
2 Hour Edition of RAGE in Syndication
Taped Wednesday, August 25th
Air Date, Saturday August 28th, 2004
Special 2 1/2 Hour Edition of Rage
Al McGuire Center
Campus of Marquette University
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Attendence: 3,849

We go to the announce table where we see the long standing tandem of Joe Aiello & Linley Tolbert.
Aiello] Welcome fans to another edition of MAPW Rage !! We are on the campus of prestigious Marquette University.
Tolbert] That's right, didn't they have a good basketball team back around 20 years ago?
Aiello] They still have an outstanding athletics program here Linley and you know that. As for tonight though, while
we are only a couple weeks removed from Night of Champions 2, for all intents and purpose tonight might as well be called
Night of Champions 2-B, as we have four title matches set for tonight.
Tolbert] You bet Joe, it's going to be an exciting night. Ron Waterman gets a shot at Vincent Regliatti's Heritage
title and many think his power will make the improbable reign of Regliatti come to an abrupt halt here tonight in chesseland.
Aiello] And what can we expect from Waterman? His attitude seems to have been changing a lot lately.
Tolbert] Well just like every other athlete here in MAPW he just wants the gold - and will do anything to make that
happen. Also, old friends Al Hardamann and Sam Holiday get together tonight to challenge Team Extreme for the MAPW Tag Team
Titles. You know the Spinebusters have to be watching that match-up with a close eye.
Aiello] Absolutely true Linley. And also tonight a man who has been loyal to these parts for many years, the beast,
Menele finally gets his shot at the MAPW champion Vendetta, having won the bad intentions match on Rage several weeks ago,
defeating both Jack Voight and Manny Silva.
Tolbert] Menele may be the least understood and most underrated wrestler we have here in Middle-America, and his
hope is that at the end of the night to have rectified that problem. And finally tonight we play host again to the NWA World
Champion Chris Benoit and his opponent is the always entertaining Darren Michaels.
Aiello] Entertaining? The man is a maniac! But at least tonight his mind will try and focus on winning the gold instead
of trying to kill his opponent as is the usual case with this nut. Michaels comes in tonight with a strong case to be the
World Champion after defeating Goldberg last week to win the title shot. That win was in part thanks to the mysterious masked
man who has been helping out Darren Michaels ever since he arrived in MAPW. In fact I think we have Michaels ready to come
to the ring and make a statement.

<<< cue "Dangerous Tonight" by Alice Cooper >>>
Wearing a black trench coat, sunglasses, and black combat boots Darren Michaels makes his way to the
ring. Following behind him is the masked man we've seen around in the past few weeks. Michaels enters the ring and the masked
man takes on a bodyguard like position behind him.
Michaels] The days of greatness for MAPW are OVER. *he pauses* The days of VIOLENCE and BLOODSHED are upon
thee. I have already put my faggot brother Shawn on the shelf, and if he shows up again I will make it permanent. Shawn you
do not want to spend the remainder of your days in a wheelchair...so stay home. GOLDBERG, you could not stop the torrent no
more then one man can stop the downpour of a rainfall. And tonight I will transcend this place and enter a new world...a world
where I am recognized and sought after as the best...the most dominant...force in pro wrestling. After tonight I will be the
WORLD champion and the days of violence and bloodshed shall spread and unfold across the globe like a Persian sandstorm. The
days of competition and athletic accomplishment are OVER. The reign of terror begins tonight.
<<< cue "Crush 'em" by MegaDeth >>>
The fans cheer as Goldberg comes to the top of the ramp with a mic, and a smile on his face.
Goldberg] Michaels it's time to shut up and tell the people the truth. First you had to cheat your way to beating
me last week. Secondly I know who the man is under the mask and now the whole world will be told.
Michaels] Hold on there Paladin. Not so fast. Think about it. If his identity is revealed now, it will have a profound
impact on another match tonight. Think about it.
Michaels pauses and indeed Goldberg seems to be thinking something over.
