Preview: the announcers Joe Aiello & Linley Tolbert run down the big main event for tonight. MAPW
champ Brock Lesnar steps into the ring to defend his title against Adam Riggs, the foul mouthed deviant from Ireland. Also,
tensions come to a head with a triangle tag team match featuring Roddy Piper & Sean O'Haire against Dan Severn & The
Stalk against Blaze Bayley & DDP. And of course commish Sam Holiday has to make a decision tonight, will he retire again
from the ring to remain commissioner or will he resign his commission to become a full time wrestler. All that and much more!
Opening Bout:
Dustin Rhodes defeated Javier Reyes by pinfall after a jawbreaker at 3:38
-squash match
Rhodes continued to beat on young Reyes after the match. He was joined briefly by his Backbreaker partner Chris Kanyon.
Brandon Bricks tried to make the save but was thrown out of the ring. Finally MAPW security and officials showed up to stop
the beating.
From the living room of the Evergreen house.
We see Asp Evergreen and Eddie Chavez sitting on the couch watching TV and eating Doritos, washing it
down with a little Diet Dr. Pepper. They are both wearing their MAPW Tag Team Titles. We hear the familiar refrains of "The
Brady Bunch" playing on the TV.
Asp] Hey Eddie, isn't that the Brady dude who kicked Waltman's ass on that MTV show?
Eddie] Who?
Asp] That guy, Christof something, the middle Brady kid.
Eddie] I don't know but she's kind of cute..
Asp] Not the girl, the middle boy.
Eddie] Oh, well he didn't really kick his ass or anything...
Asp] How do you know? Did you watch it or something.
Eddie] No.
Asp] Neither did I
Eddie] So
Asp] So?
Eddie] What's your point?
Asp] Well if I didn't watch it and you didn't watch it, it must have been a pretty crappy show.
Eddie] So?
Asp] So douchebag neither did 99% of MAPW Rage viewers so they don't know what happened.
Eddie] Well they do now.
Asp] We'll edit.
Eddie] Okay.
Asp] So remind me okay?
Eddie] Sure. What?
Asp] What?
Eddie] I was just wondering know...if you had the chance..would you..ummm...visit China?
Asp] Sure, I mean it would be cool to see it, maybe the wall, you know
Eddie] No Asp, I mean Waltman visited China.
Asp] Oh...OH....OHHHH......I'm not sure
Eddie] Me neither...I mean I'm not crazy about chicks with zits on their ass
Asp] Yeah, word.
Eddie] But imagine being able to tell your friends you banged a Playboy cover model. Just don't tell them which one.
Asp]...[long pause]....yeah they might think it was Samantha Fox or something...
Eddie] Who?
Asp] Samantha know...umm....from the 80's.
Eddie] The 80's???
Asp] so your saying you would visit China?
Eddie] Yeah I might.
Asp] I might too but what if I started to think, hey Waltman's been here know it might be kind of uncomfortable.
Eddie] Good point.
Asp] I guess it would be okay, I would just have to kick his ass next time I saw him.
Eddie] too...kick his ass!!
Asp] Maybe we should do some proactive ass kicking.
Eddie] What?
Asp] Proactive asskicking.
Eddie] Who?
Asp] Let's go and kick Waltman's ass, then if we ever get a chance to visit China we wouldn't have to worry about it
being his seconds.
Eddie] Okay.
Asp] What about Hunter?
Eddie] Yeah we should kick his ass too...
Asp] No I mean...well if you would visit China...would you ummm....April Showers...bring out the know...
Eddie] No, no clue
Asp] Would you get wild with April Hunter?
Eddie] Oh...yeah...she's pretty hot
Asp] would we need to kick anyone's ass?
Eddie] No she's could hit problem. A totally different class of Amazon from China.
Asp] Cool.
Eddie] That Florence Henderson is pretty hot....
Asp] We should edit this stuff out though.
Eddie] Yeah, don't worry I'll remind you.
Asp] Cool.
Eddie] Hand me the Doritos.
Asp] Get your own bag douchebag.

Bout #2
Dana Hamm defeated Rena Mero by pinfall with the Flapjack at 5:34
-Mero started strong with a kick to the gut, followed by some savate and standing side kicks. She then took Hamm down
from behind and went to work on the legs. Hamm though was stronger then Mero thought and was able to fight her way back to
her feet. She used a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, and a flying axhandle chop to set up the flapjack finisher.
