
2 Hour Edition of RAGE in Syndication
Taped Wednesday, July 14th
Air Date, Saturday July 17th, 2004
Kohl Center,
on the campus of The University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI
Attendence: 5,809

Playboy Vincent Regliatti |
<<< cue "Oh Canada" by Marc Labossiere >>>
Playboy Vincent Regliatti comes to the ring to a chorus of jeers. He is wearing the MAPW Heritage
Championship belt around his waist, and holds his head high. He is wearing his ring robe over-top of his red and
white boots and trunks.
Regliatti] Thank-you Madison Wisconsin. Thank-you very much. I'm not sure why you are booing me, I'm the epitomy
of the American Cinderella story; defying all odds to win the Heritage title. Of course it should be no surprise, as I am
also one-half of the rightful owners of the MAPW Tag Team Titles, as me and Eric Scott never lost those titles...he simply
left when MAPW shut down. NOBODY beat us for the titles. But I guess that's the only way you Americans can beat us Canadians.
1812 was a long time ago, get over it, move on.
Tonight, I am going to prove that I am a fighting champion. You see the American whack-o commissioner Bobby Backlund
came to see me before the show. It seems that Sam Holiday was knocked out in his semi-final match against Diamond Rhodes by
brass knuckles, diamond dusters, or whatever you want to call those things. The same dusters that Rhodes tried to use on me,
but I outwitted his American ass. Anyway, Backlund seems to think that Holiday deserves a fair shot at the title since he
was cheated out of his by Rhodes. So bring it on Holiday, and let me beat your American punk ass.
<<< cue "Ain't Going Down 'till the Sun Comes Up" by Garth Brooks >>>
The fans cheer as Sam Holiday comes to the ring ready to wrestle.

Sam Holiday |
MAPW Heritage Title Match
Playboy Vincent Regliatti (champion)
Sam Holiday
Despite going in as the champion, make no doubt about it, Regliatti was the underdog in this match, and the fans were
hoping for a short reign as Heritage champion.
Holiday starts strong, nails a clothesline and locks on an abdominal stretch. The Texan then gets uncharacteristically
aggressive by throwing Regs out of the ring and going after him on the floor.
However, outside and then back inside the Playboy gives as good as he gets. Holiday tries to slap on a figure-four leglock,
a move often used by Regliatti, but the champion blocks.
Holiday exerts control now with a stump puller, bodyslam, lariat, only to have the champion come roaring back. Regs takes
control of the match witha single-arm DDT, but only gets a one count. He then applies more pressure with a pair of double
underhook faceslams, but still only gets a 2 count.
The match goes back and forth for a few minutes but the fans are surprised as Regliatti actually continues to hold the
advantage more often then not. Holiday though will just not give up.
Finally Regs gets the break he needs as after reversing a whip to the buckle, Holiday collides with long time inept official
Jurgen Hermann. The champ retrieves a chair and enters the ring, and ~waffles~ Holiday over the head. The Playboy discards
the chair and then nails the fan favorite with his Centerfold Staple finisher (a brainbuster). Hermann of course wakes up
in time to make the count.
Vincent Regliatti pinned Sam Holiday with the centrefold staple in 00:08:52.
Rating: * 1/2
(Vincent Regliatti retained the Mid American Pro Wrestling Heritage Title.)

