
2 Hour Edition of RAGE in Syndication
Taped Wednesday, July 21th
Air Date, Saturday July 24th, 2004
La Crosse Center,
La Crosse, WI
Attendence: 3,835

President & C.E.O. Jack Larkin |
<<< cue "I'll Sleep When I'm Dead" >>>
The fans come to their feet and watch the entrance way as Owner and President Jack Larkin makes an unannounced
appearance to open the show. He strides to the ring in his Hugo Boss 3-piece suit, and waves politely to the crowd. This is
the first time we've seen Larkin in the building for an MAPW event since it's rebirth several months ago.
Larkin] Hello Wisconsin, and hello fans of MAPW wrestling everywhere. A special hello goes out to little 11 year
old Sally who's letter I received last week. Sally is in hospital in Omaha, Nebraska and from our family to yours Sally we
wish you a speedy recovery.
Now, onto business, and specifically why I am here. First off, I wouldn't have made an appearance just for this reason,
but since I am here anyway I should touch on the subject. The fans of MAPW come to the shows to be entertained, both by the
in-ring action as well as the out of the ring antics and promos of the wrestlers. However, last week's show in my opinion,
went dangerously close to crossing the line on many occasions between edgy and unacceptable. This is a public warning to all
the boys, and gals, in the back - be careful, damn careful of what you spout.
Another reason I am out here is to promote a big show next Wednesday night in the Twin Cities, July 28th at the Excel
Center. It will be our second ever "Night of Champions". And yes, the first one ironically turned out to be our last show
before a nearly one year black out from television. Let's all hope that history does not repeat itself. However, because of
some holidays as well as production changes we will not be taping another show for TV for 3 weeks. Therefore, the footage
of what promises to be a 3-4 hour show next week will be used to produce our weekly Rage TV show for the Saturdays of July
31st, August 7th, and August 14th.
The line-up for Night of Champions II will be jam packed of course. The card so-far is set up as follows;
- NWA Champion Chris Benoit defends his belt against MAPW Champion Vendetta
- NWA & MAPW Tag Team Champions The Spinebusters will defend their belts against a surprise team.
- NWA Junior Heavyweight Champion Rey Mysterio Jr. will defend his belt against Chris Jons.
- MAPW Heritage Champion Vincent Regliatti will defend his belt against an opponent that will decided upon tonight.
- South African Champion Frans van der Heever will defend his belt against Shawn Michaels.
- South African Tag Champions Jayson Moorhouse and MetalHead will defend their tag championships against Robbie Royal and
Lee Vakis.
- more matches yet to be added
Larkin] And lastly, the primary reason that I've come here in person tonight is to introduce to the great fans of MAPW
our latest signing, a young man with a whole ton of talent and promise. This is the most promising young talent I have seen
come through my door in years. Ladies and gentlemen of Middle America, please welcome to the heartland, "The Tiger" Adam Burke
<<< cue "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor >>>
The physically impressive Adam Burke comes to the ring wearing blue wrestling pants and boots. He enters
the ring to a smattering of cheers from the crowd and steps forward shaking hands with the President. Burke looks slightly
hesitant but is smiling from ear to ear.
Larkin] Welcome to MAPW kid, it's great to have you on the payroll.
Burke] Gee, thanks Mr. Larkin for everything, and thanks to my great fans. It's always nice to receive a second chance,
a new lease on life as it may be. The last time I was in a wrestling ring I was just a kid really, I didn't know how to assert
myself and how to get ahead. I've grown up a lot since then and I'm finally ready to reach out and grab that brass ring.
Larkin] There you have it ladies and gentlemen, Adam Burke, the eye of the tiger. One day each of you will be able
to turn to your kids and say, I was there the night that Adam Burke first appeared in MAPW.
Burke and Larkin shake hands vigourously once again.

<<< cue "Phenomenon" by LL Cool J >>>
Adam Riggs and April Hunter come down to the ring drawing the ire of the crowd. Riggs
pauses to flip them off and Hunter can be heard calling them all a bunch of cheesehead losers.
