Opening Bout:
Scott Vick & Mentallo v Diamond Rhodes & Javier Reyes
-Rhodes encouraged Reyes to start the match and he did so against Mentallo, coming up with the upper hand. He worked
an armbar and some forearms before Mentallo reversed things with a monkeyflip then rolling bodyscissors. The masked man tagged
out to Scott Vick who then controlled Reyes in their corner. A couple more quick tags before Reyes was finally able to make
a tag out to Rhodes ~ except Rhodes refused telling Reyes to tough it out.
Vick punished Reyes but they couldn't pin him, and finally Reyes snapped. He locked on a chokehold on Mentallo and wouldn't
release it, risking disqualification. With the referee Tony Zerucha distracted putting Vick out Rhodes finally entered the
ring (illegally) and nailed Mentallo with a big bulldog. Reyes made the pin and got 1, 2, Kickout.
Rhodes called for the tag which was made, but Mentallo was also able to tag out to Vick. Some quick exchanges and after
a few of his patened shots to the throat Rhodes found himself on the receiving end of some chops and spin kicks. Vick
tagged out to Mentallo who came off the top catching Rhodes with a crossbody block, but Rhodes rolled through for a near fall.
Rhodes tagged out to Reyes who caught Mentallo with a big boot followed by a couple of suplexes. Quick tags between Rhodes
and Reyes kept Mentallo off, but not for too long. Mentallo managed to duck under a double clothesline attempt and then hit
a double dropkick. He tossed Reyes to the floor and then sent Rhodes to the ropes where he was hit to the back of the head
by a Vick boot. Mentallo made the tag, hit a fisherman suplex for good measure, then Vick came off the top rope with a frogsplash
and got 1, 2, Reyes pulled Vick off. A four man brawl errupted and Rhodes managed to catch Vick in the back with a forearm
and then nail him with an inverted DDT for the win.
Diamond Rhodes & Javier Reyes defeated Scott Vick & Mentallo by pinfall when Rhodes pinned Vick after
an inverted DDT at 9:19
Grudge Match
Ultimo Dragon v Vampiro
Vamp attacked Dragon before the opening bell, smashing him headfirst into the corner, wrecking his arm on the ringpost,
and then stomping away at his fingers. He then went with a more traditional attack of bodyslams, backbreakers, elbows,
and kicks. Dragon though battled back with a droptoe hold, dragon suplexes,and a dragon sleeper. The match went outside the
ring where they brawled with Dragon surprisingly maintaining his advantage. He worked over Vamp but then made a big mistake
when he threw Vamp out of the ring again and then attempted a suicide plancha, but Vamp moved out of the way.
Vampiro threw Dragon head first into the ringsteps before taking the match back inside.
Vamp was in his zone now hitting all his favorite moves, the sidewalk slam, flying spinning leg lariat, two successive
powerbombs but could still not get a pin. He tried for another powerbomb but Dragon fought it at the top and took Vamp down.
UD went to town with some kicks but when he went for a springboard moonsault Vamp rolled out of the way. The freak from Canada
then hit UD with his nail in the coffin to get the win.
Vampiro defeated Ultimo Dragon by pinfall after the Nail in the Coffin at 8:27
Sean O'Haire is already in the ring when,
cue <<< "Phenomenal " by LL Cool J >>>
The fans jeer deliriously when Adam Riggs comes to the ring. He throws out a few free insults to the
crowd. He says St. Paul may be where the Catholics have moved to stay away from the Protestant English scum on the other side
of the bridge over in Minneapolis, but its too bad that Minnesota is a breeding ground for homo Catholics and unfaithful Priests.
As popcorn and soda flies Riggs just smiles to himself enjoying the spectacle of what he is doing.
Riggs says enough is enough though. This night does not belong to him, at least not yet, it belongs to his new protege,
the man that Riggs says will replace him if he ever decides to hang up the bloodied boots. Now he says he had to reach out
to the Protestant nation for this one, surprising even himself, but that what he likes about this guy is not just his work
in the ring but his attitude outside the ring to those who do not deserve our pity.
