Opening Bout:
Sean Waltman defeated Brandon Bricks by pinfall after an X-factor at 4:58
-easy win for Waltman, but of course all the announcers could talk about was the return of Jack Larkin, the fact that
we are now on Network TV on TBA, the change to APW, and what this all might mean to Adam Riggs and Brock Lesnar.
<<< cue "Won't Get Fooled Again" by the Who >>>
Jack Larkin comes down to the ring to a pretty good pop from the audience.
Larkin] Thank you America for welcoming me back. There has been nothing wrong at all with the MAPW product since I was
gone. And yes its true, I have been under house arrest for the better part of the last couple of years. I got caught up in
the whole Tyco fallout, some insider trading stuff that I really can't and don't want to get into. But there are no strings
attached now, I am BACK. Now Chris Champion please come down to the ring.
The fans give Chris Champion a mix of cheers and boos as he comes down to the ring.
Larkin] Champion, I've been watching you with interest. Seemed like you had really changed your ways since the days of
the WWA/PWA, and you really stepped up. But then things started to seem a bit off...a bit peculiar. This whole executive orders
thing, and how Adam Riggs seemed to gain more and more control despite what appeared to be your best efforts. Well, finally
I decided to pick up the phone and call around. Boy did I ever get the run around. I had to get my lawyers involved to figure
out just who owned MAPW and who was controlling them. As I eventually hunted down the executive and talked to them, it seemed
that it was a passive investment and no one was actually watching the show...never mind handing you executive orders.
The fans begin to jeer as Champion shrugs his shoulders.
Larkin] So, Champion, you misrepresented yourself and unless I am wrong you have actually been helping Adam Riggs since
you started this farce. So Champion, let me make this clear, the new APW does no longer need your services. Leave.
Champion] Is that the best you have Larkin? This promotion started in a school gym and now look at it? Hey, I've been
to the top, I've packed the stadiums, the Battle at Busch, the Battle of the Belts, Great American Bash...the list goes on
and on. You've been nothing but running a second tier fed and doing time. You don't have the authority to fire me, and Adam
Riggs is still the commissioner. So, Riggs get out here and let's set this guy straight.
<<< cue "Phenomenal Performance" by LL Cool J >>>
The fans jeer the music of Adam Riggs, but after seconds pass away and he does not appear, and Larkin gets a big grin
on his face, the jeers change to cheers.
Larkin] Oh Champion, you are so wrong. First off, you ARE fired. Second off, Adam Riggs is no longer commissioner, that
rule of the Heavyweight champion being named commish was one of your phantom executive orders, no doubt because you expected
it would be easy to get that title off of Petey Williams..but he surprised you. Well here's another surprise, the board has
named me Commissioner..oh yeah...oh yeah...and you are still fired. As for Adam Riggs, the Irish Thug, with our move to network
TV the executives over at TBA were not happy with what they saw the last couple of months of Adam Riggs. They told us to fire get rid of him...
The fans cheer that announcement.
Larkin] But call me a tradionalist..he's still our champion, and I want to see that title come off his waist legite.
But at the same time I know Riggs isn't going to change his stripes. So we struck a deal with the network. First off the show
is on tape delay so we can edit out anything Riggs does that is objectionable..second he is banned from the first hour of
the show, not being allowed to appear before the 10:00pm eastern time.
Larkin] So Champion...get to walking punk...

Jack's back !! |

Bout #2
APW Women's Title Match - Triangle Match
April Hunter defeated Jazz and Rena Mero by pinfall when Hunter pinned Jazz after a Frankensteiner at 8:22
[April Hunter retains the APW Women's Title]
-the main story told in this match was that Rena Mero sided with April Hunter, much to Hunter's apparent surprise, perhaps
still trying to gain favor with Brock and Riggs. Even with the deck stacked against her though Jazz acquitted herself well,
and it took all the double teaming of Hunter and Mero to get the job done.