They finally enter the ring and Riggs has a mic, which can never be a good thing.
Riggs] BOW DOWN scum to the GOD of pro wrestling Adam Riggs, the Phenom of the squared circle. The man who will retire
Vendetta right after I cripple the useless tit known as Robert "Blaze" Bayley. Hey Bayley, what's with the stupid nickname?
Are you trying to tell us something? I've long suspected that you are a flaming homo but you don't have to flaunt it. Tonight
though faggot your ass is mine, and I'm going to make you sore in way that you haven't felt in a long time. I'm going to send
you to the hospital tonight because I have your puny little self in the main event match.
Hunter] You tell them LORD Riggs, you tell them all! You are the GOD of pro wrestling and all these useless pieces
of shit in the audience should shut the hell up and listen when you speak. SHUT UP! Now, Bayley, just in case you think that
little whore girlfirend of yours Kim Page is going to save your scrawny ass tonight I have some bad news for you. I have a
contract to wrestle her, right now, right here, and then you can schedule the ambulance to take her to the hospital. But don't
you try and leave in the back of the ambulance with her like you did last time, chicken shit piece of..
<<< cue "The Tenth Dimension" by Blaze >>>
The crowd get to their feet and put their hands together for the energetic arrival of Robert "Blaze" Bayley
along with Kimberly Page. Page is in shorts, a tank top, and boots and looks ready to wrestle.
They enter the ring together and have a mic of their own.
Bayley] Oh shut the hell up already! You two are both going down in a blaze tonight, a blaze of glory for us, and
gory for you two ingrates. I have all the faith in the world in Page and she has learned enough from my friend DDP to take
care of herself, even against an Amazonian freak like you Hunter!
Riggs] Hey, sorry man, didn't mean to call you a faggot early. It seems pretty obvious that you do in fact like women.
And I have to admit that Kimberly, you are one fine piece of ass. Of course, back in the days of the Wolfpack, you were my
fine piece of ass, and soon you will be again. That wedding ring didn't stop you from ****** around on your hubby during the
days of the pack, obviously it isn't stopping you from servicing Blaze now, and it sure as shit won't stop you when I straddle
your prone body in the hospital bed, the tubes coming out of your arms, your head all groggy...
Blaze has heard all he can take and attacks Riggs. The two exchange punches and kicks with Bayley getting the better
of the bigger Riggs. Page though turns her back on Hunter to cheer on her man and pays for it with a knee to the back. Bayley
and Riggs spill out of the ring and are finally seperated by MAPW officials and sent to the back, as inside Hunter is slamming
Page around the ring.
By the time referee Jimmy Appleseed calls for the bell Page is already in la-la land.

April Hunter |

Kimberly Page |
April Hunter v Kimberly Page
Page never stands a chance. Hunter toys with her, nailing a DDT, a full nelson slam, and then rubbing Page's face across
the mat. She lays Page on her back and then delivers a vicious knee to the "sternum". Page rolls over and looks like she is
going to vomit. Hunter picks up Page from behind and delivers a "hairplane" spin as Page screams in pain. The vicious Hunter
is all business and scrapes Page's face across the top rope. When she rolls Page over and then slingshots her face first into
the corner we can see that Page is bleeding slightly from abrasions to her face. Hunter then rips off Page's tank top and
starts to choke her with it, with Page trying to cover up as she is only wearing a flimsy white bra underneath. Appleseed
has seen enough and calls for the bell.
Kimberly Page defeated April Hunter by disqualification at 2:19
Rating: not-rated
Hunter continues to try and choke out Page while Appleseed tries to pull her off. Robert Bayley comes
running from the back and Hunter makes herself scarce. Bayley takes off his "Blaze" shirt and puts it over Page to cover her
up. He helps her to her feet as she looks very wobbly....and then she kisses him squarely on the mouth. When she pulls away
he looks surprised but pleased, but she still looks very dazed so he helps her from the ring.

In ring promo:
The fans cheer the Hardamann brothers, Luke and Al who are in the ring with mics.