Goldberg] I guess that's the first thing you've ever said that made sense to me. I know who he is, but for the greater
good I will hold off long enough for him to do the right thing. I expect that he will reveal himself and make ammends before
the night is over, or else I will indeed spoil the World title party and reveal his identity myself..the hard way.
Goldberg disapoints the audience by turning around and heading for the back.
Michaels *turning to the masked man*] Servant bow down to me, on your knees. Give me your arm.
The masked man rolls up a sleeve and presents his arm. Michaels pulls out a razor and makes a small cut on the man's
forearm. He then uses his finger to paint an "L" on the masked forehead of the man in his own blood. The announce team can
only ponder what the L stands for, and wonder if Michaels is not mocking the man with a "Loser" tag.

Alex Wright (/w Dan Severn) v Shane Madison
Squash match. Wright nailed both his German suplex and reverse neckbreaker finishers but opted to make Madison yell uncle
by locking in an STF.
Alex Wright defeated Shane Madison by submission with the STF at 3:10.
Post-Match: Wright and Severn laid in a few extra licks on Madison.

Investigative reporter, Pamela Paulshock |
Backstage Interview:
We see Pamela Paulshock hurrying to catch up with someone we haven't seen before.
Paulshock] Mike...Mike Labonte..can we have a word with you?
The former COMPLEX star Mike Labonte turns around, looking surprised to see the mic and camera.
Labonte] Sure, no problem.
Paulshock] Welcome to MAPW, what do you hope to achieve here?
Labonte] Well I'm still young Pamela and learning the game. COMPLEX was more of a learning type atmosphere, while
here in MAPW it's kind of like we've graduated and now expected to make the best of what we got. I'm looking forward to that
challenge, but also hope to learn more from the veterans here as well.
Paulshock] Well good luck...
Tylene Buck and Paisley come into the picture, and their eyes suddenly lock onto the
young Labonte.
Buck] Well, well, look what we got here Pais.
Paisley] Fresh meat...and I do mean fresh...meoooowww.
Buck and Paisley flank Labonte and begin to touch his pecs and broad shoulders.
Suddenly Bam Bam Bigelow invades the scene knocking Labonte down from behind, sending Buck and Paisley
down in the collateral damage. Bigelow pounds away at Labonte then scoops him up and delivers a backbreaker over the waiting
knee of Diamond Rhodes.
Rhodes] Turn him over...I think this naughty boy needs a spanking.
Bigelow turns Labonte over on Rhodes' knee and holds him still. Rhodes lifts his hand up and brings it down, smacking
across the youngster's backside.
Rhodes] How was that for a lesson boy? Not enough I'm afraid, you like to be humiliated don't you?
Rhodes hooks his hands into the waistband of Labonte's jeans and is going to pull down his pants. Bigelow looks a bit
put back by this and nods "no" but Rhodes ignores him.
Suddenly someone yells "Hey" and Adam "Tiger" Burke is on the scene. He catches Rhodes by surprise with
the Tiger's Claw (superkick) to the face, causing him to drop his hold on Labonte. Bigelow though then drives his shoulder
into Burke and slams him into the wall. He wraps his arm over Burke's head and begins to rain down punches into Burke's back.
Labonte though recovers and delivers a nasty double ax-handle chop to the back of Bam Bam. He then sends Bigelow down with
a high-knee. Rhodes has recoverd so Burke and Labonte back away.
Rhodes] You stupid jerk-offs..you can't pull that crap with me...I'm Dust..Diamond Rhodes...and you've just made
the biggest mistake of your short careers. Tonight, you two and us, in the ring, and we'll teach you the last lesson in pro
wrestling you will ever get. How to end a career before it really gets a chance to start.
Labonte and Burke just nod their acceptance and slap each other's backs as they leave.

MAPW Heritage Title Match
Vincent Regliatti (c) v Ron Waterman
Waterman is all over the champ to start, nailing 3 dropkicks in the first minute alone. Regliatti though comes back with
a backdrop and then goes to work on H2O. We get a couple minutes of back and forth before Waterman nails a bulldog and covers
for a 2 count.
