
Saturday, June 7th, 2003
Only on PPV
Sioux Falls Arena
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Attendence; 5,418

NWA Junior-Heavyweight World Championship Match
Jushin Liger (champion)
Lash LeRoux (GPW challenger)
LeRoux got off to a decent start in this match but was overmatched by one of the finest wrestlers in the world. Liger
worked as a subtle heel in the match, taking a few liberties on breaks, and at one point applying a choke sleeper. To his
credit LeRoux managed to get a break and survive a chinlock surfboard submission attempt, but then Lyger finished him off
with an off the top rope rana.
[Jushin Liger defeated Lash LeRoux by pinfall at 7:51 after an off the top rope rana]
[Jushin Liger retains the NWA World Junior-Weight Title]

Lap Dance Match
If Sable wins Asp will have to give a lap dance for Eddie Chavez, but if Asp wins Sable will have to
give him a lap dance.
Sable v Asp Evergreen
Referee Buddy Lane gets on the mic and warns everyone that anyone interfering in this match tonight will be FIRED from
GPW, as per Jack Larkin's instructions. This seems to upset Asp as he stares to the back, and then starts to kick at the bottom
rope in a temper tantrum. But he misses on one of the kicks, his foot bouncing off the top of the rope and he tumbles to the
Sable is right on him pulling him to his feet by his ear. She scoops him up and bodyslams him to the mat. She then delivers
a stomp to the "lower" abdomen, but not quite a low blow. Asp though gets to his feet and complains to the referee about the
low blow. When Buddy Lane waves it off, Asp holds his hands in front of his crotch about 12 inches apart and again complains
that it is a low blow. This gets a good laugh from the crowd, Sable, and the referee.
Sable though makes the mistake of turning to the crowd and encouraging them to clap, which allows Asp to take her down
from behind with a vicious hair pull. Lane warns Asp, but he goes right to work on Sable with 3 kicks to the back as she sits
up. He follows up with a jumping neck snap, and gets the 1, 2, kickout at the last possible moment. That was close.
Asp pulls Sable to her feet and whips her into the corner, and follows right in with an elbowsmash to the head. He measures
Sable in the corner with a series of elbows right to the bridge of the nose. She has no choice but to cover her face which
allows Asp to slam his shoulder into her midsection.
Asp laughs as Sable drops to her knees and rolls out of the ring. She's crawling around ringside when Asp launches himself
over the top rope but Sable moves out of the way of the splash, and Evergreen wrecks himself on the floor. The match continues
out of the ring with an exchange of slaps and whips into the guardrail.
Back inside the momentum changes hands a few times. Sable hurts Asp with a combination of a shoulder jawbreaker followed
by an old fashioned kick to the teeth. But when she hits the Sablerana Asp manages to kick out before the 3 count. Asp comes
back and punishes Sable with a face first body slam, seemingly intent tonight on breaking her nose. He then stretches out
her legs by standing on the back of her thigh and wrenching back. Asp seems like he will get the submission with a camel clutch
but then he gets distracted.
From the back emerges his friend Eddie Chavez, but Chavez is shrink wrapped to a chair and being carried
down to ringside by Jack Larkin & Ron Simmons. They place him at ringside while Asp breaks his
hold to yell at Larkin.
Sable literally crawls behind Asp and pulls his feet out from under him, causing him to bounce his throat off the top
cable. She then grabs a leglock but Asp gets a hold of the bottom rope to get the break.
They lock-up and Sable shoots on him grabbing his leg, twisting him to the ground and applying a surprising ankle lock
submission. Asp is screaming in pain as referee Buddy Lane gets close to ask him if he quits. Asp is waving his hands like
a madman but not submitting. One of his hands "accidently" flails away and catches referee Lane in the eye. As he tries to
shake it off Asp manages to crawl to the ropes, but with no referee to enforce the break Sable holds onto the ankle. Asp gets
extra leverage by climbing the ropes with his hands to the second rope and then twists Sable off of the hold. Sable attempts
to grab at Asp but he turns around after digging into his pants and nails her with a right cross that floors her. We see him
hide something back inside his pants. Asp covers Sable and Lane counts the 1, 2, 3.
[Asp Evergreen defeated Sable by pinfall at 11:06 after hitting her with a foreign object]
Asp slides out of the ring and goes to unwrap his friend Chavez. Larkin and Simmons are yelling at Asp and at referee
Buddy Lane. Asp flips Larkin off who then rabbit punches Asp knocking him down. Asp gets up and levels Larkin with a right
cross after digging back into his pants. Larkin drops like a stone, but Ron Simmons is all over Asp with a kick to the gut
followed by a spinebuster. The fans boo as the match breaks down with no lap dance in sight.