Dana Hamm celebrated in the ring but from the crowd slid in Sarah Stock in the latex
catsuit and brandishing a cat-o-nine-tails. She whipped Hamm once across the back, when Hamm turned around she nailed her
with a kick to the stomach. Stock then nailed a swinging neckbreaker on Hamm and slid out of the ring just as April
Hunter slid in to make the save for her partner.
Hunter grabbed a mic and told Stock to stop trying to play in their sandbox. She doesn't belong with the true women in
MAPW, she's a freak, and if she doesn't learn to be housebroken soon then she's going to have her nose rubbed into her own

Bout #3
Mentallo defeated Abe Brewer by pinfall after a Northern Lights Suplex at 7:01
- a big upset win for Mentallo who outclassed the slow brawler Abe Brewer.
Coming soon to MAPW, one of the biggest stars in the history of pro wrestling in both Japan and Mexico, "Ultimo
Music Video;
Highlights of Ultimo Dragon set to "Far From Over" by Frank Stallone

Bout #4
Bryce Ridgon and Billy Kidman battled to a no-contest at 1:05
The match had barely got underway when Scott Vick, the estranged partner of Kidman hit the ring with
a baseball bat wrapped in barbwire. He nailed Kidman across the back who rolled out of the ring. Sean Waltman
showed up from behind Vick. He tried to pearl harbor Vick, but it was expected. Vick caught Waltman with a backelbow. Then
when Waltman got to his feet Vick hit him across the head with the baseball bat, cutting his forehead open. Kidman grabbed
his new partner Waltman out of the ring. Not done yet Vick held out the baseball bat and leapt over the top rope with a suicide
plancha nailing both Kidman and Waltman. Officials got between them long enough for Kidman and Waltman to scurry to the back,
both of them busted open.
<< cue "Ain't going Down till the Sun Comes Up" by Garth Brooks >>>
The fans cheer as commissioner Sam Holiday makes his way to the ring.
<< cue "The Bagpipes" >>>
The fans cheer again as Rowdy Roddy Piper makes his way to join Holiday in the ring.
Holiday] Thank you middle America....thank you heartlanders. I have had a difficult decision to make this week, whether
to stop being the commish so that I can continue to be a full time wrestler, or rather resume being a full time wrestler.
I know I'll never be the franchise around these parts again, but I also know that I have a lot left to give. Well after talking
it over with my family, and my horses, I have come to a decision. I'm all cowboy boots...not wingtips...I'm all t-shirt and
jeans..not a suit. I'm all pro wrestler baby....I'm all Mid-american....and to borrow a phrase from the hot rod...I am back...jack!!
The fans cheer his announcement.
Holiday] Now hold on folks. Hot Rod I can see you chomping at the bit over there, and I commend you on staying quiet
this long...that's got to be some kind of record...
The fans cheer the Hot Rod.
Holiday] The reason you are out here bro', is that when I spoke to the powers that be at MAPW...well let's face it...they
are in some tower in the Twin Cities, and they don't get to the arenas much. They asked for a recommended replacement. Some
one with some pizazz, some one the wrestlers would listen to, someone the fans would admire. Well no one else came to mind
Hot Rod, except one man, and that brother was you.
The fans cheer again.
Piper] Let me see if I got this right. You want me the Hot Rod to run the place? Your going to put the lunatic in charge
of the asylum? Your going to let the public enemy #1 run the FBI? I think the air must be getting a bit too thin up there
in the ivory towers.
Holiday] But Hot Rod, its the same deal as with me. You have to hang up the boots, and hand in the managerial license
to do this.
Piper] Let me see, so I would get to choose who wrestles who, I would get to speak my mind anytime I want, without fear
of fines, and wouldn't have to fight my way with my fists every time some bozo with purple hair wanted to make a name for
himself? Well I'm going to have to think about that one.. I tell you what Holiday, next week as you know we are pre-empted
for some Halloween shows...hey Charlie the great pumpkin ain't never coming, get the okay we're back on-air on
November the 4th. I'll give you my answer, that night at the top of the show.
Holiday] Thanks man, I think you would make a great commissioner.
Piper] Be careful what you wish for might just get it!!!
Scott Vick, still with that baseball bat wrapped in barbwire is pounding at the dressing room door.
He is yelling for Waltman and Kidman to come out and fight him. There is no response and MAPW officials are trying to get
him to put down the bat. Finally he hits the door before yelling that he's going to the ring and that if they have any balls
they will come out and fight him.
[end of the first hour]

Scott Vick is in the ring with the baseball bat wrapped in barbwire. Several MAPW officials are trying
to talk him down but as they try to enter the ring he scares them off with the bat.
