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![]() American Pro Wrestling Jan 29/03: Wednesday Rage
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Wednesday Night Rage (#1) Aired: January 29th, 2003 From: Engelstad Arena, Grand Forks, North Dakota Attendence: 3,826 paid |
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<<< cue "I'll Sleep When Im Dead" by Warren Zevon >>> Interviewer Deane Moore is waiting in the ring for the entrance of our President and
C.E.O. Jack Larkin. Fans may remember that last time Larkin ran a wrestling company he shied away from being on-screen, and
in fact sent of his wrestlers out to kick off the inaugural show. Apparently things are different this time around as Larkin
makes his way to the ring in his trademark dark Hugo Boss suit and tie. Larkin enters the ring to a mixed reaction from the
crowd and shakes the hand of Moore. Moore] Mr. Larkin please address your fans. Larkin] Welcome everyone, to another JLVencap Production, Great Plains Wrestling. Just
like in Mid-America the focus of this product will be the in-ring abilities of our athletes. In addition we will be doing
our best to develop our own talent, instead of recycling other folks trash. And I cant think of a better way to drive both
those points home then to introduce to you our newest member of GPW. Ladies and gentlemen, the name Cael Sanderson may not
mean much to you, yet, but believe me when I say this man is already a LEGEND in wrestling. If you dont believe me, if youre
thinking this is a rib, then go to www.teamsanderson.cc and see for yourself the credentials of this amazing athlete. He ranks right up there
with Danny Hodge and Lou Thesz as the greatest pure wrestlers ever. He accomplished what Kurt Angle could not, that is to
win 4 NCAA championships. Cael is no dummy either, being a 2 time NCAA Academic All-American. And, when the time comes, if
Cael desires to leave GPW and go after that Olympic Gold Medal, he has my word that we will free him up to do so. So, without
further adieu, ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for a REAL American hero, Cael Sanderson. <<< cue "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor >>> The fans give Sanderson an appreciative but somewhat reserved ovation as he makes his
way sheepishly to the ring. Inside the ring he shakes hands with Larkin and Moore. Moore] Welcome Mr. Sanderson to GPW, its a pleasure to have such a world class athlete
grace our ring. *Larkin gives Sanderson an applause* Sanderson] Thank you very much Deane and Mr. Larkin. I'm looking forward to starting
a new career here in GPW. I understand that I will have to start at the bottom and make my way.. Larkin] Oh no you don't! Someone with your credentials will not be starting right at
the bottom. I know you're a bit nervous, and still need some more training, but you are a competitor at heart. I have every
expectation that you will shortcut, <<< cue "Big Boss Man" by Tom Petty >>> Boss Strickland comes to the top of the ramp with a mic. He looks a tad bit pissed
off, and the fans reign down a chorus of jeers his way. Boss] Lookie here, Larkin. You already have a world class athlete, an accomplished
amateur wrestler, right here, me, the Boss. Now you go out and sign this greenhorn, and then showcase him in the first ever
segment? You have disrespected me Larkin, you have disrespected the Boss. Larkin] No, Strickland, I AM the BOSS, around here. Get it straight! Boss] You may be the boss with a mic in your hand, but when the mic is gone, and the
bell sounds, make no mistake, I am the BOSS. Always have been, always will be. Larkin] I would suggest if you dont want me to show you what being the Boss means on
payday, that you get the hell out of my sight, right now! Boss] I've got a better idea Mr. Fancy Pants, Mr. Golden Gloves, why don't you let
the greenhorn, who you just said, lets see if I can remember this, since I'm no Academic All-American it may take a while,
oh yeah, he wont be starting at the bottom. So, why don't we set a match right here tonight, me against Sanderson. The winner
of that match gets to be in the Eight Ball scramble at Alive. What do you say Boss? Larkin] No problem, Strickland. I have no problem making that match, and you know why?
Because you are the biggest choker in sports. You couldn't win the big one if we had Figure Skating judges at ringside. Sanderson
was an NCAA champion. You were an NCAA pre-season All-American pick, but you blew out your knee before the first match. You
didn't even qualify to be an alternate for the Olympics, because you got pinned by a man ranked 6 slots lower than you. Youll
never win the big one Strickland, so you'll be a great confidence booster for Sanderson. Strickland leaves the ramp and heads backstage. Moore] Mr. Larkin, what is this Eight Ball scramble we keep seeing advertised for Alive? Larkin] At our first PPV event, Alive, the GPW Heavyweight championship will be determined
in this new match. Eight men will qualify for the match. Two names will be drawn to start off the match inside the ring. The
other six will be positioned in the corners to be tagged in. It will be like a 4-corners match, but with 8 men participating.