Mero tried to high-five Hunter but she just left the ring instead, taking her title belt with her.
<<< cue "Ride of the Valkryes" by Wagner >>>
Dan Severn comes to the ring to overwhelming jeers. Despite having been turned on by Riggs and Lesnar
he has earned no love from the fans for his dispicable ways of the last 15 years in pro wrestling.
Severn] Yeah, yeah I deserve that...whatever. The day I start pandering to you leeches is the day I eat a bullet. What
I want right now is for Kurt Angle to come to the ring.
After a bit of a delay Kurt Angle makes his way to the ring looking apprehensive.
Severn] I understand Angle that you want another stab at Riggs and Lesnar tonight, this time with a partner that has
your back, not like Champion last time. Well I want a piece of those two turncoats myself. What do you say?
Angle] What? Do I look stupid? Do I still have turnips in my back pockets, or rocks in my head? Your a dishonest, horrible
Severn] What choice do you have really? Your buddy Blaze is already signed for a match tonight and Holiday isn't here.
Angle] You know what..I'm so sick and tired of all this B.S., you guys turn on each other, then kiss and make up, its
all B.S. and the closer Chris Champion is to a situation the worse it gets. But you may be right, I might not have any choice
in the matter. I tell you what Beast, let's do it, but the condition is that you start the match and fight it out...and I
can spot a fake a mile away. I want to see some hurt before I tag in. Got it?
Severn] Yeah I got it. I don't like this any better then you do...
Angle] Oh I bet you do.

Bout #3
Sylvester Terkay defeated Jerry Orth by pinfall after a reverse chokeslam facebuster at 4:12
-Terkay really impressed by dominating the veteran Orth, in what amounted to a glorified squash match.
As Orth dragged himself off the canvas and started to leave the ring he peered up the ramp not believing his eyes. Standing
there was his former Spinebusters tag partner Bryan Caruthers. As Orth stepped out of the ring though Caruthers
just turned his back and left.
The Wedding Ceremony of Joanie Laurer & Asp Evergreen
For the first time in its 28 year history this wrestling company is going to have a wedding ceremony.
Asp Evergreen comes out with his best man Eddie Chavez, the two looking decidely 70'ish
in their gray tuxedos with white ruffled shirts, and black striped pant.
Joanie Laurer comes out in a unique looking yellow wedding dress and accompanied by her maid of honor,
her sister Kathy.
They go through the usual mushy stuff, until the dreaded moment when the Minister asks if anyone has any objections.
Immediately everyone in the ring turns to the ramp. But nothing happens.
So by the power invested in me by...
Sean Waltman comes down to the ring. He tells Joanie that she still "belongs" to him. They've made porn
together...and everyone knows that porn is forever. Eddie gets in his face telling him to step off.
They push a little and then the Natural Born Thrillers (Sean O'Haire and Mark Jindrak) show up with
their title belts and all hell breaks lose. It's 3 on 2 until Laurer tries to even things up but is hampered by her wedding
Javier Reyes shows up next though, and he's a house of fire, taking out Waltman, and allowing Evergreen
and Chavez to take out the NBT.
After the brawl, Laurer and Evergreen insist the Minister finish the ceremony amidst the carnage, ripped tuxedos, scattered
flowers, and destroyed furniture. He does as they wish, the two exchange rings, kiss, and are cheered as they leave the ring
man and wife.
[end of first hour]

Bout #4
Robert "Blaze" Bayley and Nigel McGuiness battled to a double countout at 9:18
-a very impressive match, even when it degenerated into a pier 6 brawl at the end. Bayley controlled early but the spunky
youngster cheated his way back into the match over and over again. Every time he tried to hit a high impact move though Bayley
either countered or moved out of the way. Things looked bad for Bayley though when he wrecked his shoulder in the corner,
and fought the last few mintues of the match basically with one arm. The match spilled outside the ring where the two brawled,
with Bayley nailing a flying elbowdrop off the apron, and McGuiness dropping Bayley crotch first across the guardrail, then
knockinghim into the crowd with a clothesline. Finally referee Tony Zerucha had seen enough and called for the bell to throw
the match out.
