

President Larkin is shown on the Jumbo Tron sitting at his desk with a rather somber look on his face.
He welcomes everyone to the WWA Mid-American wrestling company. He expresses regret at leaving the NWA,
and at losing the Great Plains Wrestling name. However, the WWA is where he says home has
always been.
With that said, he yells to some unseen person off camera to come in and sit down. We see two chairs across from him,
and one is soon filled by Shawn Michaels who enters the office. Shawn begins to ask Larkin why he wanted
to see him, but before he can answer in walks WWA legend Dan Severn with a big smirk on his face. Severn
nods at Larkin, sneers at Michaels and then takes a seat.
"Gentlemen" begins the President "it has been brought to my attention as of late by the board of the National Wrestling
Alliance and the World Wrestling Alliance that you two are, well, "legends". I have been instructed to treat you
both with kid gloves. I am not to over work you, or put you in matches that might tarnish your glowing reputations. What do
you two think? Are you washed up? Over the hill?"
The two men stare back at Larkin with much ~inner fury~ buring in their eyes, but don't say a word.
This brings a smile to Larkin's face, and he pulls two pieces of paper out of his desk, places pens on them, and slides
them to the two men. He tells them to read them and decide if they are washed up or not.
After a few seconds both wrestlers get a smirk on their face and look at each other. They nod and then sign the contracts
sliding them back to the President. First Severn and then Michaels get up and leave the office as Larkin looks at the contract
and laughs.
"Fans of Mid-American wrestling, we are going to have a very special treat for you at Summer in the City. A
"Legends" match pitting "the Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels against "The Beast" Dan Severn. Not just any match mind you, but
one that would tax to the limits even a young buck in his prime. A 60-minute Iron Man Match". Larkin looks
into the camera with smug satisfaction written on his face.

Alex Wright makes his debut in the company tonight. He comes out wearing his "Berlyn" outfit including
the black trench coat and cane. However, he speaks to the crowd in English as he reminds them of his ancestry. He claims to
be a world class shoot wrestling expert, trained by his father Steven Wright. He complains that the American promoters wanted
him to be a "pretty boy" to sell tickets to young girls. But the real reason was that they didn't want the national embarrasment
of having a small German boy making the big, bad Americans cry as he stretched them. By the time Wright put down the mic he
was firmly entrenched as someone the folks of middle America did not like very much.
Shane Madison v Alex Wright
Wright took a few surprise shots by Madison early in the match as he seemed obsessed with trying to hook the young American.
It didn't take too long before he suceeded as he locked on the STF.
[Alex Wright defeated Shane Madison by submission at 3:54 with the STF]

"Kutlu Warrior" Jon Stewart v Tiger Khan (/w Sammy Yip)
Stewart continued his war with Global Warning. Khan though kept this match clean to begin with, locking up and trying
to hook holds on Stewart. The fan favorite Stewart had no choice but to play it straight with Khan, but this is not the Kutlu
Warrior's usual brawling style. As a result this match went over 10 minutes with Khan controlling much of it. However, after
Stewart managed to get to the ropes to break Khan's finisher (the Calcutta Clutch, which is a cobra clutch) he finally grew
frustrated and broke the rules, pulling Stewart off the ropes and turning the move into a cobra clutch slam. He began to lay
the boots to Stewart then went crazy trying to choke him out. Referee Buddy Lane got Khan to break it at a 4 count but
then suffered a verbal barrage from Khan complete with a lot of spray. With Lane distracted Sammy Yip pulled Stewart by the
feet and crotched him into the ringpost.
It was all Khan now as he risked DQ time and time again with eye gouges, thumbs to the throat, choking across the top
rope, and throwing him out of the ring so Yip could get a few kicks in. Stewart though fought back against Yip, kicking him
repeatedly as he hung onto the ring apron trying to catch his breath. Khan climbed out of the ring to the apron, and took
a run from behind at Stewart, attempting a big field goal-like kick, trying to take his head clear off. Stewart though moved
at the last second and Khan took an awkward fall on his ass, bouncing off the apron and onto the floor below. Stewart picked
up Khan outside the ring and delivered an atomic drop, and then a running bulldog taking him head first onto the floor. Yip
tried to sneak attack him from behind, but Stewart rolled away resulting in Yip's chairshot banging off the floor. Stewart
lashed out with a legwhip taking Yip down. Unable to control himself Stewart picked up the chair and smashed both Yip and
Khan squarely across the forehead. Yip came up wearing the proverbial crimson mask. Referee Buddy Lane had seen enough and
called for the bell.
[Tiger Khan defeated Jon Stewart by disqualification at 13:14 after Stewart used a foreign object on Khan].
Gregor Kitnitsov ran down to try and help out his Global Warning stablemates but ran straight into another
chairshot courtesy of the Kutlu Warrior. The Patriot was next to run in but stopped before making it down
the ramp, having seen what happened to Kitnitsov. He just shook his finger "no" at Stewart and then started to back away.
When Stewart gave chase brandishing the chair the Patriot turned tail and ran away, drawing even more jeers from the crowd.