Eliminations will be by pinfall or submission. However, after 10 minutes, a horn will blow and a scramble period of 3 minutes
will commence. During this scramble period all men are able to try and eliminate each other by pinfall or submission. Extra
referees will be brought down to ringside to monitor the scramble. When the scramble period has expired we will commence another
one-one-one stage of the match with tags in and out of the ring. The second and subsequent one-on-one stages will be only
5 minutes, and will be followed by a 3 minute scramble period. The last man standing will obviously be declared the winner. Moore] Well fans thats a match you all need to check out, Alive, on February 22nd. [commercial break] When we return we are told by the announce crew, Joe Aiello and Linley Tolbert that
the next match will be part of a two-division round robin to determine a Heritage Champion. Vice-President Dale Kuentz has
hand picked 6 men that he feels are some of the best technical and mat wrestlers in GPW. Those six men have been divided into
the following two divisions; Bracket A: Gabriel Argos, Den Graves, Union Jack Bracket B: Vic Gate, Gregor Kitnitsov, Mr. Wrestling Our first match tonight will also be the first match in Bracket A. V Gabriel Argos (6'2 252 lbs. Cyprus) 1 fall 20 minute time limit Two of the best ground grapplers in GPW go at it right here. Both bring a well defined
strategy to the match. Argos tries his best to engage Graves in a series of chain wrestling, hoping to wind Graves or to pick
up a quick pin. Graves though stays in the middle, forcing Argos to be the aggressor, and to expend more energy working around
Graves. Den Graves waits for his chance to put on a submission hold, and when he doesn't get the chance he breaks off from
any sequence by grabbing the ropes. Argos goes for a crucifix but Graves holds his balance and drops back into a Samoan drop.
He gets the 2 count. Argos is the fan favorite here and takes on that role even more when he becomes the
aggressor. Graves is an arrogant German born mat technician, while Argos is an olive skinned, black tights and boots, throwback
style grappler from Cyprus. Graves nails Argos with a release German suplex and Argos bounces off the mat and rolls
out of the ring. Graves goes through a couple of sequences not allowing Argos back inside the ring before Argos grabs Graves
by the head and drags him to the floor. Outside the ring the match degenerates into a brawl, and referee Jimmy Appleseed is
forced to leave the ring and get between the grapplers, insisting they return to the ring. We go to commercial as he tries
to retain order. [commercial break] When we return from break Argos is in control and pushes his advantage with a pair
of flying dropkicks, a snap suplex, and then a 2 count after an enzuigiri. Graves reverses things with a thumb to the eye,
and then takes control with a punishing spinebuster, followed by a belly-to-belly suplex. Graves reaches down and attempts
to grab the leg of Argos for a submission, but the opponent blasts out with a kick to the knee of the German. Argos reaches
up and pulls Graves down by the front of the tights and applies a front facelock while trying to reverse positions and get
on top of Graves. The German though maintains his balance, and does a headstand as a precursor to kicking out. Both men scramble
to their feet and Argos attempts to catch Graves with a surprise standing dropkick, but the German moves out of the way. Graves
seizes his opportunity and begins to work over the knee of Argos with a series of stomps and twists. Within seconds he applies
the kneelock submission and Argos submits in a great deal of pain. [Den Graves defeats Gabriel Argos by submission with the kneelock submission
at 10:35] Post-Match: Graves refuses to release the hold until Union Jack storms the ring from the backstage
area and makes Graves bail out of the ring. UJ will be Graves next opponent in Bracket A. He helps Argos to his feet, and
the two fan favorites shake hands. Backstage: Mr. Larkin is walking backstage shaking hands and greeting various wrestlers. Suddenly
a pip-squeak voice hails him from behind. He turns around to see a young man staring at him with a look of disgust. Evergreen] Larkin, you have some nerve. First you send Ken Jurgan out to recruit me,