Al] Well Luke you called for this interivew, so let's hear what's on your mind. I have to tell you first though,
that I haven't exactly been pleased with your tactics since you've come back to wrestling as my tag team partner. I know how
strong your desire to win is big brother, but without honor their can be no glory.
Luke] I guess we just don't see the world the same way little brother. Maybe that's because you had the luxury of
eating off of my table when you were little, while I had to drop out of school and take up dock work and pro wrestling to
pay the bills, to help out Mom and Dad. Still, I'm very proud of you brother, you have taken your game further then I ever
went, and hopefully one day we will see you with the MAPW gold around your waist. However, my days are done. I just finished
consulting with a second doctor this week, and as a result of my most recent concussion I received at the end of our
last tag match I am taking the advice of the good doctors and hanging up my boots.
Al] I'm so sorry bro', and I feel like such an ass.
Luke] Don't have to feel that way. I kept you in the dark, because this had to be my decision, and mine alone. I
don't have a wonderful wife like your Shiela, or great kids like your Skylar and Ashley. So, this was my decison to make
- alone. And I feel better today then I have in a long time. Don't worry about me bro', I already have another job lined up.
So best of luck to you Al, and to the fans and manamgement of MAPW, thanks for your time and your cheers, and good luck.
The brothers embrace in the middle of the ring, and Luke gives a wave to the fans as he leaves the ring.

Marcus Schultz |
Kai Hanson v Marcus Schultz
Strictly a work-out for Hanson. The German wastes no time crossing the ring and disrespecting Schultz with a big slap
across the face. Schultz fired right back with a right hand, but was then annihilated with a lariat. Hanson laid in the stomps
and then went to work with a hotshot, and an over the shoulder stomachbreaker. Hanson wasted time jawing with the crowd and
taunting them with a pelvic thurst. The result was Schultz coming within an eyelash of picking up the upset with an inside
cradle. Hanson then rocked Schultz again with a lariat and a series of stomps. The former Axis Power member then threw Schultz
out of the ring and went to work, sending him hard into the ringsteps, announce table and guardrail. Back inside it was elementary
with a German suplex finish.
Kai Hanson defeated Marcus Schultz by pinfall with a German suplex at 3:07.
Rating: *

Backstage Interview;
Joe Aiello is backstage with Diamonds & Rust (Diamond Rhodes, Bam Bam Bigelow, Paisley, and Tylene Buck).
Aiello] Dusti..I mean Diamond Rhodes, can you tell me what your plans are for this motley crew?
Rhodes] Joe...Joe...Joe...did you see that sappy display of emotions in the ring from Luke and Al Hard-amann? Those
guys seemed like pretty softies to me..nothing hard about them. It was US who gave Luke that concussion, it was us who have
forced him from wrestling. Right Bam-Bam?
Bigelow] Yeah right partner. Our motto is we mess with you before you get the chance to mess with us. One less team
for us to deal with here in MAPW. And one less cry baby pussy to listen to.
From out of camera range we hear someone shout "hey", and Rhodes and Bigelow look displeased. Sam Holiday
enters the picture as the cameraman takes a step back.
Holiday] You guys are pathetic standing back here gloating when a man has his career taken away from him. You give
yourselves too much credit, a concussion can happen at any time. It's just a freak thing. You should know about freak things.
Rhodes] Ohhhhh..watch it..cow-boy. Or we might just have to saddle you up and ride out into the sunset. Just like
poor little Luke. What you bitchin' about anyway boy, your the guy who told him to his face that ya don't like him. We agree
with you, we just took it a step further.
We hear more voices and then the cameraman takes more steps back and we see the Spinebusters looking
smug, wearing both pairs of belts over their shoulders.
Caruthers] Union meeting boys?
Orth] Nah, looks more like a mensa meeting.
Holiday] What the hell do you two cheaters want?
Caruthers *chuckling*]..cheaters...that's a ripe one. We don't want for nothing man, we have all we need right over
our shoulders here. But cowboy you look like General Custer's last stand here, surrounded by the enemy, all looking for your
scalp. The only question is which one of the 4 of us is going to take it.