Regliatti fights back and then throws Waterman out of the ring before pouncing on him with a springboard leg lariat.
Outside the ring he tosses Waterman into the ringsteps. Smartly though Regs doesn't want to stay outside with this monster
so he takes it back inside. He works over the challenger but when he tries for the figure-four Wateman kicks him off.
Gabriel Moore, the former star and self-proclaimed "Prophet" comes down to ringside to observe, carrying
with him his bible.
Regliatti delivers a thumb to the eye of Waterman and then nails him with a Soviet Suplex but only gets a 2 count. Wateman
mounts another comeback and locks on an armbar submission on the champ. However, Regs makes his way to the ropes for a break.
The mic picks up Gabriel Moore shouting at Waterman, "Use the word of the lord as your weapon to smite thy enemies".
He then lays his bible on the ring apron and leaves ringside to a chorus of jeers.
Regliatti rocks Waterman with a clothesline but when he tries for a back suplex it's blocked by Waterman who counters
with a bulldog. He stares after Moore and at the Bible but just seems confused. Waterman sends Regs to the buckle and then
tries to follow in with an elbow but the Torontonian moves out of the way and H20 hits the buckle hard. Regs climbs the second
rope and comes off with a dropkick dropping the challenger.
Regs goes for a belly-to-back suplex but it's blocked by H20 who then nails a big spinebuster. Both men are down though
and both regain their feet at around the count of 8. Regs kicks at H20 who blocks it, turns Regliatti around 360 degrees and
then clotheslines him down hard. Waterman locks on the leg hammerlock and the champ has to make his way to the ropes for a
quick break to survive.
Waterman lifts Regs to his feet, only to have the champ deliver a covert low blow that the ref misses to Waterman,
and then roll him up with an inside cradle to pick up the tainted win.
Vincent Regliatti defeats Ron Waterman by pinfall after a low blow and an inside cradle at 9:47
Regliatti grabs his belt and heads for the hills as fast as his legs will take him. Waterman recovers and is about to
roll out of the ring when he notices the bible left by Moore is still on the ring apron. Waterman hesitates for a second before
walking over and picking up the bible. He opens it, looks inside, gets a wry smile on his face, closes it, and leaves the
ring with the bible in his hands.

<<< cue "The Tenth Dimension" by Blaze" >>>
The fans cheer as Robert "Blaze" Bayley comes to the ring with a mic. He gives a round of high-fives
as he circles the ring before entering.
Bayley] Let me tell you something, last week, now that was screwed up. It was Diamond Dallas Page's idea to have
me as the special guest referee for his match against that scum Adam Riggs, because Page still trusted me as his friend, even
though a lot of people are trying to stir the pot about the amount of time I am spending professionally with his wife Kimberly.
In private I gave him my word that we were and would remain only friends, and I stick by that. Page is under a lot of pressure
right now, Dallas that is. He's had such a bad run of luck in WCW *shakes his head* it's unbelievable for a man with
his talent level. Anyway, so last week after April Hunter knocked out Kimberly I went to help her out, and inadvertently placed
my hand on her ass. I didn't even realize it until I saw it on the JumboTron. Believe me, a piece of ass was the last thing
on my mind. But DDP lost his temper and ended up laying me out with the Diamond Cutter. Stuff like that happens between friends,
I can forgive and forget. But DDP left, and now he won't take my calls. *shakes his head again*.
<<< cue "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana >>>
Even Bayley looks surprised to hear DDP's music, but then looks somewhat relieved when Kimberly Page
makes her way down to the ring alone.
Page] Blaze, it's been my privlidge to be your manager the last couple of months here in MAPW. I've had a blast.
You seem to be uncomfortable though because of your friendship with my husband. Don't be. He has his career and I have mine.
I could get a job in WCW with a snap of my finger, as he could here. We choose to live our lives this way, and I'm all right
with everything that has happened between us. I know you are an honorable man, and I know that my husband has an irrational
and jealous side that you saw last week. He was wrong to have attacked you. If you can put this past us then I would
like to continue to be your manager.