promising me the world, then you stick me in Butt. Larkin] Pardon me? Evergreen] You heard me. I thought I had a pro contract, I thought I was going to be
given a decent shot up here in GPW. But now I find out that you've stuck me in Butt. Larkin] Who the hell are you? Evergreen] Asp, Asp Evergreen. Larkin] Oh, Mr. Evergreen we felt that you could use a bit more tutelage on your mat
skills before bringing you up to GPW. Thats why we stuck you in Butte. And by the way its pronounced BUTTE, not Butt. You
might want to learn that when you are there, and while your at it, you might want to learn some tact. Evergreen] Tact? I'm the best damn high flyer this promotion.. Larkin] And there in lies the problem. If you want to succeed in GPW you have to learn
some basic moves like headlock takedowns and suplexes. You can only do so many head topes before you end up a vegetable. Evergreen] Your yesterday's man Larkin, wake up and smell the buy rate. Larkin] You know not only am I starting to take a real dislike towards you Evergreen
but I'm starting to understand what Jurgan meant when he said that you were, ah damn, something about being lost in your own
realities, with your head up your ass, or something along those lines. Evergreen] Well speaking of up your ass, Larkin] You want a shot big guy? You want to be the big shot? I'll tell you what. Today
is your lucky day! Tonight, right here in Grand Forks, I am going to give you a shot at being in the 8-Ball scramble. We are
going to be having qualifying matches over the next couple of weeks to see what 8 wrestlers are worthy of entrance. Tonight
you will wrestle against..lets see, yeah, Vendetta! You want a shot at the title, you get past Vendetta! Larkin walks away laughing. [commercial break] The announce team informs us that Saturday Morning Squash will premiere this
coming Saturday, February 1st. One of the shows special features will be a guest commentator, and the ability of
fans to ask that commentator questions via e-mail. This weeks guest color commentary will be added by our President Jack Larkin.
The next match is a qualifier match. The winner of this match will still have one more
match to win before getting a spot in the Eight Ball Scramble. Hombre Muerto Recorre (6'2 262 lbs., Mexicali, Mexico) V "Greaser" Johnny Rivale (6'1 189 lbs. Topeka, Kansas) Pretty even match up between these two youngsters. Rivale is a natural brawler, and
a very dirty player. He has a bit of Rowdy Roddy Piper in him, and plays well to the crowd. HMR has a bit of a walking dead
Desperado type gimmick going and was the fan favorite in this one. Rivale kept frustrating HMR with eye gouges, stalling tactics,
and chokes, but never really showed he was better then Recorre. In the end it just took a strong, sustained rally by Recorre
to put him over the top. [Hombre Muerto Recorre defeated Johnny Rivale by pinfall after an Aztecan Suplex
at 9:52] [commercial break] In ring interview: Deane Moore is in the ring to interview big time star, Chrome. The Black Hills wrestler
has a biker look, and major league size at 6'9 and 328 lbs. All he lacks is experience, fluidity in the ring, and a few injury
free months. Moore] Chrome, welcome back to your native lands, welcome back to the Great Plains. Chrome] You know Deane, its such a pleasure to get a chance to move back here, to God's
country. I loved my stay in Japan, but nothing beats wrestling at home. I've looked at the roster, and although we have some
good wrestlers, I don't see anyone here that is going to get in the way of this big hogg. Moore] Next week, here on Rage, you will take on the winner of the Lord Valmont and
Damien Demento match for the right to be in the 8-ball scramble. Who do you prefer to wrestle? Chrome] Well its an old cliché but it really doesnt matter Deane. To me its just a
warm-up for bigger and better things. <<< cue "Bitter Sweet Symphony" by the Verve >>> Lord Valmont, along with his wife and valet Sherry Valmont come to the ring and interrupt
the interview. These two are like a velvet throwback to a long ago era, as she takes off his ring robe and he primps himself
in the mirror before speaking. Lord Valmont] Chrome...Chrome...what kind of name is that? Is that Barvarian perchance?
