
<<< cue "One Big Rush" by Joe Satriani >>>
Joe Aiello] Welcome fans to another edition of Saturday Rage. This one was taped a week and a half ago
and was orginally supposed to air last Saturday. However, due to some scheduling conflicts that arose due to some of our syndication
partners' special Independence Day programming we had to delay this broadcast one full week. In just a second we will take
you to the event, which was a 16-man tournament to crown a new MAPW Heritage Champion. Traditionally this
belt is held by someone who knows his way around the mat, as often it is defended in multiple falls situations and other ways
of a by-gone era. The brackets were drawn up by MAPW officials and the wrestlers were ranked from 1-16, and no re-seeding
would be done between rounds. As you will see there were some tremendous upsets in the tournament. Due to the length of the
event, 14 matches were held, we will only be able to show you the highlights of most of the matches. So kick back and enjoy
the crowning of your new MAPW Heritage champion.

Tournament Seedings
1) Sam Holiday v 16) Lord Valmont
8) Menele v 9) Al Hardamann
4) Diamond Rhodes v 13) Eddie Chavez
5) Bam Bam Bigelow v 12) Chris Jons
2) Raymond Bingham v 15) Ryland Roxbury
7) Jamie Knoble v 10) Alex Wright
3) Jack Voight v 14) Asp Evergreen
6) Ron Waterman v 11) Vincent Regliatti

Round One
Sam Holiday v Lord Valmont (/w Sherry Valmont)
(joined in progress)
...Holiday has Valmont against the ropes, he nails a couple of kicks and a chop. Holiday tries to send Valmont
across the ring to the ropes, but its reversed. Holiday though is in control and rocks Valmont with a lariat. A hammerlock
takedown results in a one count for Holiday. Spinning toe hold and Valmont has to get to the ropes for a break to keep this
match alive. It's all Holiday though as he nails a spinning mule kick and follows up with a double arm DDT and picks up the
Sam Holiday pinned Lord Valmont after a double arm DDT in 0:03:13. Rating: 3/4*
Menele v Al Hardamann
(joined in progress)
...Menele has Hardamann down on the mat and goes for a stomp but Hardamann rolls out of the way, and kips
up to his feet. Hardamann rallies with a kick to the gut and a dropkick, Menele's momentum takes him backward where he collides
with long time inept official Jurgen Hermann who falls to the mat. Hardamann picks Menele to his feet but is surprised with
a knee to the groin. The beast attacks Hardamann with an armbreaker followed with an overhead head and arm suplex that awes
the crowd. Menele goes for the pin but there is no referee to count.
Menele hits a chop to the throat, and Hermann is back on the job but Menele gets only a 2 count. He then
asserts his superiority in the match over one of MAPW's longest standing stars Hardamann, by taking him to the middle of the
ring and nailing his wheelbarrow suplex finisher to end a long match.
Menele pinned Al Hardamann with the Wheelbarrow Suplex in 0:15:31. Rating: * 3/4
Diamond Rhodes (/w Paisley) v Eddie Chavez
(joined in progress)
...Chavez takes Rhodes down with a chop and then picks him up and sends him to the buckle. Rhodes bounces
out of the corner and both men nail each other with a clothesline and they both go down. Both men get to their feet and again
both go for the clothesine and nail each other to the mat. This time Rhodes exerts his size and power advantage by recovering
first, and whips Chavez face first into the buckle. He then drags Chavez into the middle of the ring and nails a piledriver.
He gets the 1, 2, and Chavez kicks out. Rhodes sends Chavez into the buckle again, ducks a clothesline attempt by Chavez coming
out of the corner, and then nails him with a flying bulldog for the win.
Diamond Rhodes pinned Eddie Chavez with the flying bulldog in 0:13:36. Rating: * 1/4
Bam Bam Bigelow v Chris Jons
(joined in progress)
...Bigelow is in control and nails Jons with a forearm smash. But when he goes for a second forearm it's
blocked by Jons who then nails the Beast from the East with a kick to the gut. Jons then backs Bigelow across the ring with
a series of chops. The fans are solidly behind Jons. Bigelow and Jons then get into an exchange of punches and chops, an exchange
which the much smaller Jons realizes he can't win. So the cruiserweight goes for a spin kick but Bigelow moves out of the
way and then nails Jons with a quick scoop into a powerslam. Jons manages to just avoid the 3 count, but then falls prey to
the Greetings from Asbury Park and it's all over.