Bayley stares at Kimberly for a few seconds before nodding his ascent.
Kimberly looks very happy and embraces Bayley in a hug, then as they part she gives him a quick kiss on his mouth. He
looks surprised and somewhat flustered.

Diamonds & Rust: Diamond Rhodes & Bam Bam Bigelow
(/w Paisley & Tylene Buck)
Mike Labonte & Adam "Tiger" Burke
Burke made a mistake, going for the Tiger's Claw finisher way too early in this match (in the first minute) and Bigelow
tried to make him eat it. The Beast from the East went to work on Burke who managed to tag in Labonte. The youngster made
a mistake too, ducking away from a Bigelow dropkick attempt only to fling himself backward into the corner of Rhodes. The
veteran grabbed Labonte by the neck and dragged him out of the ring. Outside he slammed him on the ringsteps before delivering
him back to Bigelow. Labonte spent the better part of the next 5 mintues playing Ricky Morton. Finally he made the tag to
Burke who came in a house of fire.
Burke went to work on Rhodes with punches, kicks, a hotshot, a senton, and then a brainbuster to get a 2 count. He then
tagged in Labonte who continued the assault with a dragon suplex, some wild haymakers, and then a Northern Lights suplex for
a 2 count. Labonte got back to his feet and then Bigelow decided he couldn't watch anymore from the apron. The Beast entered
the ring and charged at the back of Labonte. Burke issued a warning, and Labonte turned just in time to avoid Bigelow and
take him down with a drop toe hold. Bigelow crashed forward colliding with Rhodes who had been trying to get back to his feet.
Burke entered the ring to clear out Bigelow, and then Labonte covered Rhodes and got the 3 count. Big upset for the youngsters.
Mike Labonte & Adam Burke defeated Diamonds & Rust by pinfall when Labonte pinned Rhodes after botched
interference by Bigelow at 8:50

Chris Jons v Jack Voight (/w Dan Severn)
Before this match can begin Dan Severn grabs a mic.
Severn] Backlund...Larkin...or whoever is the braindead matchmaker these days in MAPW, you just don't get it! It's
bad enough that Alex Wright had to face a no-talent like Shane Madison, but now you try and embarras a world class heavyweight
like Extreme Jack Voight by putting him in the ring with this pipsqueak? Well, we won't accept it. We don't accept this match.
When you are ready to have us wrestle someone at our own level then we will wrestle again. We're out of here.
With that Severn and Voight leave and head to the back, being escorted by a chorus of jeers.
For lack of something better to do we go to a commercial. When we return,
<<< cue "Denial" by Sevendust >>>
Raymond Bingham comes down to the ring, wearing his 2001 PWI Rookie of the Year t-shirt, and waving
around a small Canadian flag, as he now hails from Montreal, Canada. He enters the ring and accepts the match with Chris Jons.
Chris Jons v Raymond Bingham
This match-up had all the elements of a great encounter. The straight forward, technical cruiserweight Jons against the
cocky but well-rounded and apt grappler Bingham.
A couple early blocks and counters by Jons and Bingham loses his temper and takes the match outside the ring. He takes
control throwing Jons into the rinsteps, giving him an atomic drop into the ringpost and then tossing him head first into
the guardrail. Back inside Bingham holds the advantage but is wrestling pretty conservatively, even working a standing headlock
for over a minute. Bingham goes for a dragon screw leg whip but Jons reads it and tries to counter with an enzuigiri but Bingham
moves out of the way to retain control of the match.
A jawbreaker and a flying cross bodypress yield Bingham a 2 count. Finally Jons makes a comeback reversing a whip into
the ropes and nailing Bingham with an elbow, followed by an arm wringer, and a series of forearm smashes driving Bingham out
of the ring.
This time outside the ring its Jons' turn to deal out some damage, which consisted of three guardrail shots, a spin kick,
and a double axhandle chop. Referee Jurgen Hermann gives them some slack in breaking the 10 count to let the match continue
rather then just count them out.
