
2 Hour edition of Rage in Syndication
Taped Wednesday May 26th
Air Date, Saturday May 29th, 2004
MidWest Wireless Civic Center
Mankato, MN
Attendence; 2,195

<<< cue "One big Rush" by Joe Satriani >>>
MAPW RAGE is on the air. We go to the announce table for the introductions.
Joe Aiello] Welcome fans to another fantastic edition of RAGE. Tonight we come to you from the picturesque
little city of Mankato, Minnesota, the home of the training camp for the 2004 Minnesota Vikings.
Linley Tolbert] Over 2,000 strong here tonight Joe. You know what else Mankato is famous for? It's the
big city mentioned in Little House on the Prairie which was set in Walnut Grove, less than an hour's drive west from here.
What do you think Joe? Perhaps we'll see Charles Ingolls and Merlin Olson go at it tonight?
Joe] I doubt that Linley but we have a great main event of our own, featuring two MAPW stars battling
for the Heavyweight championship - Vendetta faces off against Manny Silva!
Linley] Yeah, yeah, sounds great but any chance that Reverend Alden could serve as guest referee?
Joe] What's with you? Really stuck on that show aren't you? How much do you watch it?
*awkward silence*
Joe] Well I guess that answers my question. Without further adieu let's go to the ring for our first

Tag Team Match
Shawn Michaels & Chris Jons
Dan Severn & Alex Wright (/w Jack Voight)
Last week we saw Severn interrupt an interview with Jons and ridicule the veteran cruiserweight. Jons responded
with fists but Severn got the better of him and HBK came to the resuce of the Lethal one. That set up this tag match for tonight
but the crowd buzzed when Severn brought in as his tag partner Alex Wright of the "New Right". Severn seemed quite comfortable
in the presence of this fascist duo.
Chris Jons insisted on starting the match, and it was against Wright. Jons got control with an armbar and
then punished the German for a couple of minutes before both men taged out, and the crowd rose to their feet to see the two
hall of famers meet again in the ring to renew bad blood. Severn struck first with a blatant kick to the groin and then laughed
at the attempts by referee Jimmy Appleseed to admonish him. HBK fought back though and the two exchanged kicks and punches,
not something Michaels is going to win. HBK played Ricky Morton for a few minutes before getting a tag into Jons. Michaels
feigned leaving the ring, and when Wright turned to take on Jons, HBK struck with sweet chin music to the back of the German's
head. This brought Jack Voight to the ring apron but Michaels took him out with a running forearm smash. Jons hooked on the
cross face chickenwing but Severn entered the ring and broke it up with a kick to the head. This turned into a 4 man brawl,
with Michaels and Wright spilling out of the ring. Voight nailed Michaels in the back, and then Wright returned to the ring
to make it two on one on Jons. Severn nailed a pair of German suplexes, and then handed Jons off to Wright who nailed another
pair. Jimmy Appleseed counted, 1, 2, KICKOUT!!
Jons ducked under a clothesline, rolled up Wright with a crucifix. Severn looked to interfere but Michaels
grabbed his ankles reaching in under the bottom rope and tripped him up. Voight then nailed Michaels from behind, but it was
too late for inside the ring where Jons had Wright pretzled for the 1, 2, 3.
Shawn Michaels & Chris Jons beat Dan Severn & Alex Wright by pinfall when Jons rolled up
Wright with a crucifix at 7:17.

Promo Segment;
We see Shawn Michaels in street clothes in the
ring, his arms draped over the top rope, the arena empty and silent. He speaks, looking into the camera below him. He speaks softly, his voice carrying and echoing in the arena.
"Teddy Hart and Michael Shane. You wanted a response from
me, the showstopper, the main event, the icon, well, here I am. You know it would be easy for me to board a plane, catch up
to you boys, and kick your asses all over the WWF. It would be even easier for me to invite you over here to the Heartland,
and in the small chance that you might muster up enough spine to actually show up, I would knock your block off right here.
But boys, I am in the Hall of Fame for a reason. I have been on the top of this industry for a decade, for a reason. My back
has been broken, my head concussed many times, for a reason. I am simply the best. I'm not going to chase down every backyarder
with a dream of beating up the icon. Win, lose, or draw, and make no mistake about it, it would be a loss for you, you would
get the rub from greatness that you desire. You see Hart, Shane, you have already forgotten more about putting up and taking
down rings then I will ever learn. When you have established yourself, when your fingers grasp and claw at the pinnacle, at
the top where I stand, then and only then will I step forward and squash your fingers, and your dreams and send you once again
tumbling down the ladder of success. It will take better men then you two to knock me off my perch. So, that's it boys, I
tell you what, when you capture some gold, say the WWF Tag Team titles, then you will be worthy of my attention, and then
I will reconsider your pompous challenge. But I do wish you boys all the best in your efforts to beat up Bret Hart, and
his legacy of shame".
Michaels motions for the camera man to cut it off, and we see
the picture fade. But then we hear Michaels voice speak again, "wait, turn it back on". Then more forceful a second time,
"turn it back on, I'm not done." The camera indeed does come back on and HBK is still in the ring.
"You know what, that was okay, what I had wanted to say, what
I discussed with management. But something still bugs me, sticks in my craw about this whole situation. Michael Shane. It's
one thing to make a name off of a legacy, to get the rub, wrestling has always been like that. But it's quite another to allie
yourself with a Hart, of all people. I can't express to you Michael how disappointed I am, how this slaps me in the face.
You didn't need the Heartbreakers to make it big, you have talent all your own. You don't need to work the internet smarks
like Annis does because you have more talent then him, and much more charisma. You are taking the easy way out, and it disgusts
me. I tell you what, you couple of little shits, I still dont believe you are worthy of stepping in the ring with me, the
showstopper, but to tell you the truth, the idea of coming to New York and wiping those stupid smiles off your faces is beginning
to grow on me."
Michaels tells the camera man to cut, and this time the camera
fades and goes to black.

