Continuation From Last Week:
Blaze Bayley, Diamond Dallas Page, Sam Holiday, and Sean O'Haire are in a bad way inside the ring after getting beat
down by Adam Riggs, Dan Severn, The Stalk, April Hunter, and Dana Hamm.
<< cue "the Bagpipes" >>>
Rowdy Roddy Piper makes his way down to the ring. Inside, Riggs, Severn, etc fan out to try and get Piper if he enters
the ring. Piper wags his finger at Riggs and then points to Brandon Myers.
On cue Myers gets out of his wheelchair and stands with Piper ready to invade the ring. They look for an opening and
its a long enough delay for Holiday and DDP to recover and attack Riggs and Severn from behind.
Piper and Myers slide into the ring and...
they attack Holiday and DDP, beating them back down.
Roddy Piper and Brandon Myers are with this new group, its a total massacre inside the ring, and a new contingent with
numbers and strength never before seen in MAPW.
That's what happened after the show went off the air last week.
Announcers Joe Aiello and Linley Tolbert review and rehash what has gone on. Aiello says that it reeks of the whole N.W.O.
angle played out years ago in PWA. Tolbert says this is a master stroke by Riggs and Piper and should solidify them as the
power base in pro wrestling.
Tonight's main event will be a tag team match featuring Blaze Bayley and DDP teaming up to take on Brandon Myers &
The Stalk.
Also tonight, a David v Goliath matchup for the Heavyweight title featuring champion Brock Lesnar taking on Petey Williams.
That and much much more.

Opening Bout:
Dustin Rhodes defeated Javier Reyes by pinfall after a flying bulldog at 6:28
-Reyes did all right, and there seems to be some sort of mutual admiration going on between these two wrestlers.
Mike Tyson on videotape.
The former Boxing world champion says that he wasn't going to challenge any of the title holders to a match because he
didn't want to embarrass them. But after Brock Lesnar decided to mouth off last week he just made himself the top target.
Tyson challenges Lesnar to a wrestling match at Lock & Load, next week for the MAPW Heavyweight wrestling championship.

Bout #2
MAPW Tag Team Title Match
Asp Evergreen & Eddie Chavez defeated Sean Waltman & Billy Kidman by disqualification for double teaming
at 11:33
[Asp Evergreen & Eddie Chavez retain the MAPW Tag Team Titles]
-long, even match with lots of bad blood between the two teams. Eddie had a stretch early playing Ricky Morton. Asp did
well when he got the hot tag and the champs began to take over the match. Asp caught Waltman with a crane kick, and then they
nailed him with a doomsday device. This brought in Kidman who nailed Asp from behind and threw him out of the ring. Waltman
and Kidman then double teamed Chavez and refused to stop, getting themselves disqualified.
Post-Match Interview:
Asp & Eddie say they are not done yet with Kidman and Wal-mart. Asp reminds Eddie of how they used
to watch Hulk Hogan and the British Bulldogs wrestle on Saturday Night's Main Event back in the 80's. Eddie says they were
too young to watch that. Asp says forget it, geesh. But they used to wrestle 2 out of 3 falls, and thats what they want next
week at Lock & Load, 2 out of 3 falls. Eddie says, yeah just like Ray Stevens, just like Dusty Rhodes, 2 out of 3 falls,
old school.
Next week on the special 3 hour episode of Lock & Load, there will be a 12-man invitational battle royal with the
winner receiving a title shot at TV champion Yoshi Tajiri.
Special guests for that battle royal will be Lex Luger, Buff Bagwell, Stan Lane, and Al "comb-over" Collins.

Bout #3
Sarah Stock defeated Dana Hamm by pinfall after an inverted DDT at 5:09
-Stock wrestled in a crowd pleasing latex catsuit while Hamm wore more traditional shiny silver shorts and lycra top.
Hamm started the match strong, in fact she beat Stock from pillar to post for the first 4:45 of the match. Hamm didn't use
a lot of scientific moves, mostly kicks, punches, bodyslam, elbowdrop, a camel clutch, and an abdominal stretch. Suddenly
Stock ducked under a clothesline, rocked Hamm with an elbow to the chin. She then came off the far ropes with a flying forearm,
picked up Hamm and then dropped her with an inverted DDT to pick up the sudden win. She immediately rolled out of the ring
and left via the crowd.
Returning to MAPW next week for Lock & Load, will be the infamous Vampiro!!
Highlites of Vampiro's earlier stint with MAPW including his epic feud with Chris Jericho from 1999 is shown.