Rhodes] Now hang on their busters. Those are very nice straps you have there, you wear them well. Don't think for
a second we care about this cow-boy, what we want is those 10 lbs. of gold over your shoulder. And we are coming..coming..coming
for them. So watch your backside.
Holiday] Whooo..hold on their buddy. What makes you think your the number one contenders? I'l bet my bottom dollar
that me and Al can beat you boys from pillar to post at Night of the Champions. And then we'll take that gold from you other
Rhodes] We'll take that challenge cow-boy. And when I am done with you I am going to hot brand your ass like a piece
of cattle. I'll be digging my spurs into your sides and making you scream like a little boy.
Holiday] You're a sick ****
The scene breaks up with everyone going their seperate ways.

Sable |
<<< cue "Dirty White Boy" by Foreigner >>>
Just a few weeks ago that music would have brought cheers from the crowd. But tonight it brings jeers as Jamie
Knoble and Sable make their way to the ring, doing their best to ignore the crowd.
Knoble] Al Collins, fat Al Collins, fat, old, Al Collins. Get your lard ass down to this ring.
<<< cue "Burning Heart" by Survivor >>>
The fans cheer the long time mid-western staple, Al Collins who brushes aside his comb-over hair as
he climbs into the ring.
Knoble] I've had it with you stalking my girlfriend here Sable. She don't want anything to do with you, git it? Now
I know you'ben feeling used, well git over it. What the hell do you want?
Collins] What I want is that jezebeel to pack her bags and head East where I'm sure that Vince McMahon will be able
to find a use for her limited talents in a more applicble capacity.
Knoble] Huh?
Collins] I want her out of town.
Knoble] Oh. Well that ain't gonna happen. But I'll tell ya what Collins. Let's fight it out right now. If I
win then you leave Sable and me alone, forever. You keep your nose out of our bidness.
Collins] I can deal with that. But if I win then she blows town. Oh maybe I should clarify what I mean,
she LEAVES town.
The match is set and referee Melissa Coates is sent down to officiate.
Jamie Knoble (/w Sable) v Al Collins
Collins strikes first with a kick to the gut. He then applies some strategy and tries to ground Knoble with some kicks
to the legs. Once Knoble is off his feet Collins works his legs over with elbowdrops to the thighs, and slamming his knees
into the mat. Collins places his foot on the back of the thigh of Knoble and alternates between wrenching up on the leg and
slamming the knee into the mat. Knoble makes it to the ropes for a break and Sable helps him leave the ring. Collins though
goes right after him, but Sable steps in the way. Collins tries to get around Sable, but she surprises him with a slap. Sable
tries to follow up with an enzuigiri but Collins catches the leg. He has Sable hopping around as he holds her leather encased
leg under his arm. He takes his hand and puts it on her thigh and then keeps pulling her towards him, his grip on her leg
getting closer to the knee. When he finally has her close enough he gives her a quick peck on the lips and then uncerimonously
drops her on her back.
Knoble leaps up and rocks Collins with a flying clothesline. Knoble is incensed and punishes Collins with stomps. He
then throws Collins face first under the ring. Knoble straddles Collins's back and sticks his head under the ring apron. He
seems to be slamming Collins' head into the ground or an object under the ring. Knoble pulls Collins partially out, and then
turns him around. Knoble then slingshots Collins up into the air, and the veteran's head hits the underside of the ring as
his chest hits the steel frame with a sickening thud.
Melissa Coates gets in the way, and threatens Knoble with disqualifiction if he doesn't back up. She then sticks her
head under the mat to take a look. When she emerges she's waving her arms and calling for the bell. Knoble and Sable jump
up and down and embrace in celebration.
Jamie Knoble defeats Al Collins by referee decision at 3:49.
Rating: *1/2

Vendetta |
Joe Aiello is in the ring.
Aiello] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the man who wants to become the new NWA Heavyweight Champion of the
woooorlllld. Vendetta!!
<<< cue "Dirty Deeds" by AC/DC >>>
The Haitian warrior comes down to the ring wearing a white billowy shirt, the MAPW title wrapped around his waist, black
wrestling pants and boots. His hair is done in dreadlocks with orange, green, and white beads. He enters the ring and gives
the "peace" sign to the fans.
