Historic night for APW as it returns to its origins, to its birthplace, Winnipeg Canada.
Opening Bout:
Eddie Chavez defeated Zack Green by pinfall after a full-nelson forward Russian legsweep at 5:04
-squash match
Eddie Chavez seems a bit lost without his long time tag partner Asp Evergreen. He admits to being a
bit disapointed that they don't have a shot to go after their tag titles, but he wishes his friend and his new wife the best
in their life together. Eddie expresses a desire to pursue his singles career now and see where that takes him.
Bout #2
Sean Waltman defeated Javier Reyes by pinfall after an X-factor at 7:12
-Reyes had his moments in this match and seemed to be gaining momentum but Waltman took all that away with a shot to
the hed of Reyes with the ringbell which was not seen by the referee.
Pamela Paulshock is already in the ring with mic in hand.
<<< cue "One More Time" by Streetheart >>>
The newest addition to the APW roster Mike Maverick makes his way down to the ring piped in by a local
classic from the 80's, Streetheart. A fact which is not lost on many in attendence.
Paulshock] Welcome to APW Mike, how does it feel to make it to the big time?
Maverick] It feels great Pamela, very cool, very rad. You know as we head towards the end of the century...
Paulshock] What?
Maverick] As we head to the end of the 80's we see a deterioration of American, and Canadian values. We have a Republican
government which is led by a man who says all the right things about family values, and the war on drugs, but quite frankly
he's not all there. The quest for social equality has been sidetracked by urban redevelopment, and our ballooing debt threatens
to put us firmly under the spell of the Asian tigers. But you know what Pamela?
Paulshock] What?
Maverick] The people don't care about that, and I don't care about that...because its Saturday night, this is a wrestling
program, and that's what they came to see wrestling. And that's what I can deliver with the best of them..Ricky Steamboat,
Tito Santana, Don Muraco, and now Mike Maverick.
<<< cue "Diamonds and Rust" >>>
The fans boo as Dustin Rhodes makes his way to the ring.
Dustin holds out his hand to shake with Maverick who holds up his own hand for a high-five. Mav goes for the high five
but Dustin moves his hand away to scratch his head.
Dustin] Newsflash psycho...
Pamela] What?
Dustin] The 80's are over...grunge is over...hell kay fabe is dead..
Pamela] Who?
Dustin] Hair metal is over, Duran Duran is over, grow up retard and get out of your momma's basement.
Maverick] Whoa...whoaa....I hear what your saying man, but chill out. We're just trying to have some fun here dream..look
Dustin] What? damn...
Pamela] What?
Dustin] Shut up bimbo...hey freak...I'm Dustin Rhodes...
Maverick] The American dream...the son of a plumber...
Dustin] No that would be my grandpappy...
Maverick] Take me to the pay winduh..if you wheeelllll
Dustin] One more time and I'm going to clock you...
Maverick] Take a pill man...listen...you are looking great...damn you lost a lot of weight. HEY...the splotch is gone,
did you get it removed?
Dustin punches Maverick in the head, then bulldogs him to the mat. He looks like he is going to do the same thing to
Pamela so she scurries from the ring. Dustin takes Maverick to the corner and then nails him with the shattered dreams.
<<< cue "Diamonds and Rust" >>>
as Dustin Rhodes leaves the ring
<<< cue "Untill it Sleeps" by Metallica >>>
The fans go nuts as Hall of Famers Bryan Caruthers and Jerry Orth make their way down to the ring, the
Spinebusters are reunited?
Bout #3
Handi-cap match
Sylevester Terkay defeated The Spinebusters when Terkay pinned Orth after a reverse chokeslam facebuster at 6:30
-The 'busters controlled early but once Terkay grabbed the advantage on Orth the attitude of Caruthers went downhill.
He ended up abandoning his partner after refusing to tag in. Seconds later Terkay had the victory.
Pamela Paulshock tries to get an interview with Jerry Orth but he refuses, pushing
his way past her, fuming and confused.
Sylvester Terkay though is ready for some mic time. He says he has proven himself over the past few
weeks that he is not a man to be trifled with. He says that his patience has worn thin. If the big dogs of APW don't come
to the plate soon then he will be going and eating off their dinner table.
Bout #4
APW Women's Title Match
April Hunter defeated Jazz by pinfall after a neckbreaker at 8:39
[April Hunter retained the APW Women's Title]
-This was the grudge match in the rivalry between these two strong women. It was down and dirty, but fair with no outside
interference. Hunter controlled early, Jazz controlled late. The end came when Jazz telegrpahed a backbody drop, which saw
Hunter roll across her back, and then nail a quick but devastating neckbreaker to pick up the win.