To be quite frank Monseigneur the only thing more depraved that I can imagine then being in these wastelands of cattle herders,
is to have to listen to one more second of your boorish clap trap. Now my match with Mr. Demento is next, so be a good boy
and run along. Ta-ta. Chrome] You sir are in the wrong ring, in the wrong part of the country, and the wrong
decade. But I'm just going to laugh this off, and feel pity on you. I've met your opponent for tonight, and I really dont
think I will be seeing you next week in the qualifier. But if I do, you better pray that the punishment I give out will be
severe enough to cause you early paralysis and save you from a hellish night of pain. Preliminary Qualifying match for the 8-Ball Scramble. Lord Valmont (6'0 250 lbs. The South of France) V Damien Demento (6'2 288 lbs. The Outer Reaches of Your Mind) Valmont used a lot of stalling tactics and complained a lot to referee Jimmy Appleseed
making false accusations of treachery against Demento. Damien has put on about 40 lbs., of bulk since we last saw him around
a decade ago. He still seems just as much out of his mind, but this time around the fans are solidly behind him. Demento finally snaps and begins to punish Valmont with knees and elbows. Unable to
get the pin Demento is taunted by Valmont and finally loses it. Demento grabs a chair and blasts Valmont twice in the head
busting him open, and then blasts Appleseed when he tries to grab the chair. Demento leaves the ring, and head of officials
Buddy Lane comes down to the ring and disqualifies Demento. [Lord Valmont defeats Damien Demento by disqualification when Demento nailed
Valmont with a chair at 6:11] [commercial break] <<< cue "Oh Canada" >>> Playboy Vincent Regliatti & Eric Scott come to the ring. Both these men once competed
in Mid-America. They climb inside the ring and grab a mic. Regliatti] Hello U.S.A. !!! It is such a privledge to be here in the cradle of civilization!
But you know, looking around, you know what I don't see? Sinister Stan Baker. Scott] Vincent, thats because in the dying days of NPW we ran him out of town. He was
a real tough guy until you got a hold of his goatee and led him around the ring like the *beep* he is. The fans boo, as the Great Canadians have a good chuckle. Regliatti] You know what Scott? There is only one thing I hate more than Americans
who act tougher than they really are. Scott] American women? Regliatti] No, but close. Its Western Canadians, they are so uncouth and backward.
Like our opponents tonight the Calgary hillbillies. Scott] Bring them on! <<< cue "Choke" by Kittie >>> Pistol Greg Pawluk and Hotshot Johnny Devine, the Young Guns, run to the ring. They
slide under the bottom rope and are greeted by the boots of the Great Canadians. The Great Canadians (Scott/Regliatti) 485 lbs. V The Young Guns (Pawluk/Devine) 405 lbs. The Young Guns have the energy and the intensity to give the Great Canadians quite
a handful. However, the deciding factor in this match seems to be Scott's experience. To be more precise Scott knows just
how to cheat behind the ref's back to gain the advantage. His cause is helped greatly by the fact that the ref is long time
inept official Jurgen Hermann. Once Scott takes control of the match his partner Regliatti is a very efficient attacker and
technician, in the Hart Dungeon tradition. Even after Devine gets the hot-tag to Pawluk, it takes only a matter of seconds
before the Great Canadians have control of the match again. Regs stuns Pawluk with a reverse neckbreaker, and then devastates him with a double
underhook faceslam. Somehow Pwluk manages to kick out after a two count. The fans are solidly behind the Young Guns but it
is not to be their day. Unable to watch any longer Johnny Devine enters the ring and attempts to come to the aid of his partner.
But referee Jurgen Hermann takes considerable time to escort him out of the ring and to lecture him on staying in the corner.
In the meantime, Scott and Regliatti hit Pawluk with a double spear to the legs, causing Pawluk to crumple to the ground.
He's then easy pickings for Scott to apply the figure-four leglock. Pawluk is in too much pain to even lift his shoulders
off the mat and is given the 3 count. [Great Canadians defeat Young Guns by pinfall when Scott pins Pawluk with the
figure-four at 7:26] [commercial break] Winner gets a spot in the Eight-Ball Scramble at Alive Asp Evergreen (5'11 205 lbs., Hailey, Idaho) V Vendetta (6'4 261 lbs., Port-au-Prince, Haiti) Asp seemed quite eager to get something going in this match but was obviously over
matched and never got anything going. This was a squash. Vendetta used an Asai leg lariat to get the pin. [Vendetta beat Evergreen by pinfall with the Asai leg lariat at 3:37] [commercial break] Earlier tonight we had the first match from bracket A in the Heritage round robin.
Next we had the first match from bracket B. It featured long time fan favorite, the venerable Vic Gate, against Gregor Kitnitsov.
