The show kicks off with a small tribute to recently lost two Queens of the ring, Sherri Martel & Nancy Benoit (Woman).

Opening Bout:
Brock Lesnar defeated Dan Severn by submission to the Brock-lock at 12:08
-classic style match between two ground wrestlers. It was rough and tough, but didn't seem to carry the same level of
animosity as has Severn and Riggs when they have hooked up. At times the crowd grew restless because of the restholds and
ground action, but just as the boo birds would come out the two men would turn the match up a notch into a slobberknocker.
The match degenerated and a busted open Lesnar tried to piledrive Severn on the announce table but was then backdropped off.
Severn seized the advantage inside the ring with a couple of German suplexes but when he tried for an ankle lock Lesnar was
able to counter with a cradle. While he didn't get the pin he was able to gain the advantage with a subsequent knee to the
gut. He nailed a release German, a bulldog, a high knee lift, and then locked on his finisher. Severn got to the ropes for
a break after about 30 seconds in the hold, only to have it put back on seconds later and this time he was forced to tap out.
As Lesnar celebrated his victory, Severn recoverd and tapped Lesnar on the back. Brock turned around in a guarded position,
but Severn with hands on hips looked dejected and then offered a handshake. Brock looked at him like he was crazy, and left
the ring.
Rena Mero says she doesn't understand why Lesnar is associating with a psycho like Riggs, and that he
can't be trusted. She says she will keep trying to talk some sense into him, that she still believes in him, and isn't giving
up yet.
Bout #2
Rain defeated Rena Mero by pinfall after a Reverse Implant Neckbreaker at 4:14
-both women worked as fan favorites, but Mero quickly drew jeers from the crowd as she gave Rain the "who are you" attitude,
that included a slap on a break, and a request for her to keep her hands to herself. This just seemed to motivate Rain more
who turned up the heat and quickly won the match with her finisher.
Bryan Caruthers comes out to the ring to a chorus of jeers. He explains his actions turning on Jerry
Orth by saying he loves Orth like a brother, and it was time for some tough love. He says his former partner has grown soft,
pandering to the fans, he's like the fragile Pope on a last one actually believes he is still capable of anything
<<< cue "Until It Sleeps" by Metallica >>>
The fans cheer as Jerry Orth comes to the ring. He tells Caruthers he's full of crap. You want to send
a message you pick up the phone, or use a fax, or Western Union, or Pony Express, or e-mail, or v-mail, or text me, or IM
me....or now that I am 6 inches from your face...tell me face to face.
After waiting for the crowd's cheers to calm down, Caruthers looks at Orth and says your softer then a marshmallow.
Orth fumes, and says, then get in the ring with me tonight old man...and we'll see who is soft. It takes a bit more baiting
though as Caruthers says he is retired...but once he agrees, Orth ups the anti and says it's going to be a strap match..unless
the old man is too chicken? Caruthers reluctantly agrees to the match.
<<< cue " A View To A Kill" by Duran Duran >>>
"All 80's" Mike Maverick makes his way to the ring, getting a better response from the crowd each and every week.
Bout #3
Mike Maverick defeated Dustin Rhodes by pinfall after a piledriver at 8:19
-Maverick hit the ring fists a flying, and the two men clashed before the bell even rang. Maverick smashed Rhode's head
off of each of the four top buckles, and then went to work in the 4th corner hitting him 10 times while the fans counted.
He then went to workk on the legs of Rhodes, doing a standing legspreader before dropping elbows to the thighs and abdomen.
Rhodes fought back with a chop to the throat, an atomic drop, clothesline, and then a slingshot suplex for a 2 count. He then
nailed a hotshot before taking the match outside. He beat Maverick from pillar to post but couldn't put him away. He tried
his trick from last week putting his feet over the bottom rope but this time the ref James Beard caught him.
This started a Maverick comeback after a crisscross sequence. Maverick hit a flying eblowdrop from the 2nd buckle, and
then the simple piledriver in the middle of the ring to pick up the pin.
Bout #4
Sylvester Terkay defeated Eddie Chavez by pinfall after a reverse chokeslam facebuster at 7:22
-Chavez didn't manage too much offense against APW's newest monster performer. Terkay continues his dominance.
Terkay apparently did not have enough, and locked on a triangle choke on Chavez after the match.
Javier Reyes came to his rescue hitting Terkay over the back with a chair to get the man to release the hold.
[end of first hour]

