Opening Bout:
MAPW Tag Team Title Match
Natural Born Thrillers (Sean O'Haire & Mark Jindrak) defeated Asp Evergreen & Eddie Chavez (/w Joanie
Laurer) by pinfall when O'Haire pinned Eddie after a Seanton bomb at 8:52
[Natural Born Thrillers win the MAPW Tag Team Titles]
-Wow, normally MAPW doesn't open with a match of this importance never mind a title switch of well established champions,
but 12 minutes into the telecast and we have new tag team champions. It was a pretty even match with both teams having turns
in control but Jindrak took out Laurer from behind. Asp went over to check on her, and as he applied mouth to mouth she pulled
him on top of her in a Roman-Greco liplock. This left the NBT in the ring to double team Eddie and that was all it took. New
Adam Riggs comes to the ring accompanied by April Hunter. She is all decked out for
today's St. Patrick's day celebrations, but he still has a sour look on his face.
Riggs] Shut up you bunch of mid-western hicks and listen closely to the God of pro wrestling talk...SHUT-Up...stick your
dildos back in your mouth and listen to me *********.
Chris Champion, is not here today, and you have me to thank for that, I made sure he couldn't get here. Ha-Ha. So any
orders or matches, other then that freak fest we just watched, that were sent down by the executive committee will never be
known. So, as your MAPW champion and commissioner I will set the rest of the matches for the evening.
The crowd jeers, but April claps for her man.
Riggs] You know I remember when MAPW made a big night out of St. Patrick's Day and the Hall of Fame, but this year I
don't see any big deals. That's because it's now more worried about catering to fags and ragheads then they are to us established
groups like micks and wops. Don't deny it, you all think St. Patrick's day is great, get drunk and act Irish, as if that's
all the Irish are known for. You want to know what else the Irish are good at? Destruction. Whether its the IRA killing people,
or Adam Riggs decimating the chumps in the ring, we destroy things good. So, there will be no more celebration of St. Patrick's
day here tonight, that is racist, tonight will be about celebrating the Overlords.
The fans boo Riggs as he takes a deep breath, fondles April Hunter's ass.
Riggs] Yeah, you ***** think...oh shut up, don't worry about it *****, its called tape delay and *****
********* **********, oh did you blush lady? Yeah right you ***** *******. Anyway, you fruits think that there is a wedge
driven in to the Overlords and are waiting for it to implode us, well that ain't going to happen. You see this week we held
an Overlords resort, some group therapy, a group hug..actually we just ******* the hell out of April and Dana, and I always
go first. Yeah, think about that tonight losers as you jack off.
Riggs] Well tonight, is going to be a celebration of the Overlords not St. Paddy, and each and every match will feature
one of our esteemed members...oh yeah and some of the Overlords who don't have members, right April?
Riggs pauses as the fans cheer the mention of Jazz who showed up last week in MAPW.
Riggs] Paddle back to the amazon Jazz, but before you do that you can step into the ring tonight and take on Dana Hamm.
And your special guest referee will be April Hunter, the MAPW Women's champion.
Sam Holiday you keep sticking your nose into our business well tonight that ends, as you step into the ring with Dan
Severn...oh and no Holiday legdrops, its going to be AWA throwing anyone over the top rope, and no coming off the
top rope.
Billy Kermit no more ducking away in the pond, it may be nice to be green, but tonight you will face my protege, the
next great TV champion, Trent Arion!!!
The Stalk needs to step up and prove himself, so what better way then to face a former champion, Petey Williams. I'm
betting Stalk will break one of Petey's chicken legs and keep him out of my face, he's like an annoying fly. I'd swat him
and end it but I don't want to touch him because I don't know who's **** he's been eating.
Now, our semi-main event for the night...get ready for this one peasants...will be Brandon Myers taking on that old loser
Robert Blaze Gayley...and listen closely ***** as it will be a LOSER LEAVES wait, Bob, don't go yet...yeah your
a loser but i meant you have to lose the match first before you go off and try and **** Kimberly Page while her husband watches
The fans begin a "go home* chant that Riggs ignores.