Bam Bam Bigelow pinned Chris Jons with the Greetings from Asbury Park in
0:18:56. Rating: ** 1/2
Raymond Bingham v Ryland Roxbury
(joined in progress)
...the second seeded Bingham nails young Roxbury with a dropkick outside the ring, followed by an armdrag
takedown before throwing Roxbury into the guardrail. Back inside the ring Bingham goes for a legsweep faceslam but it's blocked
by Roxbury who then scoops Bingham up into a backbreaker. He then rakes Bingham's head across the the top rope drawing a cheer
from the crowd. Bingham though blocks an attempt by Roxbury to put him onto the top turnbuckle. Roxbury re-establishes control
in the corner with a pair of kicks to the midsection, but when he tries to whip Bingham out of the corner, the former PWI
rookie of the year reverses it and sends Roxbury hard into the corner. Bingham though misses with an elbow and is caught off
guard by Roxbury who nails a rana and picks up a shocking victory.
Ryland Roxbury pinned Raymond Bingham after a rana in 0:07:28. Rating: *
Jaimie Knoble (/w Sable) v Alex Wright
(joined in progress)
..Knoble stomps away at Wright, and then nails a powerslam. He continues to punish the German with a Russian
legsweep and a flying senton but only gets a one count. Knoble then pushes his luck too far and Wright moves out of the
way of a springboard moonsault attempt. It's all Wright now with an inverted power bomb, jumping elbow thrust and a reverse
neckbreaker fiisher.
Alex Wright pinned Jaime Knoble with the Reverse Neckbreaker in 0:09:39. Rating: *** 1/4
Jack Voight v Asp Evergreen
(joined in progress)
...Evergreen attempts to kick Voight in the gut but the German catches his foot and rocks him with a clothesline.
The fans are actually cheering the hated German over the foolhardy Evergreen. Voight tosses Evergreen out of the ring and
follows him to the floor. He tosses Evergreen into the guardrail and then rams him back first into the ring apron. Back inside
it's time for the Tombstone piledriver.
Jack Voight pinned Asp Evergreen with the Tombstone piledriver in 0:13:29. Rating: * 3/4
Ron Waterman v Vincent Regliatti
(joined in progress)
...Waterman nails Regliatti with a scoop slam, and then repeats with another scoop slam on the Playboy.
Regliatti though fights back with a well timed thumb to the eye and then wows the crowd with a Soviet suplex on H2O. He follows
up with a back suplex and a flying cross body press, and gets a count of 2. Regs continues the punishment with a legsweep
faceslam, but then makes the mistake of putting Waterman in a standing chokehold. The fans cheer as H2O blasts his way out
of the choke with an elbowsmash to the head of the Canadian wrestler. The fans cheer as Waterman surprises them with a dropkick
and then covers Regliatti for a count of 2. Regliatti tries to beg off but Waterman picks him up and delivers an elbowsmash.
But when he tries to follow up with an armbar Regs blocks it only to fall victim to an enzuilirato. Again Regs backs
into a corner and begs for time. Waterman responds with another elbowsmash and then tries to finish him off with a Gorilla
Press slam. But he takes too long showing off his strength which allows Regliatti to slide down his back into a victory roll.
The ref counts 1, 2, Regs grabs a handfull of tights, 3. Huge upset.
Vincent Regliatti pinned Ron Waterman after a Victory Roll in 0:09:21. Rating: * 3/4

Sam Holiday v Menele
(joined in progress)
...this is a huge match for Menele, a real chance to establish himself in the upper tier of MAPW. Holiday
goes for a double arm DDT but Menele blocks it, and tries for a knee to the face but Holiday gets his hands in the way at
the last second deflecting most of the punishment. Holiday fights back with some punches and then a side suplex. A series
of chops and punches have the fans to their feet and Menele reeling. Holiday nails a powerslam, but gets only a 2 count. Holiday
signals for the Holiday legdrop and climbs to the top rope. He nails his finisher and finally someone has beaten Menele clean
one on one.