Bout #4
MAPW TV Title Match
Yoshi Tajiri and Sam Holiday battled to a double disqualification at 7:01
[Tajiri retains the MAPW Television Title]
-Bad blood from the last match between these two where Tajiri got himself intentionally dq'd to save his title, spilled
over to this week.
This match spent more time out of the ring then inside, which is not a typical match for either of these men. As they
hammered each other outside the ring with steel chairs the match was thrown out.
[end of first hour]
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The 27th Anniversary
3 hours live on December 16th, 2006
Another PPV Quality show, for free, only from
Mid-American Pro Wrestling

Sean O'Haire comes to the ring dressed in a long black trench coat over top his wrestling gear. He expresses
how disapointed he is in his mentor Rowdy Roddy Piper, a man he trusted and thought was his friend. O'Haire says that Piper
doing business with a bigot like Adam Riggs makes him even lower then Riggs on the food chain.
<< cue "Phenomenal" by LL Cool J >>>
The crowd jeers as Adam Riggs comes to the ring. He says that O'Haire is nothing but a spoiled little
brat who wanted to ride the great Roddy Piper's coatails to the top. He says the real reason that O'Haire is mad is that he
wasn't invited to join the greatest force in pro wrestling. Riggs taunts O'Haire telling him to admit it. O'Haire just shakes
his head no, and says that Riggs needs a lot of backup because he's afraid to fight his own battles. Riggs just laughs at
O'Haire and calls him a ***boy. He says he has no backup here, so let's do it. O'Haire agrees and the announcers call for
a ref.
Bout #5
Adam Riggs defeated Sean O'Haire by pinfall after the Phenomenal performance at 8:12
-O'Haire had his moments early in this match but couldn't put the big man away. He made the mistake of going for a Seantom
bomb WAY too early, and Riggs moved out of the way. The Irish thug then took O'Haire for a tour of the ringside area before
coming off the top rope with a doublestomp. He nailed O'Haire with two consecutive jacknife powerbombs. He made the pin, 1,2,
he lifted O'Haire up. Riggs then nailed his finisher to punish O'Haire even more before making the pin.

Petey Williams comes to the ring to modest applause from the crowd. He explains why he asked for and
was granted a title shot tonight against Brock Lesnar. A few weeks back after his match Williams was attacked out of the blue
for no reason by Lesnar. Williams has never had a chance to get payback for that attack. Tonight is his chance. After a short
pause Williams goes on to say that this is a crossroads for him in MAPW, that if he can't win tonight then he's not sure what
he will do next.
Bout #6
MAPW Heavyweight Title Match
Brock Lesnar (champion) (/w Rena Mero) v Petey Williams
Williams starts strong by going right after Lesnar with punches and kicks. He tries to ground him but Lesnar changes
things by rolling through an armbar. He tosses Williams into the buckle and punishes him, before bieling him to the middle
of the ring. He lays in a vicious sounding boot to the spine of Williams, picks him up from behind by the neck, and bodyslams
him to the mat.
He then continues to punish Williams with a reverse suplex, and gets 1, 2, Kickout!!
Rena Mero screaches at Brock to finish him off, so Brock goes for the F5 but Williams manages to slip out of it. He comes
off the ropes right into a bearhug. He battles out of the bearhug and then goes to work on the legs of Lesnar with kicks,
takes him down, and then applies leglocks. He uses a step over toe hold but Brock refuses to submit. Williams continues to
punish the legs but doesn't get anywhere except to chew up more time on the clock. The match spills outside the ring where
Rena Mero slaps Williams, who pushes her to the ground. Lesnar catches Williams with a clothesline, and then lays in the boots.
Brock gorilla press slams Williams back into the ring between the top and 2nd ropes. He attacks Williams from behind
and works over the back, finally locking in a camel clutch. Petey refuses to submit though and eventually Brock gives up on
the hold.
Brock takes Williams to the top and brings him down with a mat shaking superplex. He covers and gets 1, 2, shoulder up!
Brock takes Williams to the top again, he goes for another superplex but this time Williams fights back, grabs the neck of Lesnar
and pulls him down to the mat. Petey covers, 1, 2, kickout.
Williams continues to attack with a leg lariat, and a russian legsweep. He goes for a sharpshooter but Brock flexes
up his back and shakes Williams off.
Brock throws Williams to the buckle, charges in but Williams gets out of the way. They then do a criss cross sequence
off the ropes, and get a bit mixed up, they end up turning around and facing each other inches away. Petey rocks Lesnar
with a chop to the throat, goes for the Canadian Destroyer, but Brock is too big and holds his ground. Brock lifts up Petey
for the F5 but Williams counters with an inverted facelock drop. He covers, 1, 2, Kickout.
Williams whips Lesnar to the buckle, but Lesnar hangs on and reverses, sending Williams to the buckle. Petey bounces
out just as Brock is coming in..smack...they collide, the back of Petey's head and the face of Brock. Both men go down hard,
with Petey on top. 1, 2, 3 !!! Huge upset, new champion!!
Petey Williams defeated Brock Lesnar by pinfall after a collision coming out of the corner at 10:37
[Petey Williams wins the MAPW Heavyweight Title]
Rena Mero revives Brock while Buddy Lane presents the MAPW title to a stunned Petey Williams. Lesnar just looks on in
disbelief. Williams on his knees kisses the belt and poses for the crowd while Brock leaves the ring in disapointment.
Next week, Nov 18th |