<<< cue "Won't Get Fooled Again" by the Who >>>
The Commissioner Bob Backlund comes to the ring, along with his Executive Assistant Debra McMichaels.
Backlund] Hello fans of MAPW, it's about time we arrived in Wisonsin, and judging by the sea of humanity here tonight
you have been waiting too long for this night to happen! Well as you know on Rage's June 26th edition Adam Riggs went crazy
trying to get his hands on Robert Bayley, or more precisely trying to ambush Bayley. In his efforts he assaulted both myself
and Debra, which is just not an option. In MAPW we have rules and regulations gosh darnit, and we expect them to be followed.
So, Riggs, you want to fight so bad, tonight we have two matches for you! First, you can have your hands full with the man
who was finally able to subdue you during that encounter, H2O Ron Waterman! Secondly, in the main event tonight you will get
to exercise your option as the #1 contender and face off with champion Vendetta for the MAPW Heavyweight title. Of course
that match will happen only AFTER you have had your tussle with Waterman. Good luck - you'll need it.
Backlund listens to the fans cheer the announcement that Riggs with have two matches tonight against tough opponents.
Backlund] And just in case you decide to take matters into your own hands again Riggs, or any of you other maniacs
in the back, I have been allowed to hire some insurance by Jack Larkin. So, ladies and gentlemen please feast your eyes on
the new executive bodyguard.
<<< cue "Crush 'em" by MegaDeth >>>
The fans cheer as the bald visage of Bill Goldberg passes through his pyrotechnics. Goldberg enters
the ring wearing an "MAPW Means Heritage" t-shirt and black jeans. He poses for the crowd, leaning over the ropes
and sticking out his tongue. Debra seems to size him up with a smile on her face while Bob Backlund rubs his hands together
like a kid in a candy store.
Backlund] Welcome to Middle America Mr. Goldberg.
Goldberg] Thanks Bob, Debra. It's good to be back in a wrestling ring, and it's good to belong to a stable organization
who's leaders can tell the difference between what is right and moral, from what is not right and immoral, and then have the
fortitude to stand firmly on the side of justice and morality. And my new job here in MAPW is to help Mr. Backlund, Ms McMichaels,
and Mr Larkin, dispense some of that justice, and enforce their judgment. Mr. Backlund is the judge, you fans are the
jury, and I most certainly relish this chance to be the executioner.
Backlund] I hope you heard that Riggs, Silva, Severn, and everyone else in the back who might be thinking that this
landscape is without law and order.

Goldberg |

<<< cue "Phenomenon" by LL Cool J >>>
The fans jeer and boo Adam Riggs as he goes to the ring accompanied by the amazon like April
Hunter. He looks pissed off and takes the time out to pick out a few fans to jaw with and flip off. One of the fans
tries to jump the guardrail to get at Riggs but the hands of his friends slow him down and he plops over the other side to
the ground. Riggs closes in and is about to lay the boots to the fan when security rushes to the scene and intervenes, removing
the fan from the arena.
Riggs finally enters the ring.
you need him? How about Lenny and Squiggy they're about the toughest two sons of bitches to ever come out of this godforsaken
state. Bow down to me, your god of wrestling. And Backlund is that the best you can throw out at me? That 'roided up, busted
up, Goldberg that *** boy? And Waterman? What kind of nickname is H2O? Is that supposed to be scary? It's just plain stupid.
I heard you're a born again Christian Waterman. I don't know if its true, but I tell you what, if you cross my path again
Waterman, I will rip you a second belly button so the whole world will be able to see that you were born again. Just like
those goddamn Mexicans and their refried beans, how come your momma couldn't get it right the first time she gave birth to
your sorry excuse of a life Waterman?
<<< cue "Rock the Hell Out of You" by Stryper >>>
The fans cheer, and the announce team gives thanks, as the music of Ron Waterman interrupts the racially
intolerant tirade of Adam Riggs. Waterman comes running down to the ring and Riggs allows him to enter with a mic.
Waterman] I'm going to bust you up so bad Riggs. I am going to introduce you to the concept of smiting your enemies.
Riggs] Yeah, your so tough Backlund had to give me two matches tonight instead of one, shows how little faith he
has in you to get the job done! I guess he just considers you to be an appetizer.
Waterman] I guarantee you Riggs, you will not be able to walk into that main event match tonight. No way do you walk
out of this one on your own two feet.
Riggs] Are you kidding me? You couldn't even defeat my valet here April Hunter...nevermind the god of wrestling Adam
Waterman] I could beat you both from pillar to post.
Riggs] Okay then, why don't you make this match a little more interesting, and a little more even then. Let's make
it a handi-cap match, me and April against your worthless 'roided up piece of garbage body.
Waterman] You're on Riggs.