Triple Threat Match
Tiger Khan (/w Sammy Yip)
Vincent Regliatti
Greg Pawluk
This match was the story of Pawluk surviving and overcoming adversity long enough to wait for a mistake.
The error occured when Sammy Yip interfered to knock out Regliatti, thinking this would allow his man Khan to finish off a
dazed Pawluk. But when Khan tried to lock in the cobra clutch, Pawluk countered into a hammerlock and ran Khan face first
into the turnbuckle. The two men bounced off and Pawluk ducked under a back elbow and then took Khan down with a back suplex,
putting Khan's shoulders to the mat.
Greg Pawluk beat Vincent Regliatti and Tiger Khan when he pinned Khan after a back suplex at 9:50

victorious, Greg Pawluk |

In-ring Interview:
Joe Aiello is in the ring with Raymond Bingham.
Aiello] Mr. Bingham, an impressive start to the new MAPW campaign
for yourself.
Bingham] What did you expect Aiello? For me to lose to a bunch
of ham and egger, nobodies in buttshot Midwest?
Give me a break, and give me some competition. I am the future of pro wrestling, and the grey beards in charge have been trying
to keep the future back so long that it might never get a chance to shine.
Aiello] The future is fine, but lets talk a bit about the
past. Specifically, 2003, and your supposed award for WWA Wrestler of the year. What is that all about?
Bingham] What do you mean Joe? I won an award voted on by
wrestling journalists as the top performer in the WWA for the year 2003! And I'm almost as proud of that achievement as I
am of my PWI Rookie of the Year award from 2001.
Bingham points out his t-shirt which is the PWI 2001 Rookie of
the Year Raymond Bingham t-shirt that he seems to have been wearing every day since receiving the award.
Aiello] The WWA suspended operations in 2003, there were no
awards given out to my knowledge.
Bingham] Well I would figure that you being a wrestling journalist
might be able to keep on top of your own industry, but I guess I was wrong! You are clueless Joe, just like these fans here
tonight. But let me clue you in on this fact Joe. Raymond Bingham is sick of waiting for top flight talent to be given to
me to beat. There are more ducks here then in a Minnesota fall. So, I'm taking
steps into my own hands.
Bingham pulls out a piece of paper from his back pocket and hands
it to Aiello.
Bingham] As you can see Joe, that is a current roster of the
MAPW. Now I want you Joe to have the privledge of picking my next opponent. I will call out any of these smucks to meet me
in the ring next week. Anyone Joe. So who will it be?
Aiello scans the list as the fans shout out various names.
Aiello] Here's a good one. Put your money where your mouth
is Mr. Bingham, and step into the ring next week, if Mr. Backlund can make the match, against the Worlds Most Dangerous Man,
Ken Shamrock!!
The crowd erupts, but it doesnt seem to phase the cocky Bingham.
Bingham] Excellent choice Joe. Next week I will beat Shamrock.
In fact Joe, I will make him tap out to his own hold, the ankle lock, and then I will have to finally be regarded as the top
challenger for the MAPW Heavyweight title!

Menele v Ryland Roxbury
The manbeast Menele was all over Roxbury from the start. He never let the youngster get any breathing room,
working him over from in close, and then punishing him with a variety of suplexes. Squash.
Menele beat Roxbury by pinfall at 4:51 after a T-bone suplex.

In-ring interview;
Linley Tolbert is in the ring, flanked by Ken Shamrock
& Ron Waterman.
Tolbert asks Shamrock first off if he will face the challenge
of Raymond Bingham next week, to which Shamrock replies "positively". Then Tolbert tries his best to stir up the competitive
juices between these two lethally trained fighters, but gets nothing but statements of mutual respect. The two end up shaking
hands and express a desire to work together in the future. Tolbert makes a gagging motion into the camera.

