2 Hour Edition of Rage
Taped, Friday June 11th
Air Date, Saturday June 12th, 2004
From the campus of Idaho State Unviersity
Pocatello, Idaho
Holt Arena
Attendence; 2,009
Joe Aiello] Welcome ladies and gentlemen to another edition of MAPW Saturday RAGE !! Tonight we are coming to you
live from...
Linley Tolbert] ..please Joe, allow me.
Aiello] Oh no, here we go again. Please don't make an ass out of yourself again.
Tolbert] Like I was saying, from Pocatello, Idaho. Where men are men, and women wear sweatshirts proclaiming they
are whores!!
Aiello] WHAT ???
Tolbert] Look at them...I, da, ho.
Aiello] Sometimes I can't believe that you are a former champion of South Africa.
Tolbert] Believe it Joe. But here's something that I can't believe, that this arena, here in nowhere USA, was the
first covered football stadium to be built on any college campus in America. Of course it's named after a guy named Dubby
Holt. I mean what kind of name is Dubby? Did his parents already use up Bubba on the first kid? And you know what else I can't
believe Joe?
Aiello] I don't even want to fathom a guess.
Tolbert] Well I visisted the local grocery stores here in town and asked to buy some of their world famous namesakes,
Pocatello Mushrooms. And none of th stores had them. This one Korean grocer though showed me his and they looked just like
normal white mushrooms? What a scam, I thought they were some sort of gourmet, dark mushrooms that you have with wine sauce.
Aiello] ...errr...maybe you're thinking of Portabello mushrooms? You're such a putz.
Tolbert] Well enough of your mindless banter Joe, let's go to the ring as there is a man waiting there with something
on his mind.
In-ring promo;
Luke Hardamann stands in the middle of the ring, wearing street clothes, and holding a microphone.
Luke] Sam Holiday! Last week you stuck your nose where it doesn't belong, in my family business and in my match.
I was trying to give the Spinebusters a little taste of their own medicine, and you wrestled the chair out of my hands and
ended up costing my brother Al and I the tag team titles. I'm sick and tired of goody two shoes like yourself. We're not all
18 feet tall like you, some of us have to kick, scratch, and gouge eyes to get to where we want to be. You may not like it
but I don't think these fans really care, as long as the Spinebusters are forced to eat some of their own crap once in a while.
Now, I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, only because I know you and my brother go back several years, and are
close friends. But I want to hear it out of your own mouth, right now, and I want you to hear it from me, to stay out of our
<<< cue "Ain't Going Down 'till the Sun comes Up" by Garth Brooks >>>
The fans are on their feet cheering a long time favorite. They had been giving Luke a mixed reaction, and no where near
as loud as they give for Sam Holiday. Instead of his usual charge to the ring, and slide under the bottom
rope, Holiday walks slowly to the ring, shaking his head. He enters through the ropes and takes the mic from Luke.
Sam] You know something Luke, there is a fine line sometimes between what animals like Manny Silva, cheats like the
Spinebusters, and guys like you, me, and Al do, and the way we conduct business in this ring. Last week Luke, you crossed
that line. I did my job, I called it right down the middle. I didn't like to see Al taking all that punishment thanks to the
rule bending done by the Spinebusters. But maybe Luke, maybe I have more faith in your brother then you do? As for staying
out of your business, well Al is my friend. I know we're not kin, and I know that you are important to him, more important
I am sure then I am. However, my integrity is more important to me then any friendship, so if our paths meet again in similar
circumstances you can bet I will act the same way. I can promise you Luke that I will not poke my nose into your business.
However, as far as Al's business is concerned, until I hear otherwise from him, his business is my business.
Sam tosses the mic back to Luke.
Luke] Have it your way Tex, but this is the only warning you will get from me. Next time the effect will be immediate.
Both men just stare at each other before Sam walks away, with Luke glaring at him.
Dan "the Beast" Severn v "Lethal" Chris Jons
Jons came to the ring quite aggitated from his ealier dealings with the "New Right" squad of Alex Wright, Jack Voight,
and now Dan Severn. He wanted to go right after Severn but the Hall of Famer played mind games with the former PWA cruiser,
asking referee Jurgen Hermann to check the trunks and boots of Jons for foreign objects. Severn stalled some more by leaving
the ring and playing to the crowd as soon as the bell sounded.
Jons lost his temper and tried to nail Severn from behind with a plancha, but Severn was waiting for such a mistake and
side-stepped it. Jons wrecked himself on the floor. Severn nailed a German suplex on the floor and then rolled Jons back inside.