Aiello] Welcome Vendetta, the floor is yours.
Vendetta] Hello good peoples of middle America. Thanks for the welcoming most warming. Nobody around the globe wants
to beat Mr. Benoit like I want to beat him. Nobody else wants to be the World Champion more then I do. Since I was a little
boy I've had such dreams. Windham, Race, Brisco, Funk, they showed the way. I only have to follow it. One night Chris Benoit
will be caught, in the wrong place at the wrong time, to the right guy. That right guy wants me to be. I mean I want to be
that guy. At the Night of Champions I will have my shot. I have been preparing for weeks for this, while Benoit has to prepare
for different adversary every week, over and over again. Someone will beat him, someone will be me.

Bad Intentions Match - NO DQ, No Countout
Winner to get an MAPW Title Match
Dan Severn v Manny Silva v Menele
This match was set-up featuring three of the most despised, and three of the most dangerous men in MAPW. The winner would
get a title shot against Vendetta in August, and all 3 men would have no qualms about doing whatever it takes to win.
Appropriately enough the referee assigned to this match was long-time inept official Jurgen Hermann.
The match started with a triple collar-elbow hookup, and Severn and Silva backed Menele into the ropes. Severn caught
Silva sideways with an elbow to the chops, and was then given the same by Menele. Menele floated behind Severn into a waistlock
and was about to take him up and over when Silva kicked Severn in the gut. Despite that Severn managed to float around and
reverse positions with Menele. He took Menele over with a German release suplex, and then was clotheslined to the ground by
The match quickly turned into a brawl with no attempt to hide low-blows, chokeholds, eye gouges, etc from referee Hermann.
The match alternated between the floor and the ring. None of these 3 attempted to stay out of the action at all and let the
others do the work. All 3 seemed to gleem happiness out of handing out hurt.
Silva nailed Menele with the wheelbarrow suplex but Severn broke up the pin attempt. Severn took Silva down with a Northern
Lights suplex but it was Menele's turn to break up the pin. Finally Menele completed the triumverate by taking Severn over
with a T-bone suplex, but when Silva tried to break up the pin Menele moved out of the way. This caused Silva to stomp on
Severn, and then Silva found himself going up and over with a belly-to-back suplex by Menele. He covered for the pin and picked
up a huge upset win.
Menele defeated Manny Silva and Dan Severn in a 3-way dance when Menele pinned Silva after a belly-to-back suplex
at 9:05.
Rating: ***

Joe Aiello is backstage with MAPW's newest superstar, Adam "the Tiger" Burke. He begins to ask him some
question about how he feels now that he has landed in MAPW, but Burke is distracted by some noise off screen.
Burke excuses himself and the cameraman follows him. We see Asp Evergreen slinging his gym bag over
his shoulder and gives a kick to a chalkboard, sending it flying. Asp walks a few more feet muttering to himself before taking
his wrath out again, this time on a defenseless vending machine.
Burke] Hey, hold on their buddy. What's wrong?
Asp] What the hell does it matter to you? Hey wait, you're that new kid Adam Burke right? You failed in a few other
feds and now we're taking you in?
Burke] Well that's not really what happened. But what's wrong with you? I thought this was a great place to work,
why would you be upset?
Asp] I'm done here. Larkin and Backlund have had it in for me from day one, just because I'm a little different then
their idea of a MAPW star. Now you, your their kind of guy.
Burke] Hey man, that's probably not true. I tell you what friend, I used to be just like you. I sure didn't think
much of myself or my abilities. Even when I had success in the ring I attributed it to luck or the help of others. But man
let me tell you something..."you reap what you sew"...or something like that. Is it sew or sow? Anyway my point is that it's
probably not so bad as all that. What can I do to show you that you shouldn't just quit?
Evergreen] Well it would be nice if I could get a match. It's been weeks since I've been on TV inside the ring. It's
humiliating. And when I have been in the ring they've matched me against animals or green rookies, and not professionals.