In the ring:
Vendetta is in the ring with a microphone. He talks about his recent victories alongside his new friend
Shawn Michaels. However, he reminds the fans and himself, of Michaels' past, one filled with broken promises, allegiance only
to himself, and sometimes the Kliq. Then last week, Michaels did not show up for Rage and neither did Hall & Nash. Vendetta
calls out Michaels to explain himself, and to put to bed any rumors that he and the Kliq were "meeting".
The fans explode as "Sexy Boy" streams through the arena and the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels comes
down to the ring. He grabs the mic, looking very pissed off.
He points his finger at Vendetta and even pokes him in the chest. Michaels says it's Vendetta's gig to be the mysterious
one, overburdened with the capitalistic and colonial ways of the Western world. HBK insists he is a straight shooter and all
his cards are on the table. He tells Vendetta that the Kliq is no more, that the Wolfpack if gone unchecked will kill
Mid-American wrestling. The only way Michaels says he will ever join forces with Hall & Nash again would be if they were
to fight against the Wolfpack. As for last week, Michaels says Hall & Nash had a week off scheduled. As for him, he stuck
around San Antonio a bit too long, consulting with his Doctor about his back, and so he missed his flight out.
<<< cue "Wolfpack Theme" >>>
From the back comes Scott Hall & Kevin Nash to the top of the ramp. The fans give them an initial
pop, before settling in to a background of jeers.
Hall has a mic. He tells Vendetta and Michaels that they are both drags, and that hanging out with them would be about
as much fun as a Vienna School Boy's concert. Nash, takes the mic and says "and we don't like looking at little boys, that's
part of why Shawn don't hang with us anymore". Nash goes on to tell Vendetta to keep his panties on and that later tonight
the Outsiders will reveal to them, the world, and the Wolfpack how they spent last week. And yes, Nash laughs, we did a serious
talent recruitment drive. The Wolfpack, and the WWA will never be the same again.

Rulon Gardner |
Tag Team Mini-Tournament Semi-Final
Tournament winner to get title shot at Summer in the City
Vic Gate & Rulon Gardner
Boss Strickland & Cael Sanderson
Gardner really wanted a piece of his former partner Sanderson, and he was obliged when the cowardly Strickland had his
young charge begin the match. Sanderson though acted rather "un-amateurish" with a Greco-Roman rake to the eyes to get the
match started. He then attacked the knee of Gardner with stomps and leg twists. He tried to lock on a figure-four but Gardner
managed to turn it over, and force Sanderson to reach the ropes for a break.
Strickland tagged in and opened up a bit more against Gardner sending him to the ropes and taking him down with a spinning
sideslam. He went for the pin but didn't hook the leg and it was an easy kick out for Gardner.
Strickland made the mistake of sending Gardner to the ropes again, who then ducked under a clothesline attempt and followed
up with a running clothesline of his own. He managed to crawl over and make the hot tag to the veteran Vic Gate, but Strickland
also managed to tag in Sanderson. Gate controlled Sanderson with a reverse chin lock, front facelock, a surfboard, and several
backbreakers. Sanderson though also knows technical wrestling and managed to break a front facelock attempt and take Gate
down with a hammerlock. Sanderson then went on the offensive with kicks and punches and was joined in double teams by
his tag partner Strickland. Sanderson tagged in "the Boss" who tried to end the match in short order with a rolling reverse
cradle but only got a two count. He suceeded in locking in the crossface chickenwing but then Gardner had seen enough and
came in to break the pin. As referee Jimmy Appleseed escorted Gardner out of the ring Sanderson entered and hit a "Blockbuster"
on Gate behind the refs back. Appleseed turned around and seeing both men began to count, but Strickland was up first at the
count of 2 and climbed up top for the frog splash finisher. You could see Sanderson telling him not to do it, but he did it
anyway, and sure enough Gate managed to move out of the way. The mistake prone Boss Strickland landed hard and grabbed
a hold of his knee. Sanderson tried to enter the ring but Appleseed escorted him out, and Gardner ran around the ring and
pulled Sanderson off the apron to make sure he didn't interfere again. Inside the ring Vic Gate grabbed the legs of Strickland
and wapped him in the figure-four. Strickland tapped out after about 2 seconds.
[Vic Gate & Rulon Gardner defeated Boss Strickland & Cael Sanderson by submission at 10:36 when Gate
made Strickland submit to the figure-four leglock]