Another German suplex, a powerbomb, and Severn picked up a real quick win. Severn then rolled out of the ring and left in
a hurry, not allowing Hermann to raise his arm in victory.
Dan Severn beat Chris Jons by pinfall after a powerbomb at 1:40.
The camera picks up a rapid moving Dan Severn walking through the backstage area. Joe Aiello stops
Aiello] Dan, that was real quick work on Jons, where are you going in such a hurry?
Severn] Do you always stop someone who can cripple a man in under 60 seconds, and ask him an inane question when
he is obviously in a hurry? Do you want me to punk out your fat Italian ass?
Aiello] Any truth to the rumor you are dealing with Team Germany and their upcoming World Cup bid?
Severn] My friends Alex Wright and Jack Voight are competing for Team Germany. As I am in MAPW I am mapping strategy
for them to compete in the World Cup. They are in good hands with Moses Luke, a young man who I scouted last year when I went
to a trip in your hometown Joe, Winnipeg.
Aiello] But Dan, you're American, how come you are helping Team Germany?
Severn] Why the hell not? It's not like the faggots who put together team USA considered me, a hall of famer for
the team. Nothing would be sweeter then to see my kinsmen lead Team Germany in a route over the Americans including that queer
Shawn Michaels.
With that Dan Severn brushes past Aiello and walks quickly down the hallway.
Menele v Marcus Schultz
First appearance for the technically sound Schultz since RAGE and MAPW made their return. And it wasn't a good one.
Schultz started strong by keeping Menele off balance with a stick and run attack, consisting of a couple hip-tosses,
flying armbar, standing dropkick, and running clothesline. Things turned bad for Schultz though when Menele caught Schultz
with a Greco-Roman kick to the gut, and followed up with a clothesline. A series of stomps set-up an overhead release
German suplex, which was only a precursor to a wheel-barrow suplex and the pinfall.
Menele beat Marcus Schultz by pinfall after a wheel-barrow suplex at 4:01.
Linley Tolbert is standing in the back beside Kimberly Page.
Tolbert] Kim, I understand you have brought with you tonight a couple of guests that the fans should know very well.
Page] Oh yes Linley, they just happened to be dropping by, and MAPW is lucky to have them in the house tonight.
The camera pans backwards and we see standing beside Kimberly her husband Diamond Dallas Page and his
friend Robert "Blaze" Bayley.
Tolbert] Gentlemen, what are you really doing here tonight?
DDP] Hey Linely, wassup? We're just chilling out here jack, and banging with some old friends in the back. Just glad
you could make the trip with me Blaze.
Bayley] It's been a while Dallas since I've been around the ring and I would be lying if I said I didn't miss it.
I've enjoyed pursuing my music but it doesn't provide the same adreneline rush as you get kicking some idiot's ass all over
the ring.
Tolbert] Be that as it may, DDP, I figured you might be here tonight to put out a little New Jersey welcome on Bob
Backlund for the way he treated your wife Kim.
DDP] Let me tell you something Jack, my wife can fight her own battles. As Asp Evergreen found out last night, and
as Bob Backlund will figure out sooner or later.
Tolbert] Thanks guys and enjoy your visit tonight.
The interview is breaking up but instead of cutting away we see the camera begin to focus in on something on the other
end of the hallway. It looks like a clandestine conversation between Sable and Jamie Knoble.
Sable] ...and what has it got you? Nothing! One match in four weeks of Rage, one lousy match against Alex Wright.
A wrestler of your caliber deserves more.
Knoble] Hey I agree with you 100% baby doll, but there's nothing standing around here talking with you is going to
do about it.
Sable] Don't be so hasty, what if I told you I could get you a match next week on Rage? Would that impress you?
Knoble] Heck I would love another shot at prime time, but what are you going to do for me? Backlund tossed your ass
to the curb like an empty Swanson TV dinner tray. And you fed Collins to the wolfs last week. With friends like you a guy
doesn't need enemies.
Knoble tries to walk past her but she steps partially in his way. Her arm drapes around his shoulder, her other hand
goes to his chest. She smiles at him and begins to whisper something into his ear, all the while caressing his chest. He seems
to like either whatever she has to say, or the caressing because he begins to smile.
Knoble] Okay, you get me that match next week on Rage and you can be my maanger, for that match.
Knoble walks away shaking his head, while Sable licks her lips.