Riggs] And finally the main event for the evening...the one you've all been wating for..I'm no chicken **** champion,
so I will be putting the title on the line, the MAPW Heavyweight title against KURT ANGLE...
The fans errupt
Riggs] love really, really love me...I just want to thank the listen up, Brock Lesbian...stay
out of this one. I don't know what your deal is yet, but it can wait. Let me take care of Kurt Cobain...oh wait that's a different
druggie...let me take care of Kurt Angle then we can figure out you later. Now bow down fruits as the God or Pro Wrestling
goes backstage and prepares for his heavyeight title defense.
The announcers comment on Chris Champion being missing, but how Riggs has set up some exciting matches for tonight including
the monster main event. Tolbert asks though that if the Overlords are so united again, then where were they?

Bout #2
Special guest referee: April Hunter
Dana Hamm defeated Jazz by disqualification for abuse of official at 4:30
-Hamm was clearly overmatched by Jazz in this match, and the predictable happened when Hunter refused to make the 3-count.
Jazz then attacked Hunter drawing the DQ. Hunter and Hamm tried to beat down on Jazz after the match but they were the ones
routed from the ring.
Jazz is welcomed to MAPW by Pamela Paulshock saying finally there is a woman as tough and butch as April
Hunter who might...Jazz takes offense to the comments and nails Paulshock with a DDT, drawing a nice ovation from the crowd.
Bout #3
AWA Rules [No throwing over the top rope, no coming off the top buckle]
Dan Severn defeated Sam Holiday by pinfall after a German suplex and a foot on the bottom rope at 12:46
-Severn controlled Holiday on the mat, and when Holiday tried to brawl. Where Holiday managed to grab control though
was working over the knee of Severn. Holiday hit the Holiday leg drop, but only from the second rope, and Severn managed to
kick out. Holiday went for it again but Severn rolled out of the way. Severn went to work on Holiday, nailed a German suplex,
and used the bottom rope for leverage undetected by referee Tony Zerucha to pick up the win.
Joe Aiello is drawing double duty (both Champion and Paulshock are out) as he leaves the announce table to interview
Dan "the Beast" Severn.
Aiello presses Severn about the status of teh Overlords, but the Beast refuses to be drawn into that, instead talking
about his victory, and about how his protege the Stalk will beat up on Petey Williams. Finally though Severn is harrassed
enough by Aiello and does say that Riggs just made up the whole thing about them being on the same page, and having met this
week, he says he hasn't heard two words directly from Riggs all week.
Bout #4
MAPW Television Title Match
Billy Kidman defeated Trent Arion by pinfall after a shooting star splash at 7:08
[Billy Kidman retains the MAPW TV Title]
-the unlikely reign of Kidman continues, as he controlled more of this match then did Arion and got competent officiating
from recent hall of fame inductee Buddy Lane.
[end of first hour]

Bout #5
Petey Williams defeated The Stalk by pinfall after a Canadian Destroyer at 11:27
-Stalk controlled early with a ground and pound game but couldn't put the former champion away, who seemed to gain back
some of his spunky never say die attitude. Williams rallied and Stalk made the mistake of trying to chain wrestle with him
and Williams hit his signature move out of the blue to pick up the win.
Adam Riggs comes out to the ring unannounced. He grabs a mic, and is furious. He says he is sick of
these Overlords not being able to take care of business. He tells Myers he better win this match or he's gone.
Petey Williams returns to the ring to confront the man who took his title, Adam Riggs. Riggs catches
Williams with a kick to the groin, then nails a jack knife powerbomb, climbs to the top and hits the Phenomenal Performance
on Williams.
