American Pro Wrestling Feb 1/03: Saturday Squash
Saturday Morning Squash Air Date: February 1st, 2003
Announce Crew: Joe Aiello (play by play), Linley Tolbert (Color Commentary),
and President Jack Larkin (guest 3rd wheel). Mr. Wrestling defeated Kenny Omega
by submission with the crossface chickenwing. 3:31 Via e-mail President Larkin is asked; What is your opinion on the WWA-NWA merger? Larkins response was that it was a sad day to see the WWA brand name disappear.
Despite PWAs claims to keeping the lineage alive he feels that PWA is by no means an alliance of any sort. He says that it
seems that PWA wants to have an alliance of promoters and writers working for PWA instead of as independents. This way they
control all the talent and can use whichever talents they want for the top shows. Larkin admits to suggesting to Fredrickson
that he sue and remove the current PWA owners and step back into the role. A step back would be preferable to the current
set-up. Regardless of how many shows they claim to be able to run, having over 200 wrestlers on the roster does a grave injustice
to smaller feds. Larkin closes by admitting to being WWA in his heart and soul, but is still happy at the prospects of joining
the NWA fraternity. Sugarbear Baker defeated Eddie Chavez
by pinfall after a top-rope splash at 4:34 Via e-mail Larkin is asked; What is your opinion on the balance between Sports Entertainment and real wrestling? Larkin says the bottom line is you have to market your product properly to
the audience you are aiming for. He admits that his in-ring approach and old school angles may not have the potential for
as high of ratings as the sensationalism you see in some other feds. However, its audience base is more stable, and less likely
to take big hits due to competition and economic setbacks, and should go up and down based more on the product itself then
these exterior factors. Tony Gold defeated Will Damon after
a backflip cradle at 7:01 Backstage: Asp Evergreen is having a conversation with Eddie Chavez, Shane Stevens, and
John Schoffner. He tells them that they are all being held down by the office, and that they really have to make their own
breaks in this business. Stevens laughs at him and asks if being squashed by Vendetta is considered a break. Chavez tells
Stevens to shut-up, that at least Evergreen made it onto the "A" show. Stevens walks away shaking his head. They ask Schoffner
what he thinks, and he responds by pulling out a quarter and telling them hes going to call his Dad and ask his advice. Via live audience question, Larkin is asked; How have you fared financially during the recent economic downturns, and do
you have any tips on how to make money this year? Larkin says that he lost a lot of money initially, but grew wise early enough
to make it all back by using shorts. He suggests staying in the market, but not to listen to the hands-off approach suggested
by many brokers. The key to making money this year is having the right information about the right stocks. It is going to
be a professionals market. As far as the wrestling market is concerned, well there is a saying that pretty much covers the
economics of wrestling. The way to make a small fortune in pro wrestling, is to start with a large fortune. He says GPW is
budgeted to lose around $800,000 this year. Shane Madison and Shane Stevens battled
to a no-contest at 3:34. [Asp Evergreen entered the ring and
laid both men out with chair shots] Fade to Black