The two men continued to brawl into the crowd, and up the aisles for a few minutes until security was finally able to
break it up.
<<< cue "Phenomenal" by LL Cool J >>>
Adam Riggs, Brock Lesnar, and April Hunter make their way to the ring.
Lesnar] Hello to all my great fans here in my home state of Minnesota...
The fans boo and it brings a smile to the face of Brock.
Lesnar] Your wondering why I have done what I have done? Well I grew tired of watching the Overlords rule pro wrestling
despite underperforming, all the while being given the shaft while over the hill bums like Sam Holiday, DDP, and Blaze Bayley
were given the goldmine.
Down the ramp comes Rena Mero. The fans greet her with mostly cheers.
Riggs] Ah, man, Brock, go take care of
Lesnar leaves the ring and starts to try and get Rena to walk to the back with him. But she is arguing with him on the
ramp. In the meantime Riggs takes the mic and tries to put the focus back on him.
Riggs] Severn and Bayley, you I have to watch two limp wristed..fools...are dead tonight. I'm going
to kill you faster then....I had a Rock Hudson joke ready
The fans boo Riggs' false sentiments.
Riggs] Hey Brock just drag her by the hair to the back and be done with it. Rena, know when the curb hits you on the
butt, its time to take the bus back to cracktown.
The fans boo.
Riggs] Damn it, this isn't going to work...listen all you .......
the interview is suddenly cut short.
Bout #5
APW TV Title Match [Re-match]
Trent Arion defeated Billy Kidman by pinfall after a standing moonsault at 7:30
[Trent Arion retains the APW TV Title]
-fairly even match but Arion did a good job of playing possum, causing Kidman to wreck trying for a shooting star press.
Arion then showed some agility with a standing moonsault to pick up the win.
Pamela Paulshock interviews Trent Arion. She asks him why he chose to compete for the TV title instead
of going after Adam Riggs' Heavyweight title. Arion says that he owes everything to Riggs, his mentor and friend. Finally,
he says he has a kindred spirit, and one day he will replace Riggs as the premiere wrestler in pro wrestling. When Paulshock
asks how Brock Lesnar fits into that picture, Arion pauses, before replying that the best man will emerge at the top.

Kurt Angle and Dan Severn have already come down to the ring.
Next comes Adam Riggs and Brock Lesnar. But instead of April Hunter they are accompanied to the ring
by Chris Champion.
Referee James Beard tries to send Champion to the back but he shows him his manager's license, issued by himself last
month. Beard has no choice but to let Champion stay at ringside.
Main Event
Kurt Angle & Dan Severn
Adam Riggs & Brock Lesnar (/w Chris Champion)
Champion insisted that Beard check over Severn for foreign objects delaying the start of the match, saying he knows that
Severn always has one hidden for every match.
Severn had to start the match as was his agreement with Angle. Severn locked up with Lesnar, and suddenly Brock dropped
like a rock. Riggs feigned surprise from the apron, mimicking the finger poke of doom.
But as the fans boo'd Severn indicated to Lesnar to get up, and gave him a half kick to the back. The big bull got up
all right, and went for Severn who took him down with an armdrag and then applied an armbreaker. Lesnar got to the ropes,
and Severn offered the tag to Angle but he refused, not yet satisfied at Severn's motivations. Lesnar then caught Severn off
guard with a punch and went to work, including a pumphandle slam, and a belly-to-belly suplex. Lesnar locked in a Boston crab
but Severn was able to back away and make the tag to Angle leaning over the ropes.
Angle came in nailing Lesnar from behind while he still had the Boston crab on Severn. Champion jumped on the apron telling
Beard that Severn did not have a hold of the tag rope. Beard couldn't argue the point and banished Angle from the ring. Of
course this opened up a double team opportunity for Riggs and Lesnar.