#1 Contender Match for the Heritage Title
"Leviathan" Dave Batista v Chrome
Pretty much what you would expect from these two. Lots of brawling accented by the occasional powermove. After 5 minutes
of heavy action Chrome is in trouble breathing out his mouth, hands on his knees. Batista is in much better conditioning and
continues to pour it on. He uses a sidewalk slam to take the wind out of Chrome's sails, and then follows up with a massive
powerbomb. Incredibly Chrome kicks out of the ensuing pin attempt!
Batista goes to work with punches but Chrome fights back with kicks. But when he goes for a punch Batista blocks it,
and then applies a hammerlock on Chrome. Immediately the Leviathan lifts Chrome up in the air while still in the hammerlock
and slams him to the mat. Referee Jimmy Appleseed drops down to check on Chrome and starts to frantically wave for the bell.
Appleseed covers Chrome the best as he can to protect the arm so Batista can only stomp on his opponent's legs. Batista gives
it up in short order, posing for the fans who jeer him on his way out of the ring.
[Dave Batista defeated Chrome by referee stoppage at 7:26 after Batista broke Chrome's arm]
Chrome's arm is immobilzed by the EMT unit and he walks away on his own feet supported by a pair of GPW officials. Chrome
gets an appreciative ovation from the crowd.

NWA World Television Championship Match
Vic Grimes (Champion)
Den Graves (GPW Heritage Champion)
This is a re-match from the last time the NWA World champs rolled into GPW back at Cyberwar where Grimes won by DQ from
outside interference.
Tonight Grimes attacks Graves before the match can even start. The NWA champ tries to set the tone of an aggressive brawling
match, but Graves has learned his lesson and tries to slow it down with mat wrestling. Off his feet Grimes' weight advantage
no longer applies.
The cat and mouse games continue for most of the match until the two begin to brawl outside the ring. It gets vicious
when Graves slams Grimes' head into the ringbell busting the champ wide open.
Grimes though fights back assisted by a steel chair. Back inside the ring Grimes puts Graves on a table and then splashes
off the top rope, driving Graves through the table.
Grimes goes for the pin but referee Melissa Coates calls for the bell.
[Den Graves defeated Vic Grimes by disqualification at 10:36 when Grimes used a foreign object, a table]
[Vic Grimes retains the NWA World Television Championship]