Back inside Jons continues to punish Bingham but then elects to take the match to the outside once again. Bingham though
fights back outside the ring and takes control with a reverse neckbreaker. A guardrail shot is administered for good measure
and then Bingham takes Jons back inside, nails him with a cross body, and covers him for a nearfall.
Jons fights back and ends up putting Bingham in the cobra clutch. Bingham reaches the ropes only to receive a kick to
the midsection from Jons. The lethal one goes for an arm wringer but Bingham has a few tricks up his sleeve too, flipping
over and taking Jons down with a beautifully executed crucifix into a pin that was an eyelash away from a 3 count.
Bingham goes for a bodyslam but Jons counters with a small package for a 2 count. Jons then nails a bridging back suplex
and goes for the cover but its too close to the ropes and Bingham breaks the count. Jons pulls his opponent to the middle
of the ring and goes for the Boston crab but Bingham kicks out of it, fighting for his life now. Bingham tries to fight back
with punches but Jons blocks them and then nails two consecutive bridging back suplexes, each time getting a near 3 count.
Bingham flees the ring but Jons follows and after landing a few square forearms he rolls Bingham back inside the ring.
Again Bingham fights back with punches and a rake of the face, but Jons fights through the attacks. He tosses Bingham
over the top rope and then nails him with an Asai Tornado Dive.
Jons goes for a piledriver on the floor but Bingham back flips him off. Bingham nails Jons with a jawbreaker but when
he tries to follow it up with a flying cross body block Jons moves out of the way.
Jons rolls Bingham back inside, nails a dragon suplex, and then follows up with the dragon sleeper which gets the submission
Chris Jons defeats Raymond Bingham by submission with the Dragon Sleeper at 14:10.

MAPW Tag Team Title Match
Team Extreme: Khris Germany & Kit Carson (c)
Sam Holiday & Al Hardamann
Team Extreme did everything they could in this match to keep the challengers off balance and to try and end this match
early; or get disqualified which wouldn't really mean a damn thing to them.
Khris Germany threw Sam Holiday between the ropes to the floor, where Kit Carson was waiting and sprang off of a chair
to land a crushing elbow to the throat of the big Texan. Back inside Germany taunted the crowd with his pelvic thrusts, and
then went back to work on Holiday getting a near fall after a DDT.
Holiday though fought them off and managed a tag to Hardamann, who after an initial flurry faired no better then his
partner falling victim to double teams.
Hardamann though fought back and got himself out of trouble with a hotshot, an inverted atomic drop, and a version of
the diamond cutter. He might have been able to get a 3 count but he was out of gas and had to tag in Holiday.
Carson tried to interfere at this point but Holiday would have none of it, stopping him in his tracks with a big boot
and then whipping him into his partner Khris Germany. Holiday continued to punish Germany with a gutwrench suplex, full nelson
slam, and a stump puller. Carson tried to interfere again at a rope break, swinging a steel chair. But Holiday saw it coming
and moved out of the way, so Carson's chair bounced off the top rope and bounced up hitting himself in the face, knocking
him off the apron. Holiday took the opporuntity to toss Germany into the buckle and then come off the ropes with a big legdrop.
He tagged in Hardamann who then nailed Germany with a death valley driver. Holiday made sure Carson wouldn't interfere and
Hardamann made the title change official.
Al Hardamann & Sam Holiday defeated Team Extreme by pinfall when Hardamann pinned Germany after a DVD at
Al Hardamann & Sam Holiday won the MAPW Tag Team Titles

MAPW Heavyweight Title Match
Vendetta (c) v Menele
Menele attacked Vendetta before the bell even sounded. He attacks with a brawling style of kicks, punches, and slaps,
and then punctuates it with a DDT. Vendetta tries to fight back but Menele blocks his multiple attacks and then nails him
with a spinebuster. However when he goes for a belly-to-belly suplex it's blocked by Vendetta, who then moves out of the way
of a shoulderblock attempt.