Tag Team Mini Tournament Semi-Final
Tournament Winner gets a Title shot at Summer in the City
Haku & Kurrgan
The Great Canadians: Eric Scott & Vincent Regliatti
The Great Canadians may be former tag team champions but they look very intimadated staring across the ring at the two
monsters. It's all Haku & Kurrgan early with the Great Canadians alternating between cheating and running. Finally they
get the break they need when Scott blatantly bumps long time inept official Jurgen Hermann on purpose. The Canadians manage
to double team Haku and then try and do the same against Kurrgan, but even 2 on 1 they have a tough time with the monstrosity
from Acadia.
Scott though leaves the ring and returns with the ringbell which he uses to nail Kurrgan in the back with, just as he
was about to chokeslam Regliatti. Scott then passes the bell to Regliatti and goes to revive Hermann. He drags Hermann to
his feet but keeps the ref's back away from the action while his partner bashes Kurrgan again with the ring bell, this time
to the head. The huge man drops to one knee but then begins to rise again. Regliatti hands the ring bell to his opponent
Kurrgan and then drops to the mat like a stone. Scott turns Hermann around who is just in time to see Kurrgan standing over
the fallen Regliatti, ring bell in his hands posed to strike "again". Hermann immediately calls for the dq.
[The Great Canadians defeated Haku & Kurrgan by DQ at 5:57 when Kurrgan was caught with a foreign object]
The Great Canadians make the mistake of celebrating inside the ring. Kurrgan upon hearing the annoucement of his disqualification
shrugs his shoulders and then smashes the ring bell across the back of the head of Regliatti. He dropped the bell and by the
time he could pick it up again Scott had scrambled out of the ring - but right into the waiting Tongan death grip of Haku!

Pamela Paulshock |
Backstage interview:
New interviewer Pamela Paulshock is backstage with Den Graves, the current holder of
the Mid-American Heritage Title. She asks Graves why he looked so disinterested last week, and why he walked out
on his tag partner Den Scarrman.
Graves snarls in contempt of Paulshock. He says Scarrman was a joke, had no work ethic whatsoever, and was keeping "Den
of Thieves" down. After being fed to the wolves too often it was my turn to feed him to the wolves. Graves tells us that he
personally watched Scarrman pack his bags and leave Mid-America after that show, good riddance. He then smiles for the first
time in the interview, a malevolent smile, and turns to Paulshock and says "the Germans are coming". She looks confused and
asks him what he means. He just shakes his head and says that by the time she knows it will be too late to save anyone. He
walks past the cameraman and leaves a befuddled looking Paulshock behind.