Sam Holiday pinned Menele with the Holiday Leg Drop in 0:09:38. Rating: ** 1/2
Diamond Rhodes (/w Paisley) v Bam Bam Bigelow
(matched shown in its entirety)
Oh what a cruel web fate spins for Rhodes. He finally had Bigelow committ to joining him in an allegiance
if he could beat him, and he did so with the help of his valet Paisley. But now old wounds are being opened again as the two
must once more face off.
Rhodes begins the match by offering a handshake to Bigelow but the Beast from the East shakes him off. Rhodes
with a kick to Bigelow's leg, and then scoops him with a partial bodyslam. He goes for an early pin but only gets a 1 count.
Rhodes attacks with an elbowsmash, bodyslam, inverted atomic drop, and Bigelow leaves the ring for a breather. He takes a
few seconds out to warn Paisley not to interfere ths time.
Rhodes catches Bigelow returning to the ring with a kick to the ribs and then nails a swinging neckbreaker.
Rhodes wastes time posing for the crowd. Rhodes hits a dropkick but when he goes for a punch its blocked by Bigelow who responds
with a kick and then a DDT. Both men are down. Bigelow is up first and goes for a moonsault but Rhodes is playing possum and
moves out of the way.
Rhodes sends Bigelow to the ropes and nails him with a shoulderblock. He then repeats but this time uses
a clothesline. Bigelow though is back on his feet and fights back with kicks and punches but when he goes for a dropkick Rhodes
moves out of the way.
Rhodes waits for Bigelow to get up and then nails him with a DDT for the win.
Diamond Rhodes pinned Bam Bam Bigelow after a DDT in 0:02:27. Rating: * 3/4
Alex Wright v Ryland Roxbury
(match shown in its entirety)
Wright attacks Roxbury from behind before the opening bell sounds. After an initial flurry he tries for
a Frankensteiner but Roxbury counters with a powerbomb. He gets a two count as Wright just manages to lift a shoulder.
Roxbury is all over Wright with a legdrop, followed by a boot twist. He picks him up, nails a headbutt and
then puts him down with an enzuigiri. Again he goes for the pin, possibly smelling an upset, but gets only a 2 count.
Roxbury tries to send Wright to the ropes but the German reverses and then nails Roxbury with a shoulderblock.
He follows up with a short clothesline. Wright then tries to nail a bulldog but Roxbury counters by throwing Wright off and
into the buckle. Roxbury throws Wright into the buckle again and nails him with a boot to the gut. He then shocks the crowd
with a Northern Lights Suplex and the upset win.
Ryland Roxbury pinned Alex Wright after a Northern Lights suplex in 0:01:27. Ryland
Roxbury suffered a dislocated left knee. He will be out for approximately 3 weeks. Rating: 1/2*
Post-Match: The trainers have to come out and see to Roxbury who comes up limping. The
fans give him a huge ovation as the youngster is aided to the back.
A real tough break for the youngster.
Jack Voight v Vincent Regliatti
(joined in progress)
...Voight goes for a clawhold but Regliatti counters with a lowblow. The ref admonishes Regs but allows
the match to continue. Regs goes for a dropkick but Voight just swats him away. Again Voight goes for the clawhold but Regs
counters with a fist to the midsection and follows up with a kick. Voight fires right back and the two exchange punches which
favors the big German. Regs backs into the ropes and comes off with a kick to the gut of Voight. He continues to go to the
midsection with kicks and punches, making the announcers wonder if he knows of an abdominal weakness. It seems to work as
Voight is out of breath, and Regs climbs to the second rope and comes off with a dropkick, right to the groin! The Playboy
then nails the Centerfold staple (brainbuster) and picks up anothe upset victory.
Vincent Regliatti pinned Jack Voight with the centrefold staple in 0:17:59. Rating: * 3/4

Sam Holiday v Diamond Rhodes (/wPaisley)
(joined in progress)
...Rhodes is in charge with a bodyslam and a swinging neckbreaker. Rhodes gets a two count and complains
to the ref about a slow count. Rhodes continues to punish with a kick and a gutwrench suplex which yields another 2 count.
Rhodes nails an elbowsmash and then goes for a DDT but Holiday blocks. Several punches by Holiday are followed by a hammerlock
take down before Rhodes makes it to the ropes for the break. Holiday locks on a standing short arm scissors and once
again forces Rhodes to fight for a break. Holiday nails a double underhook suplex and then covers, but only gets a two count.