The champion makes his comeback with a clothesline, and a waistlock suplex, but when he goes for a spear it's countered
by Menele with a DDT.
The match is much more even after that with neither man holding a sustained advantage for several minutes of back and
forth. Menele though does get an advantage with a shoulderblock, belly-to-back suplex, and then a huge overhead head and arm
suplex. The challenger continues to press his advantage with brawling tactics and the occasional big suplex. Vendetta starts
a comeback by nailing an Asai leg lariat coming off the ropes. Two big backdropes, then a snap suplex, roundhouse kick, Russian
legsweep, and a senton yields a count of 2. Vendetta nails another snap suplex, but when he goes for a kick to the midsection
Menele musters up enough energy to block it, and then fire right back with his wheel barrow suplex finisher. He's slow to
cover though and this allows the champ to kick out just a fraction of a second before the 3 count.
Menele gets some sustained offense but when he goes for his finisher again, it's blocked by an elbowsmash from Vendetta.
Then it's the champ's turn to turn on the offense but he can not seem to put away the strong challenger.
Menele gains control with a belly-to-back suplex followed by a German suplex, yielding a 2 count. The fans jeering
Menele pick it up a notch now, their preconception that Menele could not beat Vendetta is now seemingly in doubt, and their
champion is in peril.
Clothesline, belly-to-back suplex and the punishment just continues. A whip into the buckle however is reversed by Vendetta,
but when the champ goes in shoulder first Menele moves out of the way. Menele then rocks the champ with a clothesline. Vendetta's
backward motion propels him into the referee Buddy Lane and Menele makes the cover. He would have got the 3 count for sure,
in fact he probably could have made a Bundy like 5 count but Lane was knocked out.
Menele walks over and wakes up Lane. He then whips Vendetta into the ropes but the champ has recovered enough to reverse
it. The champ catches the challenger with a kick to the gut, and then brings him to the mat with a double leg takedown. Vendetta
locks on the Haitian deathlock and it's all but over. But Menele won't give up, and he manages to work his way to the ropes
after about 15 seconds in the hold.
Vendetta drags the challenger to the middle of the ring and nails him with a piledriver. He goes for the pin but only
gets a 2 count. Frustrated he sets the challenger up once again, but this time Menele counters with a backdrop. Vendetta gets
to his feet and nails Menele with a punch, followed by a pair of elbows to the bridge of the nose. The champ then goes for
a springboard back elbow but Menele rolls away from it, follows the champ to the mat and locks on a hammerlock. He drags the
champ to his feet and then brings him back down with a hammerlock bodyslam. He follows up with a kneedrop to the forehead,
a release German suplex, and then stuns the crowd with his Wheelbarrow suplex finisher. The crowd sits in disbelief as he
makes the cover and gets the 1 , 2, 3 !!!
Huge upset!!!
Menele defeated Vendetta by pinfall after a wheelbarrow suplex at 20:37.
Menele wins the MAPW Heavyweight Championship
Post-Match: Menele, Vendetta, and even Buddy Lane stand around in disbelief. The ring announcer Pamela
Paulshock brings the title belt over to Lane who just stares at it for a bit before finally walking over to Menele who is
still on his knees, his stare alternating between the crowd, Vendetta, and the mat underneath him. Lane walks over and presents
the belt to Menele who grabs at it greedily and then kisses it. He raises it above his head and the crowd boo him, but some
cheers are mixed in. Vendetta walks over and stands in front of Menele, before extending his hand and helping the new champion
to his feet. The two men shake hands and then Menele displays his belt for all to see. He still gets mostly jeers but more
people also cheer him now thanks to Vendetta's actions.

Menele, your new MAPW Heavyweight Champion |

NWA World Heavyweight Title Match
Chris Benoit (c)
Darren Michaels
Benoit controls most of the first five minutes of this match but does no big damage to Michaels. The fans are solidly
behind Benoit as this match was taped on the 25th, a day before the champion of the World joined the Dangerous Alliance. Although
given the people's hatred for Darren Michaels its likely they would have cheered on Benoit anyway.