Finally Waltman and Kidman come down to the ring, their heads bandaged. Waltman has what appears to
be a broken broom handle in his hands, and Kidman grabs a steel chair.
They try to get to the ring but the MAPW officials get in their way. They toss their weapons to the ground in exchange
for a mic.
Waltman is livid, pointing to their head wounds. He says he would like nothing better then to step into that ring and
kick the living crap out of Vick, and he's willing to do it one on one if Vick gives up the bat. After some hesitation and
gamesmanship finally Vick hands the bat to an MAPW official.
Referee Buddy Lane is in the ring and calls for Waltman to enter. MAPW officials try and stop Kidman but he's too fast,
and he joins Waltman in entering the ring. It's two on one and they begin to exact a little revenge from Vick. Finally officials
are able to restore order and Buddy Lane says to ring the bell and we are going to have a match after all that.
Bout #5
Scott Vick v Sean Waltman
Waltman starts off with the advantage after the two on one attack. He takes the match outside almost immediately. Waltman
smashes Vick head first into the ringsteps busting him open. Vick though manages to fight back. Lane realizes this fight
needs to continue to resolution and so he doesn't even bother with a 10 count. Vick nails Waltman with a flying dropkick sending
him over the guardrail. He then uses the rail to choke Waltman before using it like a pummel horse to drop a lariat legdrop.
Back inside Waltman's bandage has been removed so both men are now bleeding. They trade punches, kicks, lowblows
etc, not the kind of wrestling these two are generally known for showing. Vick takes the advantage and climbs to the top buckle.
Kidman comes running to the ring and jumps on the apron. Vick though sees him and jumps off the
buckle, inside the ring, but catches Kidman with an elbow to the head as he drops. Waltman tries to get Vick from behind
but its read and Vick springs backward with a backelbow catching Waltman right in the face. He then hits the Cure for a quick
3 count.
Scott Vick defeated Sean Waltman by pinfall after the Cure at 6:35
December 16th, 2006 live from the MTS Center, in Winnipeg Canada, MAPW is proud to present the 27th Anniversary Spectacular
>> Armageddon / End of Days.

Bout #6
Triangle Tag Match
Sean O'Haire & Roddy Piper
Dan Severn & The Stalk
Blaze Bayley & Diamond Dallas Page (/w Kimberly)
Tempers have been boiling over on this one for weeks now. Although Piper and Page's teams are both considered faces even
they have tension between them.
In fact Page challenges O'Haire to start the match against him which he accepts. They lock up in a collar elbow but then
begin to swing wildly at each other. Page is backed into his corner where he twirls O'Haire in landing some punches and then
elbows to the chin. Page tags out to Bayley who changes the tone to more control with a standing headlock, into a takedown,
back up, gets pushed off the ropes but knocks O'Haire down with a shoulder. Bayley comes off the ropes and knocks O'Haire
down with another shoulderblock, but grabs his own shoulder in pain, showing his age. The Stalk calls him over so Bayley goes
ahead and tags in Stalk. Bayley makes the mistake of turning his back to leave the ring and Stalk delivers a sharp kick to
the kidney area of Bayley before turning his attention to O'Haire who has got back to his feet.
Referee James Beard smells trouble and cuts off Bayley from retaliation. This allows Stalk to deliver a deadly looking
karate chop to the throat of O'Haire. He then locks on a sleeperchoke which Beard catches and makes him break. But Bayley
wants back in and Beard catches him, sending him back out. In the meantime Stalk reapplies the chokehold, which brings in
O'Haire's partner Piper but he is also headed off by Beard, which allows the choke to be applied even longer. Stalk covers
and Beard counts 1, 2, kickout from a spitting and sputtering O'Haire.
Stalk tags in the Beast Dan Severn who after a couple of short punches to the solar plexes slaps on a full nelson to
wear down O'Haire. Finally Severn slams him down to the mat, makes the cover 1, 2, Piper makes the save with a kick. This
brings in Stalk who nails Piper but also distracts Beard. This allows Bayley and DDP to come running off the ropes and nail
Severn with a double flying shoulderblock. Severn goes down like a ton of bricks, but both Bayley and DDP get up also favoring
their aging shoulders.
Beard applies the count, and O'Haire and Severn both get up by 5 and tag out.
Piper and The Stalk are tagged in and the Stalk brawls with Piper using precision like chops and kicks to knock Piper
into the corner. Piper then pulls Beard in the way between him and Stalk before delighting the crowd with a poke to Stalk's
eye and then grabbing him by the nose and slapping it.