Grudge Match
Sam Holiday v Raymond Bingham
The matches are starting to pile up for these two, and Bingham is soon going to take his place beside Stan Baker in the
history of Holiday's greatest feuds. These two met in a respect match at "Lock & Load", faced off as part of a 4-way dance
at the next PPV "Heroes", and collided once more at Rage on May 21st when Bingham punked out Holiday after the Texan's big
main event victory. Tonight it is all on the line for these two as Holiday does not want to take that step down and Bingham
is doing his best to claw his way to the top.
Before the match could start Bingham asked for a mic. Before Deane Moore could pass it to him Holiday snatched it from
his hand and said, "yeah, yeah, we know you were the 2001 PWI Rookie of the Year, so blah, blah, blah". Fists flew in the
middle of the ring as the two exchanged punches as long time inept official Jurgen Hermann called for the bell.
Holiday won the fisticuffs easy but Bingham grabbed him by the tights and then drove a knee into the veteran's groin.
Holiday bent over and this allowed Bingham to nail him with a high knee lift. The young buck then began to lay the boots into
Holiday. Bingham brought him up, sent him to the ropes, let him pass, then ran behind him and caught him with an elbow right
to the lower back. Bingham began to work over the lower back with stomps, a pair of backbreakers, and a bearhug.
Holiday though managed to fight out of the bearhug and peppered Bingham with punches. He then delivered a pair of running
clotheslines, a fistdrop, and then surprised everyone including Bingham with a heartpunch. He went for the pin but only got
a 2 count.
This match continued for several more minutes going back and forth, both men being very vicious in trying to win. Bingham
continued to work over the back of Holiday while the big Texan from Odessa seemed content to headhunt Bingham.
Raymond Bingham almost ends the match with a flurry when he breaks out of a reverse chinlock and takes Holiday down with
a forward rolling legscissor takedown, followed up by cinching in a reverse crucifix kneebar. Holiday though manages to rock
enough to roll Bingham to the side and grab the ropes for a break.
Holiday catches Bingham with a back elbow and then takes him down with a bulldog. Picking him up by the waist Holiday
hurls the youth backwards with a catapult into the turnbuckle. Dragging him to the middle of the ring he nails a piledriver.
He goes for the pin but Bingham kicks out after a 2 count. Holiday goes for another piledriver but Bingham tries to counter
with a backflip. But the Texan is big enough and has enough gas left in the tank he maanges to rock himself back into position
and nail the 2nd piledriver. This time he gets the 3 count.
[Sam Holiday defeated Raymond Bingham by pinfall at 14:15 after a piledriver]

"Kutlu Warrior" Jon Stewart v The Patriot
Patriot comes out wearing his dark mask still embedded with blood stains from Rage. He is accomanied to the ring by his
manager and leader of Global Warning, Korean Sammy Yip. Referee Buddy Lane has to struggle with Stewart before the match to convince
him to give up his Singapore Cane and enter the ring. As he was climbing through, and Lane wasn't looking, Yip jabbed the
end of his flag pole into the back of Stewart's thigh. The Patriot went right to work on the leg of Stewart trying to wear
him down. The scrappy son of Roddy Piper though would not quit, throwing punches and kicks from his back when necessary. At
one point he pulled Patriot down and gave him a bearhug from his back, but had to break it because his shoulders were on the
mat. Stewart got stronger as the match went on and soon it became obvious that he was not going to be stopped tonight by the
Patriot. Yip tried to interfere by standing on the apron but was punched out by Stewart. Patriot used the delay to slide out
of the ring and he and Yip made their way up the ramp to the back. They would have been counted out but Stewart gave chase.
He caught up to the pair on the ramp and started to lay the boots to them. However, he was attacked by Tiger Khan
and Gregor Kitnitsov as they streamed from the backstage area.
[No-contest at 12:29]
Al Collins, Kurrgan, and Haku all came from the back to make the save for the Kutlu Warrior.