April Hunter |

Handi-Cap Match
Adam Riggs & April Hunter
Ron Waterman
After a brief consultation Riggs had Hunter start the match. She challenged Waterman to a test of strength which of course
H2O won, turning Hunter's wrists, forcing her to drop to her knees and scream in pain. This reaction caused Waterman to release
his hold and back up a few steps. Hunter tried to shake it off but she was in obvious pain. Waterman kept his distance and
waved Hunter away, telling her to tag in Riggs. April Hunter though refused and locked up, collar and elbow again with Waterman.
This time Waterman walked her into a neutral corner and released clean - only to have Hunter deliver a stinging smack across
his face. She tried to follow up with a punch but he just blocked it, holding onto her hand. She then tried to kick him in
the "lower" midsection but he anticipated the move and caught her leg with his other arm. He then spun her around and plopped
her down to the mat onto her back. Again he urged her to tag but again she would have nothing of it. The two locked up again
a couple more times with the fans growing more and more restless, and each time Waterman controlled her, despite her strength
but refused to punish her. In frustration Hunter directed referee Jimmy Appleseed to try and make Waterman wrestle a proper
match. While Appleseed talked it over with Waterman, and it became obvious that he was refusing as he tried to leave the ring,
Riggs played his hand and went to the attack. Riggs left the apron, ran around and blindsided Waterman pulling him down, bouncing
his side against the ring apron. Riggs then tossed Waterman into the ringsteps while Hunter looked on with glee, cheering
for her man Riggs. As soon as Riggs grabbed a chair referee Appleseed called for the bell DQ'ing Riggs, just as the Irishman
~waffled~ Waterman with a chairshot to his already busted open forehead.
Riggs grabbed the chair again and was about to nail Waterman with another chairshot when from the back came a charging
Robert "Blaze" Bayley. Blaze nailed Riggs with a double axhandle to the back knocking him to the ground.
Bayley then slammed Riggs into the announce table and set him onto the table. He set him up for a piledriver as inside the
ring April Hunter was leaning through the ropes yelling at Bayley to stop. That's why she didn't see Kimberly Page
enter the ring from the other side and nail her with a running knee to the back driving Hunter to the floor below.
Bayley drove Riggs through the announce table with a piledriver, and then watched with satisfaction as Kimberly Page
devastated April Hunter with a Diamond Cutter on the outside.
Bayley and Page embraced before going to see Waterman, to a huge ovation from the crowd.
Ron Waterman defeated Adam Riggs & April Hunter by Disqualification in a handi-cap match when Riggs was DQ'd
at 2:27
Rating: not-rated

<<< cue "Diamonds and Rust" by Judas Priest >>>
The fans boo as Diamond Rhodes, and Bam Bam Bigelow make their way to the ring, followed
several steps behind by a subservient Paisley. As they climb the ringsteps though, Paisley rolls into the
ring and scrambles to pry the ropes apart for the men. They enter the ring and Rhodes gives her an approving pat on the head.
Rhodes] Big-Big-Big-elow...when was the last time you won a wrestling match? Perhaps when flames on pants were still
in style? You are o-for here in Middle America big man, and we are all wondering, and waiting for you to get it on track.
Now don't get mad big guy, cool your heels a bit, and listen up. I know that you have, well, pent up frustrations that make
it hard for you to wrestle. That's why I have Paisley to help me out. And that's why, as a last chance Big-elow, I am offering
you this help.
<<< cue "Diamonds and Rust" by Judas Priest >>>
The crowd cheers as Tylene Buck comes down to the ring. She is wearing black and red latex bra and shorts.
Her face is a pasty white, with lots of extra make-up splattered across her face along with a white foundation. She does not
enter the ring, stopping short on the floor below and crossing her arms behind her back.
Rhodes] Feast your eyes on that Big-elow. I know she's damaged goods, hardly new, but still quite serviceable. My
present to you. IF, IF, IF, you can get the job done tonight in the ring. So, Hard-amann Brothers....ohhh..I love the sound
of that....so, Hard-amann brothers, if your ready to begin?