I've never had a match where I could show my aerial, high flying abilities against a classy opponent.
Burke] I tell you what friend. Larkin said if there was anything I needed to just ask. So, I'm going to ask him to
put you in the ring against me in my premiere at Night of Champions. We'll have an old fashioned gentleman's match,
and both of our abilites will get shown off well. Feel better now?
Asp] Yes, buckets full. Thanks a lot. You really are a nice guy, I guess I shouldn't have doubted that..even after
all the bad things the other guys in the dressing room were saying about you.
At this point Asp shakes the befuddled hand of Adam Burke and walks past him, getting a huge grin on his face. Asp winks
at the camera as he walks by.
Asp] See you next week for our Gentleman's match. And thanks a lot.

4 Way Match
#1 Contender for the Heritage Title
Title Shot at Night of the Champions
Ken Shamrock v Chris Jons v Raymond Bingham v Jack Voight
It would seem that new Heritage champion Vincent Regliatti will have his hands full at Night of the Champions with whichever
of these 4 talents emerges the winner of this match.
This was a typical 4 corners match with no-one really grabbing much of an advantage. At around the 5 minute match Voight
rocked Jons with a tombstone piledriver and would have got the 3 count but before he could make the cover Bingham reached
out and tagged himself in on the back of Voight. Bingham then put Jons in a figure-four leglock. In a very strange move Voight
climbed to the top rope and then flung himself down with a crunch right across all 4 legs of Jons and Bingham as they were
locked in the figure-four. The move worked all right, as the match had to be stopped temporarily for stretchers to take both
Jons and Bingham out of the ring.
When the match resumed it was a brawl between Voight and Shamrock. The two fought from inside the ring to the outside.
They stood on the announce table and traded punches, with Voight knocking Shamrock off the table. The World's Most Dangerous
Man then reached out and pulled Voight down to his back on the table with a double leg. Shamrock pulled Voight off the table
to the ground below. He locked on the ankle lock submission but had to let go after only a few seconds in order to get back
into the ring and beat the 10 count of referee Buddy Lane.
Voight and Shamrock continued their battle inside the ring. Shamrock was unable to get a 3 count after nailing Voight
with a superplex, and the German was unable to pin Shamrock even after nailing a tombstone piledriver. Voight pulled Shamrock
to the top rope and signalled for the tombstone from the top rope. This was a move that Voight used to use as his finisher
in his younger days. That was several years and 20 pounds ago. Today it looked like it was going to be a risky venture.
As he lined up Shamrock and the fans held their breath, Chris Jons came hobbling out, returning from the backstage
area. He caught up to Voight just in time to throw him off, sending him down to the middle of the mat. Jons went for the pin
but Lane wouldn't allow it as Jons wasn't the legal man. Shamrock nailed Voight with a German suplex and Jons watched as he
got the 3 count.
Ken Shamrock won the 4-way match by pinfall when he pinned Voight after a German Suplex at 14:24
Rating: *1/2

Shawn Michaels |
Linley Tolbert is in the middle of the ring.
Tolbert] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, returning from representing your country, the USA, at the World Cup,
the Heartbreak Kid...Shawn Michaels !!!
<<< cue "Sexy Boy" >>>
The fans give Shawn a standing ovation as he makes his way down the aisle to the ring. He's going to tell us about the
World Cup and..
A man wearing a black and red mask suddenly attacks Shawn from behind. He lays him
out with a shot to the back of the head. He then slams Shawn's head several times into the steel rampway, busting him wide
open. The masked man sticks a finger across the bloodied forehead of HBK and smears the blood all over Shawn's face. He pulls
HBK's prone body up and then brings him down hard onto the steel with a brain buster. Who is this? Garrison Cade? Michael
Shane? A new enemy for Shawn Michaels? As security floods the scene the dangerous masked man leaves through the crowd.

Robert "Blaze" Bayley |
<<< cue "Crush 'em" by MegaDeth" >>>
The fans cheer as Goldberg makes his way through his pyro display to the ring. He is wearing an MAPW
official referee jersey and takes up station in the ring. The announce team confirms for us that Goldberg will indeed be the
special guest referee tonight to try and control the action between Robert Bayley and Adam Riggs.