#1 Contenders Match
Sheepherders v West Hollywood Blondes
The WHB gave it a good effort but Jim Nancy was too cagey, and Sexton Cage too strong. The Blondes took advantage of
Cage's mistake of going to the top too early to have a mid-match flourish but it lasted only a couple of minutes. The 'herders
were ready to wrap it up when they were distracted by the champion Spinebusters who came down to ringside to take a closer
look at their #1 challengers.
Cage turned his back on Lodi who then nailed him with a low blow, and rolled him up for 1, 2, broken up by Nancy. Lenny
Lane then threw Nancy out of the ring. Lodi hooked the arms of Cage and Lane climbed to the top turnbuckle. Nancy tried to
get to Lane but the Spinebusters stepped into his way and got into a shoving match. However, inside the ring,
Cage overpowered Lodi, and when Lane came down with a missile dropkick his victim became his own partner Lodi. Cage powerbombed
Lane, then delivered a running powerslam on Lodi and got the pin.
The Sheepherders defeated the West Hollywood Blondes by pinfall when Cage pinned Lodi after a running powerslam at
<<< cue "Choke" by Kittie >>>
Joe Aiello is in the ring to interview "Pistol" Greg Pawluk, who fell victim to a two on one attack
last week from the WWF's Heartbreakers.
Aiello] Greg, first of all Shawn Michaels couldn't be here tonight, he is at home resting his back, and from what
I gather trying to get his blood pressure under control!
Pawluk] That's right Joe, we're both pretty worked up over the disgusting antics of those sophmoric morons. They
think the way to the top of this business is to make a name for themselves by running around making jackasses of themselves.
Well if you boys want a refresher on what we learned Teddy in the Hart Dungeon, what Stu taught us both, what Bret tried to
instill into your worthless ass, then Shawn and I can come up the WWF and kick your butts. You just let us know when and where.
Aiello] Well there you have it fans, the challenge has been made. We'll see how the Heartbreakers respond.
<<< cue "Oh Canada" >>>
Playboy Vincent Regliatti comes to the top of the ramp with a mic. Regs is a former MAPW tag team champion
with former partner Eric Scott.
Regliatti] Greg it's good to see you finally found yourself a ride to the top, all the way on HBK's coatails. You
have all the personality of a 4 day old sponge cake. The fans might not know this but yours truly was also a graduate of the
Hart Dungeon, but unlike you I took the tools that were offered and left the "teachings" about life where they belonged, in
the last century. Give it up Pawluk, the Heartbreakers have it at least partially right, you have to stand up and get noticed.
Pawluk] Perhaps you would like to put your money where your mouth is and take me on next week in this ring?
Regliatti] You got it chump.
Kim Kanner stands behind Bob Backlund, who is sitting at his desk with a paper in front
of him. This is Kanner's week to try-out for the executive assistant position.
Backlund] Hello great fans of MAPW, I'm here to announce some great upcoming house shows all through the mid-west,
so get a pen and paper ready to take down the date in your town. Starting Monday...
Their is a knock on the door and we see a look of exasperation cross the face of the comissioner. He dispatches his assistant
Kim Kanner to the door as the knocking continues. As Kanner reaches for the door it suddenly flies open, apparently kicked
open by Asp Evergreen, who is standing with Derek St. Holmes, ESQ. Kanner goes flying across
the room, knocked right out. Backlund is in shock and the two twits are oblivious to what just happened.
Asp] BACKLUND....we have waited paitently long enough. No match for us tonight? And last week I was humiliated by
that bitch Kimberly. What are you going to do about it?
Backlund is ignoring them and tries to walk past them to get to Kanner. This upsets the twits as they don't like being
ignored. They stand in Backlund's way, which makes the commish snap. He rocks Asp with a forearm to the chin, then kicks Holmes
in the gut and follows up with an atomic drop that sends the young manager into the wall. Backlund rushes to the side of Kanner
and calls for a medic.
Re-Match: Winner to get MAPW Title shot
Ken Shamrock v Raymond Bingham
The two men met in the middle of the ring and began to exchange punches before the opening bell. This favored Shamrock
who took early control with some swinging punches, savate kicks, a pair of clotheslines, and a cobra clutch suplex that resulted
in a 2 count. Shamrock worked over the right arm of Bingham with a series of armbars and knees to the arm. He then wrapped
it around the top ring rope and damaged it some more. A back suplex yielded another 2 count and the cocky Bingham was in big
Bingham backed into a corner though fought back like a champion with a couple kicks to the gut, and then a flying headscissors
out of the corner. Bingham then delivered a pair of shoulderbreakers to Shamrock and then stomped away on the weakened shoulder.