Tylene Buck, the gift |

Diamonds & Rust
Diamond Rhodes & Bam Bam Bigelow (/w Paisley & Tylene Buck)
The Hardamann Brothers
"Lucky" Luke Hardamann & "Wild Thing" Al Hardamann
Bigelow starts the match against Luke like a man possessed, and seeing Buck standing at ringside reminds us why. He chops
Luke, followed by a headbutt, bodyslam, and a slingshot splash and gets a near fall.
Bigelow though gets over aggresive, after Luke rolls out of the way of an elbowdrop, the Beast from the East still tries
for a dropkick, but Luke again moves out of the way.
Luke tags in Al, and then gives his brother an advantage to work with by dropkicking Bigelow from behind, a move that
does not seem to please the straight shooting Al.
Soon Rhodes is tagged in for the first time and he is set upon by Al Hardamann who attacks with a dropkick to the knee
and a bulldog. Rhodes though turns in mid-air and lands on Al to counter a back suplex attempt.
The match goes back and forth for a few minutes with Luke continually trying to get Al to help him double team Rhodes
or Bigelow. The initial fury shown by Bigelow seemed to have waned a bit, and sensing this Rhodes had Buck stand on the apron
and show off her goods, inspiring Bigelow to raise his game to a new level.
Bigelow blocked a punch attempt by Luke, and puts him into an armbar submission. Luke finally makes his way to the ropes
for a break, but he's hurting. Rhodes comes in and helps Bigelow double team Luke, while Al goes beserk telling referee Melissa
Coats to get Rhodes out of their. Finally Al takes matters into his own hands entering the ring and tossing Rhodes to the
outside. He follows Rhodes, and this leaves Bigelow one on one with a damaged Luke. Bigelow sets up Luke for a suplex, only
to have it countered with an inside cradle. However, Coates is not their to count as she is distracted trying to get Rhodes
and Al Hardamann to stop their brawl outside the ring.
Tylene Buck slides into the ring, behind Luke, and counts the 1, 2, 3, and then slides back out of the ring. Luke untangles
himself from Bigelow and is celebrating his victory, and wondering why he is practically alone in the ring, when he is blindsided
by Bigelow from behind.
Outside the ring both Paisley and Buck manage to break up the Rhodes and Al brawl by putting themselves between the two
men. This frees up Coates to return to the action inside the ring, just in time to watch Bigelow nail his finisher on Luke
and pick up the win.
Diamond Rhodes and Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Al Hardamann and Luke Hardamann
when Bigelow pinned L. Hardamann with the Greetings from Asbury Park in 0:10:46.
Rating: **

Chris Jons |
Chris Jons v Manny Silva
Jons comes into this match very much the underdog, against the bigger, aggresive former champion Manny Silva.
However, Jons starts strong and soon finds himself with Silva in a cobra clutch, forcing his opponent to flee to the
ropes. Jons acquits himself quite well in the opening stanzas of this match, but is forced to play a punch and kick style
of game against Silva, which does not favor the cruiserweight. Silva tries to put on an abdominal stretch only to have Jons
reverse it. That's the kind of match Silva is having, and it happens again when he goes for a DVD but Jons counters with
a small package but only gets a 1 count.
Working in Silva's favor though is his physical toughness and thickness as he is able to shake off much of Jon's offensive
manoveurs. Silva nials Jons with a top-rope neckbreaker and the crowd figures it's over, but surprisingly Jons kicks out of
the pin attempt after a count of 2. Silva then takes the action outside the ring, bouncing Jon's head off the ringsteps, and
then back inside he punishes him with a front-layout superplex, and gets the 1, 2, NO KICKOUT BY JONS!!!
Silva goes for a kneebreaker but Jons fights out of it with punches to the head of the big Hawaiian.
From there the match really turns into a knockdown - dragout brawl that brings the crowd to their feet. The action spills
to outside the ring where Silva whips Jons into the guardrail and then rocks him with a football tackle. Jons though fights
right back and returns the favor sending Silva into the guardrail, then nailing him with a flying senton, and then a dragon
Back inside the ring Jons puts Silva into the Dragon sleeper and forces Mad Dog Manny Silva to endure the pain for almost
30 seconds before he reaches the ringropes for a break. Jons then manages to muscle Silva to the top turnbuckle, but it takes
too long to do so and expends too much energy. Silva punches Jons a couple times in the head, then brings him back down to
the mat, and perhaps back down to earth with a DDT from the buckle. Silva scoops up Jons and nails him with a powerslam to
pick up the win.
Manny Silva pinned Chris Jons after a powerslam in 0:13:48.
Rating: ***