Tenacious Z v Dr. John Manfried
Z gets in a few quick spots, including a dropkick and an Asai leg lariat, followed by a 2 count. But soon Manfried gets
his powerful hands on Z and punishes him in the corner. He wraps Zach's leg over the middle rope, immobilizing him and forcing
him to use one hand to hold onto the ropes. Manfried goes to work with several stinging shots to the head. Dragging him out
of the corner Manfried continues the onslaught with a hotshot, a slingshot into the corner turnbuckle, and a tombstone piledriver.
In the middle of the ring he applies the Manfried claw to the underarm tissue of Z, who taps out after only a few seconds.
[Dr. John Manfried defeats Tenacious Z by submission at 5:33 with the Manfried Claw]
Manfried lays in a couple extra boots to the downed younster but hits the road after being warned by referee Melissa
Coates. However, from the audience slips in Asp Evergreen to the ring with a steel chair. He laughs at the
fallen young man before waffling him with the chair across the back. Coates tries to get in the way but is pushed aside by
Evergreen who then slams Gowan again with the chair. A third chair shot and this time when Evergreen rolls his victim over
he is greeted by the sight of a crimson river. Coates gets up and starts to argue with Asp, who grabs the chair and threatens
Coates with it, but then suddenly turns and swings one more time downward and nails the head of Gowan.
The crowd errupts when Dr. John Manfried returns to the ring in a hurry. He has a length of twine wrapped
around and between his hands. He catches Asp by surprise and tries to decapitate him with the garrot like instrument using
a running start. Manfried then sets up behind Asp as if for a reverse chin lock, with his knee into Evergreen's back, and
wraps the twine around his neck and begins to choke him out. Asp is turning purple in the ring and Coates is now trying to
stop Manfried!
~Smash~ Eddie Chavez appears from nowhere, enters the ring and drops Manfried with a chairshot to the
back of the head. He drags Evergreen out of the ring to safety in a hurry as Manfried is already regaining his feet.
The fans give the supposed Texas killer an appreciative ovation for the save.

<<< cue "Wolfpack Theme" >>>
The fans are on their feet as the much despised group of "the Phenom" Adam Riggs, Mid-American Heavyweight
Champion Manny Silva, Scott Hall, and Kevin Nash, make their way to the ring. They are accompanied
by Kimberly Page wearing a pair of tight black latex pants, and a white tank top with the very bent words
"You Wish" scrawled across it.
Inside the ring Riggs wastes no time addressing fellow 'Pack members Hall, Nash, and Kimberly. He says they were going
to tell everyone where they were last week and put any possibility of a Wolfpack split to bed.
Nash takes the mic from Riggs with a smirk on his face. He says that he and Hall were out on a recruitment drive for
new members. Now don't get me wrong fellows, he continues, we are the 4 greatest wrestlers in the game today, bar none. But
since Raymond Bingham has now made himself unavailable for a while it was starting to get a little stale around here.
Manny Silva asks for the mic at this point. He tells Nash that they do not need any new members. An Army is only as strong
as its weakest link, so why bring in a weakest link?
Nash takes the mic back gingerly from Silva. Nash says that rest assured he agrees with Silva, and that's why there will
be no new members to the Wolfpack.
Riggs and Silva looked confused. Hall begins to laugh. Nash resumes by pointing to the ramp, and says that with 4 guys
and only 1 lady there were already enough members in this ring, and it's time to even out the odds.
<<< cue "Wolfpack Theme" >>>
From the back in various states of scantily clad undress comes April Hunter, Kim Kanner, and Tylene Buck
to the ring. The fans actually cheer the skin show as they parade around the ring drawing grins from even the normally dour
Adam Riggs.
As things settle back down Riggs is handed the mic by Nash. "the Phenom" just nods and says "you done good boys". Then
he asks one more time, "so, just to be sure, you are not negotiating with Shawn Michaels?"
<<< cue "Sexy Boy" >>>
The crowd errupts once more as the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels comes to the top of the ramp, accompanied
by Vendetta. Michaels has a mic. He tells Riggs to get it through his thick skull. The Kliq will always be
the Kliq, but business is business, and Wolfpack is bad for Mid-American wrestling business. He tells Riggs he was not meeting
with Hall & Nash, nor Kimberly Page, nor any wrestler. He was with his doctor. And he adds, he has a clean bill of health
and is ready and willing to put his loyalties to the test tonight. He challenges Riggs & Nash to a tag match in the main
event tonight against himself and Vendetta.
Riggs looks at Nash who nods his agreement, so Riggs says they are on. Oh, one more thing, he tells HBK. Does he mind
if they bring their new talent enhancements to the ring tonight? It won't distract you at all from what I understand from
Hall & Nash, as no one could mistake these curvy, vivacious vixens for choir boys.
Michaels just gives Riggs a fake laugh and says that he is going to teach him tonight why he is a National Wrestling
Alliance and World Wrestling Alliance legend and Hall of Famer.