Bout #5
APW Women's Title Bout
April Hunter defeated Dana Hamm by pinfall after a frankensteiner at 5:26
[April Hunter retains the APW Women's Title]
-squash match
Bout #6
APW Tag Team Title Bout
Sean O'Haire & Mark Jindrak defeated Billy Kidman & Petey Williams by pinfall when O'Haire pinned Kidman
after a Seanton bomb at 9:40
[Natural Born Thrillers retain the APW Tag Titles]
The Natural Born Thrillers proclaim that they are getting bored with the lack of tag team challengers
in APW. When asked how they would feel facing the winner of the Bayley/Holiday versus McGuinness/Windsor tussle, they say
bring it on.
Bout #7
Strap Match
Jerry Orth defeated Bryan Caruthers by touching all 4 turnbuckles at 15:45
-well this match was almost 15 years in the making and the two APW Hall of Famers, the Spinebusters finally clashed one
on one in a heated battle. Neither man showed any remorse or held back.
Orth repeatedly kicked the back of Caruther's knees to drop him down and then whipped him across the back, leaving nasty
lash marks. Caruthers seemed to prefer to use the leather strap connecting both men to choke out his former tag partner, even
using it to try and tie Orth to the ringpost.
As the battle raged outside the ring, Orth dragged the leather strap through some spilled water from the announcers table,
and then whipped Caruthers on the chest, sending sprays of water into the air.
Caruthers tried to finish Orth with the Spinebuster but Orth gouged his former friend's eyes and then put him into a
sleeperhold. Caruthers managed to escape by driving Orth into the far corner, but Orth exploded out of the corner by nailing
Caruthers with a flying bulldog from the top buckle. He then sent Caruthers off the ropes and nailed him with a spinebuster,
and then added a second spinebuster before dragging Caruthers around the ring as he touched, 1, 2, 3, 4, buckles for the win.
[end of second hour]

Bout #8
Robert Bayley & Sam Holiday defeated Nigel McGuiness & Adam Windsor by pinfall when Holiday pinned Windsor
after a Holiday Leg Drop at 11:41
-McGuiness and Windsor worked pretty good as a team, but the individual skill level of Bayley and Holiday, despite their
age, overcame, and exposed Windsor as the weak link.
Bayley and Holiday are asked if they would consider a tag team run, a title shot against the Natural
Born Thrillers. Holiday says he's game for it, with so many injuries the past couple of years he would be interested in trying
his luck in tag teams. Bayley says he would consider it, but for the moment he still has his sights firmly on the Heavyweight
title, which will be contested later tongiht between Kurt Angle and Adam Riggs.
Bout #9
APW Television Title Match
Ladder Match
Trent Arion defeated Roberge Stockburger in a ladder match at 8:43
[Trent Arion retained the APW TV title]
-not your typical ladder match as Stockburger kept much of the match on the ground, and Arion took it outside on several
occassions to brawl. The ladder was used a couple times by Stockburger to smash Arion, and the champ Arion used it on the
challenger with a baseball slide, as well as a slingshot off the ropes. Arion also used it to smash Stockburgers fingers between
the sides. It worked as Stockburger had a chance to get the belt but couldn't seem to get his fingers to work, wincing in
pain, and Arion then knocked over the ladder, bouncing Stockburger off the ropes. Arion then climbed the ladder and retrieved
his title belt.
Main Event
APW Heavyweight Title Match
Adam Riggs (champion) v Kurt Angle
Angle grabs an armbar and rides Riggs to the ropes, deftly ducks under a back elbow, and hiptosses Riggs to the mat.
The advantage doesn't last long at all though and Riggs catches Angle with a punch to the abs, a forearm uppercut, and then
a chokehold. Riggs pours on the punishment with a high level of intensity, pounding away inside and outside of the ring. Riggs
hotshots Angle off the guardrail, smashes him shoulder first into the ringpost, nails a tombstone piledriver, and a jacknife
powerbomb. In fact other then the first minute, the next 8 minutes of this match are pretty much all Riggs who targets the
shoulder and neck of Angle, before turning his attention to the lowerback.
He applies a bearhug, slams Angle against the ring apron, and bodyslams him on the announce table. Still Angle will not
be pinned, and will not submit.
Riggs nails another jacknife powerbomb, makes the pin but again Angle kicks out at 2. Climbing to the top he sets up
for the Phenomenal performance but Angle stirs, so Riggs decides better of it, and jumps down. He clotheslines Angle from
behind, delivers a tiltawhirl backbreaker, and then tosses Angle over the top rope.
He takes a big risk coming off the far ropes and in one of the most impressive big man moves in the game, he flies over
the top rope with a plancha...but Angle moves out of the way and Riggs wrecks himself on the floor.
It takes Angle a bit to recover before he can take advantage inside the ring. He locks on the anklelock but Riggs manages
to make it to the ropes. He tries again but Riggs kicks him off, so Anlge nails a belly to back suplex. He then hits Riggs
with the Olympic slam, makes the pin and gets 1, 2, KICKOUT!!
Angle puts the ankle lock on again but this time after about 15 seconds in the hold Riggs is able to twist Angle off
the hold. The challenger though scoops up Riggs as if for a fireman's carry, but the champ reaches down and hammers his fists
into the lower back of Angle, which must still hurt from the damage earlier in the match. Angle's legs buckle and give out
and the two go crashing to the mat. Replays show that Riggs' knee collides with Angle's head knocking him out. Riggs' leg
is on top of Angle who's shoulders are on the mat, so referee James Beard counts the 1, 2, 3!!
Adam Riggs defeated Kurt Angle by pinfall after countering a fireman's carry at 14:20
[Adam Riggs retains the APW Heavyweight Title]
When neither man is able to get up Beard calls for help. Riggs can't get to his feet, his knee seems to be injured but
he waves off the help of the medical staff. He calls for Trent Arion and April Hunter who come down to help him to the back.
He is putting no weight on his right knee.
In the meantime Kurt Angle has opened his eyes but the medical staff is telling him not to move, and have immobilized
his kneck and are moving him onto a spinal board.
The announcers are obviously passing on their concerns to the fans but also assure the fans that this is probably just
a precaution, as we...