Rhodes lashes out with a kick to the gut on Holiday. He nails Holiday with an elbow right between the eyes. Rhodes tries to
send Holiday to the ropes but the Texan reverses it and sends Rhodes to the ropes. As they meet in the middle of the ring
Rhodes tries for a flying clothesline but Holiday ducks out of the way. Rhodes hits the ground hard, but is near the ring
apron, close enough to get consolation from Paisely, in addition to being handed a set of knuckle dusters (or Diamond dusters
in this case). Holiday goes to pick up Rhodes while Paisley jumps on the apron to attract the attention from refereee Melissa
Coates, and Rhodes surprises Holiday and ~waffles~ him with the knux.
Diamond Rhodes pinned Sam Holiday after hitting him with a foreign object in
0:12:25. Rating: * 1/2
Vincent Regliatti v Ryland Roxbury
Roxbury is injured and has to default the match.

Tournament Final
MAPW Heritage Title Match
Diamond Rhodes (/w Paisley) v Vincent Regliatti
(match shown in its entirety)
Rhodes obviously has an advantage in experience over Regliatti as well as size and power, not to mention
the rather industrious Paisley at ringside. On the other hand, although both men have spent roughly the same amount of time
in the ring tonight, around 26-28 minutes, Regliatti is coming off of a bye while Rhodes just finished a hard match with Sam
Holiday five minutes before this match began.
The Cinderella story finally has the fans cheering for Regliatti against the perverse Rhodes, and he strikes
fast with some kicks and then a reverse neckbreaker. Regs nails a belly-to-belly suplex and gets a 2 count. He then goes to
the well once more for a back suplex, but Rhodes counters with a go-behind, only to have Regs do the same. Regs tries for
a sleeperhold but Rhodes blocks it and then turns it into a swinging neckbreaker to turn the tide in the match.
Rhodes throws Regs hard into the buckle, but makes the mistake of going in with abandon only to watch the
former MAPW Tag Team champion move out of the way. The two trade punches and chops, and one big elbow from Rhodes. But it's
Regs that hits hard first with a tilt-a-whirl suplex. A double underhook faceslam follows by Regs but only garners a
1 count.
Rhodes punches back and then throws Regliatti out of the ring. He follows and punishes the youngster by
whipping him into the guardrail. Rhodes tries to hit an inverted atomic drop but Regs blocks it, rolling off to the side and
then sends Rhodes crashing into the announce table. Regs throws Rhodes back into the ring and then nails a piledriver on the
The two men continue to fight back and forth, tooth and nail. Finally Regliatti really loses his temper
and repeatedly puts Rhodes into a chokehold, breaking at the count of 4 only to reapply the hold. He then tosses Rhodes to
the floor below and goes right after him. He introduces him shoulder and head first into two ringposts, but when he tries
for a third Rhodes reverses it and sends Regs to the steel instead. Back inside the ring Rhodes punishes Regs with an inverted
atomic drop, followed by a flying clothesline. Rhodes chops Regs into the corner. He then takes him down with a flying
bulldog, and its over, 1, 2, FOOT ON THE BOTTOM ROPE. Regs is still alive in the match.
Paisly places the diamond dusters on the ring apron for Rhodes and then walks to the other side
of the ring and jumps on the apron to distract head referee Buddy Lane. Rhodes retrieves the knux and punches Regs, but the
punch is blocked, and Regs drops down with a low blow on Rhodes. He then pulls him up and nails the Centerfold staple.
Tucking the hand of Rhodes that has the brass knux still on underneath him, he makes the cover.
Match for the vacant Mid American Pro Wrestling Heritage Title: Vincent Regliatti
pinned Diamond Rhodes with the centrefold staple in 0:14:45. Rating: ** (Vincent Regliatti won the Mid American
Pro Wrestling Heritage Title.)
The fans give Regliatti a well deserved ovation as commissioner Bob Backlund along with
his Executive Assistant Debra McMichaels come down to the ring to present the Heritage title strap to Playboy
Vincent Regliatti of Toronto, Canada.
As we...
Fade to Black
New MAPW Heritage Champion |

Playboy Vincent Regliatti |