Mad Dog Manny Silva |

Raymond Bingham is interviewed inside the ring by Joe Aiello. Bingham is upset and a bit embarrased
by his early loss in the Heritage tournament to the youngster Ryland Roxbury. He says its a good thing for the kid that he
got injured or else he would be made to pay here tonight. Bingham says he would have liked to have added the Heritage title
to his resume, which includes being the PWI Rookie of the year in 2001 (just look at his shirt for a reminder), as well as
being the WWA Wrestler of the Year for 2003, and of course being a former WWA North American champion. Aiello says that is
all fine and good, but what have you done for me lately? This really makes Bingham lose it, and he puts Aiello in a chokehold.
<<< cue "Crush 'em" by MegaDeth >>>
The music of Goldberg is like a cold shower for Bingham, shaking him from his actions. Even though we never see Goldberg
appear just his music is enough to get Bingham to release his hold on the announcer and leave the ring, through the crowd.

The Spinebusters
Bryan Caruthers & Jerry Orth (NWA & MAPW Champions)
From the South African Wrestling Federation
Jayson Moorhouse & MetalHead (SAWF Champions)
Well, three sets of belts were displayed prior to this match, but only one set, the NWA titles were up for grabs. It
seems that Commissioner Bob Backlund thought that the 'busters weren't getting enough work lately from the NWA so he brought
in the tag champions from the recently revamped SAWF, which at this time is not a member of the NWA.
Moorhouse and MetalHead are a pair of very energetic, hard working, and risk taking youngsters, making them quite the
opposite from the Spinebusters. It was all South Africa early on until the NWA champs took over by finally grounding their
opponents, cutting the ring in half, and using quick tags coupled with double teaming. MetalHead's mask, complete with soft
horns, proved a liability as the busters twisted it around to blind him, distracted him by trying to remove it, and then used
the horns for Orth to hold onto wrapped around the ringpost while Caruthers punished MetalHead. In the end the NWA champs
were just too much for the youngsters.
The Spinebusters defeated Jayson Moorhouse & MetalHead when Caruthers pinned MetalHead after a spinebuster
slam at 7:45.
Rating: not rated

Jamie Knoble |
<<< cue "Dirty White Boy" by Foreigner >>>
Jamie Knoble comes to the ring accompanied by Sable. They get a mix of cheers with
some boos, which seems to confuse Knoble who hasn't clued in yet that the fans are starting to take a disliking to his manipulative
valet. Knoble has a mic and says that he has a score to settle with Menele from June when he was taken away on a stretcher.
We are shown highlights from June 19th Rage as Knoble defeats Johnny Rivale, only to have his
valet Sable make an open challenge. That turns out to be a mistake as it is accepted by Menele who beats Knoble with
a wheelbarrow suplex in decided fashion. We then cut to backstage following that match with Knoble being taken off on a stretcher
as a precautionary measure. Sable is confronted by an upset and jilted Al Collins, who is then blindsided by Menele who knocks
Collins onto the prone body of Knoble. Menele beats the tar out of Collins and looks like he would have done the same thing
to Knoble but stops short when Sable uses her body to shield Knoble.
Coming back to Knoble inside the ring he says that it was those actions that he wants to avenge. Knoble claims that he
wasn't ready for Menele last time, because of the imprompto condition of the match, but today is a different story.
He shocks and electrifies the crowd by challenging Menele to a Table Match!!!
<<< cue "Flee" by Kindred >>>
As way of an acceptance match Menele comes charging from the back and enters the ring, immediately attacking
Knoble. Referee Jimmy Appleseed comes flying down to the ring seconds later to officiate.

