Opening Bout:
Javier Reyes defeated Sean Waltman by disqualification for abuse of official at 7:07
-After making a comeback Reyes was on the verge of a major upset but Waltman took the easy way out getting intentionally
Dan Severn comes to the ring with The Stalk. He starts the interview by praising his
protege from Belgium with his smooth transition from MMA to pro wrestling. However, he says the name "The Stalk" has not been
well received and after talking it over with his protege they have made a decision to go back to his real name; Roberge
Stockburger throws out a challenge to his former Overlords stablemate, and current TV title holder Trent Arion.
Dan Severn then turns his attention over to Adam Riggs. He says he has a title shot tonight against the Irish thug and
intends to take the belt off him; not so much because he really wants it or needs it at this point in his career, but more
just to deprive Riggs of holding it.
The fans cheer as Kurt Angle makes his way to the ring.
Angle gives Severn props for standing tall in their tag match last week...but he says he should be the #1 contender not
Severn. Angle says instead he has his arch nemesis Brock Lesnar in a match next week, but then after that he's coming after
the title belt, regardless if its Riggs or Severn that holds it.
Bout #2
Dustin Rhodes defeated Jerry Orth by pinfall after a flying bulldog at 6:14
-second straight week that Orth has lost a big match, last week losing to Sylvestor Terkay. During the match we had another
appearance by Orth's former teamate Bryan Caruthers who came down and joined the announcers. He was elusive as to why he was
here last week and now, other then saying he was looking to get back in the game in some fashion. After the loss Orth looked
for Caruthers but by then he was long gone.
Jerry Orth is interviewed and says he has no idea what Caruthers is doing. He says his former best friend
has not returned any of his calls this week. Orth warns Caruthers not to appear again during one of his matches, as its too
distracting, and if it happens again Orth says he will go after Caruthers.

Bout #3
Handi-Cap Match
Sylvester Terkay defeated Mentallo & Brandon Bricks by pinfall when Terkay pinned Mentallo after a reverse
chokeslam facebuster at 4:42
-easy pickings for the impressive newcomer Terkay, with his 3rd consecutive victory in as many outings.
Sylvester Terkay says that he now stands on his own, no longer requiring a manager. He says he is lying
back in wait, while Riggs, Severn, Lesnar, and Angle sort it out, then he will take on the eventual champion and take the
title away.
APW Tag Team champions the NBT: Sean O'Haire & Mark Jindrak come out with their title belts, getting
jeered by the fans. They say its not their fault they tried to do the honorable thing and stop Asp Evergreen from making the
biggest mistake of his life, marrying that Amazon freak Joanie Laurer.
After beating that topic to death they say that since there is no clear #1 contender for the tag titles they are throwing
an open challenge out to whatever tag team wants to come out and wrestle for the tag belts.
After a short delay, a newcomer to APW comes to the ring, Horace Hogan!
The NBT just laugh and everyone waits for the second man to come down to the ring.
<<< cue "The BreakupSong" by Greg Kihn Band >>>
Another newcomer makes his way down to the ring. He's dressed in white pants, a cargo belt, an orange shirt with a zipper
pocket, a white blazer, and a matching orange headband. He high fives the amused fans on his way down to the ring as Greg
Kihn wails "
We had broken up for good just an hour before, Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah. And now I'm staring at the bodies as
they're dancing 'cross the floor. Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah. And then the band slowed the tempo, and the music gets you
down. Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah. It was the same old song, with a melancholy sound. Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah.
They don't write 'em like that anymore. They just don't write 'em like that anymore.
The ring announcer is handed a card. "Correction, ladies and gentlemen, it is not Horace Hogan. First of all hailing from
sometime in the 1980's, weighing in at 236 pounds, and standing 6'2, he is "All 80's" Mike Maverick. And
his partner for tonight hailing from the Cold War, weighing in at 255 pounds, and standing 6'3, he is Boris Zhukov....
The announcers admit confusion to the fans saying that is clearly Horace Hogan, and even Hogan/Zhukov looks confused and
sheepish but seems to defer to Mike Maverick, who has the fans giving him luke warm support.
Bout #4
APW Tag Team Title Match
Sean O'Haire & Mark Jindrak defeated Mike Maverick & Boris Zhukov by pinfall when Jindrak pinned Maverick
after an inside cradle at 9:46
[Natural Born Thrillers retain the APW Tag Team Titles]
-Maverick was very impressive, using a simple but effective repetoire of armdrags, hiptosses, and dropkicks. However,
Hogan (or Zhukov as he was billed) did not fair so well and played Ricky Morton for a stint while Maverick pounded the mat
and waited for the tag. "All 80's" got the hot tag and worked over both champions like a house on fire, until he accidently
threw Jindrak over the top rope. He fell into immediate despair thinking he was disqualified, and that's when Jindrak was
able to reenter the ring and roll him up for the win.
[end of first hour]