Ladies and gentlemen I give you "Trent Arion"
<<< cue "You've Got Another Thing Coming" by Judas Priest >>>
The fans jeer and stand to get a look at the new young stud. At 6'5 and 235 lbs he is lean and fit, and looks meaner
then a rusty nail in your foot. He is sporting slicked back short black hair, and plain black trunks with "Arion" written
on the back.
He goes to take the mic from Riggs but the mentor won't hand it over.
Riggs says to Arion that he knows that he is dying to teach these faggots some respect but not tonight. Talk is cheap,
its for those who have earned it, for those who have already walked. Riggs says he can talk on the first Rage of 2007 if he
can beat this sorry excuse for an Irish lapsed catholic Sean O'Haire.
Bout #3
Sean O'Haire v Trent Arion
O'Haire is fired up and goes right after Arion with some fists then forearms. He nails him with a kick and then a face
plant. O'Haire goes for an early pin but only gets a 1 count. Side headlock that Arion tries to throw his way out of but O'Haire
hangs tight and takes Arion down to the mat. He works that hold then turns it into a headscissors. Finally Arion is able to
reach the ropes and get the break.
Arion rolls out of the ring, but O'Haire follows. Sean spins Arion around and lands a right fist to the jaw, reeling
Arion, but the newcomer lashes out with a kick to the gut, followed by a clothesline. O'Haire gets to his feet but Arion springboards
off the ring apron and drives O'Haire's head into the ground.
Back inside Arion works a series of standing, spinning ,armbars ducking elbows as he makes the switch several times.
Arion laid in several elbow smashes and then headbutted O'Haire four staight times even though it was obviously hurting him
as much as O'Haire. Arion noticed that his own head had been busted open a touch, so he widened the cut with his fingers and
spread his blood across his forehead.
This delay allowed O'Haire to nail him with a clothesline, then smashed his head into the turnbuckle 10 times as the
crowd chanted. O'Haire continued to work over Arion before finally the protege was able to turn it around with an undetected
lowblow, followed by a DDT for a 2 count.
Arion then placed O'Haire face down with his throat across the top rope, came off the opposite side leaping over the
top rope and snapping O'Haire's throat off that top strand.
Arion rolled back inside where he hit a German suplex, shoulderbreaker, and then a hard hitting facefirst pumphandle
suplex for a near fall. Arion then took O'Haire to the 2nd buckle and came off with a devastating looking second rope crucifix
slam for the win.
Trent Arion defeated Sean O'Haire by pinfall after a second rope crucifix slam at 6:49
Bout #4
MAPW Women's Championship
April Hunter (champion) v Sarah Stock
After a couple lock-ups where Stock used her agility advantage to get the better of the champ, Hunter changed the strategy
and suckered Stock into a test of strength which the champ won easily. Hunter went to work with a couple forearms, some bootchokes
including one against Stock while she was standing against the corner, then a hotshot. She tried to get an easy win by placing
her feet on the bottom strand but rookie referee Tony Zerucha noticed and forced her to make the break.
Stock fought back and after some spinning armbars took a page out of Jake Robert's playbook with a short arm clothesline
followed by a DDT, but could only get a 2 count. She tried for flying headscissors but Hunter countered that with a powerbomb
and nearly got a 3 count.
The champ then went to work and showed the crowd why she is the most feared woman in MAPW. She hit a tiltawhirl backbreaker,
pumphandle slam, worked over the lower back with knees, then a hurrancanrana coming off the ropes, for 1, 2, Kickout.
It was a temporary relief for Stock though as Hunter climbed to the top rope and came off with her version of the blockbuster,
a necksnap coming off the top, known as the headhunter to pick up the decisive win.
April Hunter defeated Sarah Stock by pinfall after the Headhunter at 4:52
[April Hunter retains the MAPW Women's Championship]
Bout #5
MAPW Tag Team Title Match
Asp Evergreen & Eddie Chavez (champions) v Sean Waltman & Joanie Laurer
Waltman started strong by basically opening with a punch to the side of the head of Chavez, dropping him to his knees.
Waltman was just vicious, standing over Chavez and nailing him with about 6 punches straight to the temple area dropping Chavez
like a bad habit. Referee Buddy Lane actually had to step in and physically pull Waltman off and warn him, and this was only
a few seconds into the match.