The other wrestler in this bracket will be Mr. Wrestling. Before the match began Kitnitsov and his Korean manager Sammy Yip
came down to the ring and cut a promo. Kitnitsov] Shut up mouths, stupid Americano fans. You dont know nothing. Kitnitsov
tell you the truth. Americans say they save Soviet people. I spit on you, petuey. Soviet Union now run by mobsters, like Chicago,
from bad American movie. Before we have long bread lines, sometimes you get, sometime, not. Now we have only black market.
Everyone go hungry except the dirty rich, and the hookers. I blame you, Americano fans for being stupid, for making your government
peoples change our peoples. I come to the United States not to wrestle, but to let you know you have changed nothing. Just
made worse. Yip] Everywhere you go, Americans make worse. Korea, worse. Vietnam, worse, Kuwait,
worse. Canada, worse. Soviet Union, worse. Like Kitnitsov I share hatred for American people. Unlike Kitnitsov I have some
money to do something about it. So take that and you gonna rike it, you plicks. Bracket B Heritage Championship Round Robin Gregor Kitnitsov (5'10 225 lbs., the former C.C.C.P) V Vic Gate (6'1 235 lbs., St. Louis, MO) Gate is one tough and wiley veteran. He managed to keep the stronger, more aggressive
Soviet off his game plan for most of the match. When Kitnitsov did grab control it was thanks to a well placed trip on the
part of Sammy Yip. Kitnitsov turned on the attack with a double underhook suplex, and a somersault bodyblock, but only got
a 2 count. A piledriver, and a pair of snap suplexes again yielded only a 2 count. Referee Buddy Lane got bumped out of the action and Kitnitsov put Gate in a full nelson
and pulled him to the corner where Sammy Yip was waiting with the ringbell. But Gate managed to run-up the body of Yip and
springboard off, flipping away from the full nelson and a very surprised Soviet. Gate picked up Kitnitsov and delivered a
devastating back suplex. He then kicked Yip off the apron. Referee Buddy Lane awoke just in time to see Gate deliver his German
Suplex finisher and to count the 1, 2, 3. [Vic Gate defeated Gregor Kitnitsov by pinfall at 8:39 after a German Suplex] [commercial break] Nest up we have the match set up at the start of the show. This is the pro wrestling premiere for NCAA legend, Cael Sanderson. Winner gets a spot in the 8-Ball scramble. Boss Strickland (6'3 256 lbs. , St. Cloud, MN) v Cael Sanderson (6'2 227 lbs., Heber City, UT) Quite frankly Sanderson was just ill prepared for this match. His takedowns were effective, and was able to neutralize
a lot of Strickland's attack but did nothing to really damage Strickland. One time he managed to lock in a rear naked choke,
but of course it was broken up as it is illegal in the pro game. Strickland seemed to toy with Sanderson at times but when he tried to put away the youngster he had problems of his own
as Sanderson turned out to be a defensive wizard. However, Strickland managed to send Sanderson head first into the ringpost,
between the turnbuckles, and then delivered an inverted DDT. He then felt it necessary to hold onto a handful of tights in
the subsequent pin. [Boss Strickland defeated Cael Sanderson after an inverted DDT, and aided by a handful of tights, at 12:17] Cut to the backstage area where a camera crew is following the sounds of yelling voices.
The camera bursts into Larkin's office where sitting down with the phone cradled into his shoulder he is being verbally blasted
by Chrome. Chrome] Are you mad Larkin? I thought this was going to be a no bullshit wrestling
company, free of all that crap? I didn't think you were going to stoop this low to bolster ratings. Larkin] *hissing* Lower your voice, or he'll here you. Chrome] I don't care if he hears me. I'm not afraid of his twisted soul. Bring it on.
But Larkin, this is the worst move you could make. This guy is infamous for hurting people, burning bridges, and destroying
goodwill in towns. Mark my words he's going to come in here, win a few matches, destroy someone's life, and then leave in
the middle of the night. I can't believe you would be this stupid. Chrome walks furiously past the camera crew, slamming the door on his way out. Larkin into the phone] Okay, its all set. What? That? That was just Chrome. Yes, he's
a local guy. Uh-huh. Well if you qualified for the 8-ball scramble next week then you would get your hands on him at Alive.
Let's see, yes I left a spot open for you. You'll take on Moses Luke, and if you win that match you're into the 8-ball. Okay,
we'll see you next week. FADE TO BLACK |
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