<<< cue "One Big Rush" by Joe Satriani >>>
The commissioner of MAPW Mr. Bob Backlund makes
his way to the ring. Inside the ring he has a mic and calls to the back "ladies".
One by one Tylene Buck, Sable, Kimberly Page, Kim Kanner,
and Debra McMichaels make their way to the ring. All the ladies are looking lovely in summer dresses and high heels.
Backlund] Ladies first of all..audience, dont they look absolutely
The crowd cheers the divas of the MAPW.
Backlund] And each and every one of you is also very intelligent
as well as wise to the ways of the wrestling industry. Any of the 5 of you would make a wonderful executive assistant for
MAPW. And quite frankly, I would love to see all of you on my staff! But theres only room for one. So, starting next week,
three of you will take a turn working as the assistant for a week of Rage. Based on what I know of you so far, as well as
your performance in your weeks apprenticeship, we will name a winner. But, as for now, I am afraid that I am going to have
to eliminate two of you immediately. The two I have chosen to eliminate from consideration are both lacking in one key aspect
that makes a good executive assistant. Two of you have shown by past actions that you do not have loyalty as a core value.
So, I am sorry to say that as of today, Sable and Kimberly Page are no longer in the running for the job as executive assistant.
I am truly sorry ladies.
The crowd cheers for some reason. Sable is furious and tells off
Backlund. While the mic has been turned off so we can't hear the words they are enough to make him turn red in the face. She
leaves in a tantrum, while Kim Page crosses her arms and leaves in a snit.
Backlund] Well, thats never pleasant is it? Okay ladies one
more thing. When it is not your week, I do request that you do not come to Rage. Just to make sure everything is on the up
and up. So, next week we will see you Tylene Buck, as the apprentice to the executive assistant position.
With that each of Kim Kanner, Tylene Buck, and Debra McMichaels
take turns giving Backlund a peck on the cheek and exiting the ring.

see Tylene Buck, next week |

MAPW Semi-Final Tag Team Title Match
The Sheepherders: Jim Nancy & Sexton Cage
Al & Luke Hardamann
Well it didn't take long for the fans of Mankato to take a disliking to the Sheepherders who got on the
mic and ran down Minnesota, former Governor Jesse Ventura, and the Vikings.
In the ring Nancy proved to be the better wrestler and veteran, while Cage looked every bit the younger
understudy. Any civility bore by the elequent speaking of the Sheepherders went straight out the window once the bell rang.
The New Zealand duo challenged referee Melissa Coates every step of the way to DQ them, refusing to break, double teaming,
and using illegal moves. The Hardamann's fought back but always seemed to be short handed, with Luke spending an extended
stint playing Ricky Morton.
Finally with Coates in a confrontation with Jim Nancy trying to get him out of the ring, Luke Hardamann
had seen enough and seized on the distraction to retrieve a steel chair and wrap it around the skull of Sexton Cage. The younger
'herder dropped like a stone, and Al pinned him to get the win.
The Hardamann Brothers beat the Sheepherders by pinfall when Al pinned Cage after Luke nailed Cage
with a steel chair at 10:55.
Al Hardamann seemed to be pretty pissed off at Luke for his actions, using the steel chair to secure the
win, but the two left arm in arm, celebrating together. In the meantime inside the ring Nancy spoke quietly but earnestly
to Cage going over what just happened.

We see a camera following Sable apparently leaving the arena in a huff. She isn't looking
where she is going and bumps right into Al Collins who is being interviewed by a media personality.
Sable] You big lumox, why don't you look where you are going!
Collins] Me? I was just standing here!
Sable turns her head and when she turns back to Collins she looks like she is about to break down and cry.
Collins] What's the matter? I'm sorry if I upset you Sable.
Sable] Oh it wasn't you Al, you're always such a nice guy. I've probably never told you that before,
but I've always liked you. You're so sweet and honorable, and such a good wrestler. Any girl would be lucky to have you.
It's like sweet honey disolving in hot tea, as Al self-consciously pushes back his comb-over hairdo.
Al] Well..umm...thanks. So what has got you so upset?
Sable] Mr. Backlund, he promised me the job as the Executive Assistant, as long as I did what I told
him. I did his errands, I got his coffee, make his phone calls, I even..put my hands on him.
Al] WHAT?!?
Sable] Yes, I gave him several shoulder and scalp massages. But, I guess that wasn't enough. I shudder
to think what the other girls must have done to get his attention more then I.
Al} They're not worthy to walk in the same room as you dear. They are just girls of bad repute, you
Sable are a true lady.
Sable] Well I hope that is how you will remember me Al.
Sable leans forward and gives Al a kiss on the cheek. He blushes and then suddenly looks like he figured
something out.
Al] What do you mean remember you?
Sable] Well, I don't have a job anymore in the MAPW, so I guess I'm going to have to go to the WWF and
beg for work. I can't bear to think of the degrading and awful anlges those brutes will make me do!
Al] Well what if you had someone here to manage? Would you stay?
Sable] I guess, as long as he was an honorable man, and a good wrestler.
Al] Leave it to me Sable, now go home and unpack your bags.