Piper uses Stalk as a punching bag but gets too close and DDP tags in blind off his back. Piper exchanges heated words
with DDP which is a delay that allows Stalk to tag in Severn.
Severn lashes out and surprises DDP with a headbutt and then takes him over with a release German suplex. DDP plays Ricky
Morton for a couple minutes as Severn then Stalk press the advantage. Just when it looks like it might be curtains for DDP
as the Stalk attempts to apply one of his deadly armbars, the veteran strikes from nowhere with a Diamond cutter. Both men
are down as Beard applies the count. Severn comes in to try and drag out Stalk which brings the other 3 men in charging right
at him. They whip him off the ropes and while O'Haire delivers a high back body drop, Piper and Bayley follow up with a double
elbowdrop. O'Haire then whips Severn out of the ring.
Stalk and DDP both struggle to their feet and tag in Piper and Bayley.
Bayley catches Piper with a hiptoss, then another, then a third. He makes the mistake of going for a fourth which
Piper blocks, goes behind, ducks an elbow, and delivers an atomic drop followed by a clothesline. He tries to put on a figure-four
but Bayley kicks him off and tags in Stalk. Piper catches Stalk with a gut shot and then nails a DDT. He covers but only gets
a 1 count.
Piper then applies a sleeperhold. Twice Stalk fights his way over to the ropes only to have Hot Rod pull him back to
the middle of the ring. Severn tries to break it up but he's cut off by O'Haire. DDP looks like he might break it up to deny
Piper the win but Bayley puts his hand on the arm of his partner and waves him off.
Stalk looks like he's going down to one knee, stands straight up again, puts his hands on the top of Piper's biceps,
and then suddenly drops down, breaking the hold with a jawbreaker. He wraps his leg around Piper's arm, twists and applies
a step over armbar. Piper taps out!!
Dan Severn & The Stalk defeated Sean O'Haire & Roddy Piper and Blaze Bayley & Dallas Page by submission
when The Stalk made Piper submit to a step over armbar at 12:32
Saturday night, November 18th tune in for a special 3 hour edition of MAPW wrestling, "Locked & Loaded 2006".
Mike Tyson appears on screen. He babbles something about not getting enough of being in the ring, and
still in his prime. He says he likes to hurt people, and he will be coming to Locked & Loaded; not as someone's
bodyguard, or special referee, or timekeeper. But as a competitor. Tyson says he's coming on November 18th and someone is
going to get a beating.

MAPW Heavyweight Championship Match
Steel Cage Match
Brock Lesnar (champion) (/w Rena Mero)
Adam Riggs
Lesnar feigns a collar-elbow hookup but slams his shoulder into Riggs instead. The Irish thug though is no lightweight
and he is able to withstand the shot and fire back with a forearm to the exposed back of the champ. He nails a double axhandle
but Lesnar refuses to go down. The champ is actually being cheered because the fans hate Riggs more then sales tax, and
so they cheer as he floats around and cinches Riggs in a reverse bearhug.
Riggs tries to escape by stomping at Lesnar's feet before giving that up with a blatant mule-kick to the groin of the
champ. Referee James Beard was right into the face of Riggs threatening a DQ if Riggs didn't retreat to a neutral corner.
Beard made sure the champ had about 10 seconds to recover and then Lesnar went right at Riggs knocking him back into the steel
cage. Riggs had the height advantage and so when the two exchanged blows eventually Riggs knocked him down a peg and then
nailed him in the face with a high knee lift.
Riggs then dropped a knee right into the groin of Lesnar. Once again Beard made him retreat to a neutral corner and warned
Riggs one more time he would be DQ'd. Riggs took the rest time to taunt Rena Mero over Lesnar's injured gonads. He seemed
to be indicating to Mero that she might have to help herself out tonight or to call him.
Once again Lesnar recovered and bull rushed the challenger. This is exactly what Riggs expected and he sidestepped sending
Lesnar head first into the cage. Now Riggs was onto him like a wild animal, straddling his back and using the second rope
to choke him. He then took a running start and landed on Lesnar's back, driving him throat first onto the cable. Riggs dragged
the champ to the middle of the ring, bodyslam, kneedrop to the head, fistdrop to the head, and then some mounted punches.
He covered and got a 2 count.
Riggs then showed his enormous strength by lifting Lesnar over his head and after a short pause dropping him backward
to the mat. Riggs then turned around and kicked Lesnar in the ribs knocking him over like in the ending to a drunken bar fight.