It would be a long time before Chavez was able to recover from that attack with Waltman and Laurer taking turns punishing
Chavez while taunting the distressed Evergreen. Chavez though managed to avoid being pinned, and finally he gave Waltman a
lowblow and managed to crawl over and tag in Evergreen, with over 5 minutes already gone.
Evergreen was the proverbial house o' fire working over Waltman and Laurer but seemed to hesitate at the wrong time unwilling
to hit Joanie which allowed a sneak attack from behind by Waltman. He worked over Evergreen, but the tag champ soon reversed
a whip to the ropes and caught Waltman with a knee to the gut and then a rocker dropper, for a 2 count. Evergreen then hit
a version of a moonsault where he just landed with his back on top of Waltman knocking the air from him. He continued to work
Waltman with a crossface, abdominal stretch, and some savate kicks. He tagged in Chavez who continued to work Waltman but
eventually favors were returned and the challenger lowblowed Chavez and then rolled over to tag in Laurer. She charged at
Chavez who took her over with a flying armdrag takedown and tagged in Asp.
Evergreen vaulted over the top rope and landed on Laurer with a legdrop for a 2 count, but she managed to drape a foot
over the bottom rope. So he dragged her out of the corner a bit more, climbed to the top and despite the warnings of his partner
he was taking too much time, Joanie rolled out of the way of a moonsault attempt and Asp wrecked himself on the mat.
Waltman was tagged in and worked over Asp with some kicks, and then nailed the X-factor. He was going for the pin but
decided instead to give the honors to his "girlfriend" and tagged in Laurer. She took too much time and Asp managed to almost
pin her with a schoolboy. She then rocked him with a clothesline and he fell back into the corner with his arms draped over
the ropes.
He lay there as if he WANTED to get a bronco buster, and when Laurer smelled a rat and just stared at him, he just licked
his lips and motioned her over. Eddie seeing that his partner had lost his mind tried to enter the ring but was held back
by Buddy Lane. Laurer motioned for Asp to close his eyes which he did.
Waltman then entered the ring and delivered a bronco buster to Asp, which he enjoyed until he opened his eyes in horror
to see Waltman!
He tried to get away but Waltman grabbed him by the trunks trying to pull him back into the ring while Chavez grabbed
his arms and was trying to pull him out of the ring.
With Lane distraced, out of the blue Billy Kidman hit the ring scooping up a tag team belt on his way, and ~waffled~
Joanie Laurer in the back of the head.
Lane sorted out the others and got Waltman out of the ring as Laurer was the legal man. Waltman tried to break up the
pin but Chavez ran in and took him down with a tackle. Asp covered Joanie, pressing his chest against hers, and got 1, 2,
3, and then finished it with a kiss on her lips!
Asp Evergreen & Eddie Chavez defeated Sean Waltman & Joanie Laurer by pinfall when Evergreen pinned Laurer
after some outside interference at 10:39
[Evergreen & Chavez retain the MAPW Tag Team Titles]
Bout #6
Wrestler v Boxer
Brock Lesnar (/w Rena Mero) v Iron Mike Tyson
Tyson tried a couple of long range bombs which Lesnar blocked, and then didn't do a very good job of protecting himself
and Lesnar shot on him knocking him to the ground. He tried for a submission but Tyson grabbed the ropes and flailed away
with his feet to get a break.
Tyson was more cautious the second time but when the fans got on his case he again became too wreckless. Lesnar shot
on him and we had a repeat of what just went down.
The third time though was the charm and he managed to partially clip Lesnar with a right and then followed with a left
staggering Lesnar to the ropes. Tyson closed for the kill but referee James Beard stepped in to effect the rope break.
Lesnar then challenged Tyson to a test of strength which he won, and then went to work on the boxer with some knees to
the gut, some elbows in the corner. He then nailed a gutbuster and went for the pin and got a 2 count.
Tyson rollled out of the ring and looked like he was going to leave the premises. So Brock went after him and walked
right into a suckerpunch, leveling Lesnar. Tyson then went back into the ring and told Beard to count, which he did once he
could get the manic Tyson to a neutral corner.
