulshock in the background. He has her in a greco-roman liplock and dip.
Yip] You see mister Bob you see. Most grateful. She love you rong time.
Backlund blushes but doesn't protest. Debra looks a bit pissed off at Yip and Backlund, and Daivari now has Paulshock
pinned against the wall, her legs wrap around his waist as the camera moves to the left taking them out of the scene.
Backlund] Oray...shit..I mean okay Mr. Yip. You sign this..hey, what the hell are you two doing? Look Yip you sign
him, get control of him for crissakes, and if this other thing works out he is still on. If it doesn't though he'll be getting
the pink slip...err...you know what i mean.
Yip smiles and bows to Backlund.

Shawn Daivari |

Tag Team Battle Royal
Winners get NWA World Tag Title Shot
Order of elimination (Bold indicates wrestler actually thrown over)
x Kai Hanson & Alex Wright (elim. by Kit Carson) 2:15
x Kit Carson & Khris Germany (elim. by Alex Wright) 2:15
x Stan & Randy Mullett (elim. by Scott Norton & Jerry Lynn) 2:48
x Asp Evergreen & Derek St. Holmes ESQ (elim. by Sam Holiday) 3:38
x Sam Holiday & Al Hardamann (elim. by Bam Bam Bigelow) 3:42
x Scott Norton & Jerry Lynn (elim. by Diamond Rhodes) 5:56
x Diamond Rhodes & Bam Bam Bigelow (elim. by Adam Burke) 9:48
Winners: Adam Burke & Mike Labonte
Alex Wright and Kit Carson got tangled up in the ropes. Dan Severn tried to help Wright but just made matters worse and
both men tumbled out...The Mullet brothers were late additions to this match as they are MAPW secondary talent...Bigelow
had a real strong showing in this match, dominating with his size...Even Scott Norton couldn't eliminate Bigelow...Bigelow
was working over Mike Labonte trying to get him over the top rope and Rhodes was in charge of Burke. But Rhodes made a mistake
and walked into a Tiger's Claw which drove him back against the ropes and Burke clotheslined him over for the finish.

<<< cue "Sable's Theme" >>>
The fans whistle with derision as Sable, head held high, nose in the air, dressed from neck to feet
in luxorious leather makes her way to the ring.
Sable] As some of you probably already know, especially you internet geek types, my main squeeze Jamie Knoble has
gone on to the WCW. But contrary to those reports he did not leave me behind, I chose to stay behind.
The fans boo and start a chant of "skank...skank...skank". Sable looks indignant but when the fans get louder
she decides to just continue.
Sable] There are many more fish in the sea where I dredged him up from, and he was like a minnow compared to some
Barracudas that are out there.
<<< cue "Burning Heart" by Survivor>>>
The fans cheer as Al Collins comes to the ring. Collins is another superstar who we haven't seen in
many weeks due to an injury which has kept him out of action. Collins enters the ring, shaking his head and wagging a finger
at Sable.
Collins] Yo Sable, you're more like a black widow then you are a fisherman. And we all know your act by now. You
are not going to be bagging any more fish around here so you might as well clear out now. No one in their right mind is going
to buy what you are selling...no matter how cheap the price has become.
<<< cue "Won't Get Fooled Again" by the Who >>>
Commissioner Bob Backlund comes down to the ring, and for once he is not accompanied by Debra McMichaels.
Backlund has a mischievous smile on his face and is still holding that sheet of paper from earlier.
He enters the ring with a mic of his own.
Backlund] Hi Sable. Hello Al, how you doing? Good, good. Look I see we got ourselves a situation here, a budding
confrontation. I just wanted to nip this one in the butt before it goes any further. We've seen this play before between you
two and pesonally it has to end. Sable, your man Knoble is gone, he's history. I have in my hands a list of all the active
MAPW talent with instructions to find a budget cut tonight. At this point there really isn't any reason for you to stay. Why
don't you just head down to hot 'lanta and follow Knoble or hey why not head over to New York where I'm sure they could find
a storyline or two for you.
Sable] No please, I'm very popular here, with the fans...
The fans boo and start singing, "na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na, hey, hey, hey, goodbye".
Sable] The'll book me in all sorts of disgusting angles, there could be hot lesbian action, or fake weddings, or
motel room shenanighans, or, or...
Backlund] having you dry humped against the wall by some foreign jobber during an interview...
Sable] No, they aren't THAT sick!
Backlund] *clears his throat* oh well, be that as it may I have to inform you..
Again the fans pick up the chant of "na-na-na-na".
Sable gets down on her knees in front of Backlund and begins to plead with him,
Sable] Please, PLEASE, Mr. Backlund, I would be so grateful, I would do ANYTHING, I'm sure I could do great things
on your staff...
Backlund blushes.
Backlund] Stand up woman! Have some pride for crying out loud. My decision stands, as of tonight you are no longer
have a guaranteed contract with MAPW, no longer Al Collins, I'm sorry.
Collins' jaw drops open in shock, Backlund shrugs his shoulders, and Sable jumps up and down with glee before planting
a big kiss on Backlund's cheek. Collins waves his hands in disgust at Backlund and Sable and leaves the ring to a decent sized
pop from the Iowa crowd.

