Special 90 Minute Edition of Rage
Night of Champions
Mitchell Hall Gymnasium and Fieldhouse
on the campus of U of Wisconsin - La Crosse
La Crosse, Wisconsin
Attendence: 2,840
Dr. John Manfried v Dave Batista
This feud has been building for several weeks, with Manfried taking offense at Batista's trying to make
a gimmick for himself by injuring younger, smaller wrestlers. Then Batista made light of Manfried's past, specifically his
jail time for manslaughter. These two didn't need to wait for the bell to ring before they were slugging it out in the middle
of the ring.
Not a whole lot of scientific wrestling going on in this one. Batista took control with a chop to the throat,
followed by a full nelson slam. He then punished Manfried with a hangman, followed by a choke lift. He released the choke
at the 5 count to avoid being disqualified by referee Melissa Coates. Batista then took the match outside the ring where the
two brawled and refused to re-enter the ring. Manfried grabbed the upper hand by pulling Batista into the ringpost. He then
placed the safety guardrail over the Leviathan's throat and put his entire weight onto it. This was all Coates was willing
to take and she called for the bell.
[Manfried and Batista battled to a double countout at 5:53]
The two big men continued to try and hurt each other after the match. The first couple attempts to
break up the encounter by security were met with force by both combatants. Finally the two were pulled off of each other and
taken to the back.
Commissioner Bob Backlund sits behind his desk, wearing a Hugo Boss Navy Blue pinstripe
suit, a sand color dress shirt, and a yellow bowtie. He says that on this, the night of champions, where the WWA World Heavyweight
and the WWA World Tag Team champions are on hand to defend their belts, it is unfortunate that a Mid-American wrestler has
to forfeit his title.
Then Backlund smiles, and says that the champion won't mind so much as he can console himself with his newly
won Mid-American Heavyweight Championship. Due to that conflict the championship committee has decided that Vendetta will
forfeit his Mid-American Heritage Title. A new winner will be decided in the near future on Rage by way of a tournament.
Backlund smiles, and says, everyone loves a good tournament.
As it seems we will fade away, we suddenly hear the unmistakable sound of high heels clicking on the floor,
just like last week when it was Debra McMichael who was enticing Mr. Backlund to use her services as a personal assistant.
However, this week it is Sable that appears on the screen wearing an ulta low cut and short black, lacey,
stretch dress. She leans into Mr. Backlund and begins to massage his scalp while giving him an eyefull of her endowments.
She begins to whine about how Debra used to have Mr. Larkin wrapped around her little southern finger, and how she turned
him against her. She says she knows that he (Backlund) is more independent then Mr. Larkin and has more refined tastes, being
a northerner and all. Backlund manages to mutter something about Larkin being Canadian, to which Sable replies, that makes
him one step below Texans in the evolutionary chain. Mr. Backlund gets a huge grin on his face which we assume is from her
comment, until the camera angle adjusts slightly and we see Sable's hand is under the table.
Manny Silva is in the ring, and as always he looks pissed off. He says that after his talk with the bogus
psych chick from last week he went and checked the tape, and found out it was Ron Simmons' idea of a joke. Well the joke was
on Simmons and Vendetta when Silva says he wiped them both out at the end of last week's Rage. And as if that wasn't enough
punishment for Simmons he gets a match with him right now, on the road to winning the title belt back from that inept foreigner
Vendetta. But, one good thing did come out of joke last week. Silva says that it's time he dropped the "Vicious" nickname
and start being billed for what he is a "Mad Dog".
#1 contendership for the Mid-American Heavyweight Title
Ron Simmons v "Mad Dog" Manny Silva
Started off as a slug fest but Silva gained early control with a powerslam. He dropped a series of elbows
to the sternum, and followed up with a series of stomps. He then climbed the top rope and came off with a big knee again to
the sternum. He went for the pin but only got a 2 count from Jimmy Appleseed.
Simmons blocked a vertical suplex attempt, which made Silva resort to kicks and punches once more. Simmons
finally blocked a punch, and spun Silva into the corner where he peppered him with shots to the gut and then added a vicious
headbutt for good measure.
The company enforcer then slid out of the ring and pulled Silva face first to the mat by yanking on his
feet. He then pulled Silva backwards, crotching him into the ringpost. He received a stern warning from Appleseed for this,
but Simmons seemed pretty angry and gave Jimmy a bit of a push to the side.
Silva tried to fight back but Simmons was on a roll now, and nailed a pair of elbows to between the eyes,
and then delivered his running powerslam finisher. He got the 1, 2, kickout! by Silva.
Frustrated Simmons tossed Silva over the top rope to the floor below. He then climbed to the top turnbuckle
and attempted to come off with an axhandle to the back of the former champ. However, the mad man turned around just in time
and got in a gut shot to Simmons. He followed up with a series of very controlled short knees to the head of Simmons before
rolling him back into the ring.