Riggs and Lesnar continued to work over Severn, making quick tags and keeping him in their half of the ring.
Then Rena Mero came down to the ring again, to plead with Brock to talk to her. Riggs sent Lesnar to
deal with her. But then when Severn managed a short comeback there was no double team to stop Severn from tagging in Angle.
Riggs looked to make the tag but Lesnar was walking Mero reluctantly up the ramp.
Angle punished Riggs with a pair of German suplexes and locked in the anklelock but was too close to the ropes.
Lesnar returned to the ring in time to break up a pin, which brought Severn in as well and we had a 4 man brawl, with
Beard letting them go at it. Riggs managed to catch Severn with a big boot to the face and then clothesline Angle from behind.
They then hit Angle with a doublestuff piledriver.
Riggs went for the pin, 1, 2, KICKOUT!!
Riggs sent Angle to the ropes, tiltawhirl slam, pin , 1, 2, Kickout!!
Riggs slammed Angle to the mat, ignored Lesnar's call for a tag, went to the top rope for the Phenomenal performance..Angle
rolled out of the way!!
Both men were down, as Beard applied a count, and warning Lesnar to stay put in his corner. Both men were up, Riggs went
for a clothesline, but Angle ducked under, used a backslide for a pin, 1, 2, broken up by Lesnar.
Angle crawled over to make the tag. With Riggs holding onto one ankle Angle managed to reach out and tag in Severn.
Again Chris Champion was on the apron complaining that Severn did not have a hold of the tag rope. Severn looked around
and pointed out that there was no tag rope. Chris Champion had come over during the last free for all and cut it off!!!
Beard not sure what to do instructed Severn and Angle they would have to be touching the top turnbuckle for now on to
make a tag. He allowed the last tag to keep Severn in the ring. When Champion jumped on the apron to protest Beard had enough
and orderd Champion away from ringside! After a short delay Champion was gone and Severn was hooking up with Riggs.
Severn went right to work on Riggs with punches, an armbar that he rode him into the corner with, and then a German suplex.
Severn tagged in Angle who continued the punishment with his own German suplex, followed by an Angle Slam. He made the
cover, 1, 2, Kickout.
Riggs caught Angle with a lowblow and managed to get over and tag in Brock. The Minnesota native went to work on Angle
with a couple of kneelifts, some forearms, and then an impressive looking armcapture suplex.
Then Rena Mero came down to ringside again, setting up shop in the corner of Brock and Riggs. Brock complained he wanted
her sent back, but James Beard shook his head no indicating she had her managers license! Brock had a hissy fit, shaking the
ropes, and ordering Rena to the back to no avail. Riggs had seen enough and jumped off the ring apron, grabbing Mero by the
back of her neck and starting to drag her away.
Lesnar didn't look happy with all this and lost his focus...
Severn and Angle stood there waiting. When Lesnar turned around he was the recepient of a double boot to the gut. Severn
tried for a diamond cutter, but Lesnar tossed him off. Angle then caught him from behind, and put the ankle lock on. Severn
dropped a knee to the back of Brock's neck for good measure.
While Angle applied the anklelock on Lesnar, Severn ran up the ramp and went after Adam Riggs, knocking him away from
Mero. He fought Riggs up the rampway. Meanwhile inside the ring Lesnar slowly made his way to the ropes...only to have Angle
drag him back to the middle.
Trent Arion and April Hunter came running down the rampway to the rescue.
Rena Mero though got in the way of Hunter enough to delay her, and The Stalk emerged from the crowd
to intercept Trent Arion.
Lesnar had no choice but to tap out.
Kurt Angle & Dan Severn defeated Adam Riggs & Brock Lesnar by submission when Angle submitted Lesnar
with the anklelock at 15:18
Kurt Angle stands alone in the middle of the ring with his arm raised and looking rather amazed.