Bingham slowed things down with a short arm scissors.
The match went back and forth for a few minutes after this including spending some time in a brawl outside the ring.
This again favored Shamrock who looked to be in control in the middle of the ring. Bingham though keeps fighting back and
after an eye rake he delivers a stretch slam on Shamrock followed by a well placed kneedrop between the eyes. A back drop
driver turns up the heat and yields a 2 count. Bingham attempts a piledriver but Shamrock counters with a back flip, but Bingham
manages to cradle him on the way down, and when long-time inept official Jurgen Hermann is making the count he grabs extra
leverage with a handful of tights.
Raymond Bingham beats Ken Shamrock by pinfall with a handfull of tights at 11:34.
The scene is a dark back alley, it's drizzling, and we hear sirens in the background. Standing against the wall, actually
grinding against the wall is a latex clad Paisley. Standing away from the wall, the rain pouring off his
hat, is Diamond Rhodes in his customary black trenchcoat, black boots, black leather pants, and white
sweater. His face is painted white, with grey under his eyes.
Rhodes] For weeks I have watched you, fumble and stumble around the set of Rage. You know something is happening
but you are not yet attuned to listen for me. I have been calling you, rust to my diamonds. Together we will have both the
power and the glory to rule the rings of this place, and anywhere we desire. Together we will give the women pleasure and
the men extreme pain. Together we will be diamonds and rust. Bam Bam Bigelow, be lost no more, listen to me, listen for me,
I am calling you. Diamonds are the hardest substance on earth, and rust the most destructive. What a team we will make.
NWA World Heavyweight Championship Sweet 16 Match
"The Prophet" Gabriel Moore
"The Game" Nic Cross
I don't think you could find two nastier s.o.b.'s then these two, with the possible exception of Adam Riggs
who just happened to come down to ringside to do guest commentary.
In the ring Moore started things off on a high point with a kick to the groin of Cross before spitting in his face.
Cross retaliated with a haymaker that caught Moore off guard. Cross tackled Moore and landed some mounted punches, before
dragging him to his feet. This turned into a nasty, ugly brawl. Cross seemed to have the advantage of experience and strength
but Moore just seemed more willing to do WHATEVER it takes to win.
Time and again referee Melissa Coates tried to warn both men, but since they both seemed hell bent to slug it out she
eventually just let them do as they wished.
Both men were busted wide open and soon bleeding profusely.
Cross tried to bring some order back to the match by punishing Moore with a back suplex, a full nelson, and then a double
axhandle chop, but then he lost control once more and tried to choke out Moore. This caused Coates to try and get between
the two men. The distraction allowed Moore another chance for a low-blow followed by a chop to the throat and
then a hotshot off the top rope.
Adam Riggs left the announce table position and went to the apron. He picked up Moore's Kendo Stick and placed it
in the outstretched hand of the fallen Nic Cross!!
Riggs then got up on the apron and began to argue with both Coates and Moore. The fans of course knew exactly what would
happen. Cross got to his feet, and before Moore could turn around Cross Bertuzzi'd him in the side of the head with
the kendo stick. Cross tossed the stick and picked up the easy win.
Nic Cross beat Gabriel Moore by pinfall after hitting him with a Kendo Stick at 10:49.
After the match Riggs stood outside the ring laughing at Cross. The mic picked him up saying, "you're the same
old Nic Cross, you still play the game, and you still are my bitch".
Nic Cross is shown backstage, he is furious and is shouting that he wants a piece of Adam Riggs right
now. Suddenly security shows up in mass and swarms Cross, forcing him to his rental car. Finally, in frustration Cross agrees,
gets in his car and speeds out of the arena.
MAPW Heavyweight Title Match - 3 Way Dance
Vendetta (champion)
Manny Silva
Adam Riggs
All 3 men clash in the middle of the ring exchanging punches in a free for all. That comes to an abrupt hault when Riggs
smashes the heads of his two opponents together. He rams Vendetta into the ringpost and then whips him into Silva. Silva sees
it coming though and ducks, sending Vendetta over top with a huge back drop. Silva pulls up only to be knocked down by a running
clothesline from the Phenom Adam Riggs.
The fans are booing Riggs without mercy as he throws Vendetta outside the ring. He then powerbombs Silva, and looks to
win the title without even working up a sweat, 1, 2, Kickout by Silva.
Riggs clotheslines Silva back down and then brings the fans to their feet when he shows unbelievable co-ordination for
such a big man nailing Vendetta outside the ring with a plancha! Phenomenal!