Sable |

Table Match
Jamie Knoble (/w Sable) v Menele
It's all Menele at the start with a vicious chop right to the throat, followed up with an armbreaker, knee to the back,
and shoulder tackle into the buckle. Menele then downgrades to punches and kicks before nailing the West Virginian with a
double underhook powerbomb.
Menele retrieves a chair from under the ring and sets it up inside the ring. He tries to put Knoble into a full nelson
beside the table but Knoble fights back. He forces a break and then ducks under a clothesline attempt, but before he can get
any offense he receives a knee to the gut, taking the wind out of his sails.
Menele throws Knoble to the floor and whips him into the guardrail. He then retrives another table and sets this one
up on the floor.
Menele sets Knoble up on the table for a DDT but Knoble blocks it, and suplexes Menele off the table to the ground below.
Jamie is up first and throws Menele head first into the ringpost. He then sets him up on the table and climbs to the top rope.
He comes off with a splash, but Menele moves out of the way. Knoble catches the edge of the table in a nasty looking spot,
upending the table without breaking it.
Menele punishes Knoble with a pair of headbutts before nailing him with his wheelbarrow suplex finishing move on the
floor. Menele sets up Knoble again for a DDT, and this time it's Sable making the surprise save by pulling Menele's feet from
underneath him. Menele gets up and menaces Sable but before he can get his hands on her, Knoble is up and attacking from behind.
The match stays on the floor and Menele takes control again, overpowering Knoble. He punishes his opponent with a bodyslam,
a full nelson slam, and then a shot into the guardrail. Menele lines up Knoble beside the table for a full nelson slam, but
it's countered by Knoble with a backward kick to the family jewels.
Knoble takes the action back inside the ring where he nails a springboard dropkick, jumping sidekick, flying lariat,
missile dropkick, and a spinnig heel kick which knocks the beast Menele from the ring again.
Knoble sets Menele up on the table and then comes off the ring apron with a moonsault. He hits Menele slightly off center,
and the two spill to the ground, along with the table, and it remains intact.
A frustrated Knoble whips Menele into the guardrail, and then repeats, seemingly buying time while he thinks this out.
Menele lashes out with a fist to the face of Knoble and then drives a knee to the midsection. Menele goes for an armbreaker
but Knoble counters with an elbowsmash to the nose. Knoble ducks under Menele and then takes him down to the ground with a
Samoan drop. Knoble sets up Menele on the table and climbs to the top turnbuckle.
But Menele shows signs of life, until Al Collins comes charging to ringside and nails Menele with a
running axhandle chop. He then sets up Menele on the table and even holds his legs down as Knoble comes off the top with a
moonsault, and this time the table does break.
Very entertaining match.
Jaime Knoble defeated Menele by putting him through a table in 0:11:25.
Rating: ****
Knoble celebrates with Sable, this is a big victory and a bit of an upset. Collins
spins Knoble out of the embrace though, and then starts wagging his finger in the face of Sable, much to the pleasure
of the fans. Knoble returns the favor spinning Collins out of the conversation, but goes a step further pushing Collins. Al
just takes a step back and starts to try and explain to Knoble about Sable being a manipulator, but this just upsets Knoble.
He takes Sable by the arm and is about to lead her away when Collins grabs him by the arm again. This time Knoble loses it
and turns with a punch to the jaw of Collins. He then kicks the veteran in the stomach and nails a spinning leg lariat. He
gets up and looks to do more damage but notices Menele is back on his feet. As he listens to the fans rain
down a chorus of boos, Knoble flips the fans off and backtracks. However, when he looks back he sees that instead of following
him to the back, his valet Sable is cautiously approaching Menele trying to calm him down. Knoble looks apprehensive but it
seems to be working, and Sable is able to with some more coaxing take Menele by the arm. Both Menele and Knoble look a little
confused as Sable takes them both by an arm back up the ramp.