Rena did her best to revive her man but things didn't look good, but finally Lesnar kipped up and Rena pointed him to
the ring where he staggered. He might or might not have been able to beat the 10 count but Tyson was in no mood to find out.
He greeted Lesnar with a running knee, bouncing Lesnar off the apron to the floor below. He followed Lesnar to the mat, and
then tried to punch him while he was down but Lesnar countered it with an armbar. He got up and rocked Tyson with a clothesline
and rolled him back into the ring.
Lesnar pounced on Tyson picking him up and running to slam him spine first into the buckle. He then locked on the Brocklock
and Tyson tapped out.
Brock Lesnar defeated Mike Tyson by submission at 4:23
Bout #7
2 Falls
First fall for the MAPW Television Title
Second fall for the MAPW Heavyweight Title
Petey Williams (MAPW Heavyweight Champion)
Yoshihiro Tajiri (MAPW Television Champion)
The first couple minutes are actually a feeling out process with both men taking it cautious, perhaps believing this
will be a long match ahead of them. Tajiri grabbed the first advantage with a top wristlock, some armbars and body scissors.
They then went into a chain wrestling sequence where Williams got the better of his opponent, but made a mistake of charging
at a stunned Tajiri hanging onto the ring ropes. Tajiri lowered the ropes and Williams flipped over to the floor below, but
crashed into Tajiri on the way down with both men landing in a heap. It looked like the first fall might end in a double countout
which would mean Tajiri would retain his title, but Buddy Lane applied a pretty slow count which was beaten by Tajiri and
Williams at the 9 count.
Then they went at each other with some crisscross moves, some sunset flips, cradle pin attempts etc with no luck, and
then suddenly Williams emerged with Tajiri in a crossface. He held his opponent in that hold for almost a full minute before
a rope break was achieved. Williams then worked over the back of Tajiri and tried for the Canadian Destroyer but Tajiri countered
with an unseen lowblow.
The TV champ went to work with some buzzkicks and an enzuigiri for a 2 count. He then dropkicked Williams out of the
ring and followed with a plancha. Back inside Tajiri continued to take it to the heavyweight champ but made a mistake when
he went for the Tarantula and Williams countered with an elbow and then a hotshot. The champ nailed the Canadian Destroyer
and that was all she wrote.
Petey Williams defeated Yoshi Tajiri by pinfall after the Canadian Destroyer at 11:58
[Petey Williams wins the MAPW Television title]
Williams wanted to go right after Tajiri, but as per 2 out of 2 falls matches in MAPW there is a 2 minute rest period.
Following that Tajiri tried to stall for time and Williams made the mistake of getting impatient and chasing him, only to
be caught with a kick to the head when entering back into the ring. Tajiri tried to end it with the brainbuster but Williams
managed to counter with a float over and a belly-to-back suplex. His momentum though was short lived as Tajiri went to the
throat. The "former" TV champion then hit his handspring back elbowsmash and a dragon suplex for a two count. He worked a
reverse chinlock that Williams busted out of only to fall into a sleeperhold. Williams managed a rope break, but Tajiri retaliated
by throwing him out of the ring, and then landing on him with a head tope.
Back inside the ring he nailed some kicks and then went for the brainbuster again only to have Williams counter with
a roll-up for a 2 count. Scrambling back to his feet Williams ducked under a clothesline then tackled Tajiri from behind driving
both men between the ropes and out of the ring. Tajiri was on his feet first and suplexed Williams on the floor mats, then
came off the ringsteps with a flying elbow.
Tajiri took the match back inside where he went to the top rope. He came off with a leg drop but Williams moved out of
the way. The double champion hobled over to the corner and climbed to the top rope himself. But Tajiri climbed after him catching
him at the top, facing out of the ring. Tajiri was trying to take him over with a belly to back superplex, but Williams fought
back with a back elbow, knocking Tajiri to the mat. Williams then came off the top with a bulldog and got a 2 count. The Canadian
then hit a Russian legsweep followed by the sitout wheelbarrow facebuster, but incredibly Tajiri kicked out!!! Petey Williams
then hit the Canadian destroyer and picked up a hard fought victory.