Riggs throws Vendetta into the guardrail and then clotheslines him over the rail. He follows him into the crowd, backing
the champ up with continued shots to the head. Grabbing the Haitian by the dreadlocks he pulls him over to the guardrail,
and tosses him over the guardrail in a show of strength with a release vertical suplex.
However, when Riggs goes to step over the guardrail he is caught by surprise by Silva, who he hadn't seen leave the ring.
Silva yanks up on the guardrail crotching Riggs and then smashes his head into the guardrail.
Silva then takes turns stomping away at Vendetta and Riggs. Sensing Vendetta is the weaker of the two he takes him into
the ring and nails a bulldog. He goes for the pin, and gets 1, 2, kickout!
Silva continues to punish Vendetta with a neckbreaker, kneedrop, and belly to belly suplex. He goes for the pin, 1, 2,
broken up by Adam Riggs coming off the top rope with a splash on both his opponents.
All 3 men are down and take their time getting to their feet. Riggs is up first and dropkicks Silva into Vendetta. But
the Haitian is alert enough to catch Silva and send him right back at Riggs with an atomic drop. Riggs takes down Silva with
a running clothesline and then collides with Vendetta in a huge collision as both men go for a flying bodypress. Riggs rolls
out of the ring for a breather.
Inside Silva is on his feet first and begins to punish Vendetta while keeping an eye out for Riggs. He can't find Riggs
as he has retreated into the crowd for a breather. Vendetta makes a comeback and takes control of Silva. Neither man though
can seem to finish it off, and after about 5 minutes of one-on-one Riggs makes his way back into the ring. He clotheslines
both men down to the ground, and then powerbombs both. He elects to cover Vendetta and would have got the pin, but a fallen
Manny Silva reached out, grabbed the leg of referee Buddy Lane and pulled him away from the pin.
Lane was warning Silva when he got run over from behind by Vendetta (thanks to a whip from Riggs). With the ref knocked
out Adam Riggs left the ring and returned with a steel chair. He smashed the chair over both his opponents heads. Long-time
inept official Jurgen Hermann ran down to ringside but rather then let him make a count Adam Riggs menaced him with the chair
until he left the ring and retreated backstage.
Riggs apparently didn't want the MAPW title, he seemed intent on crippling his opponents. He tried to nail Silva again
with the chair but the Hawaiian managed enough energy to roll away from the swing, roll out of the ring and head for the back.
Riggs turned his attention to Vendetta and tried another chair shot. This time though Vendetta ducked under, and turned the
tables on the Irish thug with a kick to the gut and a DDT on the dropped chair. Both men were trying to recover as Buddy Lane
was getting to his feet.
Manny Silva turned around and ran back into the ring, and sent Vendetta head first into the chair with a bulldog. Silva
then laid the boots to Riggs before driving him head first into the ringpost. The former MAPW champ then took Vendetta to
the ropes and wrapped the top two ropes around his throat. He left the ring and in his controversial fashion grabbed Vendetta's
legs and pulled down with all his might, choking Vendetta in the ropes!
Buddy Lane was still too dazed to help out, but Adam Riggs came over and nailed Silva with a baseball slide. Vendetta
had just managed to put his feet back onto the ring apron when Riggs took Silva's place outside the ring and began to pull
down on Vendetta, choking the champ.
The fans went nuts as from the back came Kimberly Page charging just ahead of her husband DDP
and Robert Blaze Bayley. DDP went right after Silva, with fists of fire, driving him into the crowd. Bayley
went after Riggs and after a few punches drove him head first into the ringsteps.
Blaze and Kim Page were both on the ring apron untangling Vendetta from the ropes when Riggs came striking back with
a steel chair. He nailed Bayley in the knee dropping him from the ring apron. Then in a terrible act of cowardice he turned
the chair on Kim nailing her in the back, and she too fell to the ground.
Buddy Lane calls for the bell, this match is declared a no-contest at 15:43.
Riggs lifted the chair into the air in victory, but as he turned to the crowd he was struck from behind by a last ditch
effort of Vendetta jumping off the ring apron. The Haitian used all his energy to just try and keep the crazy Riggs pinned
to the ground. DDP returns, jumping over the railing and sliding to the side of his wife, as we
..no wait a sec, as the closing credits appear on screen we see Nic Cross jump the rail from the crowd. Cross has returned!
He kicks Vendetta off Riggs..he has the sledgehammer! Cross swings the sledgehammer at Riggs...as we