Michaels makes a comeback and its his turn to control the match for a while, likewise doing no real big damage to the
The first big move of the match is a belly-to-back superplex executed by the World champion, but he's too hurt to get
the quick 3 count so the match continues. A Northern lights suplex yields a two count.
Michaels makes a comeback reversing a whip to the ropes and then nailing Benoit with a clothesline. After working a chokehold
though Michaels goes for a piledriver but its countered by Benoit with a backdrop.
Benoit works over Michaels but mostly with chops and kicks which aren't going to put the veteran away. The action spills
out of the ring and when Michaels returns he brings a table in with him. Referee Buddy Lane threatens Michaels with a DQ after
he bodyslams Benoit on the table which lied on the mat, upside down. So Michaels took Benoit outside the ring and laid a steel
chair on the ground. He then delivered a piledriver onto the chair on Benoit, followed by a double arm DDT onto the chair.
Chris Benoit was busted wide open.
Michaels took Benoit back inside but by the time Lane finished admonishing Michaels and made the count Benoit was able
to kick out. Michaels chopped Benoit down right to the throat. He then pulled him over to the corner and locked on the figure-four
around the ringpost!!
Lane made a quick count and forced Michaels to let go or risk DQ. However, Michaels immediately went to reapply the move,
but Benoit kicked him right in the groin to end that attempt.
Back inside Benoit manages to fight back again, but still mostly with chops and kicks. When he goes for an inverted atomic
drop its blocked by Michaels. The two exchange the advantage as the match deteriorates to a fist fight.
Benoit is now bleeding profusely.
The match spills outside the ring again where Michaels springs off a chair nailing the champ with a spin kick. Michaels
works Benoit over with the ringsteps before rolling him back into the ring.
Darren Michaels signals the end is near and he climbs to the top rope, and brings the champ down to the mat with a top-rope
The fans are going nuts and a big smile crosses the face of Michaels. But in his haste he doesn't cover him properly
and at the count of two the resilient champ sticks a foot out and across the bottom rope.
Frustrated Michaels stomps away at Benoit and then throws him into the corner. He charges in but Benoit pulls his knees
up and feeds them to Michaels. The champ then more or less falls out of the corner, and on the way down locks on the crippler
crossface on Michaels. The fans are going crazy again as the champ has on his finisher move, his face a mask of crimson red,
but even the fans can see the move isn't locked on with his usual strength.
The black and red masked man comes down to ringside, drawing jeers from the crowd.
Michaels works his way to the ropes and gets the break.
Darren Michaels' turn to fight back and then take control again with a springboard spinwheel kick followed by a moonsault
from the second turnbuckle. This draws a cover and a 1, 2, but then the masked man (unknowling to Michaels) pulls Benoit's
foot over the bottom rope to get the break!!
Benoit fights back with an overhead release German suplex. Benoit tries to kick Michaels in the gut but its blocked and
then Michaels nails a clothesline, and then follows up with a brainbuster. He goes for the pin but can only get a 2 count.
Referee Buddy Lane takes a second out to check on the blood loss by Benoit which is starting to mount at an alarming
rate. As he does this the masked man jumps onto the apron and Michaels meets him, holding out his hand. The masked man digs
into a pocket and produces a set of brass knuckles.
But instead of passing Michaels the brass knux the red and black masked man ~waffles~ Darren Michaels with the knux!!!
Michaels drops like a sack of rocks.
Benoit nails a pair of German suplexes and then climbs to the top rope. He yells at Michaels "You like the taste
of blood so much, I'm going to feed you some you sick piece of shit". Benoit then comes off the top rope with his swandive
headbutt, which when it connects sends the blood from his forehead splattering across the ring.
Suddenly Bill Goldberg comes charging down to ringside out of the blue, and runs right at and spears
the mysterious masked man.
Benoit is groggy but manages to crawl over, laying his back across Michaels, hooking a leg, and gets the 1 , 2, 3 !!!