Adam Riggs and Brock Lesnar enter the ring. Riggs hands Lesnar the mic and tells him to do all the talking
because the fascists in APW and TBA have him censored.
Lesnar says next week he is going to end Kurt Angle's days as a threat to the APW Heavyweight Title. He goes on to call
Dan Severn a turncoat, distorting the truth and saying that Severn and Stalk and Myers deserted Riggs because they thought
he was weakened, when in fact he was stronger then ever.
The fans cheer as Rena Mero comes down to the ring.
Riggs grabs the mic and says "not this time", and Brock looks worried.
April Hunter comes running down the ramp and catches Mero from behind on her way to the ramp. She attacks
Mero with stomps and then a suplex.
Jazz though arrives on the scene and beats Hunter away before fleeing into the crowd to avoid a charging
Adam Riggs.
When Riggs turns around though he see's Lesnar trying to help Mero to her feet and tells him to leave the tramp alone.
With some hesitation Lesnar does just that, and he and Riggs walk to the back leaving Mero lying.
Bout #5
Petey Williams defeated Billy Kidman by pinfall after the Canadian Destroyer at 6:02
-With a solid win Williams is back in the hunter either for the Heavyweight title or the TV title
Bout #6
No Countout, No Disqualification, Falls Count Anywhere
Nigel McGuiness defeated Robert "Blaze" Bayley by pinfall after a Tower of London and some outside interference
at 8:57
-hard fought match of course with Bayley controlling most of it and McGuiness looking just to stay alive. However, just
when things looked bleakest for a bloodied McGuiness as Bayley wrestled his Union Jack iron away from him, a newcomer entered
the ring and clipped Bayley's knee from behind. He then passed the iron to McGuiness, nailed a snap suplex, and held back
the arms of Bayley while McGuiness ~waffled~ Bayley in the head, opening him up. McGuiness hit the Tower of London for good
Nigel McGuiness introduces his new partner and countrymate, another bloke named Adam Windsor,
who the world knows better as the PWI 2000 Rookie of the Year. Windsor says his career went nowhere in America because
they only like their limeys to be easy be a reminder of the War of they keep the real ones out.
Now he and McGuiness are back and are going to take back the colony for Queen and country.
Asp Evergreen and Joanie Laurer come to the ring, man and wife, holding hands. Holding back tears Evergreen
thanks the fans for the past 6 years of incredible growth, not only as a wrestler, but as a human being. He thanks his best
buddy in the whole world Eddie Chavez, a man who has been his sworn enemy, and his blood brother. Finally, he thanks his new
wife Joanie for showing him what's "next" in life, what he has to live for. With that he makes it official, he is leaving
APW as of tonight. The fans give them a pretty nice ovation as they leave the ring.

Main Event
APW Heavyweight Title Match
Adam Riggs [champion] [/w April Hunter]
Dan Severn
Severn starts the match with a stinging slap to the face of Riggs. But when the Irish Thug tries to get to him, he steps
between the ropes. Referee James Beard tries to stop Riggs from going after Severn, and he at least slows him down enough
that Severn is able to deliver a mule kick to the groin of Riggs that goes undetected. Severn goes to work with a series of
armbars and armbreakers, getting a nice cross armbar on but Riggs is able to get to the ropes for a break.
Riggs tries to go after Severn, but the Beast decides to frustrate Riggs instead with a nice game of cat and mouse.
Riggs is so upset that he loses focus and follows Severn outside the ring where the challenger catches him with a clothesline.
This is followed up by a pair of suplexes before rolling the champ into the ring.
Severn makes his first mistake of the match in anger trying to carry the belt into the ring with him, and he lost time
arguing that point with Beard. Riggs managed to reverse a whip to the buckle, then nail Severn with a clothesline and then
a reverse Russian legsweep. Riggs then went low-tech with a series of stomps, and chokes, using his boot and the bottom rope
as well to choke Severn, all the while arguing with Beard.
After taking some more punishment Severn is finally able to comeback with a spinebuster slam. He then went to work on
the legs of the champ, and then locked in a figure-four, but the strength of Riggs showed through as he was able to roll his
way out of it.
The match spilled outside the ring and Brock Lesnar came down to try and interfere but was cut off by
Kurt Angle.
Then Trent Arion came down but he too was cut off by Roberge Stockburger.
Finally it was April Hunter's turn to interfere and she was successful in trippin gup Severn, allowing
Riggs to drop a knee across the back of the head of the champion. He followed with a piledriver, chokeslam, and then the Phenomenal
performance, for the 1, 2, KICKOUT!!
Unbelievable. Severn fighst his way up, but April Hunter distracts the ref, and Riggs nails Severn with a low-blow, then
follows up with a jacknife powerbomb, and a second Phenomenal performance, and gets the 1, 2, 3 !!!
Adam Riggs defeated Dan Severn by pinfall after the Phenomenal Performance at 11:16
[Adam Riggs retains the APW Heavyweight Title]
Brock Lesnar, Trent Arion, and April Hunter re-join Adam Riggs in the middle of the ring. Lesnar raises the arm of the
champ as we