Haiti's pride, Vendetta |
Main Event
For the vacant MAPW Heavyweight Title
Manny Silva
The fans were anxiously awaiting this match. Prior to his arrival in the ring a public service announcement
was played on the JumboTron with Vendetta urging people to donate to the Red Cross who have been involved in the recent
flooding tragedy that claimed hunderds of lives in both Dominican Republic as well as Vendetta's homeland of Haiti. It quieted
the crowd for a couple of seconds until "Dirty Deeds" played and the fans went nuts for the return of the dark prince of voodoo,
These men know each other too well, and went at it right from the opening bell, with fists and kicks. Vendetta
gained control early and did a stint around ringside introducing Silva to various parts of the ring and annouce tables. Then
it was Silva's turn to control the brawl and returned the favor smashing Vendetta into most of the same items that had been
used against him earlier.
Back inside the ring head referee Buddy Lane let the two men go at it, without restraint. Vendetta nailed
two consecutive piledrivers yet Silva still managed to kick out.
Silva retaliated with a duo of wheelbarrow suplexes, showing some tremendous strength but it wasn't enough
to get the pin. Mad Dog slowed things down a bit, tired, breathing through the mouth, and wore the Haitian down with a reverse
chinlock and a headscissors. Silva had the cobra clutch locked in but Vendetta worked to the ropes and then both men got tangled
up with referee Lane, and all 3 men spilled to the floor below.
With Lane knocked out all hell broke lose, as both men grabbed chairs and smashed them together. Silva scored
first jabbing his chair into the midsection of Vendetta, before nailing him again in the head. He then dragged his opponent
over to the broadcast table and proceeded to deliver a piledriver that broke the table.
Silva woke up Lane and then returned to the ring where he tried to pin Vendetta. However, the time lapse
had been too long and Vendetta managed to kick out.
Both men were on their feet exchanging punches, with Vendetta getting the better of Silva. The crafty Hawaiian
however ducked under and smashed his head into the chest of Vendetta, and then tried to backflip him over. However, Vendetta
managed to counter it by wailing away on the back of Silva, dropping him back down, and then locked the arms of Silva. The
Haitian nailed Silva with a double underhook piledriver that brought the fans to their feet.
Vendetta came off the ropes with a running kneedrop that poped Silva's head up, only to crash back down
to the mat in la-la land. Vendetta howled to the crowd, picked up Silva and tossed him like a rag doll into the corner. He
followed him into the corner with a flying clothesline, and then springboarded off the second turnbuckle, spun in the air,
and took a staggering Silva down with a flying bulldog.
Referee Buddy Lane counted, the 1, 2, 3 !!!
Vendetta beat Manny Silva by pinfall after a spingboard bulldog at 13:05.
Vendetta wins the vacant MAPW Heavyweight Title.
Vendetta celbrates in the ring with the MAPW Title,
<<< cue "Phenomenon" by LL Cool J >>>
Celebration turns into disbelief and quiet as the fans turn to the entrance way. Down the ramp comes a man
that most fans hoped to never see again except on the back of a milk carton, Adam Riggs!!! And he is accompanied by the sensual
and tough April Hunter.
The cocky looking duo make their way to the ring, and enter, putting up their hands like they don't want
any trouble. As Vendetta is pre-occupied with Riggs and Hunter he is attacked from behind by Silva, who lays the boots to
him. However, the fans are shocked as Riggs then clotheslines Silva to the ground. He scoops him up and then delivers a jack-knife
powerbomb. Cheers though turn to jeers as Riggs turns his attention back to the new champion Vendetta, scooping him up and
delivering another jack-knife powerbomb! Both Silva and Vendetta are laying prone on the mat.
Hunter passes Riggs a mic.
Riggs] "God I can't believe I am back in front of you bleep pigs! What a bleep hole this place is. If
you're listening out there Vince McMahon and who ever is in charge of WCW, I'm available. Give me a call."
Riggs then gives each of Vendetta and Silva a kick.
Riggs] "Silva! You must remember me? I was on the short end of a beating from Scott Hall and Kevin Nash.
You remember, me, you, them, the Wolfpack! One big happy family. Thanks for standing back and watching as they lay the boots
to me and then buggered off to Europe."
Riggs lays a few more boots into Silva, then takes Hunter by the arm and leaves the ring, as we

