Opening Bout: (joined in progress)
Javier Reyes & Brandon Bricks defeated Darren Dalton & Vance Nevada by pinfall when Bricks pinned Nevada
after an Asai leg lariat at 14:04
[approximately 6 minutes shown on television]
-4 of RCW's preliminary workers getting it on in a tag team match with the younger faces picking up the win over the
more veteran heels.
We get taped footage from earlier tonight as about a dozen fit looking women arrive at the arena. The announcers inform
us they are here as the guest "Lumberjills" for the match between April Hunter and Dawn Marie. Last week
Hunter had the match won but was prevented by Dustin Rhodes' outside interference. The Lumberjills will be there to keep the
women in the ring, and anyone else out of the ring.
<<< cue "Ain't Going Down til the Sun Comes Up" by Garth Brooks >>>
The fans cheer as commissioner Sam Holiday makes his way to the ring. He looks troubled and doesn't
enter with his usual sliding under the bottom rope gusto. He has a mic.
Holiday says that he has enjoyed his latest return from retirement, and while he may no longer be the main event around
here, he's still a pretty decent hand, if he does say so himself. However, the folks who own this corporation have believed
for a long time that the commissioner while desireable as it is to defend oneself, should not be an active participant in
the matches. Therefore he has been given a week to decide on whether he should retire again as a wrestler, or give up the
commissioner job and be free to wrestle whenever he wishes. Holiday says he is totally 50/50 at this point and will have to
talk it over with his wife and kin. He promises his fans they will get a straight answer next week.
Bout #2
MAPW Television Title Match
Tajiri defeated Petey Williams by pinfall after a brainbuster at 10:31
[Tajiri retains the MAPW Television Title]
-another high tempo outing for these two, it was Williams' second run at the title as a #1 contender.
A very dejected Petey Williams is interviewed following the match. The crowd tries to encourage him
but its obvious he is distraught. He throws out wording like "need a change of direction" and "time to mix things up a bit
Three Way Dance
Sean Waltman v Scott Vick v Billy Kidman
All the intrigue and doubt as to whether Billy Kidman would dump Scott Vick as a partner and team up with Sean Waltman
instead seemed ready to come to a head tonight as all 3 men stepped in the ring to do battle.
Initially Kidman and Vick stood together and double teamed Waltman. They worked him over good for a few minutes but couldn't
put him away. Then when Vick tried for the cover things began to break down between him and Kidman. Kidman insisted that it
be competitive and he and Vick hooked up. Vick grabbed the advantage with a forearm uppercut while on the ropes and then gave
Kidman a hot shot. Vick climbed to the top and came off with a flying kneedrop. He covered his partner and would have got
the 3 count but Waltman had now recovered and made the save to keep the match alive.
The next few mintues were every man for himself and of the 3 men Waltman controlled the most of the action. With Kidman
thrown out of the ring Waltman tried to finish off Vick with the X-factor, but Vick blocked the move and then chopped Waltman
to the throat. He then nailed him with the Cure (his version of the Pedigree) and made the pin.
Scott Vick defeated Sean Waltman and Billy Kidman in a 3-way dance when Vick pinned Waltman after the Cure at
Scott Vick spent too long in the ring celebrating his victory and when Waltman got back to his feet he was pissed off.
Waltman attacked Vick from behind and started to lay in the boots to him. Kidman seemed conflicted and just stood and watched
as Waltman continued to stomp away at Vick who was now in the fetal position attempting to protect his head. Finally Kidman
had seen enough and pulled Waltman off of his partner from behind, spinning him around. But then Kidman walked up to Vick
and kicked him square in the face with his educated feet. The two on one beat down of Vick was on, and it took the appearance
of several MAPW officials to break it up.
April Hunter and Dana Hamm walk down the corrider heading to the ring for Hunter's title shot against
Dawn Marie. Hamm and Hunter are going over strategy as they are flanked by 6 of the Lumberjills.
Suddenly the Backbreakers, Dustin Rhodes & Chris Kanyon walk into the picture towards Hunter. The
Lumberjills get between the two parties but Rhodes insists he just wants to talk with Hunter.
One of the Lumberjills says that isn't going to happen. Rhodes responds that he isn't adverse to hitting a woman. Dana
Hamm responds that there should be "soemthing" he enjoys doing to a woman. Finally Hunter just tells everyone to step aside,
she isn't afraid of Rhodes.