Robert "Blaze" Bayley v Adam Riggs
[Special Guest Referee: Goldberg]
<<< cue "Blaze" by the Tenth Dimension >>>
Robert "Blaze" Bayley makes his way down to the ring.
ADAM RIGGS comes running down the rampway and ~waffles~ Bayley across the back with a chair. Bayley
is down on his hands and knees and Riggs kicks him in the ribs, turning him over. Riggs is poised above him for another chairshot,
but he doesn't see the boot of Bayley snake up and ~crunch~ Riggs right in the family jewels. Riggs stumbles away and Bayley
struggles to his feet. MAPW officials and security come down and struggle with both wrestlers to get into the ring so the
bell can sound and the match can begin. Goldberg hasn't moved, opting instead to stay in the middle of the ring the whole
Both men are inside the ring, the bell sounds, and promptly both men lock up and tumble out of the ring. Riggs punches,
kicks, slaps, and then bodyslams Bayley. He tries to drop a knee but Bayley moves out of the way and then strikes with a backfist
to the face of Riggs. Bayley picks up Riggs by the hair, takes a running start to the guardrail and leaps over, hotshotting
Rigg's neck across the top of the guardrail. But Bayley wrecks himself into a row of fans and is slow getting up himself.
The two men exchange punches and kicks until April Hunter shows up from the back and attacks Bayley from
behind. She leaps onto his back, kind of applying a choke sleeper and kind of just screaming into his ear. It works to distract
Bayley as Riggs lashes out with a kick to the groin of Blaze. Finally Goldberg leaves the ring and orders Hunter to the back.
She refuses, so Goldberg scoops her up in a fireman's carry and takes her up the ramp to the back.
However, this leaves Riggs alone with Bayley and he goes to work. The Irishman grabs a steel chair and nails Bayley across
the head, and again, and a 3rd time. Bayley is busted wide open and Riggs throws the chair to the ground. Grabbing Bayley
by the hair he then delivers a DDT onto the chair. As Goldberg comes back to the ring Riggs rolls Bayley back inside.
Adam Riggs climbs to the top rope and comes off with a kneedrop right to the forehead of Bayley, sending a splatter of
blood flying into the air. Bayley's head pops up, and then drops down. Riggs covers, and gets 1, 2, he pulls him up!
Riggs jaws with Goldberg for a few seconds and then scoops up Bayley. Riggs runs across the ring and deilvers the Phenomenal
Performance on Bayley. He goes to cover but then thinks better of the idea and just kneels there over his bloodied opponent
and smiles at the crowd.
Goldberg tells Riggs to get on with it, so the big man climbs to the top turnbuckle. Kimberly Page runs
down from the back, sporting a bandage on her face from the abrasions. She goes to pull Bayley out of the ring by the legs,
but Riggs sees her. He reverses course and leaps off the top and axhandles the back of Kimberly as she is prone over top of
the ring apron, holding onto Bayley's feet. Page snaps back and hits hard onto the ground where she doesn't move.
Goldberg quickly leaves the ring and puts himself between Riggs and Page. Adam Riggs actually thinks better of hitting
Goldberg from behind as paramedics are called for from the back. Riggs goes back inside the ring and peppers Bayley's head
with more shots, each one causing the cuts to open up deeper. This is no longer a wrestling match, it's a mugging.
Riggs covers Bayley and taps out the 3 count, but Goldberg isn't there to count as he kneels protecting Kimberly. Riggs
leaves the ring and harrases Goldberg to come and make the count. Riggs can hear the crowd go nuts, but unfortuantely for
him has no idea why. Finally Riggs gives up on Goldberg who is now helping the paramedics, and rolls under the bottom rope.
He stands up in the ring, ~and quite unexpectedly finds himself face to face with Vendetta~.
Vendetta knees Riggs in the gut, and then nails him with a DDT. The champion then rolls out of the ring
and leaves through the crowd.
