Announcers Joe Aiello, Linley Tolbert, and Chris Champion give us a quick rundown of what to expect tonight.
* The one week boycott of Rage last week by the Overlords is over, and they are back tonight in full force. In fact their
leader, Adam Riggs is signed to wrestle in tonight's main event against his arch-enemy Blaze Bayley in a strap-match!!!
*Ultimo Dragon and Vampiro will lock up tonight after their falling out over the past couple of weeks
*Dawn Marie & Kim Page will do battle against Rena Mero & Christy Hemme in a tag team lingerie fashion show,
just in time for the Christmas shopping season!!
*all that and much, much more as we are only two weeks away from the biggest show of the year; Armageddon: The 27th Anniversary

Opening Bout:
Wrestler v Boxer "exhibition"
Brock Lesnar (/w Rena Mero) defeated Tubby Stanfield by submission to the Brock-lock at 4:17
-to help prepare for his match at Armageddon against Mike Tyson, Lesnar took on a local boxer in this match. While Tubby
landed a couple good body shots early, it was pretty much all Brock Lesnar who had the solid backing of the crowd.
Brock Lesnar basically says this was a message for Tyson that he's getting ready for anything he might throw at him.
He says he ain't no woman that Tyson can slap around freely, and if he bites his ear he'll rip off Tyson's ear and shove it
down his throat.
Tag Team champions Asp Evergreen and Eddie Chavez participating in a Tai-Chi class. Well actually they're
just scoping out chicks and keep a running monologue going. Finally the teacher stops and orders them out of the class. Evergreen
refuses saying "we're the freakin tag team champions of the world" and points to his waist where he's wearing his belt over
his gui, "and we'll leave when we're ready to leave." The elderly Asian instructor says very well, "boot to the head". We
see his foot quiver but it doesn't even seem to move before Asp's head snaps back. Eddie grabs Asp by the arm and drags him
out of the class.

Bout #2
Scott Vick & Mentallo defeated Vance Nevada & Darren Dalton by pinfall when Mentallo pinned Nevada after
hitting a moonsault at 6:45
Mentallo calls out Javier Reyes, who comes to the ring. Mentallo says he used to be a good guy but it seems like slowly
he is getting tained by the tactics of Dustin Rhodes. Mentallo tells Reyes to make a decision as to which dressing room he
Reyes tells Mentallo to mind his own business, and not to give him ultimatums. Vick steps forward to get between them,
but Reyes lashes out and slaps Mentallo across the face, then slips out of the ring and heads for the back.
Bout #3
Brandon Myers defeated Sean O'Haire by submission to the figure-four leglock at 9:17
-O'Haire had his moments in this match but overall Myers showed why he was a former NWA World Champion, outclassing and
outcheating O'Haire.
The entire Overlords faction came to the ring. Brandon Myers was joined by Adam Riggs, Dan Severn,
the Stalk, April Hunter, and Dana Hamm.
After the usual torrent of insults against the fans, America, and Blaze Bayley, Riggs turned his attention to some new
business. Riggs says that Severn has his protege the Stalk, and this O'Haire seems to have been taken under the wing of DDP
and Bayley, so Riggs says he has been doing some thinking. He'll never simply retire, they'll have to kill him first, but
why should he fight all his battles on his own? He's the greatest pro wrestler of all time and deserves to have a protege
of his own. Well after a long search for a man who has the kind of in-ring talent, potential, ability to get nasty, winning
personality, and most important the correct social views, he has found himself a young man to groom.
Riggs says that man will be unveiled at Armageddon, and that if DDP and Bayley will allow it then his new man would be
happy to destroy Sean O'Haire.

Bout #4
Tag Team Lingerie Fashion Show and Match
Dawn Marie & Kim Page battled Rena Mero & Christy Hemme to a no-contest at 1:35
-well all four women looked splendid as they pranced around, but it really had no rhyme or reason except to show skin.
But then April Hunter & Dana Hamm hit the ring in a sneak-attack and it became clear that it was a set-up. Sarah
Stock hit the ring seconds later and nailed April Hunter from behind. While Stock took it to Hunter, the other four girls
took it to Hamm.
[end of first hour]