<<< cue "I'll Sleep When I'm Dead" Warren Zevon >>>
President Jack Larkin comes to the ring, accompanied by his bodyguard Ron Simmons.
Larkin grabs a mic and thanks the crowd for being the hottest sounding crowd GPW has had in a very long time. He tells
them Sioux Falls will be a regular stop on the GPW tour from here on in.
One other thing that is going to change in GPW will impact the entire company's fanbase. Wednesday Rage is no
more. Due to changes in TV contracts GPW's weekly Rage show will now move to Saturday nights. This will also mean that on
PPV nights Rage will not air so that the company is not competing against itself. The good thing to come out of this
move though is that the later time slot will allow a more "tenacious" product. Larkin says he hopes all the fans will stick
with us when Saturday Rage hits the airwaves on June 28th. Our next PPV will be "Summer in the City" on
August 2nd.
However, he continues, one sure way to kill a town is to not deliver on stipulations from matches. Therefore, the promised
lap dance will happen tonight. Larkin says that it is obvious after reviewing film, not to mention seeing them up close and
personal (he points to his own forehead) that Asp Evergreen used brass knux to win his match. Therefore he is reversing the
earlier decision by Buddy Lane and awarding the match to Sable by DQ.
The fans cheer the news.
So Larkin says, while this next tag team match is going on we will round up Asp and his little friend Eddie Chavez and
we will have ourselves some lap dancing, Asp on Eddie!
This annoucement draws a mixed review from the crowd.
Buddy Lane comes running down from the back, waving his arms "no" as he slides into the ring. He takes
the mic from Larkin.
Lane says that with all due respect to the President, he is the head of officials, and GPW has a belief that referee's
decisions will stand. He tells Larkin that until he makes himself the head of officials then he has no right to overturn the
decision. The original decision stands, and if Larkin doesn't like it then just ask for his resignation, and you Larkin can
take over law and order in the ring.
Larkin seems to consider it for a minute before replying. He's not happy at all for what he sees as Lane's lack of loyalty
to the President. However, technically he is right, and GPW does all it can to appear as a fair place to wrestle and work.
Therefore, the original decision will stand.
Larkin says that right after this match Asp Evergreen will get his lap dance in the middle of the ring by Sable.
The fans enthusiastically cheer the annoucement.

NWA World Tag Team Championship Match
Los Villanos IV & V (champions)
Gabriel Argos & Union Jack (GPW Tag Team Champions)
Hard fought match with neither team giving much ground. Eventually it broke down all four men were counted out while
brawling outside the ring.
[Double countout at 10:58]
[Los Villanos retain the NWA World Tag Team Titles]

Lap Dance Segment;
Asp Evergreen sets himself up in the middle of the ring, sitting on a steel folding chair. He is wearing
a "MILF" t-shirt and a pair of blue silk boxer shorts. Sable comes out in a robe, and once she takes that
off it reveals black stockings with a naughty back seam, black lace garter belt, and matching black lace thong. Her top is
black silk and barely comes up high enough to cover her nipples. "The Stripper" song plays as she disrobes and then
begins to do a credible job of gyrating and teasing young Asp despite her obvious displeasure with the situation. She then
straddles him and is playing with his hair, his hands grope her back struggling with the clasp on the bra...
From the back comes a 5'6 250 lb. older women. She enters the ring as Sable dismounts from Asp with
a smirk on her face. The big lady smacks Asp lightly across the face and then he is pulled for the second time tonight to
his feet by the ear. She begins to drag him away, shouting at him the whole time. Sable has a mic and as she waves goodbye
to Asp she says "it's a good thing for you Asp that your Mom accepted my invitation to come to the show tonight".