Face to face, Rhodes says he isn't sure what her problem with him is. She replies that it isn't him, she just needed
to make a strong statement when she arrived back in MAPW, and he's just one of many males in this company that are responsible
for turning the women's divison into a beauty contest. Rhodes just makes some strange noise with his throat. Finally Rhodes
says, fine, but this can't continue it serves no purpose for both of us to be screwing up each other's matches. Hunter agrees.
Rhodes says "truce?". Hunter agrees, so the Backbreakers walk away allowing the small contingent to continue to the ring.
Bout #4
MAPW Women's Title Match
"LumberJill" Match - the ring is surrounded by a dozen hired women
Dawn Marie (champion) v April Hunter (challenger)
Hunter dominates this match from the outset. She punishes DM with kicks and knees to the gut, kicks to the back of the
legs until DM can't stand, and then works her with body scissors until she is having problems breathing.
Rena Mero comes down to the ring but the Lumberjills keep her away from the ring. She goes to the announce
table and reminds the TV fans that Hunter and Hamm attacked her as well when Brock Lesnar was in the ring
wrestling DDP. She says its time Hunter gets payback, and as for this Barbie Doll crap, thats what the fans want to see, not
some Amazon freaks. This last comment attracts special attention from the Lumberjills, many of whom confront Mero.
Brock Lesnar comes running from the back. He tries to just bull rush right past about 4 or 5 of the Lumberjills but they
manage to gang up on him and hold him off. He's half way into the ring with girls hanging all over him. April Hunter comes
over and kicks him right in the face, but he hangs onto the ropes. She kicks him again, and this time the Lumberjills manage
to pull him to the floor.
Dawn Marie surprises Hunter and rolls her up from behind, 1, 2, Kickout by Hunter. Hunter clotheslines DM, and then gives
her a powerbomb.
In the meantime Lesnar is struggling against 4 or 5 of the Lumberjills. They have him on his knees, two of them immobilizing
his legs, while two more have him in a half-nelson. Rena tries to help him but one of the Lumberjills cuts her off.
Lesnar finally manages to get partially free and is trying to once again re-enter the ring.
Suddenly Adam Riggs appears from the back. He grabs a chair and nails Lesnar in the back, also managing
to drop one of the Lumberjills on the follow through.
Riggs isn't interested though in what is going on in the ring or the Lumberjills, he just wants to soften up the champion
before their title match tonight. He manages to nail Lesnar with a second chair shot before he decides its not worth tangling
with a half dozen of the Lumberjills, and leaves.
Back inside Hunter decides its time to end it and obliterates Dawn Marie with a running standing somersault neckbreaker
to pick up the win.
April Hunter defeated Dawn Marie by pinfall after a running standing somersault neckbreaker at 5:51
[April Hunter wins the MAPW Women's Championship]
April Hunter and Dana Hamm celebrate with the women's title in the ring. Hunter prononuces the era of
the Diva to be dead and the era of the Amazon to be alive and well. They say they have a song for Dawn Marie, Rena Mero, Kimberly
Page, and all their kind. They begin to sing "na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na, hey, hey, hey, goodbye..."
Suddenly the lights in the arena go off, so the ladies stop singing.
A spotlight hits into the crowd where a slender woman in a tight lycra black catsuit is standing. She holds a cat-o-nine-tails
in one hand and a mic in the other. Her face makeup is done in all black and white. It's very "Crow" like, except in a feline
motif. The woman speaks.
"puurrrrrrrr....April....just becuase you call yourself an Amazon doesn't mean you're still not one sexy, kinky kitty.
Somewhere out there right now is a teenage boy fantasizing about your muscular thighs..putting him in a tight vise...puurrrr..You
were right about the era of the Diva ending, but wrong about the era of the's the era of the's
the era of Sarah Stock."
[end of first hour]
<<< cue "Turning Japanese" by the Vapors >>>
The fans don't recognize the music but then cheer as they see the tag team champions, Asp Evergreen & Eddie Chavez
making their way to the ring.
Bout #5
MAPW Tag Team Title Match
Asp Evergreen & Eddie Chavez (champions)
The Backbreakers: Dustin Rhodes & Chris Kanyon
The tag champions are looking decidely "Japanese" tonight wearing gui's to the ring and headbands with the rising sun
emblem. They bow to the unamused challengers, to the ref, and then to each other.