Silva put Simmons in the camel clutch, but Simmons managed to bridge his back and get out of the hold. Silva
then took Simmons face first into the corner, and then delivered a series of elbows to the lower back. He then grabbed onto
the ropes on either side of Simmons and pushed his head into the lower back of Ron Simmons until having to break it at a count
of 5.
Silva then went for a suplex, but Simmons hooked the leg to block it, and rolled Silva up into a pinning
combination, for a 1 count before Silva rolled through it, hooked the tights, and got a near fall. Back onto their feet Silva
ducked under a Simmons clothesline and then retaliated in kind, knocking the Georgian on his back. Silva grabbed the raised
legs of Simmons, and then dropped a knee right into the groin. Appleseed missed this as he was changing positions and it was
blocked from his view. Silva then rolled up Simmons and got the 1, 2, 3.
[Manny Silva defeated Ron Simmons by pinfall at 7:51 after a kneedrop to the groin]
[Manny Silva is the #1 contender for the Mid-American Heavyweight Title]
In-ring interview:
The red carpet is rolled out in the ring, and there are 3 chairs placed in a semi-cirlce, with microphones
attached to each one. Hall of fame superstars Dan Severn and Shawn Michaels come down and take seats flanking
Pamela Paulshock. She asks each one of them their thoughts on their great IronMan match at Summer in the
City. She looks at Severn but he defers to Michaels, saying let the winner speak first. Michaels looks humble and says it
was a very hard fought contest and both men showed that they would do anything to win a match, which is exactly why each of
them is in the Hall of Fame.
Severn looks non-chalant, and finally says that the result was pretty meaningless, and that it was too bad
that both men poured such an effort into a match that was decided by Michaels cheating as always to win.
This comment took Michaels back a little but he didn't interrupt Severn. The Beast went on to say that without
the handful of tights on the final pin, that match would have ended in a 2-2 draw.
Michaels just blows it off, saying "would of, could of, should of." The bottom line is that I won, you lost,
and that if's and but's were candy and nuts we would all have a merry Christmas.
With that Michaels sits up from his chair, and Severn quickly does the same in a menacing manner. Michaels
just points at Severn in a warning gesture and slowly walks backward to the ropes. From the ramp comes down a big man, carrying
a steel chair. The newcomer reaches up as Michaels turns and whacks him across the head with the steel cage. Michaels hits
the mat and when Severn grabs him he is busted wide open. The Beast puts him in a cobra clutch while the other man enters
the ring. Veteran announcer and former wrestler Linley Tolbert recognizes the man, it's none other then European superstar
"Extreme" Jack Voight! Voight takes the steel chair and jabs it into the ribcage of Michaels who is out cold
but being held up by Severn.
Suddenly, a jeans wearing, t-shirt sporting, mullet headed Marty Jannetty hits the ring
with a steel chair of his own. Severn releases Michaels, and he and Voight slip out of the ring. Jannetty looks after Michaels
and calls for medical help.
NWA World Tag Team Championship Match
The Dreadknocks (Ratt & Scavenger) (NWA World champions)
Great Canadians (Eric Scott & Vincent Regliatti) (Mid-American Champions)
The Dreadknocks were a house of fire, showing that they have been a tag team for many years. They kept the
action in their half of the ring and made frequent tags. The Spinebusters came down to ringside to watch and cheered on the
NWA champs. They taunted the Great Canadians by taking the Mid-Am tag titles off the annouce table and trying them on for
size. Finally the Canadians made a comeback in the match with some dirty tactics, including a devastating stuffed piledriver
on Ratt. This drew the ire of the Spinebusters who jumped on the ring apron to complain. Referee Jimmy Appleseed came over
to get the 'busters to leave the ring area, but they argued with him, and then Orth hotshoted Appleseed's throat across the
top strand.
With Appleseed out of commission the Spinebusters went and grabbed a chair which they were going to pass
to Scavenger, to help him fend off the 2 on 1, since Ratt was still out from the piledriver. But instead they feignted the
chair pass and tossed it up to a surprised looking Scott who then hammered Scavenger across the head. Appleseed recoverd,
and he counted, 1, 2, but somehow Scavenger managed to drape a foot over the bottom rope. The Great Canadians did their best
to hold off the champions' momentum but the Dreadknocks were too strong and took back control of the match. After throwing
Regliatti out of the ring the Dreadknocks pulled a doomsday device out of their bag to finish off the challengers.
[The Dreadknocks defeated the Great Canadians by pinfall after the Doomsday Device at 10:52]
Despite trying to help the Canadians win the titles, the Spinebusters returned to the ring and attacked
the Mid-American champions from behind after the Dreadknocks had left the ring. They laid them out, and in a repeat from last
week, used the title belts to knock them down again. And like last week, they laid the belts gently onto the chest of the
fallen champs.