Menele, tamed by Sable? |

Public Service Announcement;
Vendetta is shown wearing a white t-shirt that says " iabolish.com".
Vendetta] Good day wrestling fans. I ask you to suffer me for a few moments as I speak on a condition that unfortuantely
still exists today, despite our modern world. Slavery. The American Anti-Salvery Group works hard around the clock, and around
the globe, to try and end slavery, and to shine the light of public scrutiny onto the evil-doers who keep slavery alive.
Forced work for no pay under the threat of violence - this is the reality for millions of people enslaved today worldwide.
Currently the government of Sudan is committing repeated war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Those are not my words but rather the words of Bertran Ramcharan, acting U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights. Yet, the
security council of the U.N. refuses to act, even re-electing Sudan to a third term on the Human Rights Commission, the world
body's human rights watchdog.
I urge you as Americans, living in the land of the free, to do the most important thing you can do - educate yourself.
Read about it. You can start at iabolish.com.
Thank you for your time.

Joe Aiello] Well ladies and gentlemen, it has been quite an eventful night. But we haven't maxed out yet, it's now
time for our Main Event, for the MAPW Heavyweight Title.
<<< cue "Phenomenon" by LL Cool J >>>
Adam Riggs comes to the ring accomanpied by April Hunter. Riggs is working his
neck from side to side, trying to shake off the effects of being put through a table by Robert Bayley with a piledriver. The
pain in the neck however, has not stopped him from continuing to be a pain in the ass.
Riggs] Vendetta, that was so sweet. I can understand why you would be so concerned about those...err...Sudanese indigenous
peoples...but why the hell should anyone else care? When Ireland was being torn in half by Britain did we Irish whine and
cry? Hell no! We fought back with every weapon we could find, including fear, the greatest weapon of them all. If I could
give some advice to the Sudanese it would be to do what the rest of the world does. Find something valuable to sell to America,
like oil, and in turn they will sell you weapons of modern military mite. Shock and awe can be yours too, for a price. And
if you are unlucky enough to be sitting on nothing worth a damn, then you need to organize some communist rebels, and you
can sell your freedom of political process to the U.S. in return...SHUT THE HELL UP, WISCONSIN or I will enter those stands
and bitch slap every last one of your putrid faces...BOW DOWN to Adam Riggs the god of pro wrestling...
<<< cue "Dirty Deeds" by AC/DC >>>
Aiello] Its about damn time someone got here to shut his mouth.
Tolbert] For once Joe, I agree with you. I'm eager to see this match too, but I wouldn't bank on Riggs being the one
to be shut up.
Vendetta comes to the ring wearing his black trench coat, black wrestling pants and boots. His hair
is of course in dreadlocks, with beads the colors of orange, white, and green intermingled in the ends. He has the MAPW
title held high over his head with both hands as he walks slowly to the ring, never taking his eyes off of Riggs.
April Hunter tries to intercept Vendetta attacking him on the ramp, but he just shoves her to the
side, sending her spilling to the ground. He never takes his eyes off of Riggs who urges him on.
MAPW Heavyweight Championship Match
Vendetta (champion)
Adam Riggs (/w April Hunter)
Riggs controls early and gets a 2 count after a slingshot splash. Vendetta fights back but a spear attempt is countered
by a Riggs' DDT. Riggs controls the match but Vendetta manages to stay alive with some nice counters such as countering a
powerbomb attempt with a backdrop. Riggs continues to amaze with his atleticism, for such a big man to do a slingshot splash,
and an enzuigiri is amazing.
Riggs continues to control and the fans fear the title is going to change hands. Vendetta stays alive by ducking a clothesline
attempt, and then blocking a DDT attempt. Vendetta goes for a waistlock takeover but Riggs counters with a backkick to the