Instead of locking up Evergreen goes into the crane position. Rhodes tries to punch him but Evergreen is too quick, his
feet a blurrr as he kicks upwards, missing Rhodes and landing flat on his back. Rhodes grabs Evergren's leg and drops an elbow
to his inner thigh. He continues to work the legs with knees and then tags out to Kanyon. They take turns with quick tags
and holding down the leg for their partner to drop onto with knees. Soon Evergreen finds he can't even stand. So he falls
to his back in the guard position. Kanyon tries to pull him up and Evergreen reaches up and puts an armbar on him. Kanyon
shouts in pain and is ready to tap which brings in Rhodes to break it up. Chavez though also comes into the ring and takes
Rhodes down with a legsweep.
Evergreen makes the tag off to Chavez who goes to work on Kanyon with some Japanese armdrags, an Asai leg lariat, and
then stuns the audience with a little old school sign of the mustard-seed assault. He would have got the pin but once again
Rhodes entered the ring to break it up.
Evergreen floated over the top rope and joined his partner in whipping Rhodes to the far buckle and then catching him
on the rebound with a doubleteam ancient butterfly smash. Not done yet Chavez used a backbreaker on Kanyon and held him over
his knee. Evergreen went to the top and then began to walk deftly along the top rope. He lost his footing though and crotched
himself on the top rope.
Rhodes entered the ring and clotheslined Chavez from behind. Rhodes was put out of the ring by the ref but Kanyon
had now recovered and took Chavez down with a swinging neckbreaker, for a 2 count. Kanyon tagged out to Rhodes who whipped
Chavez to the buckle and then launched him high with a back body drop. Dustin then set him up for the flying bulldog finisher,
but Chavez managed to push Rhodes off, sending him to the buckle. He caught him on the rebound with the Japanese Dog Roll,
and Kanyon did not react in time to make the save.
Asp Evergreen & Eddie Chavez defeated Dustin Rhodes & Chris Kanyon by pinfall when Chavez pinned Rhodes
with a Japanese Dog Roll at 8:53
[Asp Evergreen & Eddie Chavez retain the MAPW Tag Team Titles]
The challengers are furious over the loss and with Evergreen still nursing his groin they double team Chavez. They lay
quite a beating on him. Out from the back comes Javier Reyes but the preliminary wrestler from SoCal only
serves to get Chavez a temporary reprieve and soon finds himself flying over the top rope. The challengers then hit Chavez
with a double team piledriver. They leave him once again wearing a crimson mask.
Chris Champion calls out MAPW Heavyweight champion Brock Lesnar, but only Rena Mero
comes out to the ring. Champion asks on how Lesnar is doing and if he will be able to defend the title tonight against Adam
Riggs after Riggs assaulted him earlier in the night with a steel chair.
Mero is fuming which makes her voice even squeakier. She says Lesnar is not anywhere near 100% tonight but even at 50%
he is twice the man of Riggs. But why should he even bother tonight, as far as the champ is concerned Riggs forfeited his
title shot with that attack.
<<< cue "Phenomenol" by LL Cool J >>>
The crowd boos as Adam Riggs comes to the ring. He menaces Mero and starts calling her man a chicken
****, homo. Riggs then grabs Mero by the hair and twists her to her knees. He says that he's going to take her backstage,
strip her naked and tie her to the catering table for the boys. But then he pulls her to his feet and says "do you think I'm
stupid? Do you not think I know this is a set-up?" He pushes her to the mat and calls out Lesnar, telling him to come face
him like a man and not try to sneak attack him from behind like a homo.
A few seconds later and Brock Lesnar comes walking gingerly down the aisle way, his ribs wrapped in
a sling. He begins to climb into the ring but suddenly just stops and steps down, throwing his hands up and walks away. Riggs
still has the mic and calls him a chicken **** homo again, and says he's going to take it out on his *****. Riggs turns around
and grabs Mero by the hair again, but she has a small container in her hand she pulls from her cleavage. It's pepper spray
and she catches Riggs by surprise. The Irish Thug pushes her to the ground but the damage is done and he claws wildly at his
Lesnar slides into the ring with a steel chair and lays in 3 consecutive shots to Rigg's ribcage and back. MAPW officials
arrive to break it up as Lesnar and Mero leave the ring with a smug look on their face.