Sean Waltman & Billy Kidman come to the ring, with big grins on their faces. When Pamela Paulshock
asks them what's going on they try and remain coy but do give the fans a hint. They have a match coming up this hour against
the tag team champions, and they have a big surprise of Evergreen & Chavez. They have someone to be in their corner, with
a manager's license, to even the playing field against all the shenanighans they always pull.
Bout #5
Ultimo Dragon and Vampiro battle to a double countout at 12:50
-a fantastic match which while vicious stayed in the ring, and high tempo for the first 10 minutes. Vampiro controlled
early with strikes, some armbars, and even a sharpshooter but could not put away Dragon. UD fired back with legwhips, dragon
suplexes, and a crossface chickenwing. Finally the anger between the two could not be contained in the ring and they spilled
outside. UD went for a plancha and missed, wrecking himself into the crowd. Vampiro grabbed a chair to use but a fan grabbed
a hold of it to stop him. Vamp then slammed the fan's head into the chair, but UD then hit him with a dropkick from behind.
With Vamp's head slung over a chair Dragon tried to nail a running legdrop but Vamp moved out of the way and Dragon's foot
found the opening in the chair. By this time the referee's 10 count had finished and the match was declared a double countout.
The two men managed to brawl for a couple more minutes in the stands until security was able to finally seperate them.
Armageddon Promo;
*WarGames: Bayley, DDP, Holiday & a mystery partner
Riggs, Myers, Severn, & Stalk
*Heavyweight champion Petey Williams v Television Champion Tajiri, two falls. The first fall for the TV title, the second
for the Heavyweight title.
*Boxer v Wrestler: Brock Lesnar v Mike Tyson
*Women's Title Match: April Hunter v Sarah Stock
*Ultimo Dragon v Vampiro [No DQ, No countouts]
*Sean O'Haire v mystery man [Adam Riggs' protege]
*Womens' Bikini Battle Royale
*Tag Team Title Match
*all that and much more

Mystery Manager:
Waltman & Kidman amazingly enough provide a genuine surprise by bringing Waltman's ex-girlfirend, former Playboy
playmate, former Surreal Life reality TV star, the wrestler formerly known as Chyna, but now going by her real name Joanie
Laurer out as their new manager. She brings out an ominous looking briefcase to the ring.
Bout #6
Tag Team Title Match
Asp Evergreen & Eddie Chavez defeated Sean Waltman & Billy Kidman (/w Joanie Laurer) by disqualification
when Laurer hit Evergreen with her briefcase at 8:54
[Evergreen & Chavez retain the MAPW Tag Team Titles]
-Laurer was a big distraction for the tag champions, especially for Asp who seemed a bit taken with Laurer. However,
once they got things on track they nailed their opponents with everything they could think of, and fast. Evergreen came off
the top rope and planted a kick right to the jaw of Waltman. Sure victory however was snatched from his hands when he tried
to come off the ropes but Laurer jumped up on the apron and nailed him in the back of the head with her briefacse.
The beatdown was on, 3 on 2 until MAPW security was able to break it up.
Waltman and Kidman throw down the gauntlet, they want a title shot at Armageddon.

Blaze Bayley, Diamond Dallas Page, and Sam Holiday refuse to tip their hats as to the identity of their
partner for WarGames. They say this will be a real surprise for a change.
Main Event
Adam Riggs defeated Blaze Bayley by touching all four turnbuckles in a strap match at 14:59
-long, bloody battle with both men not only bleeding from the head, but Riggs bleeding from the back where he was whipped,
and Bayley bleeding heavily from a cut on his bicep due to running into the ringsteps. Riggs used the strap a couple
times to try and choke out Bayley. The end started when Bayley was whipping Riggs on the announce table. He then wrapped the
strap around the neck of Riggs and got too cocky trying to drag Riggs back to the ring. The Iris thug though clung
to the announce table as if for his life. When Bayley finally gave up and went over to Riggs, the Irishman caught him
by surprise, grabbing a TV monitor off the table and smashing Bayley over the head with it. Riggs then tossed Bayley off the
ringsteps, smashed him with the steps, and then used his boot to open up the wounded arm even more. Back inside Bayley
fought back with fists, but Riggs was able to lash out with the strap catching Bayley on the throat. He then nailed Bayley
with a DDT, and went to the top to hit the Phenomenal performance and then touch all 4 buckles for the win.
As could be predicted the Overlords hit the ring in full force, quickly followed by DDP, Holiday, and Sean O'Haire. The
Overlords were too strong in number though with Hunter and Hamm also there, and were in full control of their opponents as