The punishment continues from Riggs as he dishes out an elbowsmash, legsweep facelsam, and a thumb to the throat. Vendetta
though blocks an attempted kick and takes Riggs down with a dragon screw. Vendetta chops at Riggs then takes him back down
with a reverse Russian legsweep. He then tries to put the Haitian Deathlock on Riggs but Riggs counters it with a roll-up.
His hands reach out and lock with April Hunter's for extra leverage as Buddy Lane counts 1, 2, and then makes Riggs break
after spotting the help from Hunter.
The fans are going nuts as he struggles in a bearhug in the middle of the ring. Vendetta gets the break, but then falls
victim to a tiger suplex, and just barely raises a shoulder to stop the 3 count and a title change. Riggs scoops up Vendetta
and runs, delivering the Phenomenal Performance!! Hunter raises her hands in victory as Lane counts 1, 2, KICKOUT!
Riggs can't believe it and slaps the mat, until he regains his composure and begins to pound away at a still fallen champion.
Riggs nails a slingshot suplex and then tosses Vendetta over the top rope to the floor below. While Buddy Lane tries to hold
back Riggs, April Hunter grabs a chair and runs at Vendetta. The Haitian champ though sees it at the last second and sends
Hunter away with a standing side kick.
Vendetta turns around just in time to see Riggs clear the top rope with a dive, and the champ manages to dive out of
the way, causing Riggs to wreck himself on the ground.
Vendetta takes the match back inside and nails Riggs with a snap suplex, but only gets a 1 count. Vendetta follows up
with an Asai leg lariat, and a springboard back elbow. The champ nails a DDT, and gets a 2 count this time.
Riggs makes a comeback trading punches with the champ, and then nails a spinning DDT and gets a 2 count. The two men
continue to brawl, standing toe-to-toe in the middle of the ring. Vendetta sends Riggs to the ropes and Riggs goes for a clothesline,
but the champ exhibits some athleticism of his own countering with a crucifix. The champ would have got the pinfall but Hunter
reached under the bottom rope and pushed the two men with just enough force to tumble them forward.
Vendetta picks up Riggs and goes for the DDT only to have the big Irishman counter with a lowblow. Riggs nails Vendetta
with a swinging punch and then locks on the cobra clutch. Vendetta manages to make his way to the ropes after only a few seconds.
The two men then begin to exchange kicks and punches once more. Vendetta goes for a piledriver but Riggs counters with a backdrop.
Riggs sends Vendetta to the ropes but it's the champ with the initiative and he nails Riggs with a spear. Riggs is on the
mat, stunned as Vendetta locks on the Haitian Deathlock. Riggs tries his best to overcome the pain but he begins to fade.
A concerned April Hunter jumps up on the apron and looks like she is going to interfere until Robert Bayley
and Kimberly Page come running down to ringside and pull Hunter away. Riggs cries out to Hunter for help,
reaching his arms out to no avail. His shoulders are on the mat, and Lane counts, 1, 2, Riggs lifts his shoulder.
Finding some hidden strength, probably fueled by his intense anger, Riggs finally manages to reach the ropes after over
a minute in the deathlock. Riggs uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet and lashes out with a kick to the groin on the
champ. He follows with a couple more kicks before taking his arms off the ropes and nailing Vendetta with a legsweep faceslam.
Riggs goes for an armbar submission but Vendetta counters it, taking the arm of Riggs, and putting his shoulder under his
opponent, picking him up into a fireman's carry. In one smooth motion he has Riggs off his feet, and a fraction of a second
later he slams Riggs back first onto the mat. He lies his back across Riggs, unable to hook a leg or even turn over, but it
doesn't matter..Riggs is exhausted too. Lane counts the 1, 2, 3.
Vendetta pinned Adam Riggs after a Samoan drop in 0:26:23.
Rating: ***1/2
(Vendetta retained the Mid American Pro Wrestling Heavyweight Title.)
Buddy Lane helps Vendetta to his feet and presents him with his MAPW title belt as we

