Opening Bout:
Jerry Orth defeated Sean Waltman by pinfall after a spinebuster at 8:46
-Orth firmly puts himself back into the TV Title hunt with this big victory. Waltman on the other hand looks rudderless.
Chris Champion comes out with more executive orders. He announces some big matches for tonight including
the tag titles on the line with Evergreen & Chavez taking on the Natural Born Thrillers. Also Kurt Angle will wrestle
against Tajiri, and a big tag match between Bayley & Holiday and Myers & Arion. Champion then starts to address the
situation between Petey Williams and Adam Riggs, and says that the powers that be were not too happy with their actions last
week. He says Riggs crossed the line when he assaulted both Joe Aiello, and later Linley Tolbert the announcers.
<<< cue "Phenomenal" by LL Cool J >>>
The crowd jeers loudly as MAPW Heavyweight champion Adam Riggs comes down to the ring. He takes the
mic from Chris Champion and reminds him that because he is the champion he is also the commissioner and able to make spot
decisions when required. So before Champion can do any more damage to the show, Riggs drops the mic and goes after him. But
Champion was ready and retreats through the ring ropes and scurries away.
Riggs just laughs and says that as the commissioner he is now going to announce the final two matches for the night.
First a handi-cap match will be held with Brock Lesnar facing off against both Dan Severn and the Stalk.
Secondly, tonight's main event will see Petey Williams get his return match for the title but it will be a gimmick match.
Riggs calls out April Hunter and Dana Hamm who come out dressed in stockings, tux and tails like magician
assistants, and carry with them a roulette style wheel.
Once they set the wheel up inside the ring Riggs says that Williams will decide his own fate with the spin of the wheel.
Riggs shows some of the slots which include steel cage match, coal miners glove match, ladder match, Texas Death Match.
Riggs then calls out Petey Williams who comes with some apprehension. After some back and forth between
the two, the former champion says he doesn't care he'll fight him in any kind of match. He wants Riggs to demonstrate the
wheel to make sure it isn't "Rigged". So Riggs does that spinning it several times and each time it comes up something different.
Finally Williams steps forward and spins the wheel. As it begins to slow down, it suddenly stops with a jagged motion
right on "Streetfight" as April Hunter seemed to pull a lever or something on the back of the wheel. Williams goes to protest
only to be attacked from behind by Riggs. The beatdown is on, and it continues until Kurt Angle rushes the ring and sends
Riggs running for the hills.
Bout #2
Brandon Myers & Trent Arion defeated Blaze Bayley & Sam Holiday by pinfall when Myers pinned Bayley after
a brainbuster at 10:08
-Bayley and Holiday controlled much of this match but Holiday came up limp after an awkward landing outside the ring.
This prevented them from operating at 100% and soon Myers and Arion expolited this with some double teams on Bayley
that lead to the win.
Bout #3
Dustin Rhodes defeated Javier Reyes by pinfall after a bullodg at 6:40
-Rhodes dominated most of this match, showing up his former protege.
Rhodes continued to beat on Reyes, stomping away, until Sam Holiday came out to make the save.
Bout #4
MAPW Tag Team Title Match
Asp Evergreen & Eddie Chavez defeated Sean O'Haire & Mark Jindrak by disqualification for use of a foreign
object at 9:32
[Evergreen & Chavez retain the MAPW Tag Team titles]
-This was a very even match with the momentum switching back and forth and neither tem having a sustained advantage.
If anything Jindrak was looking to be the weak link in the match. Finally in a moment of frustration Jindrak
hit Evergreen outside the ring with a steel chair to get disqualified.
[end of first hour]