Petey Williams defeated Yoshihiro Tajiri by pinfall after the Canadian destroyer at 7:27
[Petey Williams retains the MAPW Heavyweight Title]
Bout #7
Bikini Battle Royale
*elimination by throwing out of the ring and landing on the floor with both feet. Does NOT have to go over the top rope
Before the match the announced participants of Pamela Paulshock, Dawn Marie, Christy Hemme, Rena Mero, and Kim
Page were surprised by commissioner Chris Champion who thought they needed a bit more competition in the ring. So
he went out and found some more girls;
Not satisfied with the new competition the girls started to call out Dana Hamm, even though the Overlords
member was not prepared for the event. It didn't take long though for Hamm to come out and accept the challenge.
Order of elimination results, time, who eliminated them.
9. Dana Hamm (Mero, Page, Hemme, Dawn Marie) 0:48
8. Pamela Paulshock (Ringer, Persephone) 1:01
7. Cheerleader Melisa (Dawn Marie) 1:47
6. Kim Page (Mero) 2:15
5. Persephone (Ringer, Hemme) 3:34
4 & 3. Ringer & Hemme (each other) 3:50
2. Dawn Marie (Rena Mero) 4:31
Winner: Rena Mero 4:31
Main Event
Blaze Bayley, Diamond Dallas Page, Sam Holiday, & mystery partner
Adam Riggs, Brandon Myers, Dan Severn, & The Stalk
A Steel cage was lowered from the ceiling around the ring; only one ring would be used for this match.
Two men will start then every 3 minutes another man will enter the steel cage, alternating between teams. Once all 8
men are in the ring a referee will enter the ring. The first team to make one of their opponents submit or having to stop
the match due to the orders of the ringside doctor will be the only ways for this match to end.
As per the coin toss, Team Blaze will get to enter a man in first and maintain the advantage throughout.
Blaze Bayley v The Stalk
The captain of Team Blaze, despite his age and injury proneness wants the Overlords so bad he insists to enter the ring
first (not that Holiday or DDP are any younger). The Overlords take the opposite route and go with their youth, and perhaps
their weakest member first.
Bayley runs across the ring and catches Stalk by surprise with a flying fist. He hammers him into the corner and then
sends him head first into the cage wall. It's pretty much a baroom brawl, which negates Stalk's mixed martial arts skills
to some degree. Bayley uses the ropes to choke him, and by the 2 minute mark has him already bleeding heavily from the head.
However, Stalk is able to out of the blue grab an armbar and hyperextend the arm of Bayley. Stalk goes on the attack, although
he is woozy, and has control when 3 minutes expire.
Blaze Bayley & Sam Holiday
The Stalk
Holiday walks right into a buzzsaw that is the Stalk, more desperate then his usual methodical attack plan. Stalk works
Holiday over with some suplexes and pumphandle slams, then a cobra clutch before raking his head across the cage walll. Finally
Bayley is able to nail Stalk from behind to slow his momentum. But Stalk still has control, when we reach the 6 minute mark
of the match.
The Overlords send out former NWA World Champion Brandon Myers.
Blaze Bayley & Sam Holiday
The Stalk & Brandon Myers
It's all Overlords for this 3 minute time period. Soon Myers is the only one of the four not wearing crimson. The Overlords
take turns nailing their opponents with double teams, first backdrops against the cage wall, then stuffed piledrivers off
the top rope, and finally holding them like battering rams and running them head first into the cage wall. They are in total
control when we reach the 9 minute mark and Team Blaze sends out DDP.
Blaze Bayley, Sam Holiday, & Diamond Dallas Page
The Stalk & Brandon Myers
They are waiting for DDP when he enters but he is fists of fire and fights them both off. He goes for the diamond cutter
but Myers pushes him off right into Stalk who puts him in an armbreaker. While he does that Myers continues to boot away at
the fallen Bayley & Holiday. Suddenly DDP is able to feed Stalk a backelbow to the mouth, and then springboarding off
the cage wall, DIAMOND CUTTER!! Then Myers turns around, diamond cutter...attempt...but Myers pushes him off, crashing into
the steel cage, then DDP bounces off and collides with Myers, both men down. All 5 men are down with no ref to count. After
about 20 seconds Myers is the first one to his feet and he grabs DDP by the hair, and nails him with a DDT. He then walks
over and picks up Bayley by the hair, DDT. He then walks over and picks up Holiday by the hair, with
a clothesline. Both men down. All 5 men are down again when we hit the 12 minute mark.