Chris Benoit defeats Darren Michaels by pinfall after a swandive headbutt at 26:00
Match Rating: ****1/4
Things got even more wild after the match was over.
A bloodied Chris Benoit rolled out of the ring and snatched up his World Title. He didn't take any time
out to pose for the crowd but instead just started a slow walk up the rampway.
In the meantime, Bill Goldberg gorilla press slammed the masked man into the ring. He followed in with
a mic. Goldberg told the fallen man that his time as Michael's cronie was over. Michaels in the meantime had recoverd enough
to back himself into the corner, and lay there propped up against the bottom turnbuckle watching.
Golberg propped up the masked man and as he pulled off the mask he announced to the crowd that it was Luke
But when Goldberg pulled off the mask both he and Darren Michaels were in shock as the man under the mask was actually,
Shawn Michaels!!
Godlberg stomped the mat and held his head like it was hurting him before staring menacingly at Darren Michaels
who just shrugged his shoulders and did his best to spit a wad at Goldberg. The big man then began to close in on Michaels
when Luke Hardamann suddenly entered the ring and clobbered Goldberg from behind with a wooden chair that
shattered into small pieces.
We were then shown a shot of World champion Chris Benoit who had paused half way up the ramp to watch
what was going on. Inside the ring Darren Michaels and Luke Hardamann now lay a beating onto Goldberg. Benoit just threw up
his hands about the situation and continued his way to backstage.
Shawn Michaels though recovered his feet and dived in taking down his brother, the two men wrestling away on the ground.
To make matters more convoluted suddenly the new MAPW tag team champions Al Hardamann and Sam Holiday
came running in from the back. By now Goldberg had mounted a spirited comeback and was clobbering in swinging punches at Luke
This didn't go over well with his brother Al who attacked Goldberg from behind. Sam Holiday made a brief attempt to be
the peacemaker until he was fed a suckerpunch to the mouth by Luke Hardamann followed up by a bulldog.
So now we had the Michaels brothers spill out of the ring and continuing to brawl on the outside, while inside the ring
Luke Hardamann was pounding on Sam Holiday and Al Hardamann was having a lot of problems with the behemoth Goldberg.
But that's not all folks.
We suddenly went to a split screen, with the second feed coming from a backstage camera. Chris Benoit
lay down flat on the ground beside some first aid station. Standing over him is Scott Steiner
who goes right to work on Benoit, first peppering his bloodied forehead with more shots, and then locking on the Steiner-recliner.
In the othe feed from the ring, suddenly the ring is swarmed on all four sides by The New Right. Dan Severn,
Alex Wright, Jack Voight, and Kai Hanson all enter the ring. Voight and Hanson are both equipped with steel chains
wrapped around their fists. Those Damn Germans go to work on everyone, Luke Hardamann, Goldberg, Al Hardamann, and Sam Holiday.
They start to bust each of them open with the steel chains. In the meantime we get a quick feed which shows Darren Michaels
now in control of his brawl with his brother Shawn. HBK is busted wide open and Michaels is working him over in the stands
with a steel chair. Security finally intervenes and manages to break those two apart ending that confrontation.
Inside the ring the New Right tosses all four of their opponents out of the ring, and pose for the crowd as they are
rained down by popcorn boxes and half-full overpriced soda pop.
On the other side of the screen security forces Steiner to break his hold on Benoit but he doesn't hold back and starts
to throw security around, bouncing them off walls. Commissioner Bob Backlund is on the scene and threatens
to have Steiner expelled from the NWA. Steiner just yells at Backlund "I don't work for you" and proceeds to gutwrench
suplex him right on top of Benoit. Steiner kicks the former WWWF champ off of the current world champ, and then picks Benoit
up by the hair and gives him a gutwrench suplex right onto a table full of medical supplies including many metal implements
that look awfully painful. Benoit is passed out from blood loss and pain. Steiner just laughs and says, "Royal Road...September
4th..Tokoyo...you might not want to show."