Special 3 hour PPV quality event, for free |

Main Event
Robert "Blaze" Bayley & Diamond Dallas Page (/w Kimberly)
Brandon Myers & The Stalk
Myers starts the match againt Blaze and they exchange bombs in the middle of the ring with Blaze getting the better of
it. So Myers strikes with a knee to the gut, followed by a forearm uppercut and a dropkick. They lock up in a test of strength
and Myers drops Blaze to his knees, but Blaze is taller and reverses things with his leverage, dropping Myers right down to
the mat and then stomping on his fingers.
Myers crawls quickly over to Stalk and makes a tag, so Blaze tags in DDP.
They lock up and Stalk manages to grab a top wristlock on DDP who quickly steps through the ropes for a break. Stalk
tries for another top wristlock, DDP reverses it but Stalk counters with a hammerlock. The European works the hammerlock until
he turns it into a slam. Short scissors follows, and Stalk rams the edge of his heel repeatedly into the sternum of DDP.
Page tags in Blaze. Stalk goes for another top wristlock, but Blaze just punches him in the head instead. A double leg
takedown and Blaze drops a knee into the thigh of Stalk. He works over the leg and then tags into DDP who continues to work
on the leg. Its successful and even after a a thumb to the throat to get some distance Stalk finds he can't stand up, but
has to somersault to the corner to tag in Myers.
Myers catches DDP with a running clothesline, followed by a second. A snap suplex and a float over for a 1 count. Back
on their feet and a release German suplex sends DDP close enough to the corner to make a tag in to Blaze.
Bayley and Myers exchange punches in the middle of the ring with Bayley getting the better of it again. The two escalate
the brawl and it spills outside the ring. This brings the other two men into the fray. Myers throws a steel chair about 10
feet to bounce it off Kimberly Page. DDP goes nuts and tries to get Myers who fells him with a drop toehold, sending him headfirst
into the ringsteps.
DDP is busted wide open.
Back inside the ring Myers is all over Bayley. He nails a top rope clothesline followed by a bulldog, and then a piledriver,
for a 2 count. He tags in and Stalk nails a Taz-Plex on Bayley and gets another 2 count. Myers joins him in the ring and this
brings in DDP. Myers catches DDP with a superkick and sends him out. Stalk nails Bayley over his knee with a backbreaker and
holds him while Myers comes off the far ropes and nails a dropkick to the exposed head of Bayley. Stalk grabs the legs into
a schoolboy and makes the pin, 1, 2, KICKOUT!!
Stalk is all over Bayley with a cobra clutch suplex, an airplane spin toss, a knee stretch, and then a German suplex.
He covers, 1, 2, the save is made by DDP. Myers comes in but DDP hits him with the diamond cutter!!!
Page is back on his feet goes for a cutter on Stalk but he counters with a side suplex. Both men hit the ground hard.
Bayley is back on his feet and climbs to the top rope. He's going to go for the Blaze Bomb, but Stalk recovers pulling DDP
into harms way and Blaze nails DDP with the Blaze Bomb instead. Stalk nails another German suplex on Blaze, and gets 1, 2,
Stalk goes for an armbar submission finisher but Blaze is ready and counters with a Diamond Cutter...his partner's finishing
move!! All four men are down in the ring.
Adam Riggs and Dan Severn come walking fast down to the ring. But not fast enough as Sean O'Haire
and Sam Holiday are right behind them, attacking them before they can interfere.
Four men brawl outside the ring while four men try and recover inside.
April Hunter hits the ring!! Bayley is getting up and Hunter nails the Running Standing Somersault Neckbreaker!!
She pulls Stalk on top of Bayley but the referee James Beard calls for the bell.
Blaze Bayley & Diamond Dallas Page defeated Brandon Myers & The Stalk by disqualification for outside
interference at 13:25
Sarah Stock slides into the ring from the crowd and catches April Hunter with a clothesline from behind.
She pulls up Hunter and then nails her with an inverted DDT. Bayley and Page have recovered and are taking it to Myers &
Stalk. But outside the ring Riggs and Severn have beaten down Holiday & O'Haire, and now they slide into the ring to make
it 4 on 2. DDP and Bayley are backed into corners each trying to fight off two men,
as we