Here comes the Beast, another former World Champion.
Blaze Bayley, Sam Holiday, & Diamond Dallas Page
The Stalk & Brandon Myers & Dan Severn
Severn goes right after Holiday with a belly-to-belly suplex. He then tries to revive the Stalk with some slaps. He wakes
his protege up all right, but he's disorientated and he nails Severn with a punch right to the throat!!
All men are down but after about 10 seconds they are all getting to their feet holding onto the ropes. One by one they
are all back up and fighting in the middle of the ring, gang warfare style. Team Blaze grabs the advantage and nail simultaneous
back body drops on all 3 opponents. But the Overlords have another trick up their sleeve as Dan Severn reaches into his tights
and pulls out a pair of brass knux, and then nails DDP with a punch to the head. It's 3 on 2 now, and Blaze and Holiday fight
hard to avoid the brass knuckles as we count down to find out who the mystery partner is...
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1....
KURT ANGLE....draped in an American Flag...the crowd goes nuts as the Olympic Gold Medallist comes roaring to the ring...
Angle goes right to work catching Severn with a forearm uppercut then an overhead Belly to Belly suplex. Myers gets in
his face next and falls to the Angle Slam. In the meantime Bayley and Holiday both hit Stalk from behind, Holiday taking his
head with a bulldog, Bayley clipping his knee from behind. Stalk is wrecked.
He's still a minute and a half from supposed to be entering, and he's certainly not supposed to be brandishing a weapon!!
Blaze Bayley, Sam Holiday, Diamond Dallas Page & Kurt Angle
The Stalk & Brandon Myers, Dan Severn & Adam Riggs
Riggs takes out Holiday from behind with the chair, then jams it into the stomach of Page and ~waffles~ him across the
back. He doesn't have to go after Bayley because Severn catches him from behind and has him in a sleeperhold. Riggs goes after
Angle but the Olympic champion grabs the chair and the two men struggle over to the corner.
Referee James Beard is let into the cage to officiate the submission.
Angle and Riggs trade punches, and then Angle ducks another chair swing, gives Riggs a kick in the gut, tries for an
Angle slam, but Riggs is big enough to float over the back of Angle and take him down hard with an inverted DDT.
The Overlords regroup now and are all over Team Blaze. Bayley is barely fighting off a submission from Severn, and Riggs
has Angle in a sleeperhold. Angle manages to get close enough to Severn while Riggs has him in the sleeper to wind up and
kick Severn in the back with both feet. This single act starts a chain that sees Team Blaze begin to take back the match.
Bodies are everywhere as we see a diamond cutter, a Holiday legdrop, a Blaze Bomb, and an Angle slam. But Angle is the only
one with a true submission finishing move, the ankle lock. He gets the lock on Severn but the veteran is able to twist out
of it, kicking Angle off. The Overlords make a brief comback but when Stalk and Myers telegraph a double back body drop, they
are dropped by Bayley with a double DDT. Page nails Riggs with a diamond cutter and leaves him to Angle who locks on the ankle
lock. Riggs though refuses to submit and is eventually saved by Severn. But seconds later Angle has the ankle lock on Brandon
Myers in the middle of the ring and the rest of Team Blaze is battering away at the Overlords. The fans are on their feet
as Myers grabs onto the back of the legs of Holiday and tries to pull him or use him as leverage to get higher, but Holiday
kicks him off. Seconds later and Myers has no choice but to tap out. It's over!!!
Team Blaze defeated The Overlords in a WarGames match when Kurt Angle submitted Brandon Myers with the ankle
lock at 22:34
Team Blaze celebrates with MAPW's newest superstar Kurt Angle, as we