new Wolfpack girl, Kim Kanner |

Boot Camp Match
Al Collins v "Gung Ho" Joe Blum
This is the blow off match after last show when Blum turned on Collins and helped out Global Warning instead. These two
had been partners on and off for over two years through Mid-America and Great Plains. In theory a boot camp match would give
Blum an advantage since he is "military".
From the very start of this match it was "comb-over" Al Collins taking the offensive and Blum in full retreat, getting
in a few shots whenever he could. The ring could not contain the two who fought into the audience. Blum used his belt and
his jumper boots, while Collins had his fists taped. Referee Jimmy Appleseed was only there to count the 10-counts, nothing
Collins held Blum in a full nelson as the turncoat tried to submit but there are no submissions in this Boot Camp Match.
Collins ripped the boot off of the foot of Joe Blum and then used it to open up "gung-Ho's" forehead. Collins made the mistake
of taking a running leap at Blum who fell back causing Collins to wreck himself on a hastily emptied row of seats. Blum went
to work with his belt, trying to choke out Collins and then using it in a hangman. He finally let Collins drop, and almost
got the 10-count from Appleseed.
The two continued to brawl and made their way to ringside. Blum slammed Collins to the ground outside the ring, and then
slid into the ring and climbed the top turnbuckle. He went for a huge elbowdrop but Collins rolled out of the way and Blum
demolished his elbow on the floor. Next Collins pulled out a table and set it up on an angle against the ring, and proceded
to hip toss Blum hard through the wood. Collins set up a 2nd table over the remnants of the first table, and then used a piledriver
to send Blum through the table. Collins backed away and Appleseed counted Blum out.
[Al Collins defeated Joe Blum in a Boot Camp match at 8:02]
Collins brought a towel over to the bloodied and prone Blum. He wrapped it around his head, helped Blum sit up, and tied
it off to stem the flow of blood. Collins helped Blum to his feet, leaning against the ringapron. Collins was passed a microphone.
He reminded Blum that for two years they were partners, and more importantly friends. They were up and down the highways of
Middle America and kept each other laughing through the icy winter drives. Collins pauses to brush his hair over, and then
he says that despite what happened here at the end he will always consider Joe Blum to be a fine American, and a fine friend.
He thanks Blum for his friendship and offers a handshake which is accepted. Collins hands Blum the mic. Blum says that since
the mid-90's he has been wrestling in the bingo halls and rec centers of America's heartland. But as some already know, this
will be his last show, as he is moving on. He thanks the fans and promoters for all their support these last 6 years or so,
and thanks Collins for his friendship. The fans give Blum a nice little ovation as he and Collins leave together.