Main Event
Tonight's main event was supposed to feature a return match between Vendetta and the man who upset him for the title
last week on Rage, the new champion, Menele. Usually the challenger comes to the ring first but instead tonight we got,
<<< cue "Won't Get Fooled Again" by the Who >>>
The fans boo as they have seen the Commish Bob Backlund more times tonight then they are used to, and
way more then in MAPW tradition. However, he looks upset and grabs a mic.
Backlund] Menele get out here now!!
<< cue "Flee" by Kindred >>>
The bald visage of the new MAPW champion Menele is seen and the fans boo as he comes to the ring, wearing
the title belt around his waist.
Backlund] Tonight you were supposed to be taking on Vendetta in a return bout for that belt. But I just heard from
the medics in the back that someone jumped Vendetta and knocked him out, busted the back of his head wide open. They had to
rush him to the hospital. Did you do this?
Menele] Be very careful where you tread old man.
Backlund] Or what? You so much as lay a hand on me and I will strip you of that title you worked so many years
to win.
Menele] Say what you want about me Backlund, think what you want, judge me by my past if you wish. But, this belt
means nothing to me if it is tarnished. I will do ANYTHING to win a match, and if the opponent in the ring isn't up to that
kind of commitment then that is his problem. But Vendetta offered me his hand, and I accepted it, right after I took away
his beloved belt. I'm ready for Vendetta. Why would I fear him? Last week was no fluke, and I want to prove that very badly
Backlund] I don't believe you..like you say you would do anything to win a match...I'm sure even lie. But don't you
worry, I'm going to fix your wagon tonight, I found an opponent for you.
<<< cue "Tenth Dimension" by Blaze >>>
The fans come to their feet and cheer as Robert "Blaze" Bayley makes his way to the ring accompanied
by the lovely Kimberly Page. Menele surprisingly seems to take it all in stride.
MAPW Heavyweight Title Match
Menele (c) v Robert Bayley (/w Kimberly Page)
Menele starts off strong and goes for power via a full nelson slam. Bayley though fights back with a quick attack of
a shoulderblock followed by a snap suplex.
The two men exchange a lot of kicks and punches for the next minute or so, before Menele tries to wear down Bayley, first
with a facelock and then with a full nelson. Both men give as good as they receive and manage to avoid the other's finisher.
While they fight tough, they manage to keep it in the ring and fairly clean.
Menele though breaks the detente by working a chokehold, reapplying it after breaking at the count of 4 by Buddy Lane.
This heats up the action again as they go back to punches and kicks, but this time with a little more zest to them.
Menele goes back to working the chokehold, having backed Bayley into the ropes. He nails a full nelson slam, and goes
for the pin but only gets a 1 count. He then blocks a clothesline attempt by Bayley and turns it into a Russian legsweep.
He picks Bayley up and nails his wheelbarrow finisher. He gets the 1 ,2, too close to the ropes and Bayley's foot gets the
break in the ropes. Menele loses his temper and straddles Bayley, choking him, and refusing to break the hold. Buddy Lane
seems insistent on not calling for the DQ as he wants to give Bayley every opportunity possible to win the title. Menele beils
Bayley across the ring and then reapplies the chokehold. This time the choke is broken when Kimberly Page
enters the ring and hits Menele from behind with a steel chair. She hurts Menele but not enough to knock him out, so she quickly
makes her exit and heads for the back.
Menele defeats Robert Bayley by disqualification for outside interference at 11:39.
Menele retains the MAPW Heavyweight Championship
Menele is handed his strap by Buddy Lane, and the champ rips it from his hands impatiently. He walks
over to Robert Bayley and looks like he is going to punk him out but instead just walks over him and heads to the back amidst
the boos of the fans.
As we...
Television Feed cuts to a taped message.
Jack Larkin is sitting behind a desk.
Larkin] Heartbreakers, I was e-mailed a video file of your little production. I have to admit you made me laugh.
I'm not sure which one of you is supposed to be Beavis and which one is Butthead...you both seem like buttheads to me. The
part I found the most amusing is when you called me old. I hadn't realized I was old, so thank you, I went out and bought
this steel cane to commenmorate the occasion. As for the JFCC Cup, hell yeah, you boys are most welcome to the tournament.
To make the tournament more interesting, I have been given the green light by the tournament committee to set the brackets
as I see fit. But I assure you two kids that I will act professionally and in the best interests of the tournament and the
sportsmanship it is meant to embody. I wouldn't think of stacking the bracket against you, oh hell no. No more would I do
that then would I show up at that tournament with this steel cane and stick it straight up your ass. So after all the trash
talking, you're in, so on October 16 and 17, bring your A-game.