Backstage interview:
Pamela Paulshock is standing beside commissioner Bob Backlund. She begins
to ask him about the recent behavioural trends of former champion "Mad Dog" Manny Silva. But before Backlund can say anything
he is playfully tossed to the wall by an emerging April Hunter. She presses against him and says that she
is glad she finally has a chance to meet him. Kim Kanner and Tylene Buck are also there and they menace Paulshock
away from the scene.
Backlund manages to say something about thinking they were in Mexico. Hunter runs a finger down Backlund's
chest and hooks it into his waistband as he visibly gulps. She whispers, that they came back, drawn like a moth to flame.
She says that strong authority figures have that effect on girls like her. Backlund gulps again and asks what "kind of girl"
she means. Hunter whispers something into Backlund's ear and he blushes.
Finally Hunter takes a step back, but now she Kanner and Buck are all standing around Backlund. Finally
he straightens himself up and says that he can't decide who he wants as an executive assistant. Then he says he has an idea.
We will have a battle royal with all the interested girls next week on Rage. The winner will become his new executive assistant.
The "Wolfpack" girls seem a little pissed off about it but, they soon get their usual arrogant look on their
faces. Joining hands they look at Backlund and say that no-one is going to be able to stop this trio, so he needs to start
making up his mind if he wants the blonde, the brunette, or the redhead.
They walk away, and Backlund looks flustered as he watches them very carefully from the backside.
NWA World Heavweight Title Match
Nic Cross (/w Jenna Jameson) (NWA Champion)
Vendetta (Mid-American Heavyweight Champion)
Nic Cross showed his usual disdain for Mid-America. He complained to the ref about a seam in the mat, and
had the ref get down on his knees and look at it. Head referee Buddy Lane was not impressed, and when Cross left the ring
Lane began to count him out. Finally the champ got back into the ring only then to complain about the lighting, claiming it
was too bright in his eyes. Jenna put a pair of sunglasses on him but Lane made him take them off. The entire time these shenanighans
were going on Vendetta stayed calm and loose in his own corner, Finally though he couldn't take it any longer and approached
Buddy Lane to speed things up.
This was the opening that Cross had been waiting for and he struck with a finger poke to the eye. He immediately
went at Vendetta with a series of kicks and punches, and Lane called for the bell to start the match. The champ again showed
his disdain for the heartland by refusing to break out any wrestling moves, instead relying totally on kicks, punches, stomps,
slaps, and an occasional eye gouge. At one point he took a breather, lounging across the top turnbuckle while Jenna massaged
his shoulders.
Finally though Vendetta struck back. Doubled over from yet another kick to the gut, the Haitian reached
out and got under Cross, taking him to the air in a fireman's carry and bringing him down with a flapjack. Both men were down,
but Cross was up first at a 7 count. He tried to drag the challenger to his feet with a handful of dreadlocks but the Mid-American
champion retaliated with a punch of his own. On his feet now the challenger delivered several knife edge chops, backing the
champ to the corner, before whipping him across the ring with such force that Cross flipped over the top turnbuckle and wrecked
on the floor below.
Vendetta took control of the action out of the ring, and then again inside the ring. A couple pin attempts
though only brought a 2 count for the challenger. Cross bailed out of the ring and Vendetta pursued. Unwilling though to shove
Jenna Jameson out of the way, the pornstar valet shielded her man from the onslaught of the challenger and bought him some
time. Vendetta had to retreat to the ring to break the count, and when he left again to go after the champ he was greeted
by a stiff right hand. Vendetta dropped like a rock, and Cross passed a pair of brass knux back to his valet.
Cross brought the local champ back into the ring, but instead of pinning him, he taunted him and the fans.
By the time he finally did go for the pin on the busted open challenger, he only got a 2 count. Still Cross seemed pretty
calm, and after a series of knees to the gut he went for his Pedigree finisher. Vendetta though managed to power out of it,
backflipping Cross. He then tried to put Cross into the Haitian deathlock but Cross was not as stunned as the challenger thought,
and the champ managed to roll across and take Vendetta down and into an ankle lock submission. Vendetta managed to reach the
ropes but Cross dragged him back into the center of the ring. Buddy Lane would not allow this though and forced Cross to break
the hold with a 5 count. But after a moment's break he reapplied the ankle lock. Vendetta once again crawled to the ropes
for the break. Again Cross tried to drag him back into the middle of the ring,but this time the Haitian held onto the bottom
rope with both hands, and while Cross held onto one foot, the challenger fed him the other foot to the chest and then again
to the face.
The crowd was on their feet as Vendetta nailed Cross with a DDT right in the middle of the ring. As he staggered
to his feet Jameson entered the ring once again, but Buddy Lane intercepted her. Vendetta went after the champ but was then
struck with a lowblow from Cross. Lane returned to action to see Cross setting up Vendetta for the pedigree.
But amazingly, for the second time in this match, Vendetta managed to counter by back flipping the champ.
This time though Cross managed to hold onto Vendetta and roll him up. He grabbed a handful of tights just to make sure.
[Nic Cross pinned Vendetta at 18:30 assisted by a handfull of tights]
Fade to Black