[end of first hour]
Bout #5
APW Television Title Match
Trent Arion defeated Roberge Stockburger by pinfall after a second rope crucifix slam at 7:45
[Trent Arion retained the APW TV title]
-the match began with both men's mentors Adam Riggs and Dan Severn at ringside, but by the two minute mark referee Buddy
Lane had enough of their shenanighans and sent both men to the back. Stockburger controlled early with a ground and pound
attack that kept the champion on the defensive. Arion took the match outside but even there Stockburger controlled. However,
Arion got things turned around with a vicious thumb to first one eye, then the other, temporarily blinding Stockburger. With
his hands up at his face he was easy prey for Arion to nail with a DDT. The champ then poured on the offense, until Stockburger
was able to slap a full nelson on the champ out of the blue. Adam Riggs returned to ringside which distracted Buddy Lane,
and allowed Arion to bringhis leg up and crotch Stockburger, forcing him to release the full nelson. Arion followed up with
a modified diamond cutter, then hit his finisher to pick up the win.
<<< cue "Won't Get Fooled Again" by the Who >>>
APW President Jack Larkin came to the ring to a decent amount of applause. Larkin said that the next
match would be the main event with Kurt Angle taking on Brock Lesnar. If Angle wins the match then he becomes the #1 contender
and will get a title shot against Adam Riggs.
But Larkin says he is sick of Riggs running around and doing whatever the hell he wants to do. So, for the duration of
the next match, Adam Riggs will be handcuffed to Robert Bayley at ringside to make sure he can't interfere.
The fans cheer this announcement.
Main Event
Adam Riggs handcuffed to Robert Bayley at ringside
Kurt Angle v Brock Lesnar
With more then half an hour left in the show this match looked to be another epic encounter between two fine grapplers.
The announcers played it up saying that these are exactly the kind of legitimate wrestlers that the founders and originators
of RCW, MAPW, GPW, and now APW had in mind as they built this company from the ground up with people like Jim Brunzell, Bob
Backlund, Dr. D David Schultz, and Sam Holiday.
Brock started strong and went right after the back of Kurt, using the singlet to draw him back into some forearms to
the kidney area. A standing surfboard and a couple backbrekers set up a submission attempt with the torture rack. Angle actually
rolled out of the ring to buy some time and stretch out his back. Lesnar followed, so Angle rolled back into the ring and
caught the big man with a knee as he climbed back throught the ropes. Angle took the match to a higher tempo then his normal
style, coming off the ropes with elbows, a spear, and a flying cross body block. He then nailed a German suplex, but a second
attempt was blocked by Brock who nailed him with a clothesline.
The two men continued to trade the advantage back and forth, and as Angle kept making comebacks Adam Riggs got more and
more agitated, and Bayley got into his face to sit back down.
Just as it looked like those two would get into a fist fight, from the crowd came Nigel McGuinness and Adam Windsor
who attacked both Adam Riggs and Robert Bayley who had the disadvantage of being handcuffed together. Instead of trying to
work together, Riggs turned his back to his attacker Windsor and punched Bayley in the back of the head. This action just
helped the British duo even more, and they beat down Riggs and Bayley until security arrived to break them apart.
Inside the ring this proved a distraction both for the ref and for the competitors. Lesnar was in charge of the match
at this point having nailed an overhead belly-to-belly suplex and then a superplex. But distracted he did not follow up, so
Angle was able to recover and scoop up Lesnar from behind and nail an Angle slam. But with the ref, James Beard still distracted,
Rena Mero hit the ring and jumped on Angle's back, putting him in a chokehold. Angle flipped her over and
threw her out of the ring but it was enough of a distraction to allow Lesnar to get back to his feet.
Angle charged, but Brock backflipped Angle up and over. Thinking he was going over the top Brock turned his back to Angle
who managed to land one foot on the ring apron, and grabbing the top rope pulled himself back inside the ring. Again he scooped
up Brock from behind and nailed an Angle Slam. He pinned Brock, and got 1, 2 KICKOUT!! Angle then nailed a flying moonsault
and got 1, 2, KICKOUT!!!
Angle took Brock to the top and nailed an awe inspiring Super Angle Slam, and got the 1, 2, 3 !!!!
Kurt Angle defeated Brock Lesnar after a Super Angle Slam at 22:19
Angle's hand is raised as he sits exhausted on his haunches inside the ring.