Bout #6
Loser Leaves MAPW Match
Robert "Blaze" Bayley defeated Brandon Myers by pinfall after a Blaze Bomb at 17:51
[Brandon Myers is out of the MAPW]
-extremely hard fought match that saw both men busted wide open. Referee Buddy Lane looked to stop the match at one point,
but decided against it because of the Loser leaves MAPW stipulation. Myers wrestled the last 10 minutes of the match with
one arm, the other apparently damaged after being put through a table, and now just hanging limply at his side. He put up
a good fight, almost ending it after a single arm DDT, but with only one arm he had trouble later trying to lock in a sharpshooter.
Bayley was able to kick Myers off and then took the brawl outside the ring once again, where he dominated. Back inside Bayley
hit his finisher to pick up the win.

Main Event
MAPW Heavyweight Title Match
Adam Riggs defeated Kurt Angle by disqualification for outside interference at 7:30
[Adam Riggs retained the MAPW Heavyweight Title]
-Riggs attacked Angle before the opening bell, driving him into the corner. After laying in some hard knees he wrapped
Angle's arm around the ringpost several times. Wasting no time to make it brutal Riggs dragged Angle outside the ring and
stomped away at the arm, banged it off the ringsteps, and then gave him a hammerlock slam. Back inside Riggs taunted the crowd,
wasting time, and sure enough it allowed Angle to start a comeback. After some exchange of punches Angle scooped underneath
the 300 pound Riggs, into an Angle Slam!! He covered, and got 1, 2, foot on the ropes.
Angle worked over Riggs but couldn't put the champion away, and couldn't get the ankle lock on either. The Irish thug
reversed things in a hurry with a huge clothesline, and then stomped viciously away at the head of Angle. Dragging him out
of the ring again he set him up for a jacknife powerbomb on the announce table, but Angle managed to counter it by flipping
Riggs off the table!! Both men were down, and referee James Beard allowed them as much time as they needed before crawling
back into the ring.
Angle caught Riggs with a German suplex, a clothesline, and a double underhook suplex. He looked on the verge of winning
when Brock Lesnar hit the ring!!!
The fans boo'd as they smelled a screwjob finish, and James Beard held off as long as he could to try and keep the match
alive and to try and keep Lesnar from getting engaged. But Lesnar tossed Beard aside spear Kurt Angle!!! The
fans boo'd...but then Lesnar turned around and pointed at Riggs that he was next.
Dan Severn, Trent Arion, and the Stalk swarmed into the ring. Lesnar speared Arion, and the protege
was knocked out of the ring. Severn grabbed Lesnar but he still managed to kick Stalk in the thigh, hiptoss Severn, suplex
Severn, and toss him out of the ring. Stalk however grabbed Lesnar from behind and put him into a cobra clutch. As Riggs taunted
Lesnar, Angle recovered and entered the ring only to be clotheslined out by Riggs. Severn and Arion entered the ring once
again, and Stalk let go of the cobra clutch, with Lesnar falling flat on his face.
The Overlords made a perimeter around Lesnar, and April Hunter and Dana Hamm now joined outside the ring cheering on
their male counterparts. Riggs indicated to leave this to him, and as the others took a step back, Riggs pulled Lesnar up
by the chin.
Riggs and Lesnar went nose to nose for a couple seconds before Riggs whipped him right into Severn. Lesnar rocked Severn
with a clothesline, and then the arena went ballistic as Riggs blindsided Stalk.
Lesnar worked over Severn while Riggs worked over Stalk. Unsure what to do Trent Arion tried to go after Lesnar but the
Brock was able to fight off both Severn and Arion, while Riggs was absolutely decimating Stalk.
Outside the ring Dana Hamm climbed the apron to get into the ring, but April Hunter pulled her off, and then slammed
her head first into the ring steps.
The fans in the arena, and the announcers Joe Aiello and Linldy Tolbert were all just going nuts, trying to figure this
all out.
As the show winds down, it became apparent that the Overlords had not imploded but rather exploded in violence, and some
sort of new allegiance between Brock Lesnar and Adam Riggs has been formed.