Main Event
Vendetta & Shawn Michaels
Kevin Nash & Adam Riggs (/w Tylene Buck & April Hunter)
Vendetta starts the match against Kevin Nash and gains the early advantage. He shows off his strength with a powerslam
of the huge man and gets a 2 count. HBK comes in and works over the small of Nash's back, but when he tries to lock on a sharpshooter,
Nash just kicks him off. Big Sexy goes to make a tag and Michaels tries to stop him. Nash though was expecting this, and played
a bit of possum, turning around and surprising Michaels with an elbowsmash. He then goes with a double thrust to the throat,
and then locks on a chokehold and walks Michaels to the corner. Riggs tags in off of Nash's back and while Nash is still choking
him, and Buddy Lane is trying to keep Vendetta out of the ring, April Hunter grabs a hold of Michaels feet and Riggs lays
a shoulder right into the groin of Michaels. It's all Riggs and Nash now as they continue to work over Michaels focusing on
his ailing back. Finally Michaels manages to get between Riggs' legs and pull them out from under him, and then flip his way
over to the corner for the hot tag to Vendetta.
The Haitian clears the ring of a charging Nash and then goes to work on Riggs with a series of kicks, punches, clotheslines,
and a pair of elbowdrops. He goes for the pin but Adam Riggs kicks out with authority at 1. Vendetta tags in Michaels and
the HBK goes to work trying to soften up the big man. Riggs though takes everything Michaels dishes out, and then manages
to hold onto the ropes to avoid walking into some sweet chin music. Riggs kicks Michaels blatantly in the groin, drowing the
ire of Buddy Lane but not a disqualification. Riggs chokes Michaels, sends him to the buckle and then launches him high up
with a backdrop. Michaels gets up favoring his back. Riggs charges him, but Michaels ducks under and backflips Riggs straight
over the top rope.
Dan Severn comes down to ringside and stands beside the ring in a neutral corner. Tylene Buck tries
to "play nice" with him but he sends her away. His eyes are on Shawn Michaels his "legends" opponent for the Iron Man match
at Summer in the City. For his part Michaels is distracted too by Severn's arrival and he doesn't follow up quickly on Riggs.
Riggs tries to climb back in the ring and when Michaels tries to stop him Riggs hotshots Michael's throat over the top
rope. Nash then enters the ring from behind Michaels, and waits for him to turn around. He tries for a big boot to HBK, but
his foot is stopped by Vendetta who has hurried into the ring. All four men are now in the ring brawling. Riggs grabs a chair
and is ready to whack Michaels over the head but as he swings back, Severn stands up on the apron and grabs the chair away
from Riggs. Severn leaps down off the apron holding the chair and wags his finger "no" at Riggs. When the big man turns around
he is introduced to the bottom of HBK's boot. Vendetta holds back Nash, and Buddy Lane lays down the count.
[Vendetta & Shawn Michaels defeat Kevin Nash & Adam Riggs by pinfall at 13:24 when Michaels pinned
Riggs after the Sweet Chin Music]
Severn enters the ring still clutching the chair as Nash and Riggs exit the ring and take solace in the arms of Buck
& Hunter. They threaten Severn who just laughs at them and then shakes hands with Michaels and Vendetta.
<<< cue "Flight of the Valkyrie" by Wagner >>>
Den Graves comes down to the ring and right behind him is Alex Wright! Yes both these
men are of German ancestry, but we hadn't seen them together tonight. They circle the ring from opposite directions, and now
the Wolfpack seem interested in entering the ring again too. Suddenly inside the ring Dan Severn ~waffles~ HBK over the back
of the head with a chair. He receives a receipt from Vendetta but before he can do any more damage to Severn he is set upon
by the Germans. Severn exits the ring still clutching the chair. He has a bit of a stare down with the Wolfpack, but they
allow him to go because he does still indeed have that chair. By now, the other 2 wolfpack wrestlers Scott Hall and
Manny Silva have also made their way down to ringside. Back inside, it's 2 on 1 as Heritage champion Den Graves and
Alex Wright get a very game Vendetta pinned into the corner and go to work on him. At this point Adam Riggs enters the ring
long enough to throw Michaels out of the ring, right into the waiting arms of the Wolfpack. The other 3 men circle HBK and
begin to lay the boots into him. You can't even see Michaels as the 3 big men stomp a mudhole through him. Inside the ring
Den Graves and Alex Wright take turns punishing Vendetta with a German suplex. They then leave the ring to the jeers of the
The dressing room clears though with Ron Simmons (/w Baseball Bat) , Jon Stewart (/w
Singapore Cane), Haku, Kurrgan, Al Collins, and Joe Blum all arriving on the scene to try and resuce Michaels.
However, mixing it up is also the arrival of 6 orange coverall clad DOJ property, Mid-American security guards
directed by Adam Riggs. This delays the boys from reaching Michaels but using the baseball bat and the cane they rescue him
soon enough.
The camera zooms in on an unconcious and bloodied Shawn Michaels laying prone on the floor.
Color commentator Linley Tolbert suggests we can put to rest any rumors of Shawn Michaels reforming the Kliq.