Riggs then hoisted Lesnar up and drove him head first into the steel cage. He covered, and got 1, 2, Kickout.
Lesnar was bleeding from the forehead.
Riggs picked up Lesnar as if for a belly to back suplex but instead fell backward driving the champ's head into the cage.
Again he covered and got a 2 count. A tombstone piledriver followed for a 2 count. Frustrated Riggs placed Lesnar on top of
the turnbuckle and set up for the Phenomenal Performance finisher. But Lesnar fought back, suddenly showing some life with
some right hands. Riggs then just pushed Lesnar off the top to gain some seperation. He tried for another piledriver but Lesnar
countered with a backbody drop. Lesnar tried for a clothesline but Riggs ducked it, hooked Lesnar into a hangman. Lesnar's
feet dangled for about 10 seconds as he fought the hold before finally reversing the leverage and getting back to his feet.
He tried to turn it into a reverse neckbreaker but the challenger was still much stronger and he reversed it and nailed the
champ with his own reverse neckbreaker. He covered but only got a 1 count.
Both men got to their feet and exchanged kicks and punches in a wild brawl. Finally Lesnar dropped down to a knee and
gave Riggs a lowblow. Referee James Beard then gave Riggs the same timeout he had given Lesnar, and gave the champ the same
When they locked up again Lesnar feigned a lowblow and when Riggs covered up the champ brought his elbow up and rocked
Riggs under the chin. He then scooped him up and over with a suplex. Lesnar then managed to lock on the STF finisher but Riggs
refused to submit and after almost a minute in the hold managed to use his superior length to flex and break the hold.
Lesnar worked over the neck of Riggs with a necktwist, looking like he wanted to twist the head right off for his trophy
case. He finally gave up on that and rammed his knee into the spine of Riggs. Lesnar pulled Riggs to his feet which allowed
the Irish thug to punch him in the sternum to get some seperation, and then drive a knee into Lesnar's gut. He then hit
a modified DDT using the back of his arm to drive Lesnar head first into the mat.
Riggs scooped up Lesnar and gave him a bodyslam, and then dropped a knee onto his head. He then climbed to the top turnbuckle
and came flying off with an elbow, but Lesnar moved at the last second.
The two men got to their feet and exchanged kicks and punches. Lesnar got the better of the exchanges and then nailed
the challenger with a belly to back hammelock suplex. He covered but only got a 1 count. Lesnar followed up with an overhead
belly to belly suplex, covered for a 2 count. Thinking three would be the charm Lesnar set Riggs up for another belly to belly
but the Irish thug raked the champ's eyes, scooped under his arm and took him over with his own suplex. Riggs then threw Lesnar
into one side of the cage and repeated on another side, with the champ actually leaving his feet and violently smacking into
the cage wall. Riggs then dragged the champ to the middle of the ring but wasted too much time, and Lesnar took him down with
a legwhip. Scrambling to their feet Lesnar blocked a Riggs punch and then delivered a series of his own punches. Lesnar then
nailed Riggs with two consecutive running clotheslines before picking him up for a powerbomb. The crowd gasped as he managed
to lift the 6'10 challenger up and then brought him smacking down to the mat. He held onto the legs pressing down for a pin,
but only getting a 2 count before Riggs pulled up a shoulder. So Lesnar promptly scooped Riggs up again and delivered a second
powerbomb, again only getting a two count.
Lesnar then attempted to get Riggs set up for an F5 finisher but Riggs blocked it and pushed the champ face first to
the buckle. Riggs tried to follow in with a splash but Lesnar moved out of the way. He rolled up Riggs on the rebound and
took the liberty of putting his foot on the middle strand for leverage, getting 1, 2, Beard saw the foot and stopped the count.
Riggs went for a high knee lift on Lesnar but the champ moved out of the way. He quickly scooped up Riggs onto his shoulders
and nailed him with the F5 for the victory.
Brock Lesnar defeated Adam Riggs by pinfall after an F5 at 21:47
[Brock Lesnar retains the MAPW Heavyweight Title]
Riggs is furious but Lesnar leaves right away as the cage door is opened. He grabs his title and takes Rena Mero by the
arm to the back.
Meanwhile inside Riggs has backed referee James Beard into the corner and is having heated words with him. Finally he
grabs Beard by the collar and slams him up against the cage wall. He rears back his fist.
The crowd goes nuts as Blaze Bayley hits the ring and goes right after Adam Riggs.
As we fade to black.