Goldberg rolls back into the ring and is surprised to see Riggs is now laying down beside Bayley. He begins a very slow
count, and Riggs is on his feet first at the count of 8. The Phenom picks Bayley up into a hanging vertical suplex that he
holds for a few impressive seconds before turning it into a brainbuster. Riggs goes for the pin and gets the easy, 1, 2, KICKOUT!
Bayley kicked out, and then collapses again to the mat. Riggs scoops up Bayley over his shoulder for another Phenomenal Performance,
but as he begins to move Bayley flails away grasping for whatever he can to hold onto. His hands hook on Riggs' kneepad and
he manages to drive his weight forward, tripping Riggs, as both men go down in an ungraceful heap. Goldberg counts to 5 before
Riggs is on his feet first.
Adam Riggs goes to pick up Bayley but Blaze nails him with a shot to the gut and then tries for the fireman's carry but
can't hold the weight. Riggs crashes down onto Bayley, and gets 1, before Bayley rolls Riggs over into a cradle, and gets
1, before Riggs powers out of the cradle reversing it for 1, grabs a hold of the pants of Bayley, 2, kickout.
Both men scramble to their feet. Bayley goes for a clothesline, but Riggs ducks, then Riggs nails Bayley with a clothesline
of his own. Riggs nails a scissors kick to Bayley and then drops two knees right into the back of the neck of Blaze. Riggs
throws Bayley into the ropes and goes for another clothesline but this time Bayley counters with a crucifix, for a 2 count.
The men stand now in the middle of the ring and exchange punches. Riggs is winning the battle until Bayley surprises
him by going for a hurancanranna. But Riggs is too powerful and manages to stay on his feet. He swings Bayley around in the
air before powerbombing him to the ground. He pulls Bayley back up and repets the powerbomb. The big man then flips over pulling
the legs of Bayley and bridging his back for a pinfall attempt but only gets 2.
Riggs goes to throw Bayley over the top rope but Blaze manages to hang on to the top strand and swing himself back through
the ropes. He catches Riggs by surprise with a standing sidekick to the chest. He takes Riggs down with a single leghook,
and tries to turn Riggs over for a half-Boston. Again though Riggs is too big and he rolls to the ropes for a break.
Again both men exchange punches and kicks. You can feel that Bayley is making a comeback. Bayley nails Riggs with a forearm
smash uppercut, followed by a pair of swining punches that back Riggs into the corner. Bayley launches Riggs out of the corner
with a belly-to-belly-suplex. He goes to attack Riggs again but suddenly loses his balance, possibly disorientated from loss
of blood as he is bleeding profusely now. This delay costs him dearly as Riggs hurts Bayley with a kick to the thigh, and
then a flying clothesline. He covers but only gets 2.
Riggs applies more pressure on Bayley for a couple of minutes without being able to get the three count. Bayley catches
a break, countering a clothesline with an armdrag takedown and then dropping a legdrop across the throat of Riggs. Bayley
then goes on the offensive but he too grows frustrated at not getting the three count. Bayley goes for the Blaze Bomb but
Riggs rolls out of the way.
Riggs nails Bayley with a legsweep facelsam, and then follows up with a fistdrop from the top-rope right to
the bloodied forehead of Blaze.
Riggs covers Bayley again, this time draping his feet over the second rope and finally gets the 1, 2, 3.
The fans boo unmercifully and begin to pelt the ring with soft drink containers and paper airplanes. An errant Sam Holiday
bobble-head bounces off the canvas and nails Goldberg in the thigh.
Adam Riggs defeats Robert Bayley by pinfall after a fist-drop from the top-rope, aided by extra leverage from
the ropes at 15:16.
Rating: ***1/4
Vendetta comes running to the ring. He complains to Goldberg about Riggs having his feet draped over
the second rope. Goldberg though just seems kind of annoyed at Vendetta being there. Riggs looks like he is going to go after
Vendetta but Goldberg intercepts him and orders him out of the ring. The Haitian champ is trying to get Bayley to just stay
on the mat and wait for medical help, while he continues to complain to Goldberg about the antics of Riggs.
As we