Bout #6
The Stalk (/w Dan Severn) defeated Robert "Blaze" Bayley by pinfall after an arm capture suplex at 6:13
-Again the Stalk's MMA training allowed him to control most of the match against a much more experienced pro wrestler.
Bayley though started to make a comeback but Severn reached in and tripped up Bayley at just the right moment to turn the
tide of the match back to the Stalk.
Dan Severn and The Stalk are interviewed by Chris Champion. Severn begins to talk about
having beaten both Sam Holiday and now Blaze Bayley and so his man should be in position for a title shot. But the Stalk speaks
in his very hard to understand Belgian accent as well as his slight speach impediment. He demands to know why Champion is
out there instead of Pamela (Paulshock). Champion just kind of stutters that he's the one assigned to do the interviews. Stalk
grabs the wrist of Champion and looks like he is going for some sort of submission move but Severn pulls him off. The Stalk
tells Champion that next time send out Paula.
Main Event
MAPW Heavyweight Championship
Brock Lesnar (champion) (/w Rena Mero)
Adam Riggs
Both men enter the ring with their ribs taped. Riggs attacks Lesnar before the opening bell but the champ is ready for
the tactic and isn't caught off guard. They hammer away at each other and ref James Beard seems quite content to let them
rip each other apart. Riggs grabs the advantage by wrapping Lesnar's arm over the top rope and into a hammerlock, refusing
to break for the count. He then breaks but manages to sneak in a fist to the injured ribs of the champ.
Riggs bodyslams the champ and then attacks with a double stomp, a boot choke and then by positioning Lesnar's throat
under the bottom strand and then slingshotting him upwards. In the middle of the ring he applies a sleeperhold several times,
continually trying to slip it down into a chokehold. Lesnar fights back and referee James Beard goes down when Riggs is whipped
into him.
Now he have a real brawl as Riggs and Lesnar begin to choke each other, and then wrestle over a chair put into the ring
by Rena Mero. Lesnar is about to pick up the chair when Riggs steps on it crunching the champs fingers and then nails him
with a kick to the head. Riggs scoops up the chair and swings it at the champ, but Lesnar manages to duck out of the way and
then catch Riggs with a Dragon suplex. Lesnar picks up the chair and swings at Riggs but the Irishman gets his arms up to
take it all on the forearms. Beard is on his feet now so Lesnar chucks the chair out of the ring. The champ attacks with a
pair of backbreakers on the injured side of Riggs, and then slaps on a bearhug. Riggs refuses to submit and eventually breaks
the hold with a rake of the eyes. He then clotheslines Lesnar to the ground. Scooping the big man up Riggs shows his strength
with a powerbomb. Riggs then throws Lesnar over the top rope to the floor below. As Mero is helping her man to his feet Riggs
throws his arms in the air in victory and then taking a running start launches himself over the top rope with a plancha.
Lesnar shoves Mero out of the way but then takes the effects full on. Beard counts to 6 before Riggs is able to get to his
feet first. He grabs the champ and starts to drag him to the ring. But Mero has other plans and runs up and nails Riggs with
a steel chair. Beard reaches out of the ring to grab the steel chair from Mero, and Riggs catches her with a kick to the gut
and then a powerbomb outside the ring. Lesnar in the meantime has regained his feet, grabs another steel chair and ~waffles~
Riggs just as the Irish thug turns around. It takes a second chair shot to drop the challenger onto his back. Beard has seen
enough and calls for the bell.
Adam Riggs defeated Brock Lesnar by disqualification for use of a foreign object at 13:34
[Brock Lesnar retains the MAPW Heavyweight Title]
Dan Severn and The Stalk show up and go right after Brock Lesnar outside the ring. Stalk suplexes him
over with the arm capture, and the champ's head bounces off the floor mats. Just as Adam Riggs is ready to join the fray Blaze
Bayley and Diamond Dallas Page show up and go after the Irishman. Seconds later and Sean O'Haire and Roddy
Piper show up and they go after Severn and the Stalk. It's a huge brawl on the floor outside the ring. Then as often
happens in this kind of brawl friction develops with some bumping between Bayley & DDP and Piper & O'Haire. O'Haire
wants to get at DDP but Piper and Bayley are trying to make the piece. This all sets up an opening for another attack by Riggs,
Severn, and the Stalk and the brawl begins again. In the meantime Rena Mero helps Brock Lesnar grab his title belt and stumble
up the aisleway, as we...