GPW Heavyweight Championship Match
Manny Silva (champion)
Silva comes to the ring to Wolfpack music and with Kimberly Page on his arm. The fans start to chant
"poodle, poodle" at Silva who becomes enraged as he tries to pat down his afro into place.
They lock up like a pair of hockey goons as each tries to tie up the other's prominent arm and unleash a haymaker with
the other. They tussle into the corner where Silva gets off first with a knee to the gut of Vendetta.
He tries for a follow up punch, but Vendetta blocks it and throws the champ into the corner, boots him in the gut, and
then delivers a nasty looking forearm uppercut. Vendetta gets control of the match early and wears down Silva with a reverse
chinlock, an armlock, a couple big running clotheslines, and a DDT. But Silva is too tough to be finished by such routine
When Vendetta opens up a bit more with a flying elbowsmash from the top rope he is met by a raised foot of the champion.
Silva goes on attack now with a series of elbowsmashes to the ribs, followed by a sidebreaker. Several vicious kicks later
and Vendetta is openly gasping for air, his ribs may be cracked.
Silva sends Vendetta to the ropes, but the Haitian ducks under a clothesline, and with one arm tucked to the side Vendetta
launches himself at Silva with a flying bodypress, only to have Silva roll through the move and get a 2 count.
The champ goes back on the attack with kicks and punches, followed by a camel clutch, and when Vendetta breaks that,
a sleeperhold.
Vendetta makes his way to the turnbuckle, kicks backward and drives Silva into the mat. He bridges and referee Buddy
Lane counts the champion out at 1, 2, but Kimberly reaches in and pulls the leg of Vendetta causing him to lose his bridge,
and Silva kicks out at the nick of time.
Buddy Lane though gets up and apparently he saw the whole thing and he orders Kimberly to the back! Silva and Kimberly
waste time arguing and when Silva turns around he walks right into a boot to the gut, and a DDT. Vendetta is slow to cover
which is the only thing that saves Silva from a certain 3 count.
The fans are on their feet now anticipating a title change.
Vendetta whips Silva to the buckle, he bounces off hard and then Vendetta takes him down with a back body drop. Fistdrop
by Vendetta and a cover, gets only 2. Picking up the champion Vendetta tries to whip him to the ropes, but Silva manages
to reverse it. Referee Buddy Lane doesn't get out of the way in time and is run over by Vendetta.
Silva is on his knees, but is still recuperating. Vendetta is knocked out cold, as is Buddy Lane. Silva slowly gets to
his feet, and then pulls Vendetta up by the dreadlocks. But the Haitian springs out with a punch, and then a kick. He takes
Silva down with a dropkick to the leg and then applies his Haitian deathlock finisher while he waits for Buddy Lane to wake
up. Silva is tapping out like crazy.
From the back the Wolfpack tries to come down to ringside but are intercepted by GPW officials and wrestlers Sam Holiday
and Ron Simmons. The fans are really going nuts now anticipating the title change.
But from the crowd comes a man dressed in sweatpants, no shirt, and a plain yellow mask. He enters the
ring with a chair and waffles Vendetta from behind. He then nails him twice over the head for good measure, busting him wide
open. Silva revives referee Buddy Lane, and with soda cups hitting the ring, Lane counts a groggy 1, 2, 3.
[Manny Silva defeated Vendetta by pinfall at 17:57 after outside interference]
[Manny Silva retains the GPW Heavyweight Championship]

NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match
Konnan (champion)
Adam Riggs (GPW challenger)
Konnan starts strong pouring on the offense including several rolling elbowsmashes and a figure-four leglock. Riggs though
seems to be biding his time and turns the match around with a kick to the groin. He's all over the champ now with kicks, a
bodyslam, and a powerbomb which only yields a 2 count.
Riggs throws Konnan outside the ring, and the big man brings the house to their feet when he follows him with a devastating
plancha. Riggs rolls Konnan back inside the ring, and following a chokelsam gets a 2 count on a very lazy looking pin ttempt.
Riggs tries to come off the top rope with a clothesline but Konnan blocks the move and goes to the mat with Riggs, applying
an armbar. The GPW challenger slowly fights his way to the ropes for the break, but is favoring his dominant right arm quite
noticably now. Konnan tests Riggs by standing toe to toe with the bigger man in the middle of the ring, and the NWA champ
comes out ahead because Riggs won't use the right hand. However, Riggs catches the champ napping with a kick to the gut.
It's all Riggs now with a series of elbowsmashes, followed by kicks to the gut. He signals to the crowd for the chokeslam
to finish the champ in the middle of the ring, but when he goes for it, Konnan chops at the already injured arm causing Riggs
to break his hold on Konnan's neck. The champ quickly grabs the arm, takes Riggs down in the middle of the ring, and the big
man has to tap out to prevent permanent damage to his arm.
[Konnan defeats Adam Riggs by submission at 15:08 with the Wakigatame armbar]
[Konnan retains the NWA Heavyweight Title]
The fans boo Konnan as he rolls out of the ring, grabs his belt and flips the audience off as he leaves the ring area.
Back inside Adam Riggs is angry at himself for letting this opportunity slip through his fingers. Wolfpack members, Manny
Silva, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and Kimberly Page come down to the ring to try and console him. But when he is offered
a hand up by GPW champ Silva, he swats it away, a move that does not sit well with Silva. Hall and Nash have to seperate the
two, and